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Vol. I. 

Hand' of Bme different Mammals . s-ontevj- 

" aeCke5 i Man, 2. Gorilla, 3. Orcmx, , 4.I>og 5 Seal 
'6. Porpoise, 7. Bat, 8. MoU, 9. DiuJc-bill. 


















A sense sublime 
Of something far more deeply interfused, 
Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, 
And the round ocean, and the living air, 
And the blue sky, and in the mind of man ; 
A motion and a spirit that impels 
All thinking things, all objects of all thought, 
And rolls through all things. 

In all things, in all natures, in the stars 
Of azure heaven, the unenduring clouds, 
In flower and tree, in every pebbly stone 
That paves the brooks, the stationary rooks, 
The moving waters and the invisible air. 


(All rights reserved.') 





General Importance and Essential Nature of the Theory of Descent 
as reformed by Darwin. — Its Special Importance to Biology 
(Zoology and Botany). — Its Special Importance to the History 
of the Natural Development of the Human Race. — The Theory 
of Descent as the Non-Miraculous History of Creation. — Idea of 
Creation. — Knowledge and Belief. — History of Creation and His. 
tory of Development. — The Connection between the History of 
Individual and Palaaontological Development. — The Theory of 
Purposelessness, or the Science of Rudimentary Organs. — Useless 
and Superfluous Arrangements in Organisms. — Contrast between 
the two entirely opposed Views of Nature : the Monistic (me- 
chanical, causal) and the Dualistic (teleological, vital). — Proof of 
the former by the Theory of Descent. — Unity of Organic and 
Inorganic Nature, and the Identity of the Active Causes in both. 
— The Absolute Importance of the Theory of Descent to the Monistic 
Conception of all Nature ... 1 



The Theory of Descent, or Doctrine of Filiation, as the Monistic Expla- 
nation of Organic Natural Phenomena. — Its Comparison with 
Newton's Theory of Gravitation. — Limits of Scie ,u±nc Explanation 


and of Human Knowledge in general. — All Knowledge founded 
originally on Sensuous Experience, a posteriori. — Transition of a 
posteriori Knowledge, by Inheritance, into a priori Knowledge. — 
Contrast between the Supernatural Hypotheses of the Creation 
according to Linnaeus, Cuvier, Agassiz, and the Natural Theories 
of Development according to Lamarck, Goethe, and Darwin. — 
Connection of the former with the Monistic (mechanical), of the 
latter with the Dualistic Conception of the Universe. — Monism 
and Materialism. — Scientific and Moral Materialism. — The History 
of Creation according to Moses. — Linnaeus as the Founder of the 
Systematic Description of Nature and Distinction of Species. — 
Linnaeus' Classification and Binary Nomenclature. — Meaning of 
Linnaeus' Idea of Species. — His History of Creation. — Linnseus' 
View of the Origin of Species .. . ... ... ... 25 



General Theoretical Meaning of the Idea of Species. — Distinction 
between the Theoretical and Practical Definition of the Idea of 
Species. — Cuvier's Definition of Species. — Merits of Cuvier as the 
Founder of Comparative Anatomy. — Distinction of the Four 
Principal Forms (types or branches) of the Animal Kingdom, by 
Cuvier and Bar. — Cuvier's Services to Palaeontology. — His Hypo- 
thesis of the Revolutions of our Globe, and the Epochs of Creation 
separated by them. — Unknown Supernatural Causes of the Revo- 
lutions, and the subsequent New Creations. — Agassiz's Teleological 
System of Nature. — His Conception of the Plan of Creation, and 
its six Categories (groups in classification). — Agassiz's Views of 
the Creation of Species. — Rude Conception of the Creator as a 
man-like being in Agassiz's Hypothesis of Creation. — Its internal 
Inconsistency and Contradictions with the important Palseonto- 
logical Laws discovered by Agassiz ... ... ... 49 



Scientific Insufficiency of all Conceptions of a Creation of Individual 
Species. — Necessity of the Counter-Theories of Development. — 
Historical Survey of the Most Important Theories of Development. 



— Greek Philosophy. — The Meaning of Natural Philosophy. — 
Goethe. — His Merits as a Naturalist. — His Metamorphosis of 
Plants. — His Vertebral Theory of the Skull. — His Discovery of the 
Mid Jawbone in Man. — Goethe's Interest in the Dispute between 
Cuvier and Geoffroy St. Hilaire. — Goethe's Discovery of the Two 
Organic Formative Principles, of the Conservative Principle of 
Specification (by Inheritance), and of the Progressive Principle 
of Transformation (by Adaptation). — Goethe's Views of the 
Common Descent of all Vertebrate Animals, including Man. — 
Theory of Development according to Gottfried Eeinhold Trevi- 
ranus. — His Monistic Conception of Nature. — Oken. — His Natural 
Philosophy. — Oken's Theory of Protoplasm.— Oken's Theory of 
Infusoria (Cell Theory) ... ... ... ... ... ... 74 



Kant's Services to the Theory of Development.— His Monistic Cosmo- 
logy and Dualistic Biology. — Contradiction between the Mechanical 
and Teleological Conception. — Comparison of Genealogical Biology 
with Comparative Philology. — Views in favour of the Theory of 
Descent entertained by Leopold Buch, Bar, Schleiden, Unger, 
Schaaffhansen, Victor Cams, Biichner. — FrenchNature-Philosophy. 
Lamarck's Pbilosophie Zoologique. — Lamarck's Monistic (me- 
chanical) System of Nature. — His Views of the Interaction of the 
Two Organic Formative Tendencies of Inheritance and Adaptation. 
— Lamarck's Conception of Man's Development from Ape-like 
Mammals. — Geoffroy St. Hilaire's, Naudin's, and Lecoq's Defence 
of the Theory of Descent. — -English Nature-Philosophy. — Views in 
favour of the Theory of Descent, entertained by Erasmus Darwin, 
"W. Herbert, Grant, Freke, Herbert Spencer, Hooker, Huxley. — 
The Double Merit of Charles Darwin ... ... ... ... 102 



Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology. — His Natural History of the 
Earth's Development. — Origin of the Greatest Effects through 
the Multiplication of the Smallest Causes. — Unlimited Extent of 
Geological Periods. — Lyell's Refutation of Cuvier's History of 



Creation. — The Establishment of the Uninterrupted Connection 
of Historical Development by Lyell and Darwin. — Biographical 
Notice of Charles Darwin. — His Scientific Works. — His Theory of 
Coral Beefs. — Development of the Theory of Selection. — A Letter 
of Darwin's. — The Contemporaneous Appearance of Darwin's and 
Alfred Wallace's Theory of Selection. — Darwin's Study of Domestic 
Animals and Cultivated Blants. — Andreas Wagner's notions as to 
the Special Creation of Cultivated Organisms for the Good of Man. 
— The Tree of Knowledge in Paradise. — Comparison between Wild 
and Cultivated Organisms. — Darwin's Study of Domestic Pigeons. 
— Importance of Pigeon-breeding. — Common Descent of all Baces 
of Pigeons 128 



Darwinism (Theory of Selection) and Lamarckism (Theory of Descent). 
— The Process of Artificial Breeding. — Selection of the Different 
Individuals for After.breeding. — The Active Causes of Transmuta- 
tion. — Change connected with Pood, and Transmission by Inheritance 
connected with Propagation. — Mechanical Nature of these Two 
Physiological Functions. — The Process of Natural Breeding : 
Selection in the Struggle for Existence. — Malthns' Theory of 
Population. — The Proportion between the Numbers of Potential 
and Actual Individuals of every Species of Organisms. — General 
Struggle for Existence, or Competition tp attain the Necessaries 
of Life. — Transforming Force of the Struggle for Existence. — 
Comparison of Natural and Artificial Breeding. — Selection in the 
Life of Man. — Medical and Clerical Selection .... ... ... 153 



Universality of Inheritance and Transmission by Inheritance. — Special 
Evidences of the same. — Human Beings with four, six, or seven 
Fingers and Toes. — Porcupine Men. — Transmission of Diseases, 
especially Diseases of the Mind. — Original Sin. — Hereditary 
Monarchies. — Hereditary Aristocracy. — Hereditary Talents and 
Mental Qualities. — Material Causes of Transmission by Inheritance. 
— Connection between Transmission by Inheritance and Propaga- 
. tion. — Spontaneous Generation and Propagation. — Non-sexual or 
Monogonous Propagation. — Propagation by Self-division. — Monera 
and Amcebas. — Propagation by the formation of Buds, by the 



formation of Germ-Buds, by the formation of Germ-Cells. — Sexual 
or Amphigonous Propagation. — Formation of Hermaphrodites. — 
Distinction of Sexes, or Gonoohorism. — Tirginal Breeding, or 
Parthenogenesis. — Material Transmission of Peculiarities of both 
Parents to the Child b j Sexual Propagation ... 180 



Theories of Inheritance. — Difference between Transmission by Inheri- 
tance in Sexual and Non-sexual Propagation. — Distinction between 
Conservative and Progressive Transmission by Inheritance. — Laws 
of Conservative Transmission : Transmission of Inherited Characters. 
— Uninterrupted or Continuous Transmission. — Interrupted or 
Latent Transmission. — Alteration of Generations. — Relapse. — 
Degeneracy. — Sexual Transmission. — Secondary Sexual Characters. 
— Mixed or Amphigonous Transmission. — Hybrids. — Abridged or 
Simplified Transmission. — Laws of Progressive Inheritance : 
Transmission of Acquired Characters. — Adapted or Acquired 
Transmission. — Pixed or Established Transmission. — Homochronous 
Transmission (Identity in time) . — Homotopic Transmission (Identity 
in place). — Molecular Theories of Transmission. — Pangenesis 
(Darwin). — Perigenesis (Haeckel). — Idioplasma (Nageli). — Germ- 
plasma (Weismann). — Intracellular Pangenesis (Tries) ... ... 204 



Adaptation and Variation. — Connection between Adaptation and 
Nutrition (Change of Matter and Growth). — Distinction between 
Indirect and Direct Adaptation. — Laws of Indirect or Potential 
Adaptation. — Individual Adaptation. — Monstrous or Sudden 
Adaptation. — Sexual Adaptation. — Laws of Direct or Actual 
Adaptation. — Universal Adaptation. — Cumulative Adaptation. — 
Cumulative Influence of External Conditions of Existence and 
Cumulative Counter-influence of the Organism. — Free-will. — Use 
and Non-Use of Organs. — Practice and Habit. — Functional Adapta- 
tion. — Correlative Adaptation. — Correlation of Development. — 
Correlation of Organs. — Explanation of Indirect or Potential 
Adaptation by the Correlation of the Sexual Organs and of the 
other Parts of the Body. — Aping or Mimetic Adaptation (Mimicry). 
— Divergent Adaptation. — Unlimited or Infinite Adaptation ... 238 
VOL. I. b 





Interaction of the Two Organic Formative Causes, Inheritance and 
Adaptation.— Natural and Artificial Selection. — Struggle for 
Existence, or Competition for the Necessaries of Life. — Dispropor- 
tion between the Number of Possible or Potential, and the Number 
of Real or Actual Individuals. — Complicated Correlations of all 
Neighbouring Organisms. — Mode of Action in Natural Selection. — 
Homoohromic Selection as the Cause of Sympathetic Colourings. 
— Sexual Selection as the Cause of the Secondary Sexual Characters. 
— The Struggle of Parts in the Organism (Roux). — Functional 
Self-Formation of Suitable Structures. — Teleological Mechanism. — 
Cellular Selection (Protista) and Personal Selection (Histonas). — 
Selection of the Cells and of the Tissues. — The Principle of Selection 
in Empedocles. — Mechanical Origin of what is Suitable for a Pur- 
pose from what is Unsuitable. — Philosophical Range of Darwinism 273 



Division of Labour (Ergonomy) and Divergence of Forms (Polymor- 
phism). — Physiological Divergence and Morphological Differentia- 
tion both necessarily determined by Selection. — Transition of 
Varieties into Species. — The Idea of Species. — Hybridism — Per- 
sonal Divergence and Cellular Divergence. — Differentiation of the 
Tissues.— Primary and SecondaryTissues. — Siphonophora. — Change 
of Labour (Metergy).' — Convergence. — The Law of Progress and 
Perfectioning. — The Laws of the Development of Mankind. — The 
Relation between Progress and Divergence. — Centralization as 
Progress. — Retrogradation. — The Origin of Rudimentary Organs by 
Non-Use and Habits discontinued. — The Doctrine of Purposeless- 
ness, or Dysteleology 300 



General Importance of Individual Development (Ontogeny). — Defects 
of our Present Education. — Facts in the Individual Development. 
— Agreement in the Individual Development of Man and the 



Tertebrate Animals. — The Human Egg. — Fertilization. — Immor- 
tality. — The Cleavage of the Egg. — Formation of Germ-layers. — 
Gastrulation. — History of the Development of the Central Nervous 
System, of the Extremities, of the Branchial Arches and of the 
Tail in Vertebrate Animals. — Causal Connection between Onto- 
genesis and Phylogenesis. — The Fundamental Law of Biogenesis. 
— Palingenesis or Recapitulative Development. — Cenogenesis or 
Disordered Development. — Stages in Comparative Anatomy. — Its 
Relation to the Palasontological and Embryological Series of 
Development 332 



Chorological Facts and Causes. — Origin of most Species in one Single 
Locality : " Centres of Creation." — Distribution by Migration.— 
Active and Passive Migrations of Animals and Plants. — Flying 
Animals. — Analogies between Birds and Insects. — Bats. — Means 
of Transport. — Transport of Germs by Water and by Wind. — Con- 
tinual Change of the Area of Distribution by Elevations and 
Depressions of the Gronnd. — Chorological Importance of Geological 
Processes. — Influence of the Change of Climate. — Ice or Glacial 
Period. — Its Importance to Chorology. — Importance of Migrations 
for the Origin of New Species. — Isolation of Colonists. — Wagner's 
Law of Migration. — Connection between the Theory of Migration 
and the Theory of Selection. — Agreement of its Results with the 
Theory of Descent 363 



History of the Development of the Earth. — Kant's Theory of the De- 
velopment of the Universe, or the Cosmological Gas Theory. — 
Development of Suns, Planets, and Moons. — First Origin of Water. 
— Comparison of Organisms and Anorgana. — Organic and Inor- 
ganic Substances. — Degrees of Density, or Conditions of Aggre- 
gation. — Albuminous Combinations of Carbon. — Plasson-bodies. — 
Organic and Inorganic Forms. — Crystals and Monera. — Formless 
Organisms without Organs.— Stereometrical Fundamental Forms 



of Crystals and of Organisms. — Organic and Inorganic Forces. — 
Vital Force. — Growth and Adaptation in Crystals and in Organisms. 
— Formative Tendencies of Crystals. — Unity of Organic and In- 
organic Nature. — Spontaneous Generation, or Archigony. — Auto- 
gony and Plasmogony. — Origin of Monera by Spontaneous Genera- 
tion. — Origin of Cells from Monera. — The Cell Theory. — The 
Plastid Theory. — Hastids or Structural- Units. — Cytods and Cells. 
—Four Different Kinds of Plastids 390 



IV. — Hand of Nine different Mammals ... 
I. — Life History of a Simplest Organism 

' >Germs or Embryos of Four Vertebrates 

V. — Development of the Gastrula 


... Frontispiece 
To face page 188 

Between pp. 334, 335 

To face page 344 


1. — Propagation of Moneron 

2.— Propagation of Amoeba 

3. — Egg of Mammal 

4. — First Development of Mammal's Egg 

5.— The Human Egg Enlarged 

6. — Development of Mammal's Egg 
7. — Embryo of a Mammal or Bird... 




I AM desirous of prefacing the English edition of the 
" History of Creation " with a few remarks which may serve 
to explain the origin and object of this hook. In the year 
1866 I published, under the title " Generelle Morphologie," 
a somewhat comprehensive work, which constituted the first 
attempt to apply the general doctrine of development to the 
whole range of organic morphology (Anatomy and Biogenesis), 
and thus to make use of the vast march onwards which the 
genius of Charles Darwin has effected in all biological 
science by his reform of the Descent Theory and its esta- 
blishment through the doctrine of selection. At the same 
time, in the " Generelle Morphologie," the first attempt was 
made to introduce the Descent Theory into the systematic 
classification of animals and plants, and to found a " natural 
system " on the basis of genealogy ; that is, to construct 
hypothetical pedigrees for the various species of organisms. 

The " Generelle Morphologie " found but few readers, for 
which the voluminous and unpopular style of treatment, and 
its too extensive Greek terminology, may be chiefly to blame. 
But a proportionately large measure of approval has met 


the " Naturliche Schbpfungsgeschichte " in Germany. This 
book took its origin in the shorthand notes of a course of 
lectures which treated, before a mixed audience and in 
a popular form, the most important topics discussed in the 
"Generelle Morphologie." The notes were subsequently 
revised, and received considerable additions. The book 
appeared first in 1868, its fourth edition in 1873, and has 
been translated into several languages. I hope that it may 
also find sympathy in the fatherland of Darwin, the more so 
since it contains special morphological evidence in favour of 
many of the important doctrines with which this greatest 
naturalist of our century has enriched science. Proud as 
England may be to be called the fatherland of Newton, who, 
with his law of gravitation, brought inorganie nature under 
the dominion of natural laws of cause and effect, yet may 
she with even greater pride reckon Charles Darwin among 
her sons — he who solved the yet harder problem of bring- 
ing the complicated phenomena of organic nature under the 
sway of the same natural laws. 

The reproach which is now oftenest made against the 
Descent Theory is that it is not securely founded, not suffi- 
ciently proven. Not only its distinct opponents maintain that 
there is a want of satisfactory proofs, but even faint-hearted 
and wavering adherents declare that Darwin's hypothesis is 
still wanting fundamental proof. Neither the former nor the 
latter estimate rightly the immeasurable weight which the 
great series of phenomena of comparative anatomy and onto- 
geny, palaeontology and taxonomy, chorology and cecology, 
cast into the scale in favour of the doctrine of filiation. 
Darwin's Theory of Selection, which completely explains the 
origin of species through the combined action of Inheritance 

PREFACE. xvii 

and Adaptation in the struggle for existence, also appears to 
these persons not sufficient. They demand, over and ahove, 
that the descent of species from common ancestral forms 
shall be proved in a particular case; that, in contradistinc- 
tion to the synthetic proofs adduced for the Descent Theory, 
the analytic proof of the genealogical continuity of the 
several species shall be brought forward. 

This " analytical solution of the problem of the origin of 
species " I have myself endeavoured to afford in my recently 
published " Monograph of the Calcareous Sponges." For five 
consecutive years I have investigated this small but highly 
instructive group of animals in all its forms in the most 
careful manner, and I venture to maintain that the mono- 
graph, which is the result of those studies, is the most 
complete and accurate morphological analysis of an entire 
organic group which has up to this time been made. 
Provided with the whole of the material for study as yet 
brought together, and assisted by numerous contributions 
from all parts of the world, I was able to work over the 
whole group of organic forms known as the Calcareous 
Sponges in that greatest possible degree of fulness which 
appeared indispensable for the proof of the common origin 
of its species. This particular animal group is especially 
fitted for the analytical solution of the species problem, 
because it presents exceedingly simple conditions of organ- 
ization, because in it the morphological conditions possess a 
greatly superior, and the physiological conditions an inferior, 
import, and because all species of Calcispongise are remark- 
able for the fluidity and plasticity of their form. With a 
view to these facts, I made two journeys to the sea-coast 
(1869 to Norway, 1871 to Dalmatia), in order to study as 


large a number of individuals as possible in their natural 
circumstances, and to collect specimens for comparison. Of 
many species, I compared several hundred individuals in the 
most careful way. I examined with the microscope and 
measured in the most accurate manner the details of form of 
all the species. As the final result of these exhaustive 
and almost endless examinations and measurements it 
appeared that "good species/' in the ordinary dogmatic 
sense of the systematists, have no existence at all among 
the Calcareous Sponges ; that the most different forms are 
connected one with another by numberless gradational 
transition forms ; and that all the different species of Calca- 
reous Sponges are derived from a single exceedingly simple 
ancestral form, the Olynthus. A drawing of the Olynthus 
and its earliest stages of development (observe especially the 
highly important Gastrula) is given in the frontispiece of 
the present edition. Illustrations of the various structural 
details which establish the derivation of all Calcareous 
Sponges from the Olynthus, are given in the atlas of 
sixty plates which accompanies my monograph of the 
group. In the gastrula, moreover, is now also found the 
common ancestral form from which all the tribes of animals 
(the lowest group, that of the protozoa, alone being excepted) 
can without difficulty be derived. It is one of the most 
ancient and important ancestors of the human race ! 

If we take for the limitation of genus and species an average 
standard, derived from the actual practice of systematists, and 
apply this to the whole of the Calcareous Sponges at present 
known, we can distinguish about twenty-one genera, with one 
hundred and eleven species (as I have done in the second 
volume of the Monograph). I have, however, shown that we 


may draw up, in addition to this, another systematic arrange- 
ment (more nearlyagreeing with the arrangement of the Calci- 
spongige hitherto. in vogue) which gives thirty-nine genera 
and two hundred and eighty-nine species. A systematist 
who gives a more limited extension to the " ideal species " 
might arrange the same series of forms in forty-three genera 
and three hundred and eighty-one species, or even in one 
hundred and thirteen genera and five hundred and ninety 
species ; another systematist, on the other hand, who takes a 
wider limit for the abstract " species," would use in arrang- 
ing the same series of forms only three genera, with twenty- 
one species, or might even satisfy himself with one genua 
and seven species. The delimitation of species and genera 
appears to be so arbitrary a matter, on account of endless 
varieties and transitional forms in this group, that their 
number is entirely left to the subjective taste of the indi- 
vidual systematist. In truth, from the point of view of the 
theory of descent, it appears altogether an unimportant ques- 
tion as to whether we give a wider or a narrower signifi- 
cation to allied groups of forms — whether we choose, that is 
to say, to call them genera or species, varieties or sub-species. 
The main fact remains undeniable, viz., the common origin 
of all the species from one ancestral form. The many- 
shaped Calcareous Sponges furnish, in the very remarkable 
conditions of their varieties of aggregation (metrocormy), a 
body of evidence in favour of this view which could hardly 
be more convincing. Not unfrequently the case occurs of 
several different forms growing out from a single " stock " 
or " cormus " — forms which until now have been regarded 
by systematists, not only as belonging to different species, 
but even to different genera. Fig. 10 in the frontispiece 


represents such a composite stock. This solid and tangible 
piece of evidence in favour of the common descent oi 
different species ought, one would think, to satisfy the most 
determined sceptic ! 

In point of fact, I have a right to expect of my opponents 
that they shall carefully consider the " exact empirical proof" 
here brought forward for them, as they have so eagerly 
demanded. The opponents of the doctrine of filiation, who 
have too little power of weighing evidence, or possess too 
little knowledge to appreciate the overpowering weight of 
proof afforded by the synthetical argument (comparative 
anatomy, ontogeny, taxonomy, etc.), may yet be able to 
follow me along the path of analytical proof, and attempt to 
upset the conclusion as to the common origin of all species 
of all Calcareous Sponges which I have given in my Mono- 
graph. I must, however, repeat that this conclusion is 
based on the most minute investigation of an extraordinarily 
rich mass of material, — that it is securely established by 
thousands of the most careful microscopical observations, 
measurements, and comparisons of every single part, and 
that thousands of collected microscopic preparations render, 
at any moment, the most searching criticism of my results 
confirmatory of their correctness. One may hope, then, that 
opponents will endeavour to confront me on the ground of 
this "exact empiricism," instead of trying to damn my 
"nature-philosophical speculations." One may hope that 
they will endeavour to bring forward some evidence to 
show that the latter do not follow as the legitimate conse- 
quences of the former. May they, however, spare me the 
empty — though by even respectable naturalists oft-repeated 
— phrase, that the monistic nature-philosophy, as expounded 


in the "General Morphology," and in the "History of 
Creation," is wanting in actual proofs. The proofs are 
there. Of course those who turn their eyes away from 
them will not see them. Precisely that "exact" form of 
analytical proof which the opponents of the descent theory 
demand is to be found, by anybody who wishes to find it, 
in the " Monograph of the Calcareous Sponges." 

Eenst Heinkioh Haeckel. 

Jena, June 24th, 1873. 


The " History of Creation " has been so much modified by 
its author, Professor Haeckel, in its successive German 
editions, and so much new matter introduced, that it was 
felt to be desirable that a new English edition of the work 
should be prepared. The translation of the new matter, 
which amounts to nearly half of the whole work, has been 
made by Miss Schmitz from the eighth German edition, 
published in 1889, and revised by me. The new portions 
of the work have been necessitated by the progress of 
knowledge since the appearance of the first English trans- 
lation in 1876. They comprise an account of recent. 
theories which have grown out of Darwin's great doctrine, 
and of many new results of investigations, such as those 
made by the naturalists of the Challenger Expedition, and 
others who, like Professor Haeckel himself, have taken 
part in describing the rich stores of zoological specimens 
brought home by H.M.S. Challenger. 

The book in its present form cannot fail to interest all 
who have a taste for natural history. It may be safely 
trusted as an introduction to the study of modern biology, 
provided that the reader will remember that there are 


matters of opinion and theory concerning which many 
naturalists do not hold quite the same views as those 
adopted by Professor Haeckel. He himself is careful to 
draw the reader's attention to the fact that many of his 
" pedigrees " and other suggestions are only provisional. I 
feel it due to myself to state that I do not agree with him 
as to a very large part of his views on classification, and 
as to his belief in the necessity of assuming the " trans- 
missibility of acquired characters." Readers who have 
gained an interest in these questions from the brief state- 
ments of the present work must, without assuming that 
Professor Haeckel's judgment is final, go on to study for 
themselves the works of Weismann and others, which are 
mentioned with perfect fairness in these pages. 

No work of the scope of the "History of Creation" 
could possibly satisfy every critic. It is a sufficient 
recommendation for it that it is the statement of the views 
of one of the most learned, experienced, and honoured 
naturalists of modern times, whose original monographs on 
Radiolaria, Sponges, and Jelly-fishes have been of immense 
importance to the progress of science, and have excited 
the admiration of his brother-naturalists throughout the 
world by the beauty of the innumerable drawings with 
which he has illustrated them, and by the extraordinary 
insight with which he has explained in their pages the 
most complicated structures. 

E. Ray Lankestek. 

Oxford, February, 1892. 




General Importance and Essential Nature of the Theory of Descent as re- 
formed by Darwin. — Its Special Importance to Biology (Zoology and 
Botany) . — Its Special Importance to the History of the Natural Develop- 
ment of the Human Bace. — The Theory of Descent as the Non-Miraculous 
History of Creation. — Idea of Creation. — Knowledge and Belief. — His- 
tory of Creation and History of Development. — The Connection between 
the History of Individual and Palseontological Development.- — The 
Theory of Purposelessness, or the Science of Rudimentary Organs. — 
Useless and Superfluous Arrangements in Organisms. — Contrast between 
the two entirely opposed Tiews of Nature : the Monistic (mechanical, 
causal) and the Dualistic (teleological, vital). — Proof of the former by 
the Theory of Descent. — -Unity of Organic and Inorganic Nature, and 
the Identity of the Active Causes in both. — The Absolute Importance 
of the Theory of Descent to the Monistic Conception of all Nature. 

The intellectual movement to -which the impulse was given 
thirty years ago, by the English naturalist, Charles Darwin 
in his celebrated work, " On the Origin of Species," * has, 
within this short period, assumed dimensions of unparalleled 
depth and breadth. It is true the scientific theory set forth 
in that work, which is commonly called briefly Darwinism, 
is only a small fragment of a far more comprehensive 
doctrine — a part of the universal Theory of Development, 

VOL. I. B 


which embraces in its vast range the whole domain of 
human knowledge. 

But the manner in which Darwin has firmly established 
the latter by the former is so convincing, and the direction 
which has been given by the unavoidable conclusions of 
that theory to all our views of the universe, must appear to 
every thinking man of such deep significance, that its 
general importance cannot be over-estimated. There is no 
doubt that this immense extension of our intellectual 
horizon must be looked upon as by far the most important, 
and rich in results, among all the numerous and grand 
advances which natural science has made in our day. 

When our century, with justice, is called the age of 
natural science, when we look with pride upon the im- 
mensely important progress made in all its branches, we 
are generally in the habit of thinking more of immediate 
practical results, and less of the extension of our general 
knowledge of nature. We call to mind the complete 
reform, so infinitely rich in consequences to human inter- 
course, which has been' effected by the development of 
machinery, by railways, steamships, telegraphs, and other 
inventions of physics. Or we think of the enormous in- 
fluence which chemistry has brought to bear upon medicine, 
agriculture, and upon all arts and trades. 

But much as we may value this influence of modern 
science upon practical life, still it must, estimated from a 
higher and more general point of view, stand most assuredly 
below the enormous influence which the theoretical progress 
of modern science will have on the entire range of human 
knowledge, on our conception of the universe, and on the 
perfecting of man's culture. 


Think of the immense revolutions in all our theoretical 
views which we owe to the general application of the 
microscope. Think of the cell theory, which explains the 
apparent unity of the human organism as the combined 
result of the union of a mass of elementary living units. 
Or consider the immense extension of our theoretical 
horizon which we owe to spectral analysis and to the 
mechanical theory of heat. But among all these wonderful 
theoretical advances, the theory wrought out by Darwin 
occupies by far the highest rank. 

Every one of my readers has heard of the name of Dar- 
win. But most persons have probably only an imperfect 
idea of the real value of his theory. For if all that has 
been written upon Darwin's memorable work since its 
appearance be equally trusted, the value of the theory must 
appear very doubtful to those who have not been engaged 
in the organic natural sciences, and have not penetrated 
into the inner secrets of zoology and botany. The criticisms 
of it are so full of contradictions, and for the most part so 
defective, that we ought not to be at all astonished that 
even now, after the lapse of thirty years since the appear- 
ance of Darwin's work, it has not gained half that im- 
portance which is justly due to it, and which sooner or later 
it certainly will attain. 

Most of the innumerable writings which have been pub- 
lished during these years, both for and against Darwinism, 
are the productions of persons who are entirely wanting in 
the necessary amount of biological, and especially of zoolo- 
gical, knowledge. Although almost all of the more celebrated 
naturalists of the present day are now adherents of the 
theory, yet only a few of them have endeavoured to procure 


its acceptance and recognition in larger circles. Hence the 
odd contradictions and the strange opinions which are still 
on every side heard about Darwinism. This is the reason 
which induces me to make Darwin's theory, and those 
further doctrines which are connected with it, the subject 
of these pages, which, I hope, will be generally intelligible. 
I hold it to be the duty o£ naturalists, not merely to medi- 
tate upon improvements and discoveries in the narrow circle 
to which their speciality confines them, not merely to pore 
over their one study with love and care, but also to seek to 
make the important general results of it fruitful to the mass, 
and to assist in spreading the knowledge of physical science 
among the people. The highest triumph of the human 
mind, the true knowledge of the most general laws of 
nature, ought not to remain the private possession o£ a 
privileged class of learned men, but ought to become the 
common property of all mankind. 

The thebry which, through Darwin, has been placed at 
the head of all our knowledge of nature, is usually called 
the Doctrine of Filiation, or the Theory of Descent. Others 
term it the Transmutation Theory. Both designations are 
correct. For this doctrine affirms, that all organisms (viz. 
all species of animals, all species of plants, which have ever 
existed or still exist on the earth) are derived from one 
single, or from a few simple original forms, and that they 
have slowly developed from these by a natural course of 
gradual change. Although this theory of development had 
already been bi - ought forward and defended by several 
great naturalists, and especially by Lamarck and Goethe, in 
the beginning of our century, still it was through Darwin, 
in 1859, that it received its complete demonstration and 


causal foundation; and this is the reason why now it is 
commonly and exclusively (though not quite correctly) 
designated as Darwin's Theory. 

The inestimable value of the Theory of Descent appears 
in a different light, accordingly as we consider its more 
immediate connection with organic natural science, or its 
larger influence upon the whole range of man's knowledge 
of the universe. Organic natural science, or Biology, which 
as Zoology treats of animals, as Botany of plants, is com- 
pletely reformed and founded anew by the Theory of 
Descent. For by this theory we are made acquainted with 
the active causes of organic forms, while up to the present 
time Zoology and Botany have simply been occupied 
with the facts of these forms. We may therefore also 
term the theory of descent a mechanical explanation of 
organic forms, or the science of the true causes of Organic 

As I cannot take for granted that my readers are all 
familiar with the terms "organic and inorganic nature," 
and as the contrast of both these natural bodies will, in 
future, occupy much of our attention, I must say a few 
words in explanation of them. We designate as Organisms, 
or Organic bodies, all living creatures or animated bodies ; 
therefore all plants and animals, man included ; for in them 
we can almost always prove a combination of various parts 
(instruments or organs) which work together for the purpose 
of producing the phenomena of life. Such a combination 
we do not find in Anorgana, or inorganic natural bodies— 
the so-called dead or inanimate bodies, such as minerals or 
stones, water, the atmospheric air, etc. Organisms always 
contain albuminous combinations of carbon in a semi-fluid 


condition of aggregation, which are always wanting in the 
Anorgana. Upon this important distinction rests the divi- 
sion of all natural history into two great and principal parts 
— Biology, or the science of Organisms (Anthropology, 
Zoology, and Botany), and Anorganology, or the science o£ 
Anorgana (Mineralogy, Geology, Meteorology, etc.). 

The immense value of the Theory of Descent in regard to 
Biology consists, as I have already remarked, in its explain- 
ing to us the origin of organic forms in a mechanical way, 
and pointing out their active causes. But however highly 
and justly this service of the Theory of Descent may be 
valued, yet it is almost eclipsed by the immense importance 
which a single necessary inference from it claims for itself 
alone. This necessary and unavoidable inference is the 
theory of the animal descent of the human race. 

The determination of the position of man in nature, and 
of his relations to the totality of things — this question of all 
questions for mankind, as Huxley justly calls it — is finally 
solved by the knowledge that man is descended from 
animals. As a consequence of the Theory of Descent or 
Transmutation, we are now in a position to establish 
scientifically the groundwork of a non-miraculous history of 
the development of the human race. All those who have 
defended Darwin's theory, as well as all its thoughtful 
opponents, have acknowledged that, as a matter of necessity, 
it follows from his theory that the human race, in the first 
place, must be traced to ape-like mammals, and further back 
to the lower vertebrate animals. 

It is true Darwin himself did not express at first this 
most important of all the inferences from his theory. In 
his work, " On the Origin of Species," not a word is found 


about the animal descent of man. The courageous but 
cautious naturalist was at that time purposely silent on the 
subject, for he anticipated that this most important of all 
the conclusions of the Theory of Descent was at the same 
time the greatest obstacle to its being generally accepted 
and acknowledged. Certain it is that Darwin's book would 
have created, from the beginning, even much more opposi- 
tion and offence, if this most important inference had at 
once been clearly expressed. It was not till twelve years 
later, in his work on " The Descent of Man, and Selection 
in Relation to Sex," that Darwin openly acknowledged that 
far-reaching conclusion, and expressly declared his entire 
agreement with those naturalists who had, in the mean time, 
themselves formed that conclusion. Manifestly the effect of 
this conclusion is immense, and no science will be able to 
escape from the consequences. Anthropology, or the science 
of man, and consequently all philosophy, are thereby 
thoroughly reformed in all their various branches. 

It will be a later task in these pages to discuss this 
special point. I shall not treat of the theory of the animal 
descent of man till I have spoken of Darwin's theory, and 
its general foundation and importance. To express it in 
one word, that most important, but (to most men) at first 
repulsive, conclusion is nothing more than a special deduc- 
tion, which we must draw from the general inductive law 
of the descent theory (now firmly established), according to 
the stern commands of inexorable logic. 

Perhaps nothing will make the full meaning of the theory 
of descent clearer than calling it "the non-miraculous 
history of creation." It is, however, correct only in a 
certain sense, and it must be borne in mind that, strictly 


speaking, the expression " non-miraculous history of crea- 
tion " contains a " contradictio in adjecto." 

In order to understand this, let us for a moment examine 
somewhat more closely what we understand by creation. 
If we understand the creation to mean the coming into 
existence of a body by a creative power or force, we may 
then either think of the coming into existence of its sub- 
stance (corporeal matter), or of the coming into existence of 
its form (the corporeal form). 

Creation in the former sense, as the coming into existence 
of matter, does not concern us here at all. This process, if 
indeed it ever took place, is completely beyond human com- 
prehension, and can therefore never become a subject of 
scientific inquiry. Natural science teaches that matter is 
eternal and imperishable, for experience has never shown 
us that even the smallest particle of matter has come into 
existence or passed away. Where a natural body seems to 
disappear, as for example by burning, decaying, evaporation, 
etc., it merely changes its form, its physical composition or 
chemical combination. In like manner the coming into 
existence of a natural body, for example, of a crystal, a 
fungus, an infusorium, depends merely upon the different 
particles, which had before existed in a certain form or com- 
bination, assuming a new form or combination in conse- 
quence of changed conditions of existence. But never yet 
has an instance been observed of even the smallest particle 
of matter having vanished, or even of an atom being added 
to the already existing mass. Hence a naturalist can no 
more imagine the coming into existence of matter, than he 
can imagine its disappearance, and he therefore looks upon 
the existing quantity of matter in the universe as a given 


fact. If any person feels the necessity of conceiving the 
coming into existence of this matter as the work of a super- 
natural creative power, of the creative force of something 
outside of matter, we have nothing to say against it. But 
we must remark, that thereby not even the smallest advan- 
tage is gained for a scientific knowledge of nature. Such a 
conception of an immaterial force, which at the first creates 
matter, is an article of faith which has nothing whatever 
to do with human science. Where faith commences, science 
ends. Both these workings of the human mind must he 
strictly kept apart from each other. Faith has its origin in 
the poetic imagination ; knowledge, on the other hand, 
originates in the reasoning intelligence of man. Science 
has to pluck the blessed fruits from the tree of knowledge, 
unconcerned whether these conquests trench upon the 
poetical imaginings of faith or not. 

If, therefore, science makes the " non-miraculous history 
of creation " its highest, most difficult, and most compre- 
hensive problem, it must accept as its idea of creation the 
second explanation of the word, viz. the coming into being 
of the form of natural bodies. In this way geology, which 
investigates the origin of the inorganic surface of the earth 
as it now appears, and the manifold historical changes in 
the form of the solid crust of the earth, may be called the 
history of the creation of the earth. In like manner, the 
history of the development of animals and plants, which 
investigates the origin of living forms, and the manifold 
historical changes in animal and vegetable forms, may be 
termed the history of the creation of organisms. As, how- 
ever, in the idea of creation, although used in this sense, 
the unscientific idea of a creator existing outside of matter, 


and changing it, may easily creep in, it will perhaps be 
better in future to substitute for it the more accurate term, 

The great value which the History of Development pos- 
sesses for the scientific understanding of animal and Vege- 
table forms, has now for half a century been so generally 
acknowledged that, without it, it would be impossible to 
make any sure progress in organic morphology, or the 
theory of forms. But the history of development has 
generally been understood to embrace only one part of this 
science, namely, that of. organic individuals, usually called 
Embryology, but more correctly and comprehensively, 
Ontogeny. But, besides this, there is another history 
of development of organic species, genera, and tribes 
. (phyla), which has the most important relations to the 

The subject of this is furnished to us by the science of 
petrifactions, or palaeontology, which shows us that each 
tribe of animals and plants, during different periods of the 
earth's history, has been represented by a series of entirely 
different genera and species. Thus, for example, the tribe 
of vertebrated animals was represented by classes of fish, 
amphibious animals, reptiles, birds, and mammals, and each 
of these groups, at different periods, by quite different kinds. 
This palaeontological history of the development of organ- 
isms, which we may term Phylogeny, stands in the most 
important and remarkable relation to the other branch of 
organic history of development, I mean that of individuals, 
or Ontogeny. On the whole, the one runs parallel to the 
other. In fact, the history of individual development, or 
Ontogeny, is a short and quick recapitulation of the slow 


and gradual palseontological development, or Phylogeny, 
dependent on the laws of Inheritance and Adaptation. 

As I shall have, later, to explain this most interesting 
and important law of nature more fully, I .shall not dwell 
further upon it here, and merely call attention to the fact 
that it can only be explained and its causes understood by 
the Theory of Descent, while without that theory it remains 
completely incomprehensible and inexplicable. The Theory 
of Descent in the same way shows us why individual 
animals and plants must develop at all, and why they do 
not come into life at once in a perfect and developed state. 
No supernatural history of creation can in any way explain 
to us the great mystery of organic development. To this 
most weighty question, as well as to all other biological 
questions, the Theory of Descent gives us perfectly satis- 
factory answers — and always answers which refer to purely 
mechanical causes, and point to purely physico-chemical/ 
forces as the causes of phenomena which we were formerly 
accustomed to ascribe to the direct action of supernatural, 
creative forces. Hence, by our theory the mystic veil of 
the miraculous and supernatural, which has hitherto been 
allowed to hide the complicated phenomena of this branch 
of natural knowledge, is removed. All the departments of 
Botany and Zoology, and especially the most important 
portion of the latter, Anthropology, became reasonable. 
The dimming mirage of mythological fiction can no longer 
exist in the clear sunlight of scientific knowledge. 

Of special interest among general biological phenomena 
are those which are quite irreconcilable with the usual 
supposition, that every organism is the product of a creative 
power, acting for a definite object. Nothing in this respect 


caused the earlier naturalists greater difficulty than the 
explanation of the so-called " rudimentary organs" — those 
parts in animal and vegetable bodies which really have no 
function, which have no physiological importance, and yet 
exist in form. These parts deserve the most careful atten- 
tion, although most persons know little or nothing about 
them. Almost every organism, almost every animal and 
plant possesses, besides the obviously useful arrangements 
of its organization, other arrangements the purpose of which 
it is utterly impossible to make out. 

Examples of this are found everywhere. In the embryos 
of many ruminating animals — among others, in our common 
cattle — fore-teeth, or incisors, are found in the mid-bone of 
the upper jaw, which never fully develop, and therefore 
serve no purpose. The embryos of many whales — which 
afterwards possess the well-known whalebone instead of 
teeth — while still unborn, and while they take no nourish- 
ment, have teeth in their jaws, which set of teeth never 
comes into use. Moreover, most of the higher animals 
possess muscles which are never employed ; even man has 
such rudimentary muscles. Most of us are incapable of 
moving our ears as we wish, although the muscles for this 
movement exist, and although individual persons who have 
taken the trouble to exercise these muscles do succeed in 
moving their ears. It is still possible, by special exercise, 
by the persevering influence of the will upon the nervous 
system, to reanimate the almost extinct activity in the 
existing but imperfect organs, which are on the road to 
complete disappearance. Qn the other hand, we can no 
longer do this with another set of small rudimentary 
muscles, which still exist in the cartilage of the outer ear, 


but which are always perfectly inactive. Our long-eared 
ancestors of the Tertiary period — apes, semi-apes, and 
pouched animals — like most other mammals, moved their 
large ear-flaps freely and actively ; their muscles were much 
more strongly developed and of great importance. In a 
similar way, many varieties of dogs and rabbits, under the 
influence of civilized life, have left off " pricking up " their 
ears, and thereby have acquired imperfect auricular muscles 
and loose-hanging ears, although their wild ancestors moved 
their stiff ears in many ways. 

Man has these rudimentary organs also on other parts of 
his body ; they are of no importance to life, and never per- 
form any function. One of the most remarkable, although 
the smallest organ of this kind, is the little crescent-like 
fold, the so-called " plica semilunaris," which we have in the 
inner corner of the eye, near the root of the nose. This in- 
significant fold of skin, which is quite useless to our eye, 
is the imperfect remnant of a third inner eyelid which, 
besides the upper and under eyelid, is highly developed in 
other mammals, and in birds and reptiles. Even our very 
remote ancestors of the Silurian period, the Primitive Fishes, 
seem to have possessed this third eyelid, the so-called nicti- 
tating membrane. For many of their nearest kin, who still 
exist in our day but little changed in form, viz. many 
sharks, possess a very strong nictitating membrane, which 
they can draw right across the whole eyeball, from the 
inner corner of the eye. 

> Eyes which do not see form the most striking example of 
rudimentary organs. These are found in very many animals, 
which live in the dark, as in caves or underground. Their 
eyes often exist in a well-developed condition, but they are 


covered by membrane, so that no ray of light can enter, 
and they can never see. Such eyes, without the function 
of sight, are found in several species of moles and mice which 
live underground, in serpents and lizards, in amphibious 
animals (Proteus, Cascilia), and in fishes"; also in numerous 
invertebrate animals, which pass their lives in the dark, as 
do many beetles, crabs, snails, worms, etc. 

An abundance of the most interesting examples of rudi- 
mentary organs is furnished by Comparative Osteology, or 
the study of the skeletons of vertebrate animals, one of the 
most attractive branches of Comparative Anatomy. In 
most of the vertebrate animals we find two pairs of iimbs 
on the body, a pair of fore-legs and a pair of hind-legs. 
Very often, however, one or the other pair is imperfect ; it 
is seldom that both are, as in the case of serpents and some 
varieties of eel-like fish. But some serpents, viz. the giant 
serpents (Boa, Python), have still in the hinder portion of 
the body some useless little bones, which are the remains of 
lost hind-legs. 

In like manner the mammals of the whale tribe (Cetacea), 
which have only fore-legs fully developed (breast-fins), have 
further back in their body another pair of utteriy superfluous 
bones, which are remnants of undeveloped hind-legs. The 
same thing occurs in many genuine fishes, in which the 
hind-legs have in like manner been lost. 

Again, our slow-worm (Anguis), and some other lizards, 
possess no fore-legs, although they have a perfect shoulder 
apparatus within their bodies, which should serve as a 
means of affixing the legs. Moreover, in various vertebrate 
animals, the single bones of both pairs of legs are found 
in all the different stages of imperfection, and often the 


degenerate bones and those muscles belonging to them are 
partially preserved, without their being able in any way to 
perform any function. The instrument is still there, but it 
can no longer play. 

Moreover, we can, almost as generally, find rudimentary 
organs in the blossoms of plants, inasmuch as one part or 
another of the male organs of propagation — the stamen and 
anther, or of the female organs of propagation — the style, 
germ, etc. — is more or less imperfect or abortive. Among 
these we can trace, in various closely connected species of 
plants, the organ in all stages of degeneration. Thus, for 
example, the great natural family of lip-blossomed plants 
(Labiatae), to which the balm, peppermint, marjoram, ground- 
ivy, thyme, etc., belong, are distinguished by the fact that 
their mouth-like, two-lipped flower contains two long and 
two short stamens. But in many individual plants of this 
family, e.g. in different species of sage, and in the rosemary, 
only one pair of stamens is developed ; the other pair is more 
or less imperfect, or has quite disappeared. Sometimes 
stamens exist, but without the anthers, so that they are 
utterly useless. Less frequently the rudiment or imperfect 
remnant'Of a fifth stamen is found, physiologically (for the 
functions of life) quite useless, but morphologically (for the 
knowledge of the form and of the natural relationship) a 
most valuable organ. In my " General Morphology of 
Organisms," 4 in the chapter on " Purposelessness, or Dystele- 
ology," I have given a great number of other examples 
("Gen. Morph.,"ii. 226). 

No biological phenomenon has perhaps ever placed 
zoologists or botanists in greater embarrassment than these 
rudimentary or abortive organs. They are instruments 


without employment, parts of the body which exist without 
performing any service — adapted for a purpose, but without 
in reality fulfilling that purpose. When we consider the 
attempts which the earlier naturalists have made in order 
to explain this mystery, we can scarcely help smiling at the 
strange ideas to which they were led. Being unable to find 
a true explanation, they came, for example, to the conclu- 
sion that the Creator had placed these organs there " for the 
sake of symmetry," or they believed that it had appeared 
unwise and unsuitable to the Creator (seeing that their 
nearest kin did possess such organs) that these organs 
should be completely wanting in creatures, where they 
are incapable of performing a function, and where it cannot 
be otherwise from the special mode of life. In compensation 
for the non-existing function, he had at least furnished 
them with the outward but empty form; much in the same 
manner as civil officers, in uniform, are furnished with an 
innocent sword, which is never drawn from the scabbard. 
I scarcely believe, however, that any of my readers will be 
content with such an explanation. 

Now, it is precisely this widely spread and mysterious 
phenomenon of rudimentary organs, in regard to which all 
other attempts at explanation fail, which is perfectly ex- 
plained, and indeed in the simplest and clearest way, by 
Darwin's Theory of Inheritance and Adaptation. We can 
trace the important laws of inheritance and adaptation in 
the domestic animals which we breed, and the plants which 
we cultivate ; and a series of such laws of inheritance have 
already been established. Without going further into this 
at present, I will only remark that some of them perfectly 
explain, in a mechanical way, the existence of rudimentary 


organs, so that we must look upon the appearance of such 
structures as an entirely natural process, arising from the 
disuse of the organs. 

By adaptation to special conditions of life, the formerly 
active and really working organs have gradually ceased 
to be used or employed. In consequence of their not being 
exercised they have become more and more imperfect, but 
in spite of this have always been handed down from one 
generation to another by inheritance, until at last they 
vanish partially or entirely. Now, if we admit that all the 
vertebrate animals mentioned above are derived from one 
common ancestor, possessing two seeing eyes and two well- 
developed pairs of legs, the different stages of suppression 
and degeneration of these organs are easily accounted for in 
such of the descendants as could no longer use them. In 
like manner the various stages of suppression of the stamens, 
originally existing to the number of five (in the flower-bud), 
among the Labiatse is explained, if we admit that all the 
plants of this family sprang from one common ancestor, 
provided with five stamens. 

I have here spoken somewhat fully of the phenomena of 
rudimentary organs, because they are of the utmost general 
importance, and because they lead us to the great, general, 
and fundamental questions in philosophy and natural 
science, for the solution of which the Theory of Descent 
has now become the indispensable guide. As soon, in fact, 
as, according to this theory, we acknowledge the exclusive 
activity of physico-chemical causes in living (organic) 
bodies, as well as in so-called inanimate (inorganic) nature, 
we concede exclusive dominion to that view of the universe, 
which we may designate as the mechanical, and which is 

VOL. I. C 


opposed to the teleological conception. If we compare all 
the ideas of the universe prevalent among different nations 
at different times, we can divide them all into two sharply 
contrasted groups — a causal or mechanical, and a teleological 
or vitalistic. The latter has prevailed generally in Biology 
until now, and accordingly the animal and vegetable king- 
doms have been considered as the products of a creative 
power, acting for a definite purpose. In the contemplation 
of every organism the unavoidable conviction seemed to 
press itself upon us, that such a wonderful machine, so 
complicated an apparatus for motion as exists in the 
organism, could only be produced by a power analogous 
to, but infinitely more perfect than, the power of man in 
the construction of his machines. 

However sublime the former idea of a Creator, and his 
creative power, may have been ; however much it may be 
divested of all human analogy, yet in the end this analogy 
still remains unavoidable and necessary in the teleological 
conception of nature. In reality the Creator must himself 
be conceived of as an organism, that is, as a being who, 
analogous to man, even though in an infinitely more perfect 
form, reflects on his constructive power, lays down a plan 
of his mechanisms, and then, by the application of suitable 
materials, makes them answer their purpose. Such con- 
ceptions necessarily suffer from the fundamental error of 
anthropomorphism, or man-likening. In such a view, 
however exalted the Creator may be imagined, we assign 
to him the human attributes of designing a plan, and there- 
from suitably constructing the organism. This is, in fact, 
quite clearly expressed in that view which is most sharply 
opposed to Darwin's theory, and which has found among 


naturalists its most distinguished representative in Agassiz. 
His celebrated work, " An Essay on Classification," which 
is entirely opposed to Darwin's, and appeared almost at 
the same time, has elaborated quite consistently, and to the 
utmost extent, these anthropomorphic conceptions of the 

I maintain with regard to the much-talked-of " purpose 
in nature," that it really has no existence but for those 
persons who observe phenomena in animals and plants in 
the most superficial manner. Without going more deeply 
into the matter, we can see at once that the rudimentary 
organs are a formidable obstacle to this theory. And, indeed, 
every one who makes a really close study of the organization 
and mode of life of the various animals and plants, and 
becomes familiar with the reciprocity or inter-action of the 
phenomena of life, and the so-called " economy of nature," 
must necessarily come to the conclusion that this 
" purposiveness " no more exists than the much-talked-of 
" beneficence " of the Creator. These optimistic views have, 
unfortunately, as little real foundation as the favourite 
phrase, the " moral order of the universe," which is illustrated 
in an ironical way by the history of all nations. The 
dominion of the "moral" popes, and their pious inquisition, 
in the mediaeval times, is not less significant of this than 
the prevailing militarism, with its "moral" apparatus of 
needle-guns and other refined instruments of murder, or 
the pauperism which is the inseparable accompaniment of 
our refined civilization. 

— If we closely examine the common life and the mutual 
relations between plants and animals (man included), we 
shall find everywhere, and at all times, the very opposite of 


that kindly and peaceful social life which the goodness of 
the Creator ought to have prepared for his creatures — we 
shall rather find everywhere a pitiless, most embittered 
Struggle of All against All. Nowhere in nature, no matter 
where we turn our eyes, does that idyllic peace exist, of 
which poets sing; we find everywhere a struggle and a 
striving to annihilate neighbours and competitors. Passion 
and selfishness — conscious or unconscious — is everywhere 
the motive force of life. The well-known words of Schiller — 

" The world is perfect, save where man 
Comes in with his strife,"* 

are beautiful, but, unfortunately, not true. Man in this 
respect certainly forms no exception to the rest of the 
animal world. The remarks which we shall have to make 
on the theory of " Struggle for Existence " will sufficiently 
justify this assertion. It is, in fact, Darwin who has placed 
this important point, in its high and general significance, 
very clearly before our eyes, and the chapter in his theory 
which he himself calls " Struggle for Existence " is one of 
the most important parts of it. 

Whilst, then, we emphatically oppose the vital or 
teleological view of animate nature which presents animal 
and vegetable forms as the productions of a kind Creator, 
acting for a definite purpose, or of a creative, natural force 
acting for a definite purpose, we must, on the other hand, 
decidedly adopt that view of the universe which is called the 
mechanical or causal. It may also be called the monistic, 
or single-principle theory, as opposed to the twofold prin- 
ciple, or dualistic theory, which is necessarily implied in 

* " Die Welt ist vollkommen iiberaH 

Wo der Mensch nioht hinkommt mit seiner Qual." 


the teleological conception of the universe. The mechanical 
view of nature has for many years been so firmly established 
in certain domains of natural science, that it is here un- 
necessary to say much about it. It no longer occurs to 
physicists, chemists, mineralogists, or astronomers, to seek 
to find in the phenomena which continually appear before 
them in their scientific domain the action of a Creator 
acting for a definite purpose. They universally, and with- 
out hesitation, look upon the phenomena which appear in 
their different departments of study as the necessary and 
invariable effects of physical and chemical forces which are 
inherent in matter. Thus far their view is purely material- 
istic, in a certain sense of that " word of many meanings." 

When a physicist traces the phenomena of motion in 
electricity or magnetism, the fall of a heavy body, or the 
undulations in the waves of light, he never, in the whole 
course of his research, thinks of looking for the interference 
of a supernatural creative power. In this respect, Biology, 
as the science of so-called " animated " natural bodies, was 
formerly placed in sharp opposition to the above-mentioned 
inorganic natural sciences (Anorganology). It is true modern 
Physiology, the science of the phenomena of motion in 
animals and plants, has completely adopted the mechanical 
view ; but Morphology, the science of the forms of animals 
and plants, has not been affected at all by it. Morphologists, 
in spite of the position of physiology, have continued, as 
before, in opposition to the mechanical view of functions, to 
look upon the forms of animals and plants as something 
which cannot be at all explained mechanically, but which 
must owe its origin necessarily to a higher, supernatural 
creative power, acting for a definite purpose. 


In this general view it is quite indifferent whether the 
creative power be worshipped as a personal god, or whether 
it be termed the power of life (vis vitalis), or final cause 
(causa finalis). In every case, to express it in one word, its 
supporters have recourse to a miracle for an explanation. 
They throw themselves into the arms of a poetic faith, 
which as such can have no value in the domain of scientific 

All that was done before Darwin, to establish a natural 
mechanical conception of the origin of animals and plants, 
has been in vain, and until his time no theory gained a 
general recognition. Darwin's theory first succeeded in 
doing this, and thus has rendered an immense service. For 
the idea of the unity of organic and inorganic nature 
is now firmly established ; and that branch of natural 
science which had longest and most obstinately opposed 
mechanical conception and explanation, viz. the science of 
the structure of animate forms, their significance and origin, 
is launched on to precisely the same road towards perfection 
as that along which all the rest of the natural sciences are 
travelling. The unity of all natural phenomena is by 
Darwin's theory finally established. 

This unity of all nature, the animating of all matter, the 
inseparability of mental power and corporeal substance, 
Goethe has asserted in the words, " Matter can never exist 
and be active without mind, nor can mind without matter." 
These first principles of the mechanical conception of the 
universe have been taught by the great monistic philosophers 
of all ages. Even Democritus of Abdera, the immortal 
founder of the Atomic theory, clearly expressed them about 
500 years before Christ ; but grand Spinoza, and the great 


Dominican friar, Giordano Bruno, did so even more ex- 
plicitly. The latter was burnt at the stake for this, by the 
Christian inquisition in Rome, on the 17th of Feb., 1600, on 
the same day on which, 36 years before, Galileo, his great 
fellow-countryman and fellow-worker, was born. On the 
Campo di Fiori in Rome, where that funeral pile once stood, 
free Italy a short time ago (in July, 1889) unveiled a 
monument erected to the memory of the great martyr of 
the monistic theory; an eloquent sign of the immense 
change which time has wrought. 

By the Theory of Descent we are for the first time enabled 
to conceive of the unity of nature in such a manner that 
a mechanico-causal explanation of even the most intricate 
organic phenomena, for example, the origin and structure 
of the organs of sense, is no more difficult (in a general 
way) than is the mechanical explanation of any physical 
process; as, for example, earthquakes, the courses of the 
wind, or the currents of the ocean. We thus arrive at the 
extremely important conviction that all natural bodies 
which are known to us are equally animated, that the 
distinction which has been made between animate and 
inanimate bodies does not exist. When a stone is thrown 
into the air, and falls to earth according to definite laws, or 
when in a solution of salt a crystal is formed, or when 
sulphur and quicksilver unite in forming cinnabar, the 
phenomenon is neither more nor less a mechanical manifesta- 
tion of life than the growth and flowering of plants, than 
the propagation of animals or the activity of their senses, 
than the perception or the formation of thought in man. 
The forces of nature present themselves here merely in 
different combinations and forms, sometimes simpler, some- 


times more complex. Bound elasticities become free and 
pass over into living forces, or vice versd. This restoration 
of the monistic conception of nature constitutes the chief 
and most comprehensive merit of our new theory of 
development, and is the crown of modern natural science. 

( 2 5 ) 



The Theory of Descent, or Doctrine of Filiation, as the Monistic Explana- 
tion of Organic Natural Phenomena. — Its Comparison with Newton's 
Theory of Gravitation. — Limits of Scientific Explanation and of Human 
Knowledge in general. — All Knowledge founded originally on Sensuous 
Experience, & posteriori. — Transition of a posteriori Knowledge, by In- 
heritance, into ^priori Knowledge.- — Contrast between the Supernatural 
Hypotheses of the Creation according to Linnaaus, Cnvier, Agassiz, and 
the Natural Theories of Development according to Lamarck, Goethe, 
and Darwin. — Connection of the former with the Monistic (mechanical), 
of the latter with the Dualistic Conception of the Universe. — Monism 
and Materialism. — Scientific and Moral Materialism. — The History of 
Creation according to Moses. — Linnaeus as the Founder of the Systematic 
Description of Nature and Distinction of Species. — Linnaeus' Classifica- 
tion and Binary Nomenclature. — Meaning of Linnaeus' Idea of Species. 
— His History of Creation. — Linnaeus' View of the Origin of Species. 

The value which every scientific theory possesses is 
measured by the number and importance of the objects 
which can be explained by it, as well as by the simplicity 
and universality of the causes which are employed in it as 
grounds of explanation. On the one hand, the greater the 
number and the more important the meaning of the 
phenomena explained by the theory, and the simpler, on 
the other hand, and the more general the causes which the 
theory assigns as explanations, the greater is its scientific 



value, the more safely we are guided by it, and the more 
strongly are we bound to adopt it. 

Let us call to mind, for example, that theory which has 
ranked up to the present time as the greatest achievement 
of the human mind — the Theory of Gravitation, which 
Newton, two hundred years ago, established in his Mathe- 
matical Principles of Natural Philosophy. Here we find 
that the object to be explained is as large as one can well 
imagine. He undertook to reduce the phenomena of the 
motion of the planets, and the structure of the universe, to 
mathematical laws. As the most simple cause of these in- 
tricate phenomena of motion, Newton established the law 
of weight or attraction, the same law which is the cause of 
the fall of bodies, of adhesion, cohesion, and many other 

If we apply the same standard of valuation to Darwin's 
theory, we must arrive at the conclusion that this theory, 
also, is one of the greatest achievements of the human mind, 
and that it may be placed quite on a level with Newton's 
Theory of Gravitation. Perhaps this opinion will seem a 
little exaggerated, or at any rate very bold, but I hope in 
the course of this treatise to convince the reader that this 
estimate is not too high. In the preceding chapter, some 
of the most important and most general phenomena in 
organic nature, which have been explained by Darwin's 
theory, have been named. Among them are the variations 
in form which accompany the individual development of 
organisms, most varied and complicated phenomena, which 
until now presented the greatest difficulties in the way of 
mechanical explanation, that is, in the tracing of them to 
active causes. We have mentioned the rudimentary organs. 


those exceedingly remarkable structures in animals and 
plants which have no object and refute every teleological 
explanation seeking for the final purpose of the organism. 
A great number of other phenomena might have been men- 
tioned, which are no less important, and are explained in 
the simplest manner by Darwin's reformed Theory of 
Descent. For the present I will only mention the phenomena 
presented to us by the geographical distribution of animals 
and plants on the surface of our planet, as well as the 
geological distribution of the extinct and petrified organisms 
in the different strata of the earth's crust. These important 
palseontological and geographical phenomena, which were 
formerly only known to us as facts, are now traced to their 
active causes by the Theory of Descent. 

The same statement applies further to all the general 
laws of Comparative Anatomy, especially to the great law 
of division of labour or separation (polymorphism, or dif- 
ferentiation), a law which determines the form or structure 
of human society, as well as the organization of individual 
animals and plants. It is this law which necessitates an 
ever increasing variety, as well as a progressive develop- 
ment of organic forms. This law of the division of labour 
has, up to the present time, been only recognized as a fact, 
and it, like the law of progressive development, or the law 
of progress which we perceive active everywhere in the 
history of nations (as also in that of animals and plants), is 
explained by Darwin's Doctrine of Descent. Then, if we 
turn our attention to the great whole of organic nature, if 
we compare all the individual groups of phenomena of this 
immense domain of ljfe, it cannot fail to appear, in the light 
of the Doctrine of Descent, no longer as the ingeniously 


designed work of a Creator building up according to a 
definite purpose, but as the necessary consequence of active 
causes, which are inherent in the chemical combination of 
matter itself, and in its physical properties. 

In fact, we can most positively assert, and I hope to 
justify this assertion in the course of these pages, that by 
the Doctrine of Filiation, or Descent, we are enabled for 
the first time to reduce all organic phenomena to a single 
law, and to discover a single active cause for the infinitely 
intricate mechanism of the whole of this rich world of 
phenomena. In this respect, Darwin's theory stands quite 
on a level with Newton's Theory of Gravitation ; indeed, it 
even rises higher than Newton's theory ! 

The grounds of explanation, moreover, are equally simple 
in the two theories. In explaining this most intricate 
world of phenomena, Darwin does not make use of new or 
hitherto unknown properties of matter, nor does he, as 
one might suppose, make use of discoveries of new com- 
binations of matter or of new forces of organization ; but 
it is simply by extremely ingenious combination, by the 
synthetic comprehension, and by the thoughtful comparison 
of a number of well-known facts, that Darwin has solved 
the "holy mystery" of the living world of forms. The 
consideration of the interchanging relations which exist 
between two general properties of organisms, viz. Inherit- 
ance and Adaptation, is what has here been of the first 
importance. Merely by considering the relations between 
these two vital actions or physiological functions of organ- 
isms, also further by considering the reciprocal inter-action 
which all animals and plants, living in one and the same 
place, necessarily exert on one another — solely by the 


correct estimate of these simple facts, and by skilfully 
combining them, Darwin has succeeded in finding the true 
active causes (causae efficientes) of the immensely intricate 
world of forms in organic nature. 

In any case we are in duty bound to accept this theory 
till a better one be foixnd, which will undertake to explain 
the same amount of facts in an equally simple manner. 
Until now we have been in utter want of such a theory. 
The fundamental idea that all different animal and vege- 
table forms must be descended from a few or even from one 
single, most simple primary form, was indeed not new. This 
idea was long since distinctly formulated — first by the great 
Lamarck, at the beginning of our century. But Lamarck 
in reality only expressed the hypothesis of the Doctrine of 
Filiation, without establishing it by an explanation of the 
active causes. And it is just the demonstration of these 
causes which marks the extraordinary progress which 
Darwin's theory has made beyond that of Lamarck. In 
the physiological properties of Inheritance and Adaptation 
of organic matter, Darwin discovered the true cause of the 
genealogical relationship o£ organisms. It was not possible 
for the genius of Lamarck in his day to command that 
colossal material of biological facts which has been collected 
by the patient zoological and botanical investigations of the 
last eighty years, and which has been used by Darwin as an 
overpowering apparatus of evidence. 

Darwin's theory is therefore not what his opponents fre- 
quently represent it as being — an unwarranted hypothesis 
taken up at random. It is not for zoologists or botanis£s to 
accept or reject this as an explanatory theory, as they 
please ; they are rather compelled and obliged to accept it, 


according to the general principle observed in all natural 
sciences, that we must accept and retain for the explanation 
of phenomena any theory which, though it has only a 
feeble basis, is compatible with the actual facts — until it is 
replaced by a better one. If we do not adopt it, we re- 
nounce a scientific explanation of phenomena, and this is, 
in fact, the position which many biologists still maintain. 
They look upon the whole domain of animate nature as a 
perfect mystery, and upon the origin of animals and plants, 
the phenomena of their development and affinities, as quite 
inexplicable and miraculous; in fact, they will not allow 
that there can be a true understanding of them. 

Those opponents of Darwin who do not exactly wish to 
renounce a scientific explanation are in the habit of saying, 
"Darwin's theory of the common origin of the different 
species is only one hypothesis; we oppose to it another, 
the hypothesis that the individual animal and vegetable 
species have not developed one from another by descent, 
but that they have come into existence independently of 
one another, by a still undiscovered law of nature." But as 
long as it is not shown how this coming into existence is 
to be conceived of, and what that " law of nature " is — as 
long as not even probable grounds of explanation can be 
brought forward to account for the independent coming 
into existence of animal and vegetable species, so long this 
counter-hypothesis is in fact no hypothesis, but an empty 
unmeaning phrase. Darwin's theory ought, moreover, not 
to be called an hypothesis. For a scientific hypothesis 
is a supposition, postulating the existence of unknown 
properties or motional phenomena of natural bodies, which 
properties have not as yet been observed by the experience 


of the senses. But Darwin's theory does not assume such 
unknown conditions; it is based upon general properties 
of organisms that have long been recognized, and — as has 
been remarked — it is the exceedingly ingenious and com- 
prehensive combination of a number of phenomena which 
had hitherto stood isolated, which gives the theory its 
extraordinarily great and intrinsic value. By it we are 
for the first time in a position to demonstrate an active 
cause for all the known morphological phenomena in the 
animal and vegetable kingdoms ; and, in fact, this cause is 
always one and the same, viz. the alternate action of Adap- 
tation and Inheritance, therefore a physiological, that is, a 
physico-chemical or mechanical, relationship. For these 
reasons the acceptance of the Doctrine of Filiation, as 
mechanically established by Darwin, is a binding and un- 
avoidable necessity for the whole domain of zoology and 

As, therefore, in my opinion the immense importance of 
our new theory of development lies in the fact that it has 
mechanically explained those organic phenomena of forms 
which had hitherto been unexplained, it is perhaps necessary 
that I should here say a few words about the different 
ideas connected with the word " explanation." It is very 
frequently said, in opposition to the Transmutation theory, 
that it does indeed fully explain those phenomena by In- 
heritance and Adaptation, but that it does not at the same 
time explain these properties of organic matter, and that 
therefore we do not arrive at first causes. This objection 
is quite correct, but it applies equally to all explanations 
of phenomena. We nowhere arrive at a knowledge of first 
causes. The origin of every simple salt crystal, which we 


obtain by evaporating its mother liquor, is no less mysterious 
to us, as far as concerns its first cause, and in itself no less 
incomprehensible than the origin of every animal which is 
developed out of a simple cell. In explaining the most 
simple physical or chemical phenomena, as the falling of a 
stone, or the formation of a chemical combination, we 
arrive, by discovering and establishing the active causes — 
for example, the gravitation or the chemical affinity — at 
other remoter phenomena, which in themselves are mys- 
terious. This arises from the limitation or relativity of our 
powers of understanding. We must not forget that human 
knowledge is absolutely limited, and possesses only a 
relative extension. It is, in its essence, limited by the 
very nature of our senses and of our brains. 

All knowledge springs primarily from sensuous percep- 
tions. In opposition to this statement, the innate, & priori 
knowledge of man may be brought up ; but we can see that 
the so-called d priori knowledge can by Darwin's theory 
be proved to have been acquired a posteriori, being based 
on experience as its first cause. Knowledge which is based 
originally upon purely empirical observations, and which is 
therefore a purely sensuous experience, but has then been 
transmitted from generation to generation by inheritance, 
appears in later generations as if it were independent, 
innate, and cb priori, in the same way as the so-called 
instincts of animals. In our early animal ancestors, all our 
so-called " & priori knowledge " was originally acquired d, 
posteriori, and only gradually became a priori by inherit- 
ance. It is based in the first instance upon experiences, 
and the laws of Inheritance and Adaptation prove that 
knowledge d priori and knowledge a posteriori cannot 


rightly be placed in opposition, as is usually done. On the 
contrary, sensuous experience is the original source of all 
knowledge. For this reason alone, all our knowledge is 
limited, and we can never apprehend the first causes of any 
phenomena. The force of crystallization, the force of gravi- 
tation, and chemical affinity remain in themselves just as 
incomprehensible as Adaptation and Inheritance or Will 
and Consciousness. 

Seeing that the doctrine of descent explains from a single 
point of view the totality of all those phenomena of which 
we have given a brief survey, that it demonstrates one and 
the same quality of the organism as the active cause in all 
cases, we must allow that it gives us for the present all 
that we can desire. Moreover, we have good reason to 
hope that at some future time we shall learn to explain the 
first causes at which Darwin has arrived, namely, the 
properties of Adaptation and Inheritance; and that we shall 
succeed in discovering in the composition of albuminous 
matter certain molecular relations as the remoter, simpler 
causes of these phenomena. There is indeed no prospect of 
this in the immediate future, and we content ourselves for 
the present with the tracing back of organic phenomena to 
two mysterious properties, just as in the case of Newton's 
theory we are satisfied with tracing the planetary motions 
to the force of gravitation, which itself is likewise a mystery 
to us and not cognizable in itself. 

Before commencing our principal task, which is the 
careful discussion of the Doctrine of Descent, and the 
consequences that arise out of it, let us take an historical 
retrospect of the most important and most widely spread of 
those views, which before Darwin men had elaborated con- 

VOL. I. D 


cerning organic creation, and the coming into existence of 
the many animal and vegetable species. In doing this I 
have no intention of entertaining the reader with a state- 
ment of all the innumerable stories about the creation 
which have been current among the different human 
species, races, or tribes. However interesting and gratify- 
ing this task would be, from an ethnographical point of 
view, as well as in a history of civilization, it would lead 
us here much too far from our subject. Besides, the great 
majority of all these legends about creation bear too clearly 
the stamp of arbitrary fiction, and of a want of a close 
observance of nature, to be of interest in a scientific treat- 
ment of the history of creation. I shall therefore only 
select the Mosaic history from among those that are not 
founded on scientific investigation, on account of the un- 
paralleled influence which it has gained in the western 
civilized world ; and then I shall immediately take up the 
scientific hypothesis about creation, which originated with 
Linnseus as late as the commencement of last century. 

All the different conceptions which man has ever formed 
about the coming into existence of the different animal and 
vegetable species may conveniently be divided into two 
great contrasted groups — the natural and supernatural his- 
tories of creation. 

These two groups, on the whole, correspond with the two 
different principal forms of the human notions of the uni- 
verse which we have already contrasted as the monistic and 
the diialistic conception of nature. In the usual dualistic or 
teleological (vital) conception of the universe, organic nature 
is regarded as the purposely executed production of a Creator 
working according to a definite plan. Its adherents see in 


every individual species of animal and plant an " embodied 
creative thought," the material expression of a definite first 
cause (causa finalis) acting for a set purpose. They must 
necessarily assume supernatural (not mechanical) processes 
for the origin of organisms. "With justice, we may therefore 
designate their scheme of the world's growth as the Super- 
natural History of Creation. Among all such teleological 
histories of creation, that of Moses has gained the greatest 
influence, since even so distinguished a naturalist as Lin- 
naeus has claimed admittance for it in Natural Science. 
Cuvier's and Agassiz's view of creation also belong to this 
group, as do in fact those of the great majority of the earlier 

On the other hand, the theory of development carried out 
by Darwin, which we shall have to treat of here as the Non- 
oniraculous or Natural History of Creation, and which has 
already been put forward by Goethe and Lamarck, must, if 
carried out logically, lead to the monistic or mechanical 
(causal) conception of the universe. In opposition to the 
dualistic or teleological conception of nature, our theory 
considers organic, as well as inorganic, bodies to be the neces- 
sary products of natural forces. It does not see in every in- 
dividual species of animal and plant the embodied thought 
of a personal Creator, but the expression for the time being 
of a mechanical process of development of matter, the ex- 
pression of a necessarily active cause, that is, of a mechanical 
cause (causa efficiens). Where teleological Dualism seeks 
the arbitrary thoughts of a capricious Creator in the miracles 
of creation, causal Monism finds in the process of develop- 
ment the necessary effects of eternal immutable laws of 


The Monism here maintained by us is often considered 
identical with Materialism. Now, as Darwinism, and in 
fact the whole theory of development, has been designated 
as "materialistic," I cannot avoid here at once guarding 
myself against this ambiguous word, and against the malice 
with which, in certain quarters, it is employed to stigmatize 
our doctrine. 

By the word "Materialism," two completely different 
things are very frequently confounded and mixed up, which 
in reality have nothing whatever to do with each other, 
namely, scientific and moral materialism. Scientific mate- 
rialism, which is identical with our Monism, affirms in 
reality no more than that everything in the world goes on 
naturally — that every effect has its cause, and every cause 
its effect. It merely assigns to causal law — that is, the law 
of a necessary connection between cause and effect — its 
place over the entire series of phenomena that can be 
known. At the same time, scientific materialism absolutely 
rejects every belief in the miraculous, and every conception, 
in whatever form it appears, of supernatural processes. 
Accordingly, nowhere in the whole domain of human know- 
ledge does it recognize real metaphysics, but throughout 
only physics ; it makes the inseparable connection between 
matter, form, and force become self-evident. This scientific 
materialism has long since been so universally acknowledged 
in the wide domain of inorganic science, in Physics and 
Chemistry, in Mineralogy and Geology, that no one any 
longer doubts its sole authority. But in Biology, or Organic 
science, the case is very different; here its value is still 
continually a matter of dispute in many quarters. There 
is, however, nothing else which can be set up against it, 


excepting the metaphysical spectre of a vital power, or 
empty theological dogma. If, however, we can prove that 
all nature, so far as it can be known, is only one, that the 
same " great, eternal, iron laws " are active in the life of 
animals and plants, as in the growth of crystals and in the 
force of steam, we may with reason maintain the monistic 
or mechanical view of things throughout the domain of 
Biology — in Zoology and Botany — whether it be stigmatized 
as " materialism " or not. In such a sense all exact science, 
and the law of cause and effect at its head, is purely 
materialistic. But with equal justice it might be termed 
purely " spiritualistic," if only, as a consequence, the monistic 
conception were applied to all phenomena without excep- 
tion. For it is precisely by means of this consistent unity 
that our modern monism constitutes itself the mediator 
between idealism and realism, and the adjuster of one-sided 
spirtualism and materialism. 

Moral, or ethical Materialism, is something quite distinct 
from scientific materialism, and has nothing whatever in 
common with the latter. This " actual " materialism pro- 
poses no other aim to man in the course of his life than 
the most refined possible gratification of his senses. It is 
based on the delusion that purely material enjoyment 
can alone give satisfaction to man ; but as he can find that 
satisfaction in no one form of sensuous pleasure, he dashes 
on weariedly from one to another. The profound truth that 
the real value of life does not lie in material enjoyment, 
but in moral action — that true happiness does not depend 
upon external possessions, but only in a virtuous Course of 
life — this is unknown to ethical materialism. We therefore 
look in vain for such materialism among naturalists and 


philosophers, whose highest happiness is the intellectual 
enjoyment of Nature, and whose highest aim is the know- 
ledge of her laws. We find it in the palaces of ecclesi- 
astical princes, and in those hypocrites who, under the 
outward mask of a pious worship of God, solely aim at 
hierarchical tyranny over, and material spoliation of, their 
fellow-men. Blind to the infinite grandeur of the so-called 
" raw material," and the glorious world of phenomena 
arising from it — insensible to the inexhaustible charms 
of Nature, and without a knowledge of her laws — they 
stigmatize all natural science, and the culture arising from 
it, as sinful " materialism," while really it is this which they 
themselves exhibit in a most objectionable form. Satis- 
factory proofs of this are furnished, not only by the whole 
history of the " infallible " Popes, with their long series of 
hideous crimes, but also by the history of the morals of 
orthodoxy in every form of religion. 

In order, then, to avoid in future the usual confusion of 
this utterly objectionable Moral Materialism with our 
Scientific Materialism, we think it necessary to call the 
latter either Monism or Realism. The principle of this 
Monism is the same as what Kant terms the " principle of 
mechanism," and of which he expressly asserts, that without 
it there can be no natural science at all. This principle is 
quite inseparable from our Non-miraculous History of Crea-. 
tion, and characterizes it as opposed to the teleological belief 
in the miracles of a Supernatural History of Creation. 

Let us now first of all glance at the most important of all 
the supernatural histories of creation, I mean that of Moses, 
as it has been handed down to us in the Bible, the ancient 
document of the history and laws of the Jewish people. 


The Mosaic history of creation, since in the first chapter of 
Genesis it forms the introduction to the Old Testament, has 
enjoyed, down to the present day, general recognition in 
the whole Jewish and Christian world of civilization. Its 
extraordinary success is explained not only by its close 
connection with Jewish and Christian doctrines, but also 
by the simple and natural chain of ideas which runs 
through it, and which contrasts favourably with the 
confused mythology of creation current among most of the 
other ancient nations. First the Lord God creates the earth 
as an inorganic body ; then he separates light from dark- 
ness, then water from the dry land. Now the earth has 
become inhabitable for organisms, and plants are first 
created, animals later — and among the latter the inhabitants 
of the water and the air first, afterwards the inhabitants of 
the dry land. Finally God creates man, the last of all 
organisms, in his own image, and as the ruler of the earth. 

Two great and fundamental ideas, common also to the 
non-miraculous theory of development, meet us in this 
Mosaic hypothesis of creation, with surprising clearness and 
simplicity — the idea of separation or differentiation, and the 
idea of progressive development or perfecting. Although 
Moses looks upon the results of the great laws of organic 
development (which we shall later point out as the necessary 
conclusions of the Doctrine of Descent) as the direct actions 
of a constructing Creator, yet in his theory there lies hidden 
the ruling idea of a progressive development and a differen- 
tiation of the originally simple matter. We can therefore 
bestow our just and sincere admiration on the Jewish 
lawgiver's grand insight into nature, and his simple and 
natural hypothesis of creation, without discovering in it a 


so-called "divine revelation." That it cannot be such is 
clear from the fact that two great fundamental errors are 
asserted in it, namely, first, the geocentric error that the 
earth is the fixed central point of the whole universe, round 
which the sun, moon, and stars move; and secondly, the 
anthropocentric error, that man is the premeditated aim of 
the creation of the earth, for whose service alone all the 
rest of nature is said to have been created. The former of 
these errors was demolished by Copernicus' System of the 
Universe in the beginning of the 16 th century, the latter 
by Lamarck's Doctrine of Descent in the beginning of the 
19th century. 

Although the geocentric error of the Mosaic history was 
demonstrated by Copernicus, and thereby its authority as 
an absolutely perfect divine revelation was destroyed, yet 
it has maintained, down to the present day, such influence, 
that it forms in many wide circles the principal obstacle to 
the adoption of a natural theory of development. Even in 
our century, many naturalists, especially geologists, have 
tried to bring the Mosaic theory into harmony with the 
recent results of natural science, and have, for example, 
interpreted Moses' seven days of creation as seven great 
geological periods. However, all these ingenious attempts 
at interpretation have so utterly failed, that they require 
no refutation here. The Bible is no scientific book, but 
consists of records of the history, the laws, and the religion 
of the Jewish people, the high merit of which, as a history of 
civilization, is not impaired by the fact that in all scientific 
questions it has no commanding importance, and is full of 
gross errors. 

We may now make a great stride over more than three 

LINN^US. 41 

thousand years, from Moses, who died about the year 1480 
before Christ, to Linnseus, who was born in the year 1707 
after Christ. During this whole period no history of creation 
was brought forward that gained any lasting importance, 
or the closer examination of which would here be of any 
interest. Indeed, during the last fifteen hundred years, 
since Christianity gained its supremacy, the Mosaic history 
of creation, together with the dogmas connected with it, has 
become so generally predominant, that the 19th century is 
the first that has dared positively to rise against it. Even 
the great Swedish naturalist, Linnaeus, the founder of modern 
natural history, linked his System of Nature most closely to 
the Mosaic history of creation. 

The extraordinary progress which Charles Linnaeus made 
in the so-called descriptive natural sciences, consists, as is 
well known, in his having established a system of nomencla- 
ture of animals and plants, which he carried out in a manner 
so perfectly logical and consistent, that down to the present 
day it has remained in many respects the standard for all 
succeeding naturalists engaged in the study of the forms of 
animals and plants. Although Linnaeus' "Sy sterna, natures" 
(published in 1735) was artificial, although in classifying 
animal and vegetable species he only sought and employed 
single parts as the foundation for his divisions, it has, never- 
theless, gained the greatest success ; firstly, in consequence 
of its being carried out consistently, and secondly, by its 
nomenclature of natural bodies, which has become extremely 
important, and at which we must here briefly glance. 

Before Linnaeus' time, many vain attempts had been made 
to throw light upon the endless chaos of different animal 
and vegetable forms (then known) by adopting for them 


suitable names and groupings ; but Linnaeus, by a happy 
hit, succeeded in accomplishing this important and difficult 
task, when he established the so-called "binary nomen- 
clature." The binary nomenclature, or the twofold desig- 
nation, as Linnaeus first established it, is still universally 
applied by all zoologists and botanists, and will, no doubt, 
maintain itself, for a long time to come, with undiminished 
authority. It consists in this, that every species of animal 
and plant is designated by two names, which stand to each 
other in the same relation as do the christian and surnames 
of a man. The special name which corresponds with the 
christian name, and expresses the idea of " a species," serves 
as the common designation of all individual animals or 
plants, which are equal in all essential matters of form, and 
are only distinguished by quite subordinate features. The 
more general name, on the other hand, corresponding with 
the surname, and which expresses the idea of a genus, serves 
for the common designation of all the most nearly similar 
kinds or species. 

According to Linnaeus' plan, the more general and com- 
prehensive generic name is written first ; the special subor- 
dinate name of the species follows it. Thus, for example, 
the common cat is called Felis domestica ; the wild cat, 
Felis catus ; the panther, Felis pardus ; the jaguar, Felis 
onca ; the tiger, Felis tigris ; the' lion, Felis leo. All these 
six kinds of animals of prey are different species of one and 
the same genus — Felis. Or, to add an example from the 
vegetable kingdom, according to Linnseus' designation the 
pine is Pinus abies ; the fir, Pinus picea ; the larch, Pinus 
larix ; the Italian pine, Pinus pinea ; the Siberian stone 
pine, Pinus cembra ; the knee timber, Pinus mughus ; the 


common pine, Pinus silvestris. All these seven kinds of 
pines are different species of one and the same genus — 

Perhaps this advance made by Linnaeus may seem to some 
only of subordinate importance in the practical distinction 
and designation of the variously formed organisms. - But 
in reality it was of the very greatest importance, both from 
a practical and theoretical point of view. For now, for the 
first time, it became possible to arrange the immense mass 
of different organic forms according to their greater or less 
degree of resemblance, and to obtain an easy survey of the 
general outlines of such a "system." Linnaeus facilitated 
the tabulation and survey of this " system " of plants and 
animals still more by placing together the most nearly 
similar genera into so-called orders (ordines); and by 
uniting the most nearly similar orders into still more com- 
prehensive main divisions or classes. Thus, according to 
Linnaeus, each of the two organic kingdoms were broken 
up into a number of classes, the vegetable kingdom into 
twenty-four, and the animal kingdom into six. Each class 
again contains several orders. Every single order may 
contain a number of genera, and, again, every single genus 
several species. 

Valuable as was Linnaeus' binary nomenclature in a prac- 
tical way, in bringing about a comprehensive systematic 
distinction, designation, arrangement, and division of the 
organic world of forms, yet the incalculable theoretical 
influence which it gained forthwith in relation to the 
history of creation was no less important. Even now all 
the important fundamental questions as to the history of 
creation turn finally upon the decision of the very remote 


and unimportant question, What really are hinds or species 1 
Even now the idea of organic species may be termed the 
central point of the whole question of creation, the disputed 
centre, about the different conceptions of which Darwinists 
and Anti-Darwinists fight. 

According to Darwin's opinion, and that of his adherents, 
the different species of one and the same genus of animals 
and plants are nothing else than differently developed 
descendants of one and the same original primary form. 
The different kinds of pine mentioned above would accord- 
ingly have originated from a single primaeval form of pine. 
In like manner the origin of all the species of cat mentioned 
above would be traced to a single common form of Felis, 
the ancestor of the whole genus. But further, in accordance 
with the Doctrine of Descent, all the different genera of one 
and the same order ought also to be descended from one 
common primary ancestor, and so, in like manner, all orders 
of a class from a single primary form. 

On the other hand, according to the idea of Darwin's 
opponents, all species of animals and plants are quite in- 
dependent of each other, and only the individuals of each 
species have originated from a single primary form. But if 
we ask them how they conceive these original primary forms 
of each species to have come into existence, they answer 
with a leap into the incomprehensible, " They were created." 

Linnaeus himself defined the idea of species in this 
manner by saying, " There are as many different species as 
there were different forms created in the beginning by the 
infinite Being." (" Species tot sunt diversae, quot diversas 
formas ab initio creavit infinitum ens.") In this respect, 
therefore, he follows most closely the Mosaic history of 


creation, which in the same way maintains that animals 
and plants were created " each one after its kind." Linnaeus, 
accepting this, held that originally of each species of 
animals and plants either a single individual or a pair had 
been created ; in fact a pair, or, as Moses says, " a male and 
a female" of those species •which have separate sexes, but of 
those species in which each individual combines both sexual 
organs (hermaphrodites), as for instance the earth-worm, 
the garden and vineyard snails, as well as the great majority 
of plants, a single individual. 

Linnaeus further follows the Mosaic legend in regard to 
the flood, by supposing that the great general flood destroyed 
all existing organisms, except those few individuals of each 
species (seven pairs of the birds and of clean animals, one 
pair of unclean animals) which Noah saved in the ark, and 
which were placed again on land, on Mount Ararat, after the 
flood had subsided. He tried to explain the geographical 
difliculty of the living together of the most different animals 
and plants, as follows : Mount Ararat, in Armenia, being 
situated in a warm climate, and rising over 16,000 feet in 
height, combines in itself the conditions for a temporary 
common abode of such animals as live in different zones. 
Accordingly, animals accustomed to the polar regions could 
climb up the cold mountain ridges, those accustomed to 
a warm climate could go down to the foot of the mountain, 
and the inhabitants of a temperate zone^could remain mid- 
way up the mountain. From this point it was possible for 
them to spread north and south over the earth. 

It is scarcely necessary to remark that this Linnaean 
hypothesis of creation, which evidently was intended to 
harmonize most closely with the prevailing belief in the 


Bible, requires no serious refutation. When we consider 
Linnaeus' clearness and sagacity in other matters, we may 
doubt whether he believed it himself. As to the simulta- 
neous origin of all individuals of each species from one pair 
of ancestors respectively (or in the case of the hermaphro- 
dite species, from one original hermaphrodite), it is clearly 
quite untenable ; for, apart from other reasons, in the first 
days after the creation, the few animals of prey would 
have sufficed to have utterly demolished all the herbivorous 
animals, as the herbivorous animals must have destroyed 
the few individuals of the different species of plants. The 
existence of such an equilibrium in the economy of nature 
as obtains at present cannot possibly be conceived, if only 
one individual of each species, or only one pair, had 
originally and simultaneously been created. 

Moreover, how little importance Linnaeus himself attached 
to this untenable hypothesis of creation is clear, among 
other things, from the fact that he recognized Hybridism 
(crossing) as a source of the production of new species. He 
assumed that a great number of independent new species 
had originated by the interbreeding of two different species. 
Indeed, such hybrids are not at all rare in nature, and it 
is now proved that a great number of species, for example, 
of the genus Rubus (bramble), mullen (Verbascum), willow 
(Salix), thistle (Cirsium), are hybrids of different species of 
these genera. We also know of hybrids .between hares and 
rabbits (two species of the genus Lepus), further of hybrids 
between different species of dog (genus Canis) and deer 
(Cervus), etc., which can be propagated as independent 
species. Nay, for many important reasons we are justified 
in assuming that the rearing of bastards is a very pro- 


ductive source for the origin of new species ; and this 
source is quite independent of natural selection, by which 
means, according to Darwin, most species have arisen. It 
is probable that the very numerous forms of animals and 
plants, which in our systematic classification we nowadays 
enumerate as " good species," are nothing more than fruitful 
bastards which have originated quite accidentally by the 
successful commingling of the sexual products of the two 
different species. This supposition is specially justified as 
regards aquatic animals and plants. When we consider 
what masses of different seed-cells and egg-cells constantly 
come in contact in water, the widest scope seems thereby 
given for the production of bastards. 

It is certainly very remarkable that even Linnaeus asserted 
the physiological (therefore mechanical) origin of new species 
by this process of hybridism. It clearly stands in direct 
opposition to the supernatural origin of the other species 
by creation, which he accepted as put forward in the Mosaic 
account. The one set of species would therefore have 
originated by dualistic (teleological) creation, the other by 
monistic (mechanical) development. 

The great and well-merited authority which Linnaeus 
gained by his systematic classification and by his other 
services to Biology, was clearly the reason why his views 
of creation also remained, throughout the whole of the last 
century, undisputed and generally recognized. If through- 
out systematic Zoology and Botany the distinctions, 
classification, and designations of species, introduced by 
Linnaeus, and the dogmatic ideas connected therewith had 
not been maintained — more or less unaltered — we should 
be at a loss to understand how his idea of an independent 


creation of single species could have held its ground up to 
the present day. It is only owing to his great authority, 
and through his attaching himself to the prevailing Biblical 
belief, that his hypothesis of creation has retained its position 
so long. ' 

( 49 ) 



General Theoretical Meaning of the Idea of Species. — Distinction between 
the Theoretical and Practical Definition of the Idea of Species. — Cuvier's 
Definition of Species.— Merits of Cuvier as the IPonnder of Comparative 
Anatomy. — Distinction of the Four Principal Forms (types or branches) 
of the Animal Kingdom, by Cuvier and Bar. — Cuvier's Services to 
Palaeontology. — His Hypothesis of the Revolutions of our Globe, and the 
Epochs of Creation separated by them. — Unknown Supernatural Causes 
of the Revolutions, and the subsequent New Creations. — Agassiz's 
Teleological System of Nature. — His Conception of the Plan of Creation, 
and its six Categories (groups in classification). — Agassiz's Views of the 
Creation of Speoies. — Rude Conception of the Creator as a man-like 
being in Agassiz's Hypothesis of Creation. — -Its internal Inconsistency 
and Contradictions with the important Palseontological Laws discovered 
by Agassiz. 

The real matter of dissension in the contest carried on by 
naturalists as to the origin of organisms, their creation and 
development, lies in the conceptions which are entertained 
about the nature of species. Naturalists either agree with 
Linnseus, and look upon the different species as distinct 
forms of creation, independent of one another, or they 
assume with Darwin their blood-relationship. If we share 
Linnfeus' view (which was discussed in our last chapter), 
that the different organic species came into existence 

VOL. I. E 


independently — that they have no blood-relationship— we 
are forced to admit a supernatural creation, and must 
either suppose that every single organic individual was 
a special act of creation (to which surely no naturalist will 
agree), or we must derive all individuals of every species 
from a single individual, or from a single pair, which did 
not arise in a natural manner, but was called into being 
by command of a Creator. In so doing, however, we turn 
aside from the safe domain of a rational knowledge of 
nature, and take refuge in the mythological belief in 

If, on the other hand, with Darwin, we refer the simi- 
larity of form of the different species to real blood-relation- 
ship, we must consider all the different species of animals 
and plants as the altered descendants of one or a few most 
simple original forms. Viewed in this way, the Natural 
System of organisms (that is, their tree-like and branching 
arrangement and division into classes, orders, families, 
genera, and species) acquires the significance of a real genea- 
logical tree, whose root is formed by those original archaic 
forms which have long since disappeared. But a truly 
natural and consistent view of organisms can assume no 
supernatural act of creation for even those simplest original 
forms, but only a coming into existence by spontaneous 
generation* (archigony, or generatio spontanea). From 
Darwin's view of the nature of species, we arrive therefore 
at a natural theory of development; but from Linnaeus' 
conception of the idea of species, we must assume a super- 
natural dogma of creation. 

Most naturalists after Linnaeus, whose great services in 
* Archebiosis (Bastian), Abiogenesis (Huxley). 


systematic and descriptive natural history won for him 
such high authority, followed in his footsteps, and without 
further inquiry into the origin of organization, they assumed, 
in the sense of Linnseus, an independent creation of individual 
species, in conformity with the Mosaic account of creation. 
The foundation of their conception was based upon Lin- 
naeus' words, " There are as many different species as there 
were different forms created in the beginning by the Infinite 
Being." We must here remark at once, without going 
further into the definition of species, that all zoologists and 
botanists in their classificatory systems, in the practical dis- 
tinction and designation of species of animals and plants, 
never troubled, or even could trouble, themselves in the 
slightest degree about this assumed creation of the parent- 
forms. In reference to this, one of our first zoologists, the 
ingenious Fritz Muller, makes the following striking obser- 
vation : " Just as in Christian countries there is a catechism 
of morals, which every one knows by heart, but which no 
one considers it his duty to follow, or expects to see followed 
by others, — so zoology also has its dogmas, which are just 
as generally professed as they are denied in practice," 
(" Fur Darwin," p. 71). 16 

Linnseus' venerated dogma of species, up to quite recent 
times, was just such an irrational dogma, and indeed for 
that very reason most powerful. Although most naturalists 
blindly submitted to it, yet they were, of course, never in a 
position to demonstrate the descent of individuals belonging 
to one species from the common, originally created, primitive 
form. Zoologists and botanists, in their systems of nomen- 
clature, confined themselves entirely to the similarity of 
forms, in order to distinguish and name the different species. 


They placed in one species all organic individuals which 
were very similar, or almost identical in form, and which 
could only be distinguished from one another by very unim- 
portant differences. On the other hand, they considered as 
different species those individuals which presented more 
essential or more striking differences in the formation of 
their bodies. But of course this opened the flood-gates to 
the most arbitrary proceedings in the systematic distinctions 
of species. For as all the individuals of one species are 
never completely alike in all their parts, but as every 
species varies more or less, no one could point out which 
degree of variation constituted a really " good species," or 
which degree indicated a " mere variety." 

This dogmatic conception of the idea of species, and the 
arbitrary proceedings connected with it, necessarily led to 
the most perplexing contradictions, and to the most unten- 
able suppositions. This is clearly demonstrable in the case 
of the celebrated George Cuvier (born in 1769), who next 
to Linnaeus has exercised the greatest influence on the 
study of zoology. In his conception and definition of the 
idea of species, he agreed on the whole with Linnseus, and 
shared also his belief in an independent creation of indi- 
vidual species. Cuvier considered their immutability of 
such importance that he was led to the foolish assertion, 
"The immutability of species is a necessary condition of 
the existence of scientific natural history." As Linnaeus' 
definition of species did not satisfy him, he made an attempt 
to give a more exact and, for systematic practice, a more 
useful definition, in the following words : " All those indi- 
vidual animals and plants belong to one species which can 
be proved to be either descended from one another, or from 

cuviee's definition op species. 53 

common ancestors, or which are as similar to these as the 
latter are among themselves." 

In dealing with this matter, Cuvier reasoned in the 
following manner : " In those organic individuals, of which 
we know that they are descended from one and the same 
common form of ancestors — in which, therefore, their com- 
mon ancestry is empirically proved — there can be no doubt 
that they belong to one species, whether they differ much 
or little from one another, or whether they are almost alike 
or very unlike. In like manner all those individuals also 
belong to this species which differ no more from the latter 
(those proved to be derived from a common stock) than 
these differ from one another." In a closer examination of 
this definition of species given by Cuvier, it becomes at 
once evident that it is neither theoretically satisfactory nor 
practically applicable. Cuvier, with this definition, began 
to move in the same circle in which almost all subsequent 
definitions of species have moved, through the assumption 
of their immutability. 

Considering the extraordinary authority which George 
Cuvier has gained in the science of organic nature, and in 
consequence of the almost unlimited supremacy which his 
views exercised in zoology, during the first half of our 
century, it seems appropriate here to examine his influence 
a little more closely. This is all the more necessary as we 
have to combat, in Cuvier, the most formidable opponent to 
the Theory of Descent and the monistic conception of nature. 

One of the many and great merits of Cuvier is that he 
stands forth as the founder of Comparative Anatomy. While 
Linnaeus established the distinction of species, genera, orders, 
and classes mostly upon external characters, and upon sepa- 


rate and easily discoverable signs in the number, size, place, 
and form of individual organic parts of the body, Cuvier 
penetrated much more deeply into the essence of organiza- 
tion. He demonstrated great and wide differences in the 
inner structure of animals, as the real foundation of a 
scientific knowledge and classification of them. He dis- 
tinguished natural families in the classes of animals, and 
established his natural system of the animal kingdom on 
their comparative anatomy. 

The progress from Linnaeus' artificial system to Ouvier's 
natural system was exceedingly important. Linnaeus had 
arranged all animals in a single series, which he divided 
into six classes — two classes of Invei'tebrate, and four classes 
of Vertebrate animals. He distinguished these artificially, 
according to the nature of their blood and heart. Cuvier, 
on the other hand, showed that in the animal kingdom there 
were four great natural divisions to be distinguished, which 
he termed Principal Forms, or General Plans, or Branches 
of the animal kingdom (Euibranchements), namely: 1. The 
Vertebrate animals (Vertebrata); 2. The Articulate animals 
(Articulata) ; 3. The Molluscous animals (Mollusca) ; and 4*. 
The Radiate animals (Radiata). He further demonstrated 
that in each of these four branches a peculiar plan of struc- 
ture or type was discernible, distinguishing each branch 
from the three others. In the Vertebrate animals it is dis- 
tinctly expressed by the form of the skeleton, or bony 
framework, as also by the structure and position of the 
dorsal nerve-chord, apart from many other peculiarities. 
The Articulate animals are characterized by their ventral 
nerve-chord and their dorsal heart. In Molluscs the sack- 
shaped and non-articulate body is the distinguishing feature. 


The Kadiate animals, finally, differ from the three other 
principal forms by their body being the combination of four 
or more main sections united in the form of radii (Paramera). 

The distinction of these four principal forms of animals, 
which has become extremely productive in the development 
of zoology, is commonly ascribed entirely to Cuvier. How- 
ever, the same thought was expressed almost simultaneously, 
and independently of Cuvier, by Bar, one of our greatest 
German naturalists, who did the most eminent service in 
the study of animal development. Bar showed that in the 
development of animals, also, four different main forms (or 
types) must be distinguished. 20 These correspond with the 
four plans of structure in animals, which Cuvier distin- 
guished on the ground of comparative anatomy. Thus, for 
example, the individual development of all Vertebrate 
animals agrees, from the commencement, so much in its 
fundamental features that the germs or embryos of different 
Vertebrate animals (for example, of reptiles, birds, and 
mammals) in their earlier stages cannot be distinguished at 
all. It is only at a late stage of development that there 
gradually appear the more marked differences of form which 
separate those different classes and orders from one another. 
In like manner the plan of structure, which shows itself in 
the individual development of Articulate animals (insects, 
spiders, crabs), is from the beginning essentially the same 
in all Articulate animals, but different from that of all 
Vertebrate animals. The same holds good, with certain 
limitations, in Molluscous and Radiated animals. 

Neither Bar, who arrived at the distinction of the four 
animal types or principal forms through the history of the 
individual development (Embryology), nor Cuvier, who 


arrived at the same conclusion by means of comparative 
anatomy, recognized the true cause of this difference. 
This is disclosed to us by the Theory of Descent. The 
wonderful and astonishing similarity in the inner organi- 
zation and in the anatomical relations of structure, and 
the still more remarkable agreement in the embryonic de- 
velopment of all animals belonging to one and the same 
type (for example, to the branch of the Vertebrate animals), 
is explained in the simplest manner by the supposition of 
their common descent from a single primary original form. 
If this view is not accepted, then the complete agreement of 
the most different Vertebrate animals, in their inner struc- 
ture and their manner of development, remains perfectly 
inexplicable. In fact it can only be explained by the law of 

Next to the comparative anatomy of animals and the 
systematic zoology founded anew by it, it was specially to 
the science of petrifactions, or Palaeontology, that Cuvier 
rendered great service. We must draw special attention 
to this, because these very palseontological views, and the 
geological ideas connected with them, were held almost 
universally in the highest esteem during the first half of 
the present century, and caused the greatest hindrance to 
the working out of a truly natural history of creation. 

Petrifactions, the scientific study of which Cuvier pro- 
moted at the beginning of our century in a most extensive 
manner, and established quite anew for the Vertebrate 
animals, play one of the most important parts in the " non- 
miraculous history of creation." For these remains and 
impressions of extinct animals and plants, preserved to us 
in a petrified condition, are the true " monuments of the 


creation," the infallible and indisputable records which fix 
the correct history of organisms upon an irrefragable founda- 
tion. All petrified or fossil remains and impressions tell us 
of the forms and structure of such animals and plants as are 
either the progenitors and ancestors of the present living 
organisms, or they are the representatives of extinct colla- 
teral lines, which, together with the present living organisms, 
branched off from a common stem. 

These inestimable records of the history of creation 
throughout a long period played a subordinate part in 
science. Their true nature was indeed correctly understood, 
even more than five hundred years before Christ, by the 
great Greek philosopher, Xenophanes of Colophon, the same 
who founded the so-called Eleatic philosophy, and who was 
the first to demonstrate with convincing precision that all 
conceptions of personal gods result in more or less rude 

Xenophanes for the first time asserted that the fossil im- 
pressions of animals and plants were real remains of formerly 
living creatures, and that the mountains in whose rocks 
they were found must at an earlier date have stood under 
water. But although other great philosophers of antiquity, 
and among them Aristotle, also possessed this true know- 
ledge, yet throughout the illiterate Middle Ages, and even 
with some naturalists of the last century, the idea prevailed 
that petrifactions were so-called freaks of nature (lusus 
naturae), or products of an unknown formative power or 
instinct of nature (nisus formativus, vis plastica). Respect- 
ing the nature of this mysterious and mystic creative 
power, the strangest ideas were formed. Some believed 
tha,t this constructive power — the same to which they also 


ascribed the coming into existence of the present species of 
animals and plants — had made numerous attempts to create 
organisms of different forms, but that these attempts had 
only partially succeeded, had often failed, and that petrifac- 
tions were nothing more than such unsuccessful attempts. 
According to others, petrifactions originated from the in- 
fluence of the stars upon the interior of the earth. 

Others, again, had the still cruder notion that the Creator 
had first made models (out of mineral substances — for 
example, of gypsum or clay) of those forms of animals and 
plants which he afterwards executed in organic substances, 
and into which he breathed his living breath ; petrifactions 
were thus rude inorganic models. Even as late as the last 
century these crude ideas prevailed, and it was assumed, 
for example, that there existed a special "seminal air," 
which was said to penetrate into the earth with the water, 
and by fructifying the stones formed petrifactions or "stony 
flesh " (caro fossilis). 

It took a very long time before the simple and natural 
view was accepted, namely, that petrifactions are in reality 
nothing but what they appear to simple observation — the 
indestructible remains of extinct organisms. It is true the 
celebrated painter, Leonardo da Vinci, in the 15th century, 
ventured to assert that the mud which was constantly 
deposited by water was the cause of petrifactions, as it 
surrounded the indestructible shells of mussels and snails 
which lay at the bottom of the waters, and gradually turned 
them into solid stone. The same idea was maintained in 
the 16th century by a Parisian potter, Palissy by name, 
who became celebrated on account of his invention of china. 
However, the so-called " professional men " were very far 


from paying any regard to these correct assertions of a 
simple and healthy human understanding ; it was not till 
the end of the last century that it was generally accepted, 
in consequence of the foundation of the Neptunian geology 
by Werner. 

The foundation of a more strictly scientific palaeontology, 
however, belongs to the beginning of our century, when 
Cuvier published his classic researches on petrified Verte- 
brate animals, and when his great opponent, Lamarck, made 
known his remarkable investigations on fossil Invertebrate 
animals, especially on petrified snails and clams. In Cuvier's 
celebrated work " On the Fossil Bones " of Vertebrate animals 
— principally of mammals and reptiles — we see that he had 
already arrived at the knowledge of some very important 
and general palaeontological laws, which are of great con- 
sequence to the history of creation. Foremost among them 
is his assertion that the extinct species of animals, whose 
remains we find petrified in the different strata of the 
earth's crust, lying one above another, differ all the more 
strikingly from the still living kindred species of animals 
the deeper those strata lie— in other words, the earlier the 
animals lived in past ages. In fact, in every perpendicular 
section of the stratified crust of the earth we find that the 
different strata, deposited by the water in a certain historical 
succession, are characterized by different petrifactions, and 
that these extinct organisms become more like those of the 
present day the higher the strata lie ; in other words, the 
more recent the period in the earth's history in which they 
lived, died, and became encrusted by the deposited and 
hardened strata of mud. 

However important this general observation of Cuvier's 


was in one sense, yet in another it became to him the source 
of a very serious error. For as he considered the charac- 
teristic petrifactions of each individual group of strata 
(which had been deposited during one main period of the 
earth's history) to be entirely different from those of the 
strata lying above or below, and as he erroneously believed 
that one and the same species of animal was never found in 
two succeeding groups of strata, he arrived at the false idea, 
which was accepted as a law by most subsequent naturalists, 
that a series of quite distinct periods of creation had 
succeeded one another. Each period was supposed to have 
had its special animal and vegetable world, each its peculiar 
specific Fauna and Flora. 

Cuvier imagined that the whole history of the earth's 
crust, since the time when living creatures had first appeared 
on the surface, must be divided into a number of perfectly 
distinct periods, or divisions of time, and that the individual 
periods must have been separated from one another by 
peculiar revolutions of an unknown nature (cataclysms, or 
catastrophes). Each revolution was followed by the utter 
annihilation of the till then existing animals and plants, 
and after its termination a completely new creation of 
organic forms took place. A new world of animals and 
plants, absolutely and specifically distinct from those of the 
preceding historical periods, was called into existence at 
once, and now again peopled the globe for thousands of 
years, till it again was suddenly destroyed in the crash of 
a new revolution. 

As to the nature and causes of these revolutions, Cuvier 
expressly states that no idea could be formed of them, and 
that the present active forces in nature were not sufficient 


for their explanation. Cuvier points out four active causes 
as the natural forces, or mechanical agents, which were 
constantly but slowly at work in changing the earth's 
surface : first, rain, which washes down the steep mountain 
slopes and heaps up debris at their foot ; secondly, flowing 
waters, which carry away this debris and deposit it as mud 
in stagnant waters ; thirdly, the sea, whose breakers gnaw 
at the steep sea coasts, and throw up " dunes " on the flat 
sea margins; finally and fourthly, volcanoes, which break 
through and heave up the strata of the earth's hardened 
crust, and pile up and scatter about the products of their 
eruptions. Whilst Cuvier recognizes the constant slow 
transformation of the present surface of the earth by these 
four mighty causes, he asserts at the same time that they 
would not have sufficed to effect the revolutions of the 
remote ages, and that the anatomical structure of the 
earth's surface cannot be explained by the necessary action 
of those mechanical agents: the great and marvellous 
revolutions of the whole earth's surface must, according to 
him, have been rather the effects of very peculiar causes, 
completely unknown to us ; the usual thread of development 
was broken by them, and the course of nature altered. 

These views Cuvier explained in a special work " On the 
Revolutions of the Earth's Surface, and the Changes which 
they have wrought in the Animal World." They were 
maintained, and generally accepted for a long time, and 
became the greatest obstacle to the development of a natural 
history of the creation. For if such all-destructive revolu- 
tions had actually occurred, of course a continuity of the 
development of species, a connecting thread in the organic 
history of the earth, could not be admitted at all, and we 


should be obliged to have recourse to the action of super- 
natural forces ; that is, to the interference of miracles in the 
natural course of things. It is only through miracles that 
these revolutions of the earth could have been brought 
about, and it is only through miracles that, after their 
cessation and at the commencement of each new period, a 
new animal and vegetable kingdom could have been created. 
But science has no room for miracles, for by miracles we 
understand an interference of supernatural forces in the 
natural course of development of matter. 

Just as the great authority which Linnaeus gained by 
his system of distinguishing and naming organic species led 
his successors to a complete ossification, as it were, of the 
dogmatic ideas of species and to a real abuse of the syste- 
matic distinction implied by it, so the great services which 
Cuvier had rendered to the knowledge and distinction 
of extinct species became the cause of a general adoption 
of his theory of revolutions and catastrophes, and of the 
false views of creation connected therewith. The conse- 
quence of this was that, during the first half of our century, 
most zoologists and botanists clung to the opinion that a 
series of independent periods in the organic history of the 
earth had existed; that each period was distinguished by 
distinct and peculiar kinds of animal and vegetable species, 
that these were annihilated at the termination of the period 
by a general revolution ; and that, after the cessation of the 
latter, a new world of different species of animals and plants 
was created. 

It is true some independent thinkers, above all the great 
physical philosopher, Lamarck, even at an early period, set 
forth a series of weighty reasons which refuted Cuvier's 


theory of cataclysms, and pointed to a perfectly continuous 
and uninterrupted history in the development of all the 
organic inhabitants of the earth through all ages. They 
maintained that the animal and vegetable species of each 
period were derived from those of the preceding period, 
and were only the altered descendants of the former. This 
true conception, however, being opposed to Cuvier's great 
authority, was then unable to make way. Nay, even after 
Cuvier's theory of catastrophes had been completely cast 
out from the domain of geology by Lyell's classic " Principles 
of Geology," which appeared in 1830, his idea of the specific 
distinctness of a series of organic creations still, in many 
ways, maintained its influence in the science of Palseontology 
("Gen. Morph."ii. 312). 

By a curious coincidence, thirty years ago, almost at the 
same time that Cuvier's History of Creation received its 
death-blow by Darwin's book, another celebrated naturalist 
made an attempt to re-establish it, and to adopt it in the 
crudest manner, as a part of a teleologico-theological system 
of nature. This was the Swiss geologist, Louis Agassiz, 
who attained a great reputation by his theory of glaciers 
and the ice-period, borrowed from Schimper and Charpentier ; 
he lived in North America for many years, and died there 
in 1873. He commenced in 1858 to publish a work 
planned on a very large scale, which bears the title of 
" Contributions to the Natural History of the United States 
of North America." The first volume of this work, although 
large and costly, owing to the patriotism of the Americans, 
had an unprecedented sale ; its title is, " An Essay on 
Classification." 5 

In this essay Agassiz not only discusses the natural series 


of organisms, and the different attempts of naturalists at 
classification, but also all the general biological phenomena 
which have reference to it. The history of the development 
of organisms, both the embryonal and the palseontologieal, 
comparative anatomy, the general economy of nature, the 
geographical and topographical distribution of animals and 
plants — in short, almost all the general phenomena of 
organic nature are discussed in Agassiz's Essay on Classifi- 
cation, and are explained in a sense and from a point of 
view which is thoroughly opposed to that of Darwin. 
While Darwin's chief merit lies in the fact that he demon- 
strates natural causes for the coming into existence of 
animal and vegetable species, and thereby establishes the 
mechanical or monistic view of the universe as regards this 
most difficult branch of the history of creation, Agassiz, on 
the contrary, strives to exclude every mechanical hypothesis 
from the subject, and to put the supernatural interference 
of a personal Creator in the place of the natural forces of 
matter; consequently, to establish a thoroughly teleological 
or dualistic view of the universe. It will not be out of 
place if I examine a little more closely Agassiz's biological 
views, and especially his ideas of creation, because no other 
work of our opponents treats the important fundamental 
questions with equal minuteness, and because the utter 
untenableness of the dualistic conception of nature becomes 
very evident from the failure of this attempt. 

The organic species, the various conceptions of which we 
have above designated as the real centre of dispute in the 
opposed views of creation, is looked upon by Agassiz, as 
by Cuvier and Linnaeus, as a form unchangeable in all its 
essential characteristics. The species may indeed change 


and vary within certain narrow limits ; never in essential 
qualities, but only in unessential points. No new species 
could ever proceed from the changes or varieties of a species. 
Not one of all organic species, therefore, is ever derived from 
another, but each individual species has been separately 
created by God. Each individual species, as Agassiz ex- 
presses it, is " an embodied creative thought " of God. 

In direct opposition to the fact established by palseonto- 
logical experience, that the duration of the individual 
organic species is most unequal, and that many species 
continue unchanged through several successive periods of 
the earth's history, while others only existed during a small 
portion of such a period, Agassiz maintains that one and 
the same species never occurs in two different periods, but 
that each individual period is characterized by species of 
animals and plants which are quite peculiar, and belong to 
it exclusively. He further shares Cuvier's opinion that the 
whole of these inhabitants were annihilated by the great 
and universal revolutions of the earth's surface, which 
divide two successive periods, and that after its destruction 
a new and specifically different assemblage of organisms 
was created. This new creation Agassiz supposes to have 
taken place in this manner : viz., that at each creation all 
the inhabitants of the earth, in their full average number 
of individuals, and in the peculiar relations corresponding 
to the economy of nature, were, as a whole, suddenly placed 
upon the earth by the Creator. In saying this he puts 
himself in opposition to one of the most firmly established 
and most important laws of animal and vegetable geography 
— namely, to the law that each species has a single original 
locality of origin, or a so-called " centre of creation," from 
vol. 1. F 


which it has gradually spread over the rest of the earth. 
Instead of this, Agassiz assumes each species to have been 
created at several points of the earth's surface, and that in 
each case a large number of individuals was created. 

The " natural system " of organisms, the different groups 
and categories of which arranged above one another — 
namely, the branches, classes, orders, families, genera, and 
species — we consider, in accordance with the Theory of 
Descent, as different branches and twigs of the organic 
family-tree, is, according to Agassiz, the direct expression 
of the divine plan of creation, and the naturalist, while 
investigating the natural system, repeats the creative 
thoughts of God. In this Agassiz finds the strongest proof 
that man is the image and child of God. The different 
stages of groups or categories of the natural system corre- 
spond with the different stages of development which the 
divine plan of creation had attained. The Creator, in pro- 
jecting and carrying out this plan, and starting from the 
most general ideas of creation, plunged more and more into 
specialities. For instance, when creating the animal king- 
dom, God had in the first place four totally distinct ideas of 
animal bodies, which he embodied in the different structures 
of the four great, principal forms, types, or branches of the 
animal kingdom; namely, vertebrate animals, articulate 
animals, molluscous animals, and radiate animals. The 
Creator then, having reflected in what manner he might 
vary these four different plans of structure, next created 
within each of the four principal forms, several different 
classes — for example, in the vertebrate animal form, the 
classes of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibious animals, and 
fishes. Then God further reflected upon the individual 


classes, and by various modifications in the structure of 
each class, he produced the individual orders. By further 
variation in the order, he created natural families. As the 
Creator further varied the peculiarities of structure of 
individual parts in each family, genera arose. In further 
meditation on his plan of creation, he entered so much into 
detail that individual species came into existence, which, 
consequently, are embodied creative thoughts of the most 
special kind. It is only to be 'regretted that the Creator 
expressed these most special and most deeply considered 
" creative thoughts " in so very indistinct and loose a 
manner, and that he imprinted so vague a stamp upon 
them, and permitted them to vary so freely that not one 
naturalist is able to distinguish the " good " from the " bad 
species," or a genuine species from varieties, races, etc. 

We see, then, according to Agassiz's conception, that the 
Creator, in producing organic forms, goes to work exactly 
as a human architect, who has taken upon himself the task 
of devising and producing as many different buildings as 
possible, for the most manifold purposes, in the most dif- 
ferent styles, in various degrees of simplicity, splendour, 
greatness, and perfection. This architect would perhaps at 
first choose four different styles for all these buildings, say 
the Gothic, Byzantine, Moorish, and Chinese styles. In 
each of these styles he would build a number of churches, 
palaces, garrisons, prisons, and dwelling-houses. Each of 
these different buildings he would execute in ruder and 
more perfect, in greater and smaller, in simpler and grander 
fashion, etc. However, the human architect would perhaps, 
in this respect, be better off than the divine Creator, as he 
would have perfect liberty in the number of graduated 


subordinate groups. The Creator, however, according to 
Agassiz, can move only within six groups or categories : 
the species, genus, family, order, class, and type. More than 
these six categories do not exist for him. 

When we read Agassiz's book on classification, and see 
how he carries out and establishes these strange ideas, we 
can scarcely understand how, with all the appearances of 
scientific earnestness, he could persevere in his idea of the 
divine Creator as a man-like being (anthropomorphism), for 
by his explanation of details he produces a picture of the 
most absurd nonsense. In the whole series of these sup- 
positions the Creator is nothing but an all-mighty man, who, 
plagued with ennui, amuses himself with planning and 
constructing all manner of toys in the shape of organic 
species. After having diverted himself with these for 
thousands of years, they become tiresome to him, he destroys 
them by a general revolution of the earth's surface, and 
thus throws the whole of the useless toys in heaps together ; 
then, in order to while away his time with something new 
and better, he calls a new and more perfect animal and 
vegetable world into existence. But in order not to have 
the trouble of beginning the work of creation over again, 
he keeps, in the main, to his original plan of creation, and 
creates merely new species, or at most only new genera, 
much more rarely new families, new orders, or classes. He 
never succeeds in producing a new style or type, and 
always keeps strictly within the six categories or graduated 

When, according to Agassiz, the Creator has thus amused 
himself for thousands of millions of years with constructing 
and destroying a series of different creations, at last (but 


very late) he is struck with the happy thought of creating 
something like himself, and so makes man in his own image. 
With this, the aim of all the history of creation is arrived 
at and the series of revolutions of the earth is closed. Man, 
the child and image of God, gives him so much to do, causes 
him so much pleasure and trouble, that he is wearied no 
longer, and therefore need not undertake a new creation. 
It is clear that if, according to Agassiz, we once assign to 
the Creator entirely human attributes and qualities, and 
regard his work of creation as entirely analogous to human 
creative activity, we are necessarily obliged to admit such 
utterly absurd inferences as those just stated. 

The many intrinsic contradictions and perversities in 
Agassiz's view of creation — a view which necessarily led 
him to the most decided opposition to the Theory of Descent 
— must excite our astonishment all the more because, in his 
earlier scientific works, he has in many respects actually 
paved the way for Darwin, especially by his researches in 
Palaeontology. Among the numerous investigations which 
created general interest in the then young science of 
Palaeontology, those of Agassiz, especially his celebrated 
work on " Fossil Fish," rank next in importance to Cuvier's 
work, which formed the foundation of the science. The 
petrified fish, with which Agassiz has made us acquainted, 
have not only an extremely great importance for the under- 
standing of all groups of Vertebrate animals, and their 
historical development, but we have arrived through them 
at a sure knowledge of important general laws- of develop- 
ment. It was Agassiz who drew special attention to the 
remarkable parallelism between the embryonal and the 
palseontological development — between ontogeny and phy- 


lpgeny, which 'I have already (p. 10) claimed as one of the 
strongest pillars of the Theory of Descent. No one before 
had so distinctly stated as Agassiz did, that, of the Verte- 
brate animals, fishes alone existed at first, that amphibious 
animals came later, and that birds and mammals appeared 
only at a much later period ; further, that among mammals, 
as among fishes, imperfect and lower orders had appeared 
first, but more perfect and higher orders at a later period. 
Agassiz, therefore, showed that the palaeontological develop- 
ment of the whole Vertebrate group was not only parallel 
With the embryonic, but also with the systematic develop- 
ment, that is, with the graduated series which we see 
everywhere in the system, ascending from the lower to the 
higher classes, orders, etc. 

' In the earth's history lower forms appeared first, the 
higher forms later. This important fact, as well as the 
agreement of the embryonic and palaeontological develop- 
ment, is explained quite simply and naturally by the 
Doctrine of Descent, and without it is perfectly inexplicable. 
This cause holds good also in the great law of progressive 
development, that is, of the historical progress of organiza- 
tion, which is traceable, broadly and as a whole, in the 
historical succession of all organisms, as well as in the 
special perfecting of individual parts of animal bodies. 
Thus, for example, the skeleton of Vertebrate animals 
acquired at first slowly, and by degrees, that high degree 
of perfection which it now possesses in man and the other- 
higher Vertebrate animals. This progress acknowledged in 
point of fact by Agassiz, necessarily follows from Darwin's 
Doctrine of Descent, which demonstrates its active causes. 
If this doctrine is correct, the perfecting and diversification 


of animal and vegetable species must of necessity have 
gradually increased in the course of the organic history of 
the earth, and could only attain its highest perfection in 
most recent times. 

The above-mentioned laws of development, together with 
some other general ones, which have been expressly admitted 
and justly emphasized by Agassiz, and some of which have 
first been set forth by him, are, as we shall see later, only 
explicable by the Theory of Descent, and without it remain 
perfectly incomprehensible. The conjoint action of In- 
heritance and Adaptation, as explained by Darwin, can 
alone be their true cause. But they all stand in sharp and 
irreconcilable opposition to the hypothesis of creation main- 
tained by Agassiz, as well as to the idea of a personal 
Creator who acts for a definite purpose. If we seriously 
wish to explain those remarkable phenomena and their 
inner connection by Agassiz's theory, then we are necessarily 
driven to the supposition that the Creator himself has 
developed, together with the organic nature which he 
created and modelled. We can, in that case, no longer rid 
ourselves of the idea that the Creator himself, like a human 
being, designed, improved, and finally, with many altera- 
tions, carried out his plans. " Man grows as higher grow 
his aims," says the poet, and this remark, so unworthy of a 
God, must be applied to him. Although, from the reverence 
with which, in every page, Agassiz speaks of the Creator, it 
might appear that, by his theory, we attain to the sublimest 
conception of the divine activity in nature, yet the contrary 
is in truth the case. The divine Creator is degraded to the 
level of an idealized man, of an organism progressing in 
development. According to this low conception God is, in 
fact, nothing more than a " gaseous vertebrate." 


Considering the wide popularity and great authority 
which Agassiz's work has gained, and which is perhaps 
justified on account of earlier scientific services rendered by 
the author, I have thought it my duty here to show the 
utter untenableness of his general conceptions. So far as 
his work pretends to be a scientific history of creation, it is 
undoubtedly a complete failure. But still it is of great 
value, in being the only detailed attempt, adorned with 
scientific arguments, which an eminent naturalist of our 
day has made to found a teleological or dualistic history of 
creation. The utter impossibility of such a history has thus 
been made obvious to every one. No opponent of Agassiz 
could have refuted the dualistic conception of organic nature 
and its origin more strikingly than he himself has done by 
the intrinsic contradictions which present themselves every- 
where in his theory. 

The opponents of the monistic or mechanical conception 
of the world have welcomed Agassiz's work with delight, 
and find in it a perfect proof of the direct creative action of 
a personal God. But they overlook the fact that this per- 
sonal Creator is only an idealized organism, endowed with 
human attributes. This low dualistic conception of God is 
in keeping with a lower animal stage of development of the 
human organism. The more developed man of the present 
day is capable of, and justified in, conceiving that infinitely 
nobler and sublimer idea of God which alone is compatible 
with the monistic conception of the universe, and which 
recognizes God's spirit and power in all phenomena without 
exception. This monistic idea of God, which belongs to the 
future, has already been expressed by Giordano Bruno in 
the following words : " A spirit exists in all things, and no 


body is so small but contains a part of the divine substance 
within itself, by which it is animated." This sublime con- 
ception of God is based upon the religion within the sphere 
of which the noblest minds of antiquity as well as of 
modern times have thought and lived, viz. Pantheism. It 
is of this noble idea of God that Goethe says : " Certainly 
there does not exist a more beautiful worship of God than 
that which needs no image, but which arises in our heart 
from converse with Nature." By it we arrive at the 
sublime, pantheistic idea of the Unity of God and Nature. 




Scientific Insufficiency of all Conceptions of a Creation of Individual Species. 
— Necessity of the Counter- Theories of Development. — Historical 
Survey of the Most Important Theories of Development. — Greek 
Philosophy. — The Meaning of Natural Philosophy. — Goethe. — His 
Merits as a Naturalist. — His Metamorphosis of Plants. — His Vertebral 
Theory of the Skull. — His Discovery of the Mid Jawbone in Man. — 
Goethe's Interest in the Dispute between Cuvier and Geoffroy St. 
Hilaire. — Goethe's Discovery of the Two Organic Formative Principles, 
of the Conservative Principle of Specification (by Inheritance), and 
of the Progressive Principle of Transformation (by Adaptation). — 
Goethe's Views of the Common Descent of all Vertebrate Animals, 
including Man. — Theory of Development according to Gottfried Rein- 
hold Treviranus. — His Monistic Conception of Nature. — Oken. — Hia 
Natural Philosophy. — Oken's Theory of Protoplasm. — Oken's Theory 
of Infusoria (Cell Theory). 

All the different ideas which we may form of a separate 
and independent origin of the individual organic species 
by creation lead us, when logically carried out, to a so- 
called anthropomorphism, that is, to imagining the Creator 
as a man-like being, as was shown in our last chapter. 
The Creator becomes an organism who designs a plan, 
reflects upon, and varies this plan, and finally forms 
creatures according to this plan, as a human architect 


would his building. If even such eminent naturalists as 
Linnaeus, Ouvier, and Agassiz, the principal representatives 
of the dualistic hypothesis of creation, could not arrive at 
a more satisfactory view, we may take it as evidence of the 
insufficiency of all those conceptions which would derive 
the various forms of organic nature from a creation of 
individual species. 

Some naturalists, indeed, seeing the complete insuffi- 
ciency of these views, have tried to replace the idea of a 
personal Creator by that of an unconsciously active and 
creative Force of Nature ; yet this expression is evidently 
merely an evasive phrase, as long as it is not clearly shown 
what this force of nature is, and how it works. Hence 
these attempts, also, are of no value whatever to science. 
In fact, whenever an independent origin of the different 
forms of animals and plants has been assumed, naturalists 
have found themselves compelled to fall back upon so many 
"acts of creation," that is, on supernatural interferences of 
the Creator in the natural course of things, which in all 
other cases goes on without interference. 

It is true that several teleological naturalists, feeling 
the scientific insufficiency of a supernatural " creation," 
have endeavoured to save the hypothesis by wishing it to 
be understood that creation " is nothing else than a way of 
coming into being, unknown and inconceivable to us." The 
eminent Fritz Muller has cut off from this sophistic evasion 
every chance of escape by the following striking remark : 
" It is intended here only to express in a disguised manner 
the shamefaced confession, that they neither have, nor care 
to have, any opinion about the origin of species. Accord- 
ing to this explanation of the word, we might as well speak 


of the creation of cholera, or syphilis, of the creation of a 
conflagration, or of a railway accident, as of the creation of 
man " (" Jenaische Zeitschrift," bd. v. p. 272). 

In the face, then, of these hypotheses of creation, which 
are scientifically insufficient, we are forced to seek refuge in 
the counter-theory of development of organisms, if we wish 
to come to a rational conception of the origin of organisms. 
We are forced and obliged to do so, even if the theory of 
development only throws a glimmer of probability upon a 
mechanical, natural origin of the animal and vegetable 
species; but all the more if, as we shall see, this theory 
explains all facts simply and clearly, as well as completely 
and comprehensively. The theories of development are by 
no means, as they often falsely are represented to be, 
arbitrary fancies, or wilful products of the imagination, 
which only attempt approximately to explain the origin of 
this or that individual organism; but they are theories 
founded strictly on science, which explain in the simplest 
manner, from a fixed and clear point of view, the whole of 
organic natural phenomena, and more especially the origin 
of organic species, and demonstrate them to be the necessary 
consequences of mechanical processes in nature. 

As I have already shown in the second chapter, all these 
theories of development coincide naturally with that general 
theory of the universe which is usually designated as the 
uniform or monistic, often also as the mechanical or causal, 
because it only assumes mechanical causes, or causes work- 
ing by necessity (causae efficientes), for the explanation of 
natural phenomena. In like manner, on the other hand, 
the supernatural hypotheses of creation which we have 
already discussed coincide completely with the opposite 


view of the universe, which in contrast to the former is 
called the twofold or dualistic, often the teleological or vital, 
because it traces the organic natural phenomena to final 
causes, acting and working for a definite purpose (causae 
finales). It is this deep and intrinsic connection of the 
different theories of creation with the most important 
questions of philosophy that incites us to their closer 

The fundamental idea, which must necessarily lie at the 
bottom of all natural theories of development, is that of 
a gradual development of all (even the most perfect) or- 
ganisms out of a single, or out of a very few, quite simple, 
and quite imperfect original beings, which came into exist- 
ence, not by supernatural creation, but by spontaneous 
generation, or archigony, out of inorganic matter. In 
reality, there are two distinct conceptions united in this 
fundamental idea, but which have, nevertheless, a deep in- 
trinsic connection — namely, first, the idea of spontaneous 
generation (or archigony) of the original primary beings ; 
and secondly, the idea of the progressive development of 
the various species of organisms from those most simple 
primary beings. These two important mechanical concep- 
tions are the inseparable fundamental ideas of every theory 
of development, if scientifically carried out. As it maintains 
the derivation of the different species of animals and plants 
from the simplest, common primary species, we may term it 
also the Doctrine of Filiation, or Theory of Descent ; as there 
is also a change of species connected with it, it may also be 
termed the Transmutation Theory. 

While the supernatural histories of creation must have 
originated thousands of years ago, in that very remote 


primitive age when man, first developing out of the monkey- 
state, began for the first time to think more closely about 
himself, and about the origin of the world around him, the 
natural theories of development, on the other hand, are 
necessarily of much more recent origin. These views are 
met with only among nations of a more matured civiliza- 
tion, to whom, by philosophic culture, the necessity of a 
knowledge of natural causes has become apparent; and 
even among these, only individual and specially gifted 
natures can be expected to have recognized the origin of 
the world of phenomena, as well as its course of development, 
as the necessary consequences of mechanical, naturally active 
causes. In no nation have these preliminary conditions, for 
the origin of a natural theory of development, ever existed 
in so high a degree as among the Greeks of classic antiquity. 
But, on the other hand, they lacked a close acquaintance 
with the facts of the processes and forms of nature, and, 
consequently, the foundation based upon experience, for a 
satisfactory unravelling of the problem of development. 
Exact investigation of nature, and the knowledge of nature 
founded on an experimental basis, was of course almost 
unknown to antiquity, as well as to the Middle Ages, and 
is only an acquisition of modern times. We have therefore 
here no special occasion to examine the natural theories of 
development of the various Greek philosophers, since they 
were wanting in the knowledge gained by experience, both 
of organic and inorganic nature. 

We will here mention only that as early as the seventh 
century before Christ, the representatives of the Ionian 
philosophy of nature, Thales, Anaximenes, and Anaximander 
of Melitus, and more especially Anaximander, established 


important principles of our modern monism. Their teaching 
pointed to a uniform law of nature as the basis of the 
various phenomena, a unity of all nature and a continual 
change of forms. Anaximander considered that the animal- 
cules in water came into existence through the influence of 
the warmth of the sun, and assumed that man had developed 
out of fish-like ancestors. At a later date also, we find in 
the natural philosophy of Heraclitus and Empedocles, as 
well as in the writings of Democritus and Aristotle, many 
allusions to conceptions which we regard as the fundamental 
supports of our modern theory of development. Empedocles 
points out that things which appear to have been made for 
a definite purpose may have arisen out of what had no 
purpose whatever. Aristotle assumes spontaneous genera- 
tion as the natural manner in which the lower organisms 
came into existence ; for instance he supposes moths to pro- 
ceed from wool, fleas from putrid dung, wood-lice from 
damp wood, etc. 

The fundamental notion of the theory of development, 
that the different species of animals and plants have been 
developed from a common primary species by transformation, 
could of course only be clearly asserted after the kinds or 
species themselves had become better known, and after the 
extinct species had been carefully examined and compared 
with the living ones. This was not done until the end of 
the last and the beginning of the present century. It was 
not until the year 1801 that the great Lamarck expressed 
the theory of development, which he, in 1809, further 
elaborated in his classical " Philosophie Zoologique." And 
while Lamarck and his countryman, Geoffroy St. Hilaire, in 
France, opposed Cuvier's views, and maintained a natural 


development of organic species by transformation and 
descent, Goethe and Oken pursued the same course in 
Germany, and helped to establish the theory of develop- 
ment. As these naturalists are generally called nature- 
philosophers (Natur-philosophen), and as this ambiguous 
designation is correct in a certain sense, it appears to me 
appropriate here to say a few words about the correct 
estimate of the " Natur-philosophie." 

Although for many years in England the ideas of natural 
science and philosophy have been looked upon as almost 
equivalent, and every truly scientific investigator of 
nature is most justly called there a " natural philosopher," 
yet in Germany for more than half a century natural science 
has been kept strictly distinct from philosophy, and the 
union of the two into a true philosophy of nature is recog- 
nized only by the few. This misapprehension is owing 
to the fantastic eccentricities of earlier German natural- 
philosophers, such as Oken, Schelling, etc. ; they believed 
that they were able to construct the laws of nature in their 
own heads, without being obliged to take their stand upon 
the grounds of actual experience. When the complete 
hollo wness of their assumptions had been demonstrated, 
naturalists, in " the nation of thinkers," fell into the very 
opposite extreme, believing that they would be able to 
reach the high aim of science, that is, the knowledge of 
truth, by the mere experience of the senses, and without 
any philosophical activity of thought. 

From that time, but especially since 1830, most naturalists 
have shown a strong aversion to any general, philosophical 
view of nature. The real aim of natural science was now 
supposed to consist in the knowledge of details, and it was 


believed that this would be attained in the study of biology, 
when the forms and the phenomena of life, in all individual 
organisms, had become accurately known, by the help of the 
finest instruments and means of observation. It is true that 
among these strictly empirical, or so-called exact naturalists, 
there were always very many who rose above this narrow 
point of view, and sought the final aim in a knowledge of 
the general laws of organization. Yet the great majority of 
zoologists and botanists, during the thirty or forty years 
preceding Darwin, refused to concern themselves about such 
general laws ; all they admitted was, that perhaps in the far 
distant future, when the end of all empiric knowledge should 
have been arrived at, when all individual animals and plants 
should have been thoroughly examined, naturalists might 
begin to think of discovering general biological laws. 

If we consider and compare the most important advances 
which the human mind has made in the knowledge of 
truth, we shall soon see that it is always owing to philo- 
sophical mental operations that these advances have been 
made, and that the experience of the senses which certainly 
and necessarily precedes these operations, and the knowledge 
of details gained thereby, only furnish the basis for those 
general laws. Experience and philosophy, therefore, by no 
means stand in such exclusive opposition to each other as 
most men have hitherto supposed ; they rather necessarily 
supplement each other. The philosopher who is wanting in 
the firm foundation of sensuous experience, of empirical 
knowledge, is very apt to arrive at false conclusions in his 
general speculations, which even a moderately informed 
naturalist can refute at once. On the other hand, the purely 
empiric naturalists, who do not trouble themselves about the 

VOL. I. G 


philosophical comprehension of their sensuous experiences 
and who do not strive after general knowledge, can promote 
science only in a very slight degree, and the chief value of 
their hard-won knowledge of details lies in the general 
results which more comprehensive minds will one day 
derive from them. 

From a general survey of the course of biological develop- 
ment since Linnaeus' time, we can easily see, as Bar has 
pointed out, a continual vacillation between these two ten- 
dencies, at one time a prevalence of the empirical — the 
so-called exact — and then again of the philosophical or 
speculative tendency. Thus at the end of the last century, 
in opposition to Linnaeus' purely empirical school, a natural- 
philosophical reaction took place, the moving spirits of 
which, Lamarck, Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Goethe, and Oken, 
endeavoured by their mental work to introduce light and 
order into the chaos of the accumulated empirical raw 
material. In opposition to the many errors and specula- 
tions of these natural philosophers, who went too far, 
Cuvier then came forward, introducing a second, purely 
empirical period. It reached its most one-sided development 
between the years 1830-1860, and there now followed a 
second philosophical reaction, caused by Darwin's work. 
Thus during the last thirty years, men again have begun to 
endeavour to obtain a knowledge of the general laws of 
nature, to which, after all, all detailed knowledge of experi- 
ence serves only as a foundation, and through which alone 
it acquires its true value. It is through philosophy alone 
that natural knowledge becomes a true science, that is, a 
philosophy of nature. 

Jean Lamarck and Wolfgang Goethe stand at the head of 


all the great philosophers of nature who first established a 
theory of organic development, and who are the illustrious 
fellow- workers of Darwin. I turn first to the incomparable 
Goethe, who, above all, stands closest to us Germans. How- 
ever, before I explain his special services to the theory of 
development, it seems to me necessary to say a few words 
about his importance as a naturalist in general, as it is 
commonly very little known. 

I am sure most of my readers honour Goethe only as a 
poet and a man ; only a few have any conception of the 
high value of his scientific works, and of the gigantic stride 
with which he advanced before his own age — advanced so 
much that most naturalists of that time were unable to 
follow him. In several passages of his scientific writings 
he bitterly complains of the narrow-mindedness of professed 
naturalists, who did not know how to value his works 
(who could not see the forest for the trees), and who could 
not rouse themselves to discover the general laws of nature 
among the mass of details. He is only too just when he 
utters the reproach — " Philosophers will very soon discover 
that observers rarely rise to a standpoint from which they 
can survey so many important objects." It is true, at the 
same time, that their want of appreciation was caused by 
the false road into which Goethe was led in his theory of 

This theory of colours, which he himself designates as 
the favourite production of his leisure, however much that 
is beautiful it may contain, is a complete failure in regard 
to its foundations. The exact mathematical method by 
means of which alone it is possible, in inorganic sciences, 
but above all in physics, to raise a structure step by step 


on a thoroughly firm basis, was altogether repugnant to 
Goethe. In rejecting it he allowed himself not only to be 
very unjust towards the most eminent physicists, but to be 
led into errors which have greatly injured the fame of his 
other valuable works. It is quite different in the organic 
sciences, in which we are but rarely able to proceed, from 
the beginning, upon a firm mathematical basis; we are 
rather compelled, by the infinitely difficult and intricate 
nature of the problem, at the first to form inductions — that 
is, we are obliged to endeavour to establish general laws 
by numerous individual observations, which are not quite 
complete. A comparison of kindred series of phenomena, 
or the method of combination, is here the most important 
instrument for inquiry, and this method was applied by 
Goethe with as much success as with conscious knowledge 
of its value, in his works relating to the philosophy of 

The most celebrated among Goethe's writings relating to 
organic nature is his "Metamorphosis of Plants," which 
appeared in 1790, a work which distinctly shows a grasp of 
the fundamental idea of the theory of development, inasmuch 
as Goethe, in it, was labouring to point out a single organ, 
by the infinitely varied development and metamorphosis of 
which the whole of the endless variety of forms in the 
world of plants might be conceived to have arisen; this 
fundamental organ he found in the leaf. If the microscope 
had then been generally employed, if Goethe had examined 
the structure of organisms by the means of the microscope, 
he would have gone still further, and would have seen that 
the leaf is itself a compound of individual parts of a lower 
order, that is, of cells. He would then not have declared 


that the leaf, but that the cell is the real fundamental organ 
by the multiplication, transformation, and combination 
(synthesis) of which, in the first place, the leaf is formed ; 
and that, in the next place, by transformation, variation, 
and combination of leaves there arise all the varied beauties 
in form and colour which we admire in the green parts, as 
well as in the organs of propagation, or the flowers of 
plants. But nevertheless his fundamental idea was per- 
fectly correct. Goethe there showed that in order to com- 
prehend the whole of the phenomena, we must in the first 
place compare them, and, secondly, search for a simple type, 
a simple fundamental form, of which all other forms are 
only infinite variations. 

Something similar to what he had here done for the 
metamorphosis of plants he then did for the Vertebrate 
animals, in his celebrated vertebral theory of the skull. 
Goethe was the first to show, independently of Oken, who 
almost simultaneously arrived at the same thought, that 
the skull of man and of all Vertebrate animals, particularly 
of mammals, is merely a transformed portion of the topmost 
piece of the vertebral column. The vertebrae of the skull 
are like those of the spine, bony rings lying behind each 
other, but in the skull are peculiarly changed and specialized 
(differentiated). Although this idea has, of late years, been 
greatly modified by Gegenbauer's astute investigations, yet 
in Goethe's day it was one of the greatest advances in com- 
parative anatomy, and was not only one of the first 
advances towards the understanding of the structure of 
Vertebrate animals, but at the same time explained many 
individual phenomena. When two parts of a bod}-, such as 
the skull and spine, which appear at first sight so different, 


were proved to be parts originally the same, developed out 
of one and the same foundation, one of the difficult problems 
of the philosophy of nature was solved. Here again we 
meet the notion of a single type — the conception of a single 
principle, which becomes infinitely varied in the different 
species, and in the parts of individual species. 

But Goethe did not merely endeavour to search for such 
far-reaching laws, he also occupied himself most actively 
for a long time with numerous individual researches, 
especially in comparative anatomy. Among these, none is 
perhaps more interesting than the discovery of the midjaiv- 
bone in man. As this is, in several respects, of importance 
to the theory of development, I shall briefly explain it here. 
There exist in all mammals two little bones in the upper 
jaw, which meet in the centre of the face, below the nose, 
and which lie between the two halves of the real upper 
jawbone. These two bones, which hold the four upper 
cutting teeth, are recognized without difficulty in most 
mammals; in man, however, they were at that time un- 
known, and celebrated comparative anatomists even laid 
great stress upon this want of a mid jawbone, as they con- 
sidered it to constitute the principal difference between 
men and apes — the want of a mid jawbone was, curiously 
enough, looked upon as the most human of all human 
characteristics. But Goethe could not accept the notion 
that man, who in all other corporeal respects was clearly 
only a mammal of higher development, should lack this 
mid jawbone. 

By the general law of induction as to the mid jawbone 
he arrived at the special deductive conclusion that it must 
exist in man also, and Goethe did not rest until, after com- 


paring a great number of human skulls, he really found the 
mid jawbone. In some individuals it is preserved throughout 
a whole lifetime, but usually at an early age it coalesces 
with the neighbouring upper jawbone, and is therefore only 
to be found as an independent bone in very youthful skulls. 
In human embryos it can now be pointed out at any 
moment. In man, therefore, the mid jawbone actually 
exists, and to Goethe the honour is due of having first 
firmly established this fact, so important in many respects ; 
and this he did while opposed by the celebrated anatomist, 
Peter Camper, one of the most important professional 
authorities. The way by which Goethe succeeded in estab- 
lishing this fact is especially interesting ; it is the way by 
which we continually advance in biological science, namely, 
by way of induction and deduction. Induction is the 
inference of a general law from the observation of numerous 
individual cases; deduction, on the other hand, is an 
inference from this general law applied to a single case 
which has not yet been actually observed. From the col- 
lected empirical knowledge of those days, the inductive 
conclusion was arrived at that all mammals had mid jaw- 
bones. Goethe drew from this the deductive conclusion, 
that man, whose organization was in all other respects not 
essentially different from mammals, must also possess this 
mid jawbone; and on close examination it was actually 
found. The deductive conclusion was confirmed and verified 
by experience. 

Even these few remarks may serve to show the great 
value which we must ascribe to Goethe's biological re- 
searches. Unfortunately, most of his labours devoted to 
this subject are so hidden in his collected works, and his 


most important observations and remarks so scattered in 
numerous individual treatises — devoted to other subjects — 
that it is difficult to find them out. It also sometimes 
happens that an excellent, truly scientific remark is so 
much interwoven with a mass of useless philosophical 
fancies, that the latter greatly detract from the former. 

Nothing is perhaps more characteristic of the extra- 
ordinary interest which Goethe took in the investigation 
of organic nature than the lively way in which, even in his 
last years, he followed the dispute which broke out in 
France between Cuvier and Geoffroy de St. Hilaire. Goethe, 
in a special treatise which was only finished a few days 
before his death, in March, 1832, has given an interesting 
description of this remarkable dispute and its general im- 
portance, as well as an excellent sketch of the two great 
opponents. This treatise bears the title, "Principes de 
Philosophie Zoologique par M. Geoffroy de Saint Hilaire ; " 
it is Goethe's last work, and forms the conclusion of the 
collected edition of his works. The dispute itself was, in 
several respects, of the highest interest. It turned essentially 
upon the justification of the theory of development. It 
was carried on, moreover, in the bosom of the French 
Academy, by both opponents, with a personal vehemence 
almost unheard of in the dignified sessions of that learned 
body ; this proved that both naturalists were fighting for 
their most sacred and deepest convictions. The conflict 
began on the 22nd of February, and was followed by 
several others ; the fiercest took place on the 19th of 
July, 1830. Geoffroy, as the chief of the French nature- 
philosophers, represented the theory of natural development 
and the monistic conception of nature. He maintained the 


mutability of organic species, the common descent of the 
individual species from common primary forms, and the 
unity of their organization — or the unity of the plan of 
structure, as it was then called. 

Cuvier was the most decided opponent of these views, 
and, according to what we have seen, it could not be 
otherwise. He endeavoured to show that the nature- 
philosophers had no right to rear such comprehensive con- 
clusions on the basis of the empirical knowledge then 
possessed, and that the unity of organization — or plan of 
structure of organisms — as maintained by them, did not 
exist. He represented the teleological (dualistic) conception 
of nature, and maintained that " the immutability of species 
was a necessary condition for the existence of a scientific 
history of nature." Cuvier had the great advantage over 
his opponent, that he was able to bring towards the proof 
of his assertions things obvious to the eye ; these, however, 
were only individual facts taken out of their connection 
with others. Geoffrey was not able to prove the higher 
and general connection of individual phenomena which he 
maintained, by equally tangible details. Hence Cuvier, in 
the eyes of the majority, gained the victory, and decided 
the defeat of the nature-philosophy and the supremacy of 
the strictly empiric tendency. 

Goethe of course supported Geoffrey's views. How deeply 
interested he was, even in his 81st year, in this great contest 
is proved by the following anecdote related by Soret : — 

" Monday, Aug. 2nd, 1830. — The news of the outbreak of 
the revolution of July arrived in Weimar to-day, and has 
caused general excitement. In the course of the afternoon 
I went to Goethe. ' Well ? ' he exclaimed as I entered, 


' what do you think of this great event ? The volcano has 
burst forth, all is in flames, and there are no more negotia- 
tions behind closed doors.' ' A dreadful affair,' I answered ; 
' but what else could be expected under the circumstances, 
and with such a ministry, except that it would end in the 
expulsion of the present royal family ? ' ' We do not seem 
to understand each other, my dear friend,' replied Goethe. 
' I am not speaking of those people at all ; I am interested 
in something very different. I mean the dispute between 
Cuvier and Geoffroy de Saint Hilaire, which has broken 
out in the Academy, and which is of such great importance 
to science.' This remark of Goethe's came upon me so 
unexpectedly, that I did not know what to say, and my 
thoughts for some minutes seemed to have come to a com- 
plete standstill. ' The affair is of the utmost importance,' 
he continued, ' and you cannot form any idea of what I felt 
on receiving the news of the meeting on the 19th. In 
Geoffroy de Saint Hilaire we have now a mighty ally for a 
long time to come. But I see also how great the sympathy 
of the French scientific world must be in this affair, for, in 
spite of the terrible political excitement, the meeting on 
the 19th was attended by a full house. The best of it is, 
however, that the synthetic treatment of nature, introduced 
into France by Geoffroy, can now no longer be stopped. 
This matter has now become public through the discussions 
in the Academy, carried on in the presence of a large 
audience ; it can no longer be referred to secret committees, 
or be settled or suppressed behind closed doors.' " 

In my book on " The General Morphology of Organisms " 
I have placed as headings to the different books and chapters 
a selection of the numerous interesting and important sen- 


tences in which Goethe clearly expresses his view of organic 
nature and its constant development. I will here quote a 
passage from the poem entitled, "The Metamorphosis of 
Animals " (1819). 

"AE members develop themselves according to eternal laws, 
And the rarest form mysteriously preserves the primitive type. 
Form therefore determines the animal's way of life, 
And in turn the way of life powerfully reacts upon all form. 
Thus the orderly growth of form is seen to hold 
Whilst yielding to change from externally acting causes." * 

Here, clearly enough, the contrast between two different 
organic constructive forms is intimated, which are opposed 
to one another, and which by their interaction determine 
the form of the organism ; on the one hand, a common inner 
original type, firmly maintaining itself, constitutes the 
foundation of the most different forms ; on the other hand, 
the externally active influence of surroundings and mode 
of life, which influence the original type and transform it. 
This contrast is still more definitely pointed out in the 
following passage : — 

" An inner original community forms the foundation of all 
organization ; the variety of forms, on the other hand, arises 
from the necessary relations to the outer world, and we 
may therefore justly assume an original difference of con- 
ditions, together with an uninterruptedly progressive trans- 
formation, in order to be able to comprehend the constancy 
as well as the variations of the phenomena of form." 

* " Alle Glieder bilden sich aus nach ew'gen Gesetzen, 

Und die seltenste Form bewahrt im Geheimniss das Urbild. 
Also bestimmt die Gestalt die Lebensweise des Thieres. 
Und die Weise zu leben, sie wirkt auf alle Gestalten 
Machtig zuriick. So zeiget sich fest die geordnete Bildung, 
Welche zum Wechsel sich neigt durch ausserlich wirkende Wesen." 


The " original type " which constitutes the foundation of 
every organic form "as the inner original community" is 
the inner constructive force, which receives the original 
direction of form-production — that is, the tendency to give 
rise to a particular form — and is propagated by Inheritance. 
The " uninterruptedly progressive transformation," on the 
other hand, which " springs from the necessary relations to 
the outer world," acting as an external formative force, 
produces, by Adaptation to the surrounding conditions of 
life, the "infinite variety of forms." The internal formative 
tendency of Inheritance, which retains the unity of the 
original type, is called by Goethe in another passage the 
centripetal force of the organism, or its tendency to specifica- 
tion ; in contrast with this he calls the external formative 
tendency of Adaptation, which produces the variety of 
organic forms, the centrifugal force of organisms, or their 
tendency to variation. The passage in which he clearly 
indicates the " equilibrium " of these two extremely im- 
portant organic formative tendencies, rune as follows : " The 
idea of metamorphosis resembles the vis centrifuga, and 
would lose itself in the infinite, if a counterpoise were not 
added to it: I mean the tendency to specification, the 
strong power to preserve what once has come into being, 
a vis centripeta, which in its deepest foundation cannot be 
affected by anything external." 

Metamorphosis, according to Goethe, consists not merely, 
as the word is now generally understood, in the changes of 
form which the organic individual experiences during its 
individual development, but, in a wider sense, in the ; 
transformation of organic forms in general. His idea of! 
metamorphosis is almost synonymous with the theory of 


development. This is clear, among other things, from the 
following passage: "The triumph of physiological meta- 
morphosis manifests itself where the whole separates and 
transforms itself into families, the families into genera, the 
genera into species, and then again into other varieties 
down to the individual. This operation of Nature goes on 
ad infinitum ; she cannot rest inactive, but neither can she 
keep and preserve all that she has produced. From seeds 
^here are always developed varying plants, exhibiting the 
relations of their parts to one another in an altered manner." 
Goethe had, in truth, discovered two great mechanical 
forces of nature, which are the active causes of organic 
formations, his two organic formative tendencies — on the 
one hand the conservative, centripetal, and internal forma- 
tive tendency of Inheritance or specification; and on the 
other hand the progressive, centrifugal, and external forma- 
tive tendency of Adaptation, or metamorphosis. This pro- 
found biological intuition could not but lead him naturally 
to the fundamental idea of the Doctrine of Filiation, that 
is, to the conception that the organic species resembling one 
another in form are actually related by blood, and that they 
are descended from a common original type. In regard to . 
the most important of all animal groups, namely that of 
Vertebrate animals, Goethe (in 1796 !) expresses this 
doctrine in the following passage : " Thus much, then, we 
have gained, that we may assert without hesitation that all 
the more perfect organic natures, such as fishes, amphibious 
animals, birds, mammals, and man at the head of the last, 
were all formed upon one original type, which varies only 
more or less in parts which are none the less permanent, and 
still daily changes and modifies its form by propagation." 


This sentence is of interest in more than one way. The 
theory that all " the more perfect organic natures," that is 
all Vertebrate animals, are descended from one common 
prototype, that they have arisen from it by propagation 
(Inheritance) and transformation (Adaptation), may be dis- 
tinctly inferred. But it is especially interesting to observe 
that Goethe admits no exceptional position for man, but 
rather expressly includes him in the tribe of the other 
Vertebrate animals. The most important special inference 
of the Doctrine of Filiation, that man is descended from 
other Vertebrate animals, may here be recognized in the 
germ. 3 

This exceedingly important fundamental idea is expressed 
by Goethe still more clearly in another passage (1807), in 
the following words : " If we consider plants and animals 
in their most imperfect condition, they can scarcely be dis- 
tinguished. But this much we can say, that the creatures 
which by degrees emerge as plants and animals out of a 
common phase, where they are barely distinguishable, arrive 
at perfection in two opposite directions ; so that the plant 
in the end reaches its highest glory in the tree, which is 
immovable and stiff, the animal in man, who possesses the 
greatest mobility and freedom." This remarkable passage 
not only indicates most explicitly the genealogical relation- 
ship between the vegetable and animal kingdoms, but con- 
tains the germ of the monistic or monophyletic hypothesis 
of descent, the importance of which I shall have to explain 

— At the time when Goethe in this way sketched the 
fundamental features of the Theory of Descent, another 
German philosopher, Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus, of 


Bremen (born 1776, died 1837), was zealously engaged at 
the same work. As Wilhelm Focke has recently shown, 
Treviranus, even in the earliest of his greater works, " The 
Biology or Philosophy of Animate Nature," which appeared 
at the beginning of the present century, had already 
developed monistic views of the unity of nature, and of the 
genealogical connection of the species of organisms, which 
entirely correspond with our present view of the matter. 
In the first three volumes of his Biology, which appeared 
successively in 1802, 1803, and 1805 (therefore several years 
before Oken's and Lamarck's principal works), we find 
numerous passages which are of interest in this respect. I 
shall here quote only a few of the most important. 

In speaking of the principal question of our theory, the 
question of the origin of organic species, Treviranus makes 
the following remarks : " Every form of life can be pro- 
duced by physical forces in one of two ways : either by 
coming into being out of formless matter, or by the modifi- 
cation of an already existing form by a continued process 
of shaping. In the latter case the cause of this modification 
may lie either in the influence of a dissimilar male genera- 
tive matter upon the female germ, or in the influence of 
other powers which operate only after procreation. In 
every living being there exists the capability of an endless 
variety of form- assumption ; each possesses the power to 
adapt its organization to the changes of the outer world, 
and it is this power put into action by the change of the 
universe that has raised the simple zoophytes of the 
primitive world to continually higher stages of organization, 
and has introduced a countless variety of species into 
animate nature." 


By zoophytes, Treviranus here means organisms of the 
lowest order and of the simplest character, namely, those 
neutral primitive beings which stand midway between 
animals and plants, and on the whole correspond with our 
protista. " These zoophytes," he remarks in another pas- 
sage, " are the original forms out of which all the organisms 
of the higher classes have arisen by gradual development. 
We are further of opinion that every species, as well as 
every individual, has certain periods of growth, of bloom, 
and of decay, but that the decay of a species is degeneration, 
not dissolution, as in the case of the individual. From this it 
appears to us to follow that it was not the great catastrophes 
of the earth (as is generally supposed) which destroyed the 
animals of the primitive world, but that many survived 
them, and it is more probable that they have disappeared 
from existing nature, because the species to which they 
belonged have completed the circle of their existence, and 
have become changed into other kinds." 

When Treviranus, in this and other passages, points to 
degeneration as the most important cause of the transforma- 
tion of the animal and vegetable species, he does not under- 
stand by it what is now commonly called degeneration. 
With him " degeneration " is exactly what we now call 
Adaptation or modification, by the action of external 
formative forces. That Treviranus explained this trans- 
formation of organic species by Adaptation, and its preserva- 
tion by Inheritance, and thus the whole variety of organic 
forms by the interaction of Adaptation and Inheritance, is 
clear also from several other passages. How profoundly he 
grasped the mutual dependence of all living creatures on 
one another, and in general the universal connection 


between cause and effect — that is, the monistic causal con- 
nection between all members and parts of the universe — is 
further shown, among others, by the following remarks in 
his Biology : " The living individual is dependent upon 
the species, the species upon the fauna, the fauna upon the 
whole of animate nature, and the latter upon the organism 
of the earth. The individual possesses indeed a peculiar 
life, and so far forms its own world. But just because its 
life is limited it constitutes at the same time an organ in 
the general organism. Every living body exists in con- 
sequence of the universe, but the universe, on the other 
hand, exists in consequence of it." 

It is self-evident that so profound and dear a thinker as 
Treviranus, in accordance with this grand mechanical con- 
ception of the universe, could not admit for man a privileged 
and exceptional position in nature, but assumed his gradual 
development from lower animal forms. And it is equally 
self-evident, on the other hand, that he did not admit a 
chasm between organic and inorganic nature, but main- 
tained the absolute unity of the organization of the whole 
universe. This is specially attested by the following 
sentence : " Every inquiry into the influence of the whole 
of nature on the living world must start from the principle 
that all living forms are products of physical influences, 
which are acting even now, and are changed only in degree, 
or in their direction." Hereby, as Treviranus himself says, 
"the fundamental problem of biology is solved," and we 
add, solved in a purely mechanical or monistic sense. 

Yet neither Treviranus nor Goethe is commonly con- 
sidered the most eminent of the German nature-philosophers. 
This honour was reserved for Lorenz Oken, who, in estab- 

VOL. I. H 


lishing the vertebral theory of the skull, came forward as a 
rival to Goethe, and did not entertain a very kindly feeling 
towards him. Although they lived for some time in the 
same neighbourhood, yet the natures of these two men were 
so very different, that they could not well be drawn towards 
each other. Oken's " Manual of the Philosophy of Nature," 
which may be designated as the most important production 
of the nature-philosophy school then existing in Germany, 
appeared in 1809, the same year in which Lamarck's funda- 
mental work, the " Philosophie Zoologique," was published. 
As early as 1802, Oken had published an " Outline of the 
Philosophy of Nature." As we have already intimated, in 
Oken's as in Goethe's works, a number of valuable and 
profound thoughts are hidden among a mass of erroneous, 
very eccentric, and fantastic conceptions. Some of these 
ideas have only quite recently and gradually become recog- 
nized in science, many years after they were first expressed. 
I shall here quote only two thoughts, which are almost 
prophetic, and which at the same time stand in the closest 
relation to the theory of development. 

One of the most important of Oken's theories, which was 
formerly very much decried, and was most strongly com- 
batted, especially by the so-called " exact experimentalists," 
is the idea that the phenomena of life in all organisms pro- 
ceed from a common chemical substance, so to say, from a 
general simple vital-substance, which he designated by the 
name Urschleim, that is, original slime. By it he meant, as 
the name indicates, a mucilaginous substance, an albuminous 
combination, which exists in a semi-fluid condition of aggre- 
gation, and possesses the power, by adaptation to different 
conditions of existence in the outer world and by inter- 


action with its material, of producing the most various forms. 
Now, we need only change the expression " original slime " 
(Urschleim) into Protoplasm, or cell-substance, in order to 
arrive at one of the grandest results which we owe to 
microscopic investigations during the last twenty years, 
more especially to those of Max Schultze. By these investi- 
gations it has been shown that in all living bodies, without 
exception, there exists a certain quantity of mucilaginous 
albuminous matter, in a semi-fluid condition ; and that this 
nitrogen-holding carbon-compound is exclusively the ori- 
ginal seat and agent of all the phenomena of life, and of all 
production of organic forms. All other substances which 
appear in the organism are either formed by this active 
matter of life, or have been introduced from without. The 
organic egg, the original cell out of which every animal and 
plant is first developed, consists essentially only of one 
round little lump of such albuminous matter. Even the 
yolk of an egg is nothing but albumen, mixed with granules 
of fat. Oken was therefore right when, more divining than 
knowing, he made the assertion— " Every organic thing has 
arisen out of slime, and is nothing but slime in different 
forms. This primitive slime originated in the sea, from 
inorganic matter in the course of planetary evolution." 

Another equally grand idea of the same philosopher is 
closely connected with his theory of primitive slime, which 
coincides with the extremely important Protoplasm theory. 
For Oken, as early as 1809, asserted that the primitive 
slime produced in the sea by spontaneous generation, at 
once assumed the form of microscopically small bladders, 
which he called " Mile," or "Infusoria." " Organic nature 
has for its basis an infinity of such vesicles." These little 


bladders arise from original semi-fluid globules of the primi- 
tive slime, by the fact of their periphery becoming con- 
densed. The simplest organism, as well as every animal 
and every plant of higher kind, is nothing else than " an 
accumulation (synthesis) of such infusorial bladders, which 
by various combinations assume various forms, and thus 
develop into higher organisms." Here again we need only 
translate the expression little bladder, or infusorium, by 
the word cell, and we arrive at the Cell theory, one of the 
grandest biological theories of our century. Schleiden and 
Schwann, in 1838, were the first to furnish experiential 
proof that all organisms are either simple cells, or accumu- 
lations (syntheses) of such cells, and the more recent proto- 
plasm theory has shown that protoplasm (the original slime) 
is the most essential (and sometimes the only) constituent 
part of the genuine cell. The properties which Oken 
ascribes to his Infusoria are exactly the properties of cells, 
the properties of elementary beings, by whose accumulation, 
combination, and varying development the higher organisms 
are formed. 

These two extremely fruitful thoughts of Oken, on account 
of the absurd form in which he expressed them, were at 
first little heeded, or entirely misunderstood, and it was 
reserved for a much later era to establish them by actual 
observation. Other principles of the theory of descent also 
stood in the closest connection with Oken's ideas. Of the 
origin of the human race Oken asserts, " Man has been 
developed, not created." Although many arbitrary per- 
versities and extravagant fancies may be found in Oken's 
philosophy of nature, they must not prevent us paying our 
just admiration to his grand ideas, which were so far in 


advance of their age. This much is clearly evident from 
the statements of Goethe and Oken which we have quoted, 
and from the views of Lamarck and GeofFroy which have 
to be discussed next, that during the first decade of our 
century no doctrine approached so nearly to the natural 
Theory of Descent, newly established by Darwin, as Oken's 
much-decried " Natur-philosophie." 




Kant's Services to the Theory of Development. — His Monistic Cosmology 
and Dualistic Biology. — Contradiction between the Mechanical and 
Teleological Conception. — Comparison of Genealogical Biology with 
Comparative Philology. — Views in favonr of the Theory of Descent 
entertained by Leopold Buch, Bar, Schleiden, Unger, Schaaffhausen, 
Victor Cams, Biichner. — French Nature-Philosophy. — Lamarck's Philo- 
sophic Zoologique. — Lamarck's Monistic (mechanical) System of 
Nature. — His Views of the Interaction of the Two Organic Formative 
Tendencies of Inheritance and Adaptation. — Lamarck's Conception of 
Man's Development from Ape-like Mammals. — Geoffrey St. Hilaire's, 
Naudin's, and Lecoq's Defence of the Theory of Descent. — English 
Nature-Philosophy. — Views in favour of the Theory of Descent, enter- 
tained by Erasmus Darwin, W. Herbert, Grant, Freke, Herbert 
Spencer, Hooker, Huxley. — The Double Merit of Charles Darwin. 

The teleological view of nature, which explains the phe- 
nomena of the organic world by the action of a personal 
Creator acting for a definite purpose, necessarily leads, when 
carried to its extreme consequences, either to utterly unten- 
able contradictions, or to a twofold (dualistic) conception 
of nature, which most directly contradicts the unity and 
simplicity of the supreme laws which are everywhere 
perceptible. The philosophers who embrace teleology must 
necessarily assume two fundamentally different natures : 


an inorganic nature, which must be explained by causes 
acting mechanically (causae efficientes), and an organic 
nature, -which must be explained by causes acting for a 
definite purpose (causae finales). (Compare p. 35.) 

This dualism meets us in a striking manner when con- 
sidering the conceptions of nature formed by Kant, one 
of the greatest German philosophers, and his ideas of the 
coming into being of organisms. A closer examination of 
these ideas is forced upon us here, because in Immanuel Kant 
we honour one of the few philosophers who combine a solid 
scientific culture with an extraordinary clearness and pro- 
fundity of speculation. The Konigsberg philosopher gained 
the highest celebrity, not only among speculative philo- 
sophers as the founder of critical philosophy, but acquired 
a brilliant name also among naturalists by his mechanical 
cosmogony. As early as the year 1755, in his "General 
History of Nature, and Theory of the Heavens," 22 he made 
the bold attempt " to discuss the constitution and the 
mechanical origin of the whole universe, according to 
Newton's principles," and to explain them mechanically by 
the natural course of development, to the exclusion of all 
miracles. This cosmogony of Kant, or " cosmological gas 
theory," which we shall briefly discuss in a future chapter, 
was at a later day fully established by the French mathe- 
matician Laplace and the English astronomer Herschel, and 
enjoys at the present day almost universal recognition. On 
account of this important work alone, in which exact know- 
ledge is coupled with most profound speculation, Kant 
deserves the honourable name of a natural philosopher in 
the best and purest sense of the word. 

Now, in various works of Immanuel Kant, especially in 


those written in his earlier years (between 1755 and 1775), 
are scattered a number of very important passages which 
would justify our placing him, by the side of Lamarck and 
Goethe, as the principal and most eminent of Darwin's 
precursors. Professor Fritz Schultze, of Dresden, has done 
important work by collecting and giving a critical explana- 
tion of these very interesting but little known passages 
from the writings of the great Kbnigsberg philosopher. 
Schultze's work is entitled, " Kant und Darwin," a contri- 
bution to the history of the Theory of Development (Jena, 
1 875). From the passages quoted by Schultze, it is quite 
evident that Kant had, at that time, clearly and perfectly 
grasped the great idea of the unity of nature (pp. 32, 46), 
and the monistic conception of development that embraces 
all nature. Hence he not only maintains the derivation of 
the various organisms from common primary forms (the 
theory of descent !), the degeneration from the primary 
form of the species by natural wanderings (the migration 
theory ! p. 65), but he likewise assumes (as early as 
1771 !) " that the original mode of walking in man was to 
proceed on four feet, that to walk upright on two feet 
was undertaken only by degrees, and that man has only 
gradually, proudly raised his head above his old comrades, 
the animals " (I.e., 47-50). Kant, moreover, was the first 
to discover the principle of the " Struggle for Existence " 
and the theory of Selection, as we shall presently see (I.e., 
25, 56, 57, 61, 140, etc.). 

For these reasons we should unconditionally have to 
assign the place of honour in the history of the Theory 
of Development to our mighty Kbnigsberg philosopher, 
were it not that, unfortunately, these remarkable monistic 


ideas of young Kant were at a subsequent period wholly 
suppressed by the overwhelming influence of the dualistic, 
Christian conception of the universe. In Kant's later 
works, in place of his earlier ideas, we have either utterly 
untenable dualistic conceptions, or an indefinite wavering 
between the former and the latter ideas. 

When we read Kant's Criticism of the Teleological 
Faculty of Judgment, his most important biological work, 
we perceive that in contemplating organic nature he always 
maintains what is essentially the teleological or dualistic 
point of view ; whilst for inorganic nature he, uncondition- 
ally and without reserve, assumes the mechanical or monis- 
tic method of explanation. He affirms that in the domain 
of inorganic nature all the phenomena can be explained by 
mechanical causes, by the moving forces of matter itself, but 
not so in the domain of organic nature. In the whole of 
Anorganology (in Geology and Mineralogy, in Meteorology 
and Astronomy, in the physics and chemistry of inorganic 
natural bodies), all phenomena are said to be explicable 
merely by mechanism, (causa efficiens), without the interven- 
tion of a final purpose. In the whole domain of Biology, on 
the other hand — in Botany, Zoology, and Anthropology — 
mechanism is not considered sufficient to explain to us all 
their phenomena ; we are supposed to be able to comprehend 
them only by an assumption of a final cause acting for a 
definite purpose (causa finalis). In several passages Kant 
emphatically remarks that, from a strictly scientific point of 
view, all phenomena, without exception, require a mechani- 
cal interpretation, and that mechanism alone can offer a true 
explanation. But at the same time be thinks, that in regard 
to living natural bodies, animals and plants, our human 


power of comprehension is limited, and not sufficient for 
arriving at the real cause of organic processes, especially at 
the origin of organic forms. The right of human reason to 
explain all phenomena mechanically is unlimited, he says, 
but its power is limited by the fact that organic nature 
can be conceived only from a teleological point of 

In other passages again Kant quits this dualistic point 
of view, and even asserts the necessity of a genealogical 
conception of the series of organisms, if we at all wish to 
understand it scientifically. The most important and 
remarkable of these passages occurs in his " Methodical 
System of the Teleological Faculty of Judgment " (§ 79), 
which appeared in 1790 in the " Criticism of the Faculty of 
Judgment." Considering the extraordinary interest which 
this passage possesses, both for forming a correct estimate 
of Kant's philosophy, as well as for the Theory of Descent, 
I shall here insert it verbatim. 

" It is desirable to examine the great domain of organized 
beings by means of a methodical comparative anatomy, in 
order to discover whether we may not find in them some- 
thing resembling a system, and that too in connection with 
their mode of generation, so that we may not be compelled 
to stop short with a mere consideration of forms as they 
are — -which gives us no insight into their generation — 
and need not despair of gaining a full insight into this de- 
partment of nature. The agreement of so many kinds of 
animals in a certain common plan of structure, which seems 
to be visible not only in their skeletons, but also in the 
arrangement of the other parts — so that a wonderfully 
simple typical form, by the shortening and lengthening 


of some parts, and by the suppression and development of 
others, might be able to produce an immense variety of 
species — gives us a ray of hope, though feeble, that here 
perhaps some result may be obtained, by the application of 
the principle of the mechanism of nature, without which, 
in fact, no science can exist. This analogy of forms (in so 
far as they seem to have been produced in accordance with 
a common prototype, notwithstanding their great variety) 
strengthens the supposition that they have an actual blood- 
relationship, due to derivation from a common parent ; 
a supposition ' which is arrived at by observation of the 
graduated approximation of one class of animals to another, 
beginning with the one in which the principle of purposive- 
ness seems to be most conspicuous, namely man, and extend- 
ing down to the polyps, and from these even down to mosses 
land lichens, and arriving finally at raw matter, the lowest 
stage of nature observable by us. From this raw matter 
land its forces, the whole apparatus of Nature seems to have 
been derived according to mechanical laws (such as those 
Which resulted in the production of crystals) ; yet this 
'apparatus, as seen in organic beings, is so incomprehensible 
to us, that we feel ourselves compelled to conceive for it a 
different principle. But it would seem that the archaeologist 
of Nature is at liberty to regard the great Family of 
creatures (for as a Family we must conceive it, if the above- 
mentioned continuous and connected relationship has a real 
foundation) as having sprung from the immediate results of 
her earliest revolutions, judging from all the laws of their 
mechanism known to or conjectured by him." 

If we take this remarkable passage and consider it by 
itself, we cannot but be astonished to find how profoundly 


and clearly the great thinker had recognized the inevitable 
necessity of the Doctrine of Descent, and designated it as 
the only possible way of explaining organic nature by 
mechanical laws — that is, by true scientific reasoning. But 
as soon as we consider this passage in connection with the 
other train of thoughts in the " Criticism of the Faculty 
of Judgment," and balance it against other directly con- 
tradictory passages, we see clearly that Kant, in these and 
some similar (but weaker) sentences, went beyond himself, 
and abandoned the teleological point of view which he 
usually adopts in Biology. 

Even directly after the passage just quoted, there follows 
a remark which completely takes off its edge. After having 
quite correctly maintained the origin of organic forms out 
of raw matter by mechanical laws (in the manner of 
crystallization), as well as a gradual development of the 
different species by descent from one common original; 
parent, Kant adds, " But he (the archaeologist of nature,! 
that is the palaeontologist) must for this end ascribe to the; 
common mother an organization ordained purposely with 
a view to the needs of all her offspring, otherwise the 
possibility of suitability of form in the products of the 
animal and vegetable kingdoms cannot be conceived at all." 
This addition clearly contradicts the most important funda- 
mental thought of the preceding passage, viz. that a purely 
mechanical explanation of organic nature becomes possible 
through the Theory of Descent. And that the teleological 
conception of organic nature predominated with Kant, is 
shown by the heading of the remarkable § 79, which con- 
tains the two contradictory passages cited: " Of the Necessary 
Subordination of the Mechanical to the Teleological Prin- 


ciple, in the explanation of a thing as a purpose or object 
of Nature'' 

He expresses himself most decidedlyagainstthe mechanical 
explanation of organic nature in the following passage 
(§ 74) : " It is quite certain that we cannot become sufficiently 
acquainted with organized creatures and their hidden 
potentialities by aid of purely mechanical natural principles, 
much less can we explain them ; and this is so certain, that 
we may boldly assert that it is absurd for man even to con- 
ceive such an idea, or to hope that a Newton may one day 
arise able to make the production of a blade of grass com- 
prehensible, according to natural laws ordained by no inten- 
tion ; such an insight we must absolutely deny to man." 
However, this impossible Newton did really appear seventy 
years later in Darwin, whose Theory of Selection has 
actually solved the problem, the solution of which Kant 
had considered absolutely inconceivable. 

In connection with Kant and the German philosophers 
whose theories of development have already occupied us in 
the preceding chapter, it seems justifiable to consider briefly 
some other German naturalists and philosophers, who, in the 
course of our century, have more or less distinctly resisted 
the prevailing teleological views of creation, and vindicated 
the mechanical conception of things which is the basis of 
the Doctrine of Filiation. Sometimes, general philosophical 
considerations, sometimes special empirical observations, 
were the motives which led these thinking men to form the 
idea that the various individual species of organisms must 
have originated from common primary forms. Among them 
I must first mention the great German geologist, Leopold 
Buch. Important observations as to the geographical dis- 


tribution of plants led him to the following remarkable 
assertion in his excellent " Physical Description of the 
Canary Islands " : — 

" The individuals of genera, on continents, spread and 
widely diffuse themselves, and owing to the difference of 
localities, nourishment, and soil, form varieties; and in 
consequence of their isolation never being crossed by other 
varieties, and so brought back to the main type, they 
in the end become a permanent and a distinct species. 
Then, perhaps, in other ways, they meet with other de- 
scendants of the original form — which have likewise be- 
come new varieties — and both now appear as very distinct 
species, no longer mingling with one another. Not so on 
islands. Being commonly confined in narrow valleys or 
within the limit of small zones, individuals can reach one 
another and destroy every commencing production of a per- 
manent variety. Much in the same way the peculiarities or 
faults in language, originating with the head of some family, 
become, through the extension of the family, indigenous 
throughout a whole district. If the district is separated 
and isolated, and if the language is not brought back to its 
former purity by constant connection with that spoken in 
neighbouring districts, a dialect will be the result. If 
natural obstacles, forests, constitution, form of government, 
unite the inhabitants of the separate district still more 
closely, and separate them still more completely from their 
neighbours, the dialect is fixed, and becomes a completely 
distinct language" ("TTebersicht der Flora auf den Canarien," 
S. 133). 

We perceive that Buch is here led to the fundamental 
idea of the Theory of Descent by the phenomena of the 


geography of plants, a department of biological knowledge 
which in fact furnishes a mass of proofs in favour of it. 
Darwin has minutely discussed these proofs in two separate 
chapters of his book (the 11th and 12th). Buch's remark is 
further of interest, because it leads us to the exceedingly 
instructive comparison of the different branches of language 
with the species of organisms, a comparison which is of the 
greatest use to Comparative Philology, as well as to Compara- 
tive Botany and Zoology. Just as, for example, the different 
dialects, provincialisms, branches, and off-shoots of the 
German, Slavonic, Greco-Latin, and Irano-Indian parent 
language are derived from a single common Indo-Germanic 
parent tongue, and just as their differences are explained by 
Adaptation, and their common fundamental characters ex- 
plained by Inheritance, so in like manner the different species, 
genera, families, orders, and classes of Vertebrate animals 
are derived from a single common vertebrate form of animal. 
Here also Adaptation is the cause of differences, Inheritance 
the cause of community of character. This interesting 
parallelism in the divergent development of the forms of 
speech and the forms of organisms has been discussed in 
the clearest manner by one of our first comparative philolo- 
gists, the talented Augustus Schleicher ; his work consisted, 
more especially, in tracing phylogenetically the pedigree 
of the Indo-Germanic languages, and this he did with much 
ingenuity. 6 

Among other eminent German naturalists who have ex- 
pressed their belief in the Theory of Descent more or less 
distinctly, arriving at their conclusion in very various wa3 7 s, 
I must next mention Carl Ernst Bar, the great reformer of 
animal embryology. In a lecture delivered in 1834, entitled 


" The Most General Laws of Nature in All Development," 
he shows, in the clearest way, that only in a very childish 
view of nature could organic species be regarded as perma- 
nent and unchangeable types, and that in fact they can be 
only passing series of generations, which have developed by 
transformation from a common original form. The same 
conception again received firm support from Baer, in 1859, 
through a consideration of the laws of the geographical 
distribution of organisms. 

J. M. Schleiden, who founded, fifty years ago, in Jena, a 
new epoch in Botany by his strictly empirico-philosophical 
and truly scientific method, illustrated the philosophical 
significance of the conception of organic species in his inci- 
sive " Outlines of Scientific Botany," 7 and showed that it 
had only a subjective origin in the general law of specifica- 
tion. The different species of plants are only the specified 
productions of the formative tendencies of plants, which 
arise from the various combinations of the fundamental 
forces of organic matter. 

The eminent botanist, F. Unger, of Vienna, was led by 
his profound and comprehensive investigations on extinct 
vegetable species, to a palseontological history of the de- 
velopment of the vegetable kingdom, which distinctly asserts 
the principle of the Theory of Descent. In his "Attempt 
at a History of the World of Plants " (1852), he maintains 
the derivation of all different species of plants from a few 
primary forms, and perhaps from a single original plant, a 
simple vegetable cell. He shows that this view is founded 
on the genetic connection of all vegetable forms, and is 
necessary, not merely for philosophical reasons, but for 
those of experience and observation. 8 


Victor Carus, of Leipzig, in the Introduction to his 
excellent " System of Animal Morphology," 9 published in 
1853, makes the following remark : " The organisms buried 
in the most ancient geological strata must be looked upon 
as the ancestors from whom the rich diversity of forms of 
the present creation have originated by continued genera- 
tion, and by accommodation to progressive and very different 
conditions of life." 

In the same year (1853) Schaaffhausen, the anthropologist 
of Bonn, in an Essay " On the Permanence and Transforma- 
tion of Species," declared himself decidedly in favour of the 
Theory of Descent. According to him, the living species of 
animals and plants are the transformed descendants of ex- 
tinct species, from which they have arisen by gradual modi- 
fication. The divergence or separation of the most nearly 
allied species takes place by the destruction of the connect- 
ing intermediate stages. Schaaffhausen also maintained 
the origin of the human race from animals, and its gradual 
development from ape-like animals, the most important 
deduction from the Doctrine of Filiation. 

Lastly, we have still to mention among the German Nature- 
philosophers the name of Louis Biichner, who, in his cele- 
brated work, " Force and Matter " (1855), also independently 
developed the principles of the Theory of Descent, taking 
his stand mainly on the ground of the undeniable evidences 
of facts which are furnished by the palseontological and in- 
dividual development of organisms, as well as by their com- 
parative anatomy and by the parallelism of these series of 
development. Biichner showed very clearly that, even from 
such data alone, the derivation of the different organic 
species from common primary forms followed as a necessary 

VOL. I. I 


conclusion, and that the origin of these original primary 
forms could only be conceived of as the result of a spon- 
taneous generation. 

We now turn from the German to the French Nature- 
philosophers, who have likewise held the Theory of Descent, 
since the beginning of the present century. At their head 
stands Jean Lamarck, who occupies the first place next 
to Darwin and Goethe in the history of the Doctrine of 
Filiation. To him will always belong the immortal glory of 
having for the first time worked out the Theory of Descent, 
as an independent scientific theory of the first order, and as 
the philosophical foundation of the whole science of Biology. 
Although Lamarck was born as early as 1744, he did not 
begin the publication of his theory until the commence- 
ment of the present century, in 1801, and established it more 
fully only in 1809, in his classic " Philosophic Zoologique." 2 
This admirable work is the first connected exposition of 
the Theory of Descent carried out strictly into all its con- 
sequences. By its purely mechanical method of viewing 
organic nature, and the strictly philosophical proofs brought 
forward in it, Lamarck's work is raised far above the pre- 
vailing dualistic views of his time ; and with the exception 
of Darwin's work, which appeared just half a century later, 
there is none which we could in this respect place by the 
side of the "Philosophie Zoologique." How far it was 
in advance of its time is perhaps best seen from the cir- 
cumstance that it was not understood by most men, and for 
fifty years was not spoken of at all. Cuvier, Lamarck's 
greatest opponent, in his " Report on the Progress of Natural 
Sciences," in which the most unimportant anatomical inves- 
tigations are enumerated, does not devote a single word to 


this work, which forms an epoch in science. Goethe, also, who 
took such a lively interest in the French nature-philosophy 
and in "the thoughts of kindred minds beyond the Rhine," 
nowhere mentions Lamarck, and does not seem to have 
known the "Philosophie Zoologique " at all. The great 
reputation which Lamarck gained as a naturalist he does 
not owe to his highly important general work, but to 
numerous special treatises on the lower animals, particularly 
on Molluscs, as well as to an excellent " Natural History of 
Invertebrate Animals," which appeared, in seven volumes, 
between the years 1815-1822. The first volume of this 
celebrated work contains in the general introduction a 
detailed exposition of his theory of filiation. I can, per- 
haps, give no better idea of the extraordinary importance 
of the " Philosophie Zoologique " than by quoting verbatim 
some of the most important passages therefrom : — 

"The systematic divisions of classes, orders, families, 
genera, and species, as well as their designations, are the 
arbitrary and artificial productions of man. The kinds or 
species of organisms are of unequal age, developed one after 
the other, and show only a relative and temporary persist- 
ence ; species arise out of varieties. The differences in the 
conditions of life have a modifying influence on the organi- 
zation, the general form, and the parts of animals, and so 
has the use or disuse of organs. In the first beginning only 
the very simplest and lowest animals and plants came into 
existence ; those of a more complex organization only at a 
later period. The course of the earth's development, and 
that of its organic inhabitants, was continuous, not inter- 
rupted by violent revolutions. Life is purely a physical 
phenomenon. All the phenomena of life depend on 


mechanical, physical, and chemical causes, which are in- 
herent in the nature of matter itself. The simplest animals 
and the simplest plants, which stand at the lowest point in 
the scale of organization, have originated and still originate 
by spontaneous generation. All animate natural bodies or 
organisms are subject to the same laws as inanimate natural 
bodies or anorgana. The ideas and actions of the under- 
standing are the motional phenomena of the central nervous 
system. The will is in truth never free. Reason is only a 
higher degree of development and combination of judg- 

These are indeed astonishingly bold, grand, and far-reach- 
ing views, and were expressed by Lamarck eighty years ago, 
in fact, at a time when their establishment, by a mass of 
facts, was not nearly as possible as it is in our day. Indeed 
Lamarck's work is really a complete and strictly monistic 
(mechanical) system of nature, and all the important general 
principles of monistic Biology are already enunciated by 
him : the unity of the active causes in organic and inorganic 
nature ; the ultimate explanation of these causes in the 
chemical and physical properties of matter itself; the 
absence of a special vital power, or of an organic final cause, 
the derivation of all organisms from some few, most simple 
original forms, which have come into existence by spon- 
taneous generation out of inorganic matter; the coherent 
course of the whole earth's history; the absence of 
violent cataclysmic revolutions ; and in general the incon- 
ceivableness of any miracle, of any supernatural interference, 
in the natural course of the development of matter. 

The fact that Lamarck's wonderful intellectual feat met 
with scarcely any recognition, arises partly from the gigantic 


stride with which he had advanced beyond the next fifty 

years, partly from its defective empirical foundation, and 

from the somewhat one-sided character of some of his 

arguments. Lamarck quite correctly recognizes Adaptation 

as the first mechanical cause which effects the continual 

transformation of organic forms, while he traces with equal 

justice the similarity in form of different species, genera, 

families, etc., to their blood-relationship, and thus explains 

it by Inheritance. Adaptation, according to him, consists 

in this, that the perpetual, slow change of the outer world 

causes a corresponding change in the actions of organisms, 

and thereby also causes a further change in their forms. 

He lays the greatest stress upon the effect of habit upon 

the use and disuse of organs. This is certainly of great 

importance in the transformation of organic forms, as we 

shall see later. However, the way in which Lamarck 

wished to explain exclusively, or at any rate mainly, the 

change of forms, is after all in most cases not possible. 

He says, for example, that the long neck of the giraffe has 

arisen from its constantly stretching out its neck at high 

trees, and from the endeavour to pick the leaves off their 

branches ; that as giraffes generally inhabit dry districts, 

where only the foliage of trees afford them nourishment, 

they were forced to this action. In like manner the long 

tongues of woodpeckers, humming-birds, and ant-eaters are 

said by him to have arisen from the habit of fetching their 

food out of narrow, small, and deep crevices or channels. 

The webs between the toes of the webbed feet in frogs and 

other aquatic animals, he says, have arisen solely from the 

constant endeavour to swim, from striking their feet against 

the water, and from the very movements of swimming. 


Inheritance, he says, fixed these habits on the descendants, 
and finally, by further elaboration, the organs were entirely 
transformed. However correct, as a whole, this fundamental 
thought may be, yet Lamarck lays the stress too exclusively 
on habit (use and non-use of organs), certainly one of the 
most important, but not the only cause of the change of 
forms. Still this cannot prevent our acknowledging that 
Lamarck quite correctly appreciated the mutual co-operation 
of the two organic formative tendencies of Adaptation and 
Inheritance. What he failed to grasp is the exceedingly 
important principle of " Natural Selection in the Struggle 
for Existence," with which Darwin, fifty years later, made 
us acquainted. 

It still remains to be mentioned as a special merit of 
Lamarck, that he endeavoured to prove the development of 
the human race from other primitive, ape-like mammals. 
Here again it was, above all, to habit that he ascribed the 
transforming, the ennobling influence. He assumed that the 
lowest, original men had originated out of men-like apes, by 
the latter accustoming themselves to walk upright. The 
raising of the body, the constant effort to keep upright, in 
the first place led to a transformation of the limbs, to a 
stronger differentiation or separation of the fore and hinder 
extremities, which is justly considered one of the most 
essential distinctions between man and the ape. Behind, 
the calf of the leg and the flat soles of the feet were 
developed ; in front, the arms and hands, for the purpose of 
seizing objects. The upright walk was then followed by a 
freer view over the surrounding objects, and led consequently 
to an important progress in mental development. Human 
apes thereby soon gained a great advantage over the other 


apes, and further, over surrounding, organisms in general. 
In order to maintain the supremacy over them, they 
formed themselves into companies, and there arose, as in the 
case of all animals living in company, the desire of com- 
municating to one another their desires and thoughts. Thus 
arose the necessity of language, which, consisting at first of 
rough and disjointed sounds, soon became more connected, 
developed, and articulate. The development of articulate 
speech now in turn became the strongest lever for a further 
progressive development of the organism, and, above all, of 
the brain, and so ape-like men became gradually and slowly 
transformed into real men. In this way the actual descent 
of the lowest and rudest primitive men from the most highly 
developed apes was distinctly maintained by Lamarck, and 
supported by a series of the most important proofs. 

The honour of being the chief French nature-philosopher 
is not usually assigned to Lamarck, but to Etienne Geoffroy 
St. Hilaire (the elder), born in 1771, the same in whom 
Goethe was especially interested, and with whom we have 
already become acquainted as Cuvier's most prominent 
opponent. He developed his ideas about the transformation 
of organic species as far back as the end of the last century, 
but published them only in the year 1828, and then in the 
following years, especially in 1830, defended them bravely 
against Cuvier. Geoffroy St. Hilaire in all essentials 
adopted Lamarck's Theory of Descent, yet he believed that 
the transformation of animal and vegetable species was less 
effected by the action of the organism itself (by habit, 
practice, use or disuse of organs) than by the "monde 
ambiant," that is, by the continual change of the outer 
world, especially of the atmosphere. He conceives the 


organism as passive, in regard to the vital conditions of 
the outer world, while Lamarck, on the contrary, regards it 
as active. Geoffroy thinks, for example, that birds origi- 
nated from lizard-like reptiles, simply by a diminution of 
the carbonic acid in the atmosphere, in consequence of which 
the breathing process became more animated and energetic 
through the increased proportion of oxygen in the atmo- 
sphere. Thus there arose a higher temperature of the blood, 
an increased activity of the nerves and muscles, and the 
scales of the reptiles became the feathers of the birds, etc. 
This conception is based upon a correct thought, but although 
the change of the atmosphere, as well as the change of every 
other external condition of existence, certainly effects 
directly or indirectly the transformation of the organism, 
yet this single cause is by itself too unimportant for such 
effects to be ascribed to it. It is even less important than 
practice and habit, upon which Lamarck lays too much 
stress. Geoffrey's chief merit consists in his having vindi- 
cated the monistic conception of nature, the unity of 
organic forms, and the deep genealogical connection of the 
different organic types in the face of Ouvier's powerful 
influence. I have already mentioned in the preceding 
chapter the celebrated disputes between the two great 
opponents in the Academy of Paris, especially the fierce 
conflicts on the 22nd of February and on the 19th of 
July, in which Goethe took so lively an interest. On that 
occasion Cuvier remained the acknowledged victor, and 
since that time very little, or rather nothing, more has been 
done in France to further the development of the Doctrine 
of Filiation, and to complete the monistic theory of develop- 
ment. This is evidently to be ascribed principally to the 


repressive influence exercised by Cuvier's great authority. 
In no civilized country of Europe has Darwin's doctrine 
had so little effect and been so little understood as in 
France. The Academy of Sciences in Paris on several 
occasions even rejected the proposal to invite Darwin to 
become a member, before it declared itself worthy of this 
highest of honours. Among the recent French naturalists 
(before Darwin) there are only two distinguished botanists 
whom we may mention as having ventured to express 
themselves in favour of the mutability and transformation 
of species. These two men are Naudin (1852) and Lecoq 

Having discussed the early services of German and 
French nature-philosophy in establishing the doctrine of 
descent, we turn to the third great country of Europe, to 
England, which, since the year 1859, has become the 
chief seat and starting-point for the further working out 
and definite establishment of the theory of development. 
Englishmen at the beginning of the century took but 
little part in the continental nature-philosophy and its 
most important progress, the Theory of Descent. Almost 
the only earlier English naturalist whom we have here 
to mention is Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of the 
reformer of the Theory of Descent. In 1794 he published, 
under the title of " Zoonomia," a scientific work in which 
he expresses views very similar to those of Goethe and 
Lamarck, without, however, then knowing anything 
about these two men. It is evident that the Theory of 
Descent at that time pervaded the intellectual atmosphere. 
Erasmus Darwin lays great stress upon the transformation 
of animal and vegetable species by their own vital 


action and by their becoming accustomed to changed 
conditions of existence, etc. Next, W. Herbert, in 1822, 
expressed the opinion that species of animals and plants 
are nothing but varieties which have become permanent. 
In like manner Grant, in Edinburgh, in 1826, declared that 
new species proceed from existing species by continued 
transformation. In 1841 Freke maintained that all organic 
beings must be descended from a single primitive type. In 
1852 Herbert Spencer demonstrated minutely, and in a very 
clear and philosophic manner, the necessity of the Doctrine 
of Filiation, and established it more firmly in his excellent 
" Essays," which appeared in 1858, and in his " Principles of 
Biology," which was published at a later date. He has, at 
the same time, the great merit of having applied the theory 
of development to psychology, and of having shown that the 
emotional and intellectual faculties could only have been 
acquired by degrees and developed gradually. Lastly, we 
have to mention that in 1859 Huxley, the first of English 
zoologists, spoke of the Theory of Descent as the only 
hypothesis of creation reconcilable with scientific physiology. 
The same year produced the " Introduction to the Flora 
of Tasmania," in which Hooker, the celebrated English 
botanist, adopts the Theory of Descent, supporting it with 
important observations of his own. 

All the naturalists and philosophers with whom we have 
become acquainted in this brief historical survey, as men 
adopting the Theory of Development, merely arrived at the 
conception that all the different species of animals and 
plants which at any time have lived, and still live, upon 
the earth, are the gradually changed and transformed de- 
scendants of one or some few original and very simple 


prototypes, which latter arose out of inorganic matter by 
spontaneous generation. But none of them succeeded in 
placing this fundamental element of the doctrine of descent 
in relation with some cause, nor in satisfactorily explaining 
the transformation of organic species by the true demonstra- 
tion of its mechanical antecedents. Charles Darwin was 
the first who solved this most difficult problem, and this 
forms the broad gulf which separates him from his pre- 

The special merit of Charles Darwin is, in my opinion, 
twofold : in the first place, the doctrine of descent, the 
fundamental idea of which was already clearly expressed 
by Goethe and Lamarck, has been developed by him much 
more comprehensively, has been traced much more minutely 
in all directions, and carried out much more strictly and 
connectedly than by any of his predecessors ; and secondly, 
he has established a new theory, which reveals to us the 
natural causes of organic development, the acting causes 
(causae efficientes) of organic form-production, and "of the 
changes and transformations of animal and vegetable species. 
This is the Theory of Natural Selection (selectio naturalis). 

When we reflect that almost the whole science of Biology, 
before Darwin's time, was elaborated in accordance with 
the opposite views, and that almost all zoologists and 
botanists regarded the absolute independence of organic 
species as a self-evident inference from the results of 
all study of forms, we shall certainly not lightly value 
the twofold merit of Darwin. The false doctrine of the 
constancy and independent creation of individual species 
had gained such high authority, was so generally recog- 
nized, and was, moreover, so much favoured by delusive 


appearances, accepted by superficial observation, that, 
indeed, no small degree of courage, strength, and intelli- 
gence was required to rise as a reformer against its 
omnipotence, and to dash to pieces the structure artificially 
erected upon it. But, in addition to this, Darwin added to 
Lamarck's and Goethe's doctrine of descent the new and 
highly important principle of " natural selection." 

We must sharply distinguish the two points — though this 
is usually not done — first, Lamarck's Theory of Descent, 
which only asserts that all animal and vegetable species are 
descended from common, most simple, and spontaneously 
generated prototypes; and secondly, Darwin's Theory of 
Selection, which shows us why this progressive transfor- 
mation of organic forms took place, and what causes, acting 
mechanically, effected the uninterrupted production of new 
forms, and the ever-increasing variety of animals and plants. 
Darwin's immortal merit cannot be justly estimated until 
a later period, when the Theory of Development, after over- 
throwing all other theories of creation, will be recognized as 
the supreme principle of explanation in Anthropology, and, 
consequently, in all other sciences. At present, while in 
the hot contest for truth, the name of Darwin is the watch- 
word to the advocates of the natural theory of development, 
his merits are often inaccurately appreciated on both sides, 
for some persons over-estimate them as much as others 
under-estimate them. 

His merit is over-estimated when he is regarded as the 
founder of the Theory of Descent, or of the whole of the 
Theory of Development. We have seen, from the historical 
sketch in this and the preceding chapters, that the Theory 
of Development, as such, is not new ; all the philosophers 


who refused to be led captive by the blind dogma of a 
supernatural creation were compelled to assume a natural 
development. But even the Theory of Descent, as the 
specially biological part of the universal Theory of Develop- 
ment, had already been so clearly expressed by Lamarck, 
and carried out so fully by him to its most important con- 
sequences, that we must honour him as the real founder of 
it. Hence it is only the Theory of Selection, and not that 
of Descent, which may be called Darwinism ; but this is 
in itself of so much importance, that its value can scarcely 
be over-estimated. 

Darwin's merit is naturally under-estimated by all his 
opponents. But it is scarcely possible in this matter to 
point to scientific opponents who are entitled by profound 
biological culture to pronounce an opinion. For among all 
the works opposed to Darwin and the Theory of Descent yet 
published, with the exception of that of Agassiz, not one 
deserves consideration, much less refutation ; all have so 
evidently been written either without thorough knowledge 
of biological facts, or without a clear philosophical under- 
standing of the question in hand. We need not trouble 
ourselves at all about the attacks of theologians and other 
unscientific men, who really know nothing whatever of 

The most eminent and most determined of Darwin's 
scientific adversaries, and the whole theory of development, 
was Louis Agassiz ; but the principle of his opposition in 
reality deserves notice only as a philosophical curiosity. In 
a French translation of his " Essay on Classification," which 
we have spoken of before, published in Paris in 1869, 
* Agassiz has most formally announced his opposition to 


Darwinism, which he had previously expressed in many 
ways. To this translation he has appended a treatise of 
sixteen pages, bearing the title, "Le Darwinisme. Classifi- 
cation de Haeckel." This curious chapter contains the most 
wonderful things; as, for example, "Darwin's idea is a 
conception a priori. Darwinism is a burlesque of facts. . . . 
Darwinism shuts out almost the whole mass of acquired 
knowledge in order to retain and assimilate to itself that 
only which may serve its doctrine." 

Surely this is what we may call turning the whole affair 
topsy-turvy ! The biologist who knows the facts must be 
astounded at Agassiz's courage in uttering such sentences — 
sentences without a word of truth in them, and which he 
cannot himself believe ! The impregnable strength of the 
Theory of Descent lies just in the fact that all biological 
facts are explicable only through it, and that without it 
they remain unintelligible miracles. All our "acquired 
knowledge " in comparative anatomy and physiology — in 
embryology and palseontology — in the doctrine of the 
geographical and topographical distribution of organisms, 
etc., constitutes an irrefutable testimony to the truth of the 
Theory of Descent. 

With the death of Louis Agassiz in December, 1873, the 
last opponent of Darwinism, worthy of any scientific 
consideration, was laid in his grave. His last work on the 
Development and Permanence of the type was published 
after his death in the Atlantic Monthly for January, 1874 ; 
it is directed specially against Darwin's ideas and my 
phylogenetic theories. However, Agassiz does not touch 
the actual kernel of the matter. The extraordinary weak- 
ness of this last attempt of his proves more clearly than 


anything that the ammunition of our adversaries is 
exhausted. In my General Morphology, especially in the 
sixth book (in the General Phylogeny), I have minutely 
refuted Agassiz's " Essay on Classification " in all essential 
points. The twenty-fourth chapter I have devoted to 
a very detailed and strictly scientific discussion of that 
section which Agassiz himself considers the most important 
(the groups or categories of systematic zoology and botany), 
and think I have shown that this part of his work is purely 
chimerical, without any trace of real foundation. Agassiz 
took good care not to venture anywhere to touch upon my 
refutation, because, forsooth, he was not in a position to 
produce anything substantial against it. He fought not 
with arguments, but with phrases. However, such opposi- 
tion will not delay the complete victory of the Theory of 
Development, but only accelerate it. 




Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology. — His Natural History of the Earth's 
Development. — Origin of the Greatest Effects through the Multiplica- 
tion of the Smallest Causes. — Unlimited Extent of Geological Periods. — 
Lyell's Refutation of Cuvier's History of Creation. — The Establishment 
of the Uninterrupted Connection of Historical Development by Lyell 
and Darwin. — Biographical Notice of Charles Darwin. — His Scientific 
Works. — His Theory of Coral Reefs. — Development of the. Theory of 
Selection. — A Letter of Darwin's. — The Contemporaneous Appear- 
ance of Darwin's and Alfred Wallace's Theory of Selection. — Darwin's 
Study of Domestic Animals and Cultivated Plants. — Andreas Wagner's 
notions as to the Special Creation of Cultivated Organisms for the 
Good of Man. — The Tree of Knowledge in Paradise.— Comparison 
between Wild and Cultivated Organisms. — Darwin's Study of Domestic 
Pigeons. — Importance of Pigeon-breeding. — Common Descent of all 
Races of Pigeons* 

During the thir y years, from 1830 until 1859, when 
Darwin's work appeared, the ideas of creation introduced 
by Cuvier remained predominant in the sciences of organic 
nature. People rested satisfied with the unscientific assump- 
tion, that in the course of the earth's history, a series of 
inexplicable revolutions had periodically annihilated the 
whole world of animals and plants, and that at the end of 
each revolution, and the beginning of a new period, a new, 


enlarged, and improved edition of the organic population had 
appeared. Although the number of these editions of creation 
was altogether problematical, and in truth could not be fixed 
at all, and although the numerous advances which, during 
this time, were made in all the departments of zoology and 
botany demonstrated more and more that Cuvier's hypo- 
thesis was unfounded and untenable, and that Lamarck's 
natural theory of development was nearer the truth, yet the 
former maintained its authority almost universally among 
biologists. This must, above all, be ascribed to the venera- 
tion which Cuvier had acquired, and strikingly illustrates 
how injurious to the progress of humanity a faith in 
any definite authority may become. Authority, as Goethe 
once admirably said, perpetuates the individual, which 
as an individual should pass away, rejects and allows to 
pass that which should be held fast, and is the main 
obstacle to the advance of humanity. 

It is only by having regard to the great weight of Cuvier's 
authority, and to the mighty potency of human indolence, 
which is with difficulty induced to depart from the broad 
and comfortable way of everyday conceptions, and to enter 
upon new paths not yet made easy, that we can comprehend 
how it is that Lamarck's Theory of Descent did not gain 
its due recognition until 1859, after Darwin had given it a 
new foundation. The soil had long been prepared for it by 
the works of Charles Lyell, another English naturalist, 
whose views are of great importance for the natural history 
creation, and must accordingly here be briefly explained. 

In 1830 Charles Lyell published, under the title of "Prin- 
ciples of Geology," a work in which he thoroughly re- 
formed the science of Geology and the history of the earth's 
VOL. I. K 


development, and effected this reform in a manner similar to 
that in which, thirty years later, Darwin in his work re- 
formed the science of Biology. Lyell's great treatise, which 
radically destroyed Cuvier's hypothesis of creation, appeared 
in the same year in which Cuvier celebrated his triumph 
over the nature-philosophy, and established his supremacy 
in the domain of morphology for the following thirty years. 
Whilst Cuvier, by his artificial hypothesis of creation and 
his theory of catastrophes connected with it, directly 
obstructed the path of the theory of natural development, 
and cut off all chance of a natural explanation, Lyell once 
more opened a free road, and brought forward convincing 
geological evidence to show that Cuvier's dualistic concep- 
tions were as unfounded as they were superfluous. He 
demonstrated that those changes of the earth's surface, 
which are still taking place before our eyes, are perfectly 
sufficient to explain everything we know of the development 
of the earth's crust in general, and that it is superfluous and 
useless to seek for mysterious causes in inexplicable revolu- 
tions. He showed that we need only have recourse to the 
hypothesis of exceedingly long periods of time in order to 
explain the formation of the crust of the earth in the simplest 
and most natural manner by means of the very same causes 
which are still active. Many geologists had previously 
imagined that the highest chains of mountains which rise 
on the surface of the earth could owe their origin only to 
enormous revolutions transforming a great part of the earth's 
surface, especially to colossal volcanic eruptions. Such 
chains of mountains as those of the Alps or the Cordilleras 
were believed to have arisen direct from the fiery fluid of 
the interior of the earth, through an enormous chasm in the 


broken crust. Lyell, on the other hand, showed that we can 
explain the formation of such enormous chains of mountains 
quite naturally by the same slow and imperceptible risings 
and depressions of the earth's surface which are still con- 
tinually taking place, and the causes of which are by no 
means miraculous. Although these depressions and risings 
may perhaps amount only to a few inches, or at most a few 
feet, in the course of a century ; still, in the course of some 
millions of years they are perfectly sufficient to raise up the 
highest chains of mountains, without the aid of mysterious 
and incomprehensible revolutions. In like manner, the 
meteorological action of the atmosphere, the influence of rain 
and snow, and, lastly, the breakers on the coasts, which by 
themselves seem to produce an insignificant effect, must 
cause the greatest changes if we only allow sufficiently long 
periods for their action. The multiplication of the smallest 
causes produces the greatest effects. Drops of water produce 
a cavity in a rock. 

I shall afterwards be obliged again to recur to the im- 
measurable length of geological periods which are necessary 
for this purpose, for, as we shall see, Darwin's theory, as 
well as that of Lyell, renders the assumption of immense 
periods absolutely necessary. If the earth and its organisms 
have actually developed in a natural way, this slow and 
gradual development must certainly have taken a length of 
time which surpasses our powers of comprehension. But as 
many men see in this very circumstance one of the principal 
difficulties in the way of those theories of development, I beg 
leave here to remark that we have not a single rational 
ground for conceiving the time requisite to be limited in any 
way. Not only many ordinary persons, but even eminent 


naturalists, make it their chief objection to these theories, • 
that they arbitrarily claim too great a length of time : yet 
the ground of objection is scarcely intelligible. For it is 
absolutely impossible to see what can, in any way, limit us 
in assuming long periods of time. We have long known, 
even from the structure of the stratified crust of the earth 
alone, that its origin and the formation of neptunic rocks 
from water must have taken, at least, several millions of 
years. From a strictly philosophical point of view, it makes 
no difference whether we hypothetically assume for this pro- 
cess ten millions or ten thousand billions of years. Before 
us and behind us lies eternity. If the assumption of such 
enormous periods is opposed to the feelings of many, I regard 
this simply as the consequence of false notions which are 
impressed upon us from our earliest youth concerning the 
short history of the earth, which is said to embrace only 
a few thousands of years. Albert Lange, in his admirable 
" History of Materialism," 12 has convincingly shown that 
from a strictly philosophical point of view it is far less 
objectionable in a scientific hypothesis to assume periods 
which are too long than periods which are too short. Every 
process of development is the more intelligible the longer it 
is assumed to last. A short and limited period is the most 

I have no space here to enter minutely into Lyell's great 
work, and will therefore mention only its most important 
result, which is, that he completely refuted Cuvier's history 
of creation with its mythical revolutions, and established in 
its place the constant and slow transformation of the earth's 
crust by the continued action of forces, which are still work- 
ing on the earth's surface, viz. the movement of water and 


the volcanic fluid of the interior of earth. Lyell thus demon- 
strated a continuous and uninterrupted connection of the 
whole history of the earth, and he proved it so irrefutably, 
and established so convincingly the supremacy of the " ex- 
isting causes," that is, of the causes which are still active 
in the transformation of the earth's crust, that Geology in 
a short time completely renounced Cuvier's hypothesis. 

Now, it is remarkable that Palaeontology, the science of 
petrifactions, so far as it was pursued by botanists and zoolo- 
gists, remained apparently unaffected by this great progress 
in geology. Biology still continued to assume repeated new 
creations of the whole animal and vegetable kingdoms, at 
the beginning of every new period of the earth's history, 
although this hypothesis of individual creations, shoved into 
the world one after the other, without the assumption of 
Cuvier's cataclysms, became pure nonsense, and lost its 
foundation. It is evidently perfectly absurd to assume a 
distinct new creation of the whole world of animals and 
plants at definite epochs, without the crust of the earth 
itself experiencing any considerable general revolution. 
And although this conception is most closely connected 
with Cuvier's theory of catastrophes, still it prevailed when 
the latter had been completely destroyed and abandoned. 

It was reserved for the great English naturalist, Charles 
Darwin, to remove this contradiction, and to show that the 
organic beings of the earth have a history as continuous and 
connected as the inorganic crust of the earth ; that animals 
and plants have arisen from one another by as gradual a 
transmutation as that by which the varying forms of the 
earth's crust, the forms of the continents, and of the seas 
surrounding and separating them, have arisen out of earlier 


and quite different forms. In this respect we may truly say 
that in the domain of Zoology and Botany Darwin made 
the same progress as Lyell, his great countryman, made in 
the domain of Geology. Both proved the uninterrupted 
connection of the historical development, and demonstrated ! 
a gradual transmutation of the different conditions succeed- 
ing one another. 

The special merit of Darwin, as I have already remarked 
in a preceding chapter, is twofold. In the first place, he 
has treated the Theory of Descent, put forth by Lamarck 
and Goethe, in a much more comprehensive manner, as 
a whole, and carried it out in a much more connected 
manner, than had been done by any one of his predecessors. 
Secondly, he has established the causal foundation of this 
Theory of Descent by the Theory of Selection, which is 
peculiarly his own ; that is, he has demonstrated the acting 
causes of the changes which the Theory of Descent simply 
stated, as facts. The Theory of Descent, introduced into 
Biology in 1809, by Lamarck, asserts that all the different 
species of animals and plants are descended from a single or 
some few most simple prototypes, produced by spontaneous 
generation. The Theory of Selection, established in 1859, 
by Darwin, shows us why this must be so ; it points out 
the acting causes in a manner with which Kant would 
have been delighted, and indeed, in the domain of organic 
nature, Darwin has become the Newton whose advent l 
Kant thought himself entitled prophetically to deny. 

Now, before we approach Darwin's theory, it will perhaps 
be of interest to notice a few details as to the personal 
character of this great naturalist, as to his life, and the 
way in which he was led to form his doctrine. Charles 


Robert Darwin was born at Shrewsbury, on the Severn, 
on the 12th of February, 1809 ; he died at his country 
house at Down, in Kent, on the 19th of April, 1882, at the 
age of seventy-three. In his seventeenth year (1825) he 
entered the University of Edinburgh, and two years later 
Christ's College, Cambridge. When scarcely twenty-two 
years old, in 1831, he was invited to take part in a 
scientific expedition which was sent out by England, 
in order to survey accurately the southernmost point of 
South America, and to examine several parts of the 
South Seas. This expedition, like many other voyages of 
inquiry fitted out in a praiseworthy manner by England, 
had scientific objects, and at the same time was intended 
to solve practical problems relating to navigation. The 
vessel, commanded by Captain Fitzroy, appropriately bore 
the symbolic name of the Beagle. The voyage of the 
Beagle, which lasted five years, was of the highest im- 
portance to the full development of Darwin's genius; for 
in the very first year, when he set his foot on the soil 
of South America, the "outline of the Doctrine of Descent 
dawned upon him. Darwin himself has described this 
voyage in a work which is written in a very attractive 
style, and we obtain from it a brilliant picture of the 
variously-gifted young naturalist. This book of travel, 
which lies far above the usual average in interest, not only 
shows in a very charming manner Darwin's amiable 
character, but we can in many ways recognize the various 
steps by which he arrived at his conceptions. The result of 
the voyage was, first, a large scientific work, the zoological 
and geological portion of which belong in a great measure 
to Darwin ; and secondly, a celebrated work by him alone on 


Coral Reefs, which in itself would have sufficed to secure to 
him a lasting reputation. It is well known that the islands 
in the South Seas consist for the most part of coral reefs, 
and are surrounded by them. Formerly no satisfactory 
explanation could be given of their different and remarkable 
forms, and of their relation to those islands which are not 
formed of corals. It was reserved for Darwin to solve this 
difficult problem, for together with the constructive action 
of the coral zoophytes, he assumed geological risings and 
depressions of the bottom of the sea to account for the origin 
of the different forms of reefs. Darwin's Theory of the 
Origin of Coral Reefs, like his later one as to the Origin 
of Organic Species, is a theory which fully explains the 
phenomenon, and for this purpose assumes only the simplest 
natural causes, without hypothetically supporting it with 
any unknown processes. Among the remaining works of 
Darwin, I must not pass over his excellent monograph on 
the Cirrhipedia, a curious class of marine animals, which 
in their outward appearance resemble mussels, and were 
actually considered by Cuvier as Molluscs possessing two 
shells, while in truth they belonged to the Crustacea (crabs). 
After his return from his voyage in the Beagle, Darwin 
resided for six years (between 1836 and 1842) partly in 
London and partly in Cambridge, and in the winter of 1839 
married his cousin, Emma Wedgewood. The extraordinary 
hardships to which Darwin had been exposed during his five 
years' voyage had injured his health to such a degree that 
be was soon obliged to withdraw from the restless turmoil 
of London life. In the autumn of 1842 he purchased an 
estate close to the village of Down, near Bromley, in Kent. 
There he lived for forty years in quiet retirement, till the 


end of his life, unwearied in the pursuit of scientific work. 
The seclusion he enjoyed from the restless activity of 
London life, his quiet intercourse with nature, and his 
happy family life, helped to maintain his pleasure in and his 
strength for work in spite of delicate health. Undisturbed 
by the various engagements which in London would have 
wasted his strength, he was enabled to concentrate his 
attention upon the great problem to which his mind had 
been turned during his voyage in the Beagle. In order to 
show what kind of observations during the voyage prin- 
cipally gave rise to the fundamental idea of the Theory of 
Selection, and in what manner he afterwards worked it 
out, I shall insert here a passage from a letter which he 
addressed to me on the 8th of October, 1864. 

Letter from Charles Darwin to Haeckel, 8th October, 1864. 

" In South America three classes of facts were brought 
strongly before my mind. Firstly, the manner in which 
closely allied species replace species in going southward. 
Secondly, the close affinity of the species inhabiting the 
islands near South America to those proper to the con- 
tinent. This struck me profoundly, especially the differ- 
ence of the species in the adjoining islets in the Galopagos 
Archipelago. Thirdly, the relation of the living Edentata 
and Rodentia to the extinct species. I shall never forget 
my astonishment when I dug out a gigantic piece of armour 
like that of the living armadillo. 

" Reflecting on these facts, and collecting analogous ones, 
it seemed to me probable that allied species were descended 
from a common parent. But for some years I could not 
conceive how each form became so excellently adapted to 


its habits of life. I then began systematically to study 
domestic productions, and after a time saw clearly that 
man's selective power was the most important agent. I 
was prepared, from having studied the habits of animals, 
to appreciate the struggle for existence, and my work in 
geology gave me some idea of the lapse of past time. There- 
fore, when I happened to read 'Malthus on Population/ 
the idea of natural selection flashed on me. Of all the 
minor points, the last which I appreciated was the im- 
portance and cause of the principle of divergence." 

During the leisure and retirement in which Darwin lived 
after his return, he occtipied himself, as we see from this 
letter, first and specially with the study of organisms in 
their cultivated state; that is, domestic animals and garden 
plants. This was undoubtedly the most likely way to 
arrive at the Theory of Selection. In this, as in all his 
labours, Darwin proceeded with extreme care and accuracy. 
With wonderful caution and self-denial, he published nothing 
on this subject during a period of twenty-one years, from 
1837 to 1858, not even a preliminary sketch of his theory, 
which he had written as early as 1844. He was always 
anxious to collect still more certain experimental proofs, in 
order to be able to establish his theory in a complete form, 
and on the broadest possible foundation of experience. 
While he was thus aiming at the greatest possible per- 
fection, which might perhaps have led him never to publish 
his theory at all, he was fortunately disturbed by a country- 
man of his, who, independently of Darwin, had discovered 
the Theory of Selection, and in 1858 sent its outlines to 
Darwin himself, with the request to hand them to Lyell 


for publication in some English journal. This was Alfred 
Wallace, one of the boldest and most distinguished scientific 
travellers of modern times. For many years Wallace had 
wandered alone in the wilds of the Sunda Islands, in the 
dense primitive forests of the Indian Archipelago; and 
during this close and comprehensive study of one of the 
richest and most interesting parts of the earth, with its 
great variety of animals and plants, he had arrived at 
exactly the same general views regarding the origin of 
organic species as Darwin. Lyell and Hooker, both of 
whom had long known Darwin's work, now induced him 
to publish a short extract from his manuscripts simul- 
taneously with the manuscript sent him by Wallace. They 
appeared in the Journal of the Linnean Society, August, 1858. 
Darwin's great work, " On the Origin of Species," in 
which the Theory of Selection is carried out in detail, 
appeared in November, 1859. Darwin himself, however, 
characterizes this book (of which a sixth edition appeared 
in 1872, and the German translation by Bronn as early as 
I860) 1 as only a preliminary extract from a larger and 
more detailed work, which would contain a mass of facts in 
favour of his theory, and comprehensive and experimental 
proofs. The first part of the larger work promised by 
Darwin appeared in 1868, under the title, " The Variations 
of Animals and Plants in the State of Domestication," and 
has been translated into German by Victor Carus. 14 It con- 
tains a rich abundance of the most valuable evidence as 
to the extraordinary changes of organic forms which man 
can produce by cultivation and artificial selection. How- 
ever much we are indebted to Darwin for this abundance of 
convincing facts, still we do not by any means share the 


opinion of those naturalists who hold that the Theory of 
Selection requires for its actual proof these further details. 
It is our opinion that Darwin's first work, which appeared 
in 1859, already contains sufficient proof. The unassailable 
strength of his theory does not lie in the immense amount 
of individual facts that may be adduced as proofs, but in 
the harmonious connection of all the great and general 
phenomena of organic nature, which agree in bearing 
testimony to the truth of the Theory of Selection. 

Darwin, at first, intentionally did not notice the important 
conclusion from his Theory of Descent, namely, the descent 
of the human race from other mammals. It was not till 
this highly important conclusion had been definitely estab- 
lished by other naturalists as the necessary sequel of the 
doctrine of descent, that Darwin himself expressly endorsed 
it, and thereby completed his system. This was done in 
the highly interesting work, "The Descent of Man, and 
Sexual Selection," which appeared as late as 1871, and has 
likewise been translated into German by Victor Carus. 48 
Darwin's ingenious work on physiognomy, " The Expression 
of the Emotions in Man and the Animals," which appeared 
in 1872, may be considered a supplement to it. 

The careful study which Darwin devoted to domestic 
animals and cultivated plants was of the greatest impor- 
tance in establishing the Theory of Selection. The infinitely 
varied changes of form which man has produced in these 
domesticated organisms by artificial selection are of the 
very highest importance for a right understanding of animal 
and vegetable forms ; and yet this study has, down to the 
most recent times, been most grossly neglected by zoologists 
and botanists. They have filled not only bulky volumes, 


but whole libraries, with descriptions of individual species, 
and with most] childish controversies as to whether these 
species are good, or tolerably good, and bad, or tolerably 
bad, without entering upon the discussion of the significance 
to be attached to the idea of species itself. If naturalists, 
instead of spending their time on these useless fancies, had 
duly studied cultivated organisms, and had examined the 
transmutation of the living forms, instead of the individual 
dead ones, they would not have been led captive so long by 
the fetters of Cuvier's dogma. But as cultivated organisms 
are so extremely inconvenient to the dogmatic conception 
of the permanence of species, naturalists to a great extent 
intentionally did not concern themselves about them, and 
even eminent naturalists have often expressed the opinion 
that cultivated organisms, domesticated animals, and garden 
plants are artificial productions of man, and that their 
formation and transformation could not decide anything 
about the nature of species and about the origin of the 
forms of species that live in a natural state. 

This perverse view went so far that, for example, Andreas 
Wagner, a zoologist of Munich, quite seriously made the 
following ridiculous assertion : " Animals and plants in 
their wild state have been called into being by the Creator 
as distinctly different and unchangeable species ; but in the 
case of domestic animals and cultivated plants this was not 
necessary, because he formed them from the beginning for 
the use of man. The Creator formed man out of a clod of 
earth, breathed the living breath into his nostrils, and then 
created for him the different useful domestic animals and 
garden plants, among which he thought well to save him- 
self the trouble of distinguishing species." Unfortunately, 


Andreas Wagner does not tell us whether the Tree of 
Knowledge in Paradise was a " good " wild species, or, as a 
cultivated plant, " no species " at all. As the Tree of Know- 
ledge was placed by the Creator in the centre of Paradise, 
we might be inclined to believe that it was a highly favoured 
cultivated plant, and therefore no species at all. But since, 
on the other hand, the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge was 
forbidden to man, and since many men, as Wagner him- 
self clearly shows, have never eaten of the fruit, it was 
evidently not created for the use of man, and therefore in 
all probability was a real species ! What a pity Wagner 
has not given us any information about this important and 
difficult problem ! 

Now, however ridiculous this view may appear to us, it 
is only the logical sequence of a false view (which is widely 
spread) of the special nature of cultivated organisms, and 
one may occasionally hear similar objections from naturalists 
of great reputation. I must most emphatically, and at once, 
condemn this utterly false conception. It is the same per- 
verseness which is committed by physicians who maintain 
that diseases are artificial productions, and not natural 
phenomena. It has been a work of hard labour to combat 
this prejudice, and it is only in recent times that men have 
generally adopted the view that diseases are nothing but 
natural changes of the organisms, or really natural pheno- 
mena of life, which are produced by changed and abnormal 
conditions of existence. Disease, therefore, is not a life 
beyond Nature's realm (vita prseter naturam), as the early 
physicians used to say, but a natural life under conditions 
which produce illness and threaten the body with danger. 
Just in the same manner, cultivated organic forms are not 


artificial works of man, but natural productions which 
have arisen under the influence of peculiar conditions of 
life. Man by his culture can never directly produce a new 
organic form, but he can breed organisms under new con- 
ditions of life, which are such as to influence and transform 
them. All domestic animals and all garden plants are 
originally descended from wild species, which have been 
transformed by the peculiar conditions of culture. 

A thorough comparison of cultivated forms (races and 
varieties) with organisms not altered by cultivation (species 
and varieties) is of the utmost importance to the theory of 
selection. What is most surprising in such a comparison is 
the remarkably short time in which man can produce a 
new form, and the high degree in which this form, pro- 
duced by man, can deviate from the original form. While 
wild animals and plants, one year after another, appear 
to the zoologist and botanist approximately in the same 
form, so as to have given rise to the false doctrine of the 
constancy of species, domestic animals and garden plants, 
on the other hand, display the greatest changes within a 
few years. The perfection which gardeners and farmers 
have attained in the art of selection now enables them, in 
the space of a few years, arbitrarily to create entirely new 
animal and -vegetable forms. For this purpose it is only 
necessary to keep and propagate the organism under the 
influence of special conditions — which are capable of pro- 
ducing new formations — and even at the end of a few 
generations new species may be obtained, which differ from 
the original form in a much higher degree than so-called 
good species in a wild state differ from one another. This 
fact is extremely important, and we cannot lay sufficient 


stress upon it. The assertion is not true that cultivated 
forms descended from one and the same primary form do 
not differ from one another as much as wild animal and 
vegetable species differ among themselves. If only we 
make comparisons, without prejudice, we can very easily 
perceive that a number of races or varieties which have 
been derived from a single cultivated form, within a short 
series of years, differ from one another in a higher degree 
than so-called good species (bonse species), or even different 
genera of one family, in the wild state. 

In order to establish this extremely important fact as 
firmly as possible by experiments, Darwin decided to make 
a special study of the whole extent of variation in form in 
a single group of domesticated animals, and for this purpose 
he chose the domestic pigeons, which are in many respects 
especially suited for such a study. For a long time he kept 
on his estate all possible races and varieties of pigeons 
which he was able to procure, and he was helped in this 
by rich contributions from all parts of the world. He also 
joined two London pigeon clubs, the members of which 
passionately, and with truly artistic skill, carry on the 
breeding of the different forms of pigeons. Lastly, he 
formed connections with some of the most celebrated 
pigeon-fanciers; so that he could command the richest 
experimental material. 

The art of, and fancy for, pigeon-breeding is very ancient. 
Even more than 3000 years before Christ, it was carried on 
by the Egyptians. The Romans, under the emperors, laid 
out enormous sums upon the breeding of pigeons, and kept 
accurate pedigrees of their descent, just as the Arabs keep 
genealogical pedigrees of their horses, and the Mecklenburg 


aristocracy of their own ancestors. In Asia, too,, among 
the wealthy princes, pigeon-breeding was a very ancient 
fancy; in 1600, the court of Akber Khan possessed more 
than 20,000 pigeons. Thus in the course of several centuries, 
and in consequence of the various methods of breeding 
practised in the different parts of the world, there has 
arisen out of one single originally tamed form, an immense 
number of different races and varieties, which in their most 
divergent forms are extremely different from one another, 
and are often curiously characterized. 

One of the most striking races of pigeons is the well- 
known fan-tailed pigeon, which spreads its tail like the 
peacock, and carries a number of (from thirty to forty) 
feathers placed in the form of radii, while other pigeons 
possess much fewer tail feathers — generally twelve. We 
may here .mention that the number of feathers on the tails 
of birds is considered by naturalists of great value as a 
systematic distinction, so that whole orders can thereby be 
distinguished. For example, singing birds, almost with- 
out exception, possess twelve tail feathers ; chirping birds 
(Strisores) ten, etc. Several races of pigeons, moreover, are 
characterized by a tuft of neck feathers, which form a kind 
of periwig; others by grotesque transformation of their 
beaks and feet, by peculiar and often very remarkable 
decorations, as, for example, skinny lappets, which develop 
on the head ; by a large crop, which is formed by the gullet 
being strongly inclined forward, etc. Remarkable, also, are 
the strange habits which many pigeons have acquired ; for 
example, the turtle pigeons and the trumpeters with their 
musical accomplishments, the carriers with their topo- 
graphical instinct. The tumblers have the strange habit 

vol. 1. L 


of ascending into the air in great numbers, then turning 
over and falling down through the air as if dead. The 
ways and habits of these endless races of pigeons — the 
form, size, and colour of the individual parts of their bodies, 
and their proportions, differ in a most astonishing degree 
from one another ; in a much higher degree than is the 
case with the so-called good species, or even with the per- 
fectly distinct genera, of wild pigeons. And what is of the 
greatest importance, is the fact that these differences are 
not confined to the external form, but extend even to the 
most important internal parts; there even occur great 
modifications of the skeleton and of the muscular tissues. 
For example, we find great differences in the number of 
vertebrae and ribs, in the size and shape of the gaps in the 
breast-bones, in the size and shape of the merry-thought, in 
the lower jaw, in the facial bones, etc. In short, the bony 
skeleton, which morphologists consider a very permanent 
part of the body, and which never varies to such an extent 
as the external parts, shows such great changes, that many 
races of pigeons might be described as special genera, and 
this would doubtless be done if all these different forms 
had been found in a wild and natural state. 

How far the differences of the races of pigeons have been 
carried is best shown by the fact that all pigeon-breeders 
are unanimously of opinion that each peculiar or specially 
marked race of pigeons must be derived from a correspond- 
ing wild original species. It is true every one assumes a 
different number of original species. Yet Darwin has most 
convincingly proved that all these pigeons, without ex- 
ception, must be derived from a single wild primary species 
— from the blue-rock pigeon (Colwmba livia). In like 


manner, it can be proved of most of the domestic animals 
and cultivated plants, that all the different races are 
descendants of a single original wild species which has been 
brought by man into a cultivated condition. 

An example similar to that of the domestic pigeons is fur- 
nished among mammals by our tame rabbit. All zoologists, 
■without exception, have long considered it proved that all 
its races and varieties are descended from the common wild 
rabbit, that is, from a single primary species. And yet the 
extreme forms of these races differ to such a degree from 
one another, that every zoologist, if he met with them in a 
wild state, would unhesitatingly designate them not only 
as an entirely distinct " good species," but even as species 
of entirely different genera of the Leporid family. Not 
only does the colour, length of hair, and other qualities of 
the fur of the different tame races of rabbits vary exceed- 
ingly, and form extremely broad contrasts, but, what is still 
more important, the typical form of the skeleton and its 
individual parts do so also, especially the form of the skull 
and the jaw (which is of such importance in systematic 
arrangement) ; further, the relative proportion of the length 
of the ears, legs, etc. In all these respects the races of 
tame rabbits avowedly differ from one another far more 
than all the different forms of wild rabbits and hares which 
are scattered over all the earth, and are the recognized 
" good species " of the genus Lepus. And yet, in the face 
of these clear facts, the opponents of the theory of develop- 
ment maintain that the wild species are not descended from 
a common prototype, although they at once admit it in the 
case of the tame races. With opponents who so intention- 
ally close their eyes against the clear light of truth, no 
further dispute can be carried on. 


While in this manner it appears certain that the domestic 
races of pigeons, of tame rabbits, of horses, etc., notwith- 
standing the remarkable difference of their varieties, are 
descended in each case from but one wild, so-called 
" species ; " yet, on the other hand, it is certainly probable 
that the great variety of races of some of the domestic 
animals, especially dogs, pigs, and oxen, must be ascribed to 
the existence of several wild prototypes, which have become 
mixed. It is, however, to be observed that the number 
of these originally wild primary species is always much 
smaller than that of the cultivated forms proceeding from 
their mingling and selection, and naturally they were 
originally derived from a single primary ancestor, common 
to the whole genus. In no case is each separate cultivated 
race descended from a distinct wild species. 

In opposition to this, almost all farmers and gardeners 
maintain, with the greatest confidence, that each separate 
race bred by them must be descended from a separate wild 
primary species, because they clearly perceive the differences 
of the races, and attach very high importance to the inherit- 
ance of their qualities ; but they do not take into considera- 
tion the fact that these qualities have arisen only by the 
slow accumulation of small and scarcely observable changes. 
In this respect it is extremely instructive to compare culti- 
vated races with wild species. 

Many naturalists, and especially the opponents of the 
Theory of Development, have taken the greatest trouble 
to discover some morphological or physiological mark, some 
characteristic property, whereby the artificially bred and 
cultivated races may be clearly and thoroughly distinguished 
■ from wild species which have arisen naturally. All these 


attempts have completely failed, and have led only with 
increasing certainty to the result that such a distinction 
is altogether impossible. I have minutely discussed this 
fact, and illustrated it by examples in my criticism of the 
idea of species (" Gen. Morph." ii. 323-364). 

I may here briefly touch on yet another side of this 
question, because not only the opponents, but even a few 
of the most distinguished followers of Darwin — for example, 
Huxley — have regarded the phenomena of bastard-breeding, 
or hybridism, as one of the weakest points of Darwinism. 
Between cultivated races and wild species, they say, there 
exists this difference, that the former are capable of pro- 
ducing fruitful bastards, but that the latter are not. Two 
different cultivated races, or wild varieties of one species, 
are said in all cases to possess the power of producing 
bastards which can fruitfully mix with one another, or 
with one of their parent forms, and thus propagate them- 
selves ; on the other hand, two really different species, two 
cultivated or wild species of one genus, are said never to 
be able to produce from one another bastards which can be 
fruitfully crossed with one another, or with one of their 
parent species. 

As regards the first of these assertions, it is simply 
refuted by the fact that there are organisms which do not 
mix at all with their own ancestors, and therefore can 
produce no fruitful descendants. Thus, for example, our 
cultivated guinea-pig does not bear with its wild Brazilian 
ancestor ; and again, the domestic cat of Paraguay, which is 
descended from our European domestic cat, no longer bears 
with the latter. Between different races of our domestic 
dogs, for example, between the large Newfoundland dogs 


and the dwarfed lap-dogs, breeding is impossible, even for 
simple mechanical reasons. A particularly interesting in- 
stance is afforded by the Porto-Santo rabbit (Lepus Hux- 
leyi). In the year 1419, a few rabbits, born on board ship 
of a tame Spanish rabbit, were put on the island of Porto 
Santo, near Madeira. These little animals, there being no 
beasts of prey, in a short time increased so enormously that 
they became a pest to the country, and even compelled a 
colony to remove from the island. They still inhabit the 
island in great numbers ; but in the course of four hundred 
and fifty years they have developed into a quite peculiar 
variety — or if you will have it, into a "good species"- — 
which is distinguished by a peculiar colour, a rat-like shape, 
small size, nocturnal life, and extraordinary wildness. The 
most important fact, however, is that this new species, 
which I call Lepus Huxleyi, no longer pairs with its 
European parent rabbit, and no longer produces bastards 
with it. 

On the other hand, we now know of numerous examples 
of fruitful genuine bastards ; that is, of mixings that have 
proceeded from the crossing of two entirely different species, 
and yet propagate themselves with one another as well as 
with one of their parent species. A number of such bastard 
species (species Hybridse) have long been known to botanists; 
for example, among the genera of the thistle (Cirsium), the 
laburnum (Cytisus), the bramble (Rubus), etc. Among 
animals also they are by no means rare, perhaps even very 
frequent. We know of fruitful bastards which have arisen 
from the crossing of two different species of a genus, as 
among several genera of butterflies (Zygsena, Saturnia), the 
family of carps, finches, poultry, dogs, cats, etc. One of 


the most interesting is the hare-rabbit (Lepus Darwinii), 
the bastard of our indigenous hare and rabbit, many gene- 
rations of which have been bred in France, since 1850, for 
gastronomic purposes. I myself possess such hybrids, the 
products of pure in-breeding, that is, both parents of which 
are themselves hybrids by a hare-father and a rabbit- 
mother. I possess them through the kindness of Professor 
Conrad, who has repeatedly made these experiments in 
breeding on his estate. The half-blood hybrid thus bred, 
which I name in honour of Darwin, appears to propagate 
itself through many generations by pure in-breeding, just 
as well as any genuine species. Although on the whole it 
is more like its mother (rabbit), still in the formation of 
the ears and of the hind-legs, it possesses distinct qualities 
of its father (hare). Its flesh has an excellent taste, rather 
resembling that of a hare, though the colour is more like 
that of a rabbit. But the hare (Lepus timidus) and the 
rabbit (Lepus cuniculus) are two species of the genus Lepus, 
so different that no systematic zoologist will recognize them 
as varieties of one species. Both species, moreover, live in 
such different ways, and in their wild state entertain so 
great an aversion towards one another, that they do not 
pair so long as they are left free. If, however, the newly- 
born young ones of both species are brought up together, 
this aversion is not developed ; they pair with one another 
and produce the Lepus Darwinii. 

Another remarkable instance of the crossing of different 
species (where the two species belong even to different 
genera !) is furnished by the fruitful hybrids of sheep and 
goats which have for a long time been bred in Chili for in- 
dustrial purposes. "What unessential circumstances in the 


sexual mingling determines the fertility of the different 
species is shown by the fact that he-goats and sheep in 
their mingling produce fruitful hybrids, while the ram and 
she-goat pair very rarely, and then without result. The 
phenomena of hybridism, to which undue importance has 
been erroneously attributed, are thus utterly unmeaning, so 
far as the idea of species is concerned. The breeding of 
hybrids does not enable us, any more than other phenomena, 
thoroughly to distinguish cultivated races from wild species ; 
and this circumstance is of the greatest importance in the 
Theory of Selection, 

( 153 ) 



Darwinism (Theory of Selection) and Lamarckism (Theory of Descent). — 
The Process of Artificial Breeding. — Selection of the Different Indivi- 
duals for After-breeding. — The Active Causes of Transmutation. — 
Change connected with Food, and Transmission by Inheritance con- 
nected with Propagation. — Mechanical Nature of these Two Physio- 
logical Functions. — The Process of Natural Breeding : Selection in the 
Struggle for Existence. — Malthus' Theory of Population. — The Propor- 
tion between the Numbers of Potential and Actual Individuals of every 
Species of Organisms. — General Struggle for Existence, or Competition 
to attain the Necessaries of Life. — Transforming Force of the Struggle 
for Existence. — Comparison of Natural and Artificial Breeding — Selec- 
tion in the Life of Man. — Medical and Clerical Selection. 

It is, properly speaking, not quite correct to designate the 
whole Theory of Development, with which we are occupied 
in these pages, as Darwinism. For, as we have seen from 
the historical sketch in the previous chapters, the most 
important foundation of the Theory of Development — that 
is, the Doctrine of Filiation, or Descent — had already been 
distinctly enunciated at the beginning of our century, and 
had been definitely introduced into science by Lamarck. 
The portion of the Theory of Development which maintains 
the common descent of all species of animals and plants 
from the simplest common original forms might, therefore, 


in honour of its eminent founder, and with full justice, be 
called Lamarckism, if the merit of having carried out such 
a principle is to be linked to the name of a single dis- 
tinguished naturalist. On the other hand, the Theory of 
Selection, or breeding, might be justly called Darwinism, 
being that portion of the Theory of Development which 
shows us in what way and why the different species of 
organisms have developed from those simplest primary 

This Theory of Selection, or Darwinism in its proper sense, 
to the consideration of which we now turn our attention, 
rests essentially (as has already been intimated in the last 
chapter) upon the comparison of those means which man 
employs in the breeding of domestic animals and the culti- 
vation of garden plants, with those processes which in free 
nature, outside the cultivated state, lead to the coming into 
existence of new species and new genera. We must there- 
fore, in order to understand the latter processes, first turn 
to the artificial breeding by man, as was, in fact, done by 
Darwin himself. We must inquire into the results to which 
man attains by his artificial breeding, and what means are 
applied in order to obtain those results ; and we must then 
ask ourselves, " Are there in nature similar forces and 
causes acting similarly to those resorted to by man ? " 

First, in regard to artificial breeding, we start from the 
fact last discussed above, viz. that its products in some 
cases differ from one another much more than the produc- 
tions of natural breeding. It is a fact that races or varieties 
often differ from one another in a much greater degree 
and in much more important qualities than many so-called 
species, or " good species," — nay, sometimes even more than 


so-called " good genera " — in their natural state. Compare, 
for example, the different kinds of apples which the art 
of horticulture has derived from one and the same original 
apple-form, or compare the different races of horses which 
their breeders have derived from one and the same original 
form of horse, and it will be easily observed that the 
differences of the most different forms are extremely im- 
portant, and much more important than the so-called 
" specific differences," which are referred to by zoologists 
and botanists when comparing wild forms for the purpose 
of distinguishing several so-called " good species." 

Now, by what means does man produce this extraordinary 
difference or divergence of several forms which are proved 
to be descended from the same primary form ? In order to 
answer this question, let us follow a gardener who desires 
to produce a new form of plant, which is distinguished by 
the beautiful colour of its flowers. He will first of all make 
a selection from a great number of plants which are seed- 
lings from one and the same parent. He will pick out 
those plants which exhibit most distinctly the colour of 
flower he desires. The colour of flowers is a very change- 
able thing. Plants, for example, which as a rule have a 
white flower, frequently show deviations into the blue or 
red. Now, supposing the gardener wishes to obtain the 
red colour in a plant usually producing white flowers, he 
will very carefully, from among the many different indi- 
viduals which are the descendants of one and the same 
seed-plant, select those which most distinctly show a reddish 
tint, and sow them exclusively, in order to produce new 
individuals of the same kind. He would cast aside and no 
longer cultivate the other seedlings which show a white or 


less distinct red colour. He will propagate exclusively the 
individual plants whose blossoms show the red most 
markedly, and he will sow the seeds produced by these 
selected plants. From the seedlings of this second genera- 
tion, he will again carefully select those in which the red, 
which is now visible in the majority of them, is most dis- 
tinctly displayed. If such a selection is carried on during 
a series of six or ten generations, and if the flower which 
shows the deepest red is most carefully selected, the 
gardener in the sixth or tenth generation will obtain the 
desired plants with flowers of a pure red. 

The farmer wishing to breed a special race of animals, 
for example, a kind of sheep distinguished by particularly 
fine wool, proceeds in the same manner. The only process 
applied in the improvement of wool consists in this, that 
the farmer with the greatest care and perseverance selects 
from a whole flock of sheep those individuals which have 
the finest wool. These only are used in breeding, and 
among the descendants of these selected sheep, those again 
are chosen which have the finest wool, etc. If this careful 
selection is carried'^ on through a series of generations, the 
selected breeding-sheep are in the end distinguished by a 
wool which differs very strikingly from the wool of the 
original parent, and this is exactly the advantage which 
the breeder desired. 

The differences of the individuals that come into considera- 
tion in this artificial selection are very slight. An ordinary 
unpractised man is unable to discover the exceedingly 
minute differences of individuals which a practised breeder 
perceives at the first glance. The business of a breeder is 
not easy; it requires an exceedingly sharp eye, great 


patience, and an extremely careful manner of treating the 
organisms to be bred. In each individual generation, the 
differences of individuals are perhaps not seen at all by 
the uninitiated ; but by the accumulation of these minute 
differences during a series of generations, the deviation from 
the original form becomes in the end very great. It becomes 
so great that the artificially produced form may in the end 
differ far more from the original form than do two so- 
called "good species" in their natural state. The art of 
breeding has now made such progress, that man can often at 
discretion produce certain peculiarities in cultivated species 
of animals and plants. To practised gardeners and farmers, 
you may give distinct commissions, and say, for example, 
I wish to have this species of plant with this or that colour, 
and with this or that shape. Where breeding has reached 
the perfection which it has attained in England, gardeners 
and farmers are frequently able to furnish to order the 
desired result within a definite period, that is, at the end of 
a number of generations. Sir John Sebright, one of the 
most experienced English pigeon-breeders, could assert that 
in three years he would produce any form of feather, but 
that he required six years to obtain any desired form of the 
head and beak. In the process of breeding the merino- sheep 
of Saxony, the animals are three times placed on a table 
beside one another, and most carefully compared and studied. 
Only the best sheep with the finest wool are selected, so 
that in the end, out of a great multitude, there remain 
only some few animals, but their wool is exquisitely fine, 
and only these last are used in breeding. We see, there- 
fore, that the causes through which, in artificial breeding, 
great effects are produced, are unusually simple, and these 


great effects are obtained simply by accumulating the 
differences which in themselves are very insignificant, and 
become surprisingly increased by a continually repeated 

Before we pass on to a comparison of this artificial with 
natural breeding, let us see what natural qualities of the 
organisms are made use of by the artificial breeder or 
cultivator. We can trace all the different qualities which 
here come into play to physiological fundamental qualities of 
the organism, which are common to all animals and plants, 
and are most closely connected with the functions of 
'propagation and nutrition. These two fundamental quali- 
ties are transmissibility , or the capability of transmitting 
by inheritance, and mutability, or the capability of adapta- 
tion. The breeder starts from the fact that all the indi- 
viduals of one and the same species are different, even 
though in a very slight degree, a fact which is as true of 
organisms in a wild as in a cultivated state. If we lpok 
about us in a forest consisting of only a single species of 
tree, for example of beech, we shall certainly not find in the 
whole forest two trees of this kind which are absolutely 
identical or perfectly equal in the form of their branches, the 
number of their branches and leaves, blossoms and fruits. 
Special differences occur everywhere, just as in the ease of 
men. There are no two men who are absolutely identical, 
perfectly equal in size, in the formation of their faces, the 
number of their hairs, their temperament, character, etc. 
The very same is true of individuals of all the different 
species of animals and plants. It is true that in most 
organisms the differences are very trifling to the eye of the 
uninitiated. Everything here essentially depends on the 


exercise of the faculty of discovering these often very minute 
differences of form. The shepherd, for example, knows every 
individual of his flock, solely by accurately observing their 
peculiarities, while the uninitiated are incapable of dis- 
tinguishing at all the different individuals of one and the 
same flock. 

This fact of individual difference is the extremely im- 
portant foundation on which the whole of man's power of 
breeding rests. If individual differences did not exist every- 
where, man would not be able to produce a number of 
different varieties or races from one and the same original 
stock. We must, at the outset, hold fast the principle that 
the phenomenon is universal ; we must necessarily assume 
it even where, with the imperfect capabilities of our senses, 
we are unable to discover differences. Among the higher 
plants (the phanerogams, or flower-plants), where the 
individual stocks show such numerous differences in the 
number of branches or leaves, and in the formation of the 
stem and branches, we can almost always easily perceive 
these differences. But this is not the case in the lower 
plants, such as mosses, algse, fungi, and in most animals, 
especially the lower ones. The distinction of all the indi- 
viduals of one species is here, for the most part, extremely 
difficult or altogether impossible. But there is no reason 
for ascribing individual differences only to those organisms 
in which we can perceive them at once. We may, on the 
contrary, with full certainty assume such individuality as 
a universal quality of all organisms, and we can do this all 
the more surely since we are able to trace the mutability 
of individuals to the mechanical conditions of nutrition. 
By a mere change of nutrition we are able to produce 


striking individual differences where they would not exist 
if the conditions of nutrition had not been altered. The 
many complicated conditions of nutrition are never abso- 
lutely identical in two individuals of a species. 

Now, just as we see that the mutability or adaptability 
has a causal connection with the general relations of nutri- 
tion in animals and plants, so too we find the second 
fundamental phenomenon of life, with which we are here 
concerned, namely, the capability of transmitting by inherit- 
ance, to have a direct connection with the phenomenon 
of propagation. The second thing that a farmer or gardener 
does in artificial breeding, after he has selected, and has 
consequently availed himself of the mutability, is to en- 
deavour to hold fast and develop the modified forms by 
Inheritance. He starts from the universal fact that children 
resemble their parents, that "the apple does not fall far 
from the tree." This phenomenon of Inheritance has hitherto 
been scientifically examined only to a very small extent, 
which may partly arise from the fact that the phenomenon 
is of such everyday occurrence. Every one considers it 
quite natural that every species should produce its like; 
that a horse should not suddenly produce a goose, or a 
goose a frog. We are accustomed to look upon these every- 
day occurrences of Inheritance as self-evident. But this 
phenomenon is not so simply self-evident as it appears at 
first sight, and in the examination of Inheritance the fact 
is very frequently overlooked that the different descendants, 
derived from one and the same parents, are in reality never 
quite identical, and also never absolutely like the parents, 
but are always slightly different. We cannot formulate the 
principle of Inheritance, as "Like produces like," but we 


must limit the expression to "Similar things produce 
similar things." The gardener, as well as the farmer, 
avails himself of the fact of Inheritance in its widest form, 
and indeed with special regard to the fact that not only 
those qualities of organisms are transmitted by inherit- 
ance which they have inherited from their parents, but 
those also which they themselves have acquired. This 
is an important point upon which very much depends. An 
organism may transmit to its descendants not only those 
qualities of form, colour, and size which it has inherited 
from its parents, but it may also transmit variations of these 
qualities, which it has acquired during its own life through 
the influence of outward circumstances, such as climate, 
nourishment, training, etc. 

These are the two fundamental qualities of animals and 
plants of which the breeder must avail himself in order to 
produce new forms. The theoretical principle of breeding 
is, indeed, extremely simple, but in detail the practical appli- 
cation of this simple principle is difficult and immensely 
complicated. A thoughtful breeder, acting according to 
a definite plan, must understand the art of correctly esti- 
mating, in every case, the general interaction between the 
two fundamental qualities of hereditivity and mutability. 

Now, if we examine the real nature of those two impor- 
tant properties of life, we find that we can trace them, like 
all physiological functions, to physical and chemical causes, 
to the properties and the phenomena of motion of those 
material particles of which the bodies of animals and plants 
consist. As we shall hereafter have to show in the more 
accurate consideration of these two functions, the trans- 
mission by Inheritance, to express it quite generally, is 

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essentially dependent upon the material continuity and 
partial identity of the matter in the producing and produced 
organism, the parents and the child. In every act of breed- 
ing a certain quantity of protoplasm or albuminous matter 
is transferred from the parents to the child, and along with 
it there is transferred the peculiar molecular motion of the 
individual. These molecular phenomena of motion in the 
protoplasm, which call forth the phenomena of life, and are 
their active and true cause, differ more or less in all living 
individuals ; they are of infinite variety. 

Adaptation, or deviation, is, on the other hand, essentially 
the consequence of material influences, which the substance 
of the organism experiences from the material surrounding 
it, — from the conditions of life in the widest sense of the 
word. The external influences of these conditions are com- 
municated to the individual parts of the body by the mole- 
cular processes of nutrition. In every act of Adaptation 
the individual molecular motion of the protoplasm, peculiar 
to each part, disturbs and modifies the whole individual, or 
part of it, by mechanical, physical, or chemical influences. 
The innate, inherited vital actions of the protoplasm — that 
is, the molecular phenomena of motion of the smallest albu- 
minous particles — are therefore more or less modified by it. 
The phenomenon of Adaptation, or deviation, depends there- 
fore upon the material influence which the organism ex- 
periences from its surroundings, or its conditions of existence ; 
while the transmission by Inheritance is due to the partial 
identity of the producing and produced organism. These 
are the real, simple, mechanical foundations of the artificial 
process of breeding. 

Now, Darwin asked himself, Does there exist a similar 


process of selection in nature, and are there forces in nature 
which take the place of man's activity in artificial selection? 
Is there a natural tendency among wild animals and plants 
which acts selectingly, in a similar manner to the artificial 
selection practised by the designing will of man ? All here 
depended upon the discovery of such a relation, and Darwin 
succeeded in this so satisfactorily, that we consider his 
theory of selection completely sufficient to explain, mechani- 
cally, the origin of the wild species of animals and plants. 
That relation which in free nature influences the forms of 
animals and plants, by selecting and transforming them, is 
called by Darwin the " Struggle for Existence." 

The " Struggle for Existence " has rapidly become a 
watchword of the day. Yet this designation is, perhaps, in 
many respects not very happily chosen, and the phenomena 
might probably have been more accurately described as 
" Competition for the Means of Subsistence." For under the 
name of " Struggle for Life," many relations are compre- 
hended which properly and strictly speaking do not belong 
to it. As we have seen from the letter inserted in the 
last chapter, Darwin arrived at the idea of the " Struggle 
for Existence " from the study of Malthus' book " On the 
Conditions and the Consequences of the Increase of Popula- 
tion." It was proved in that important work, that the 
number of human beings, on the average, increases in a 
geometrical progression, while the amount of articles of food 
increase only in an arithmetical progression. This dispro- 
portion gives rise to a number of inconveniences in the 
human community, which cause among men a continual 
competition to obtain the necessary means of life, which 
do not suffice for all. 


Darwin's theory of the struggle for life is, to a certain 
extent, a general application of Malthus' theory of popula- 
tion to the whole of organic nature. It starts from the 
consideration that the number of possible organic indi- 
viduals which might arise from the germs produced, is far 
greater than the number of actual individuals which, in 
fact, do simultaneously live on the earth's surface. The 
number of possible or potential individuals is given us by 
the number of the eggs and organic germs produced by 
organisms. The number of these germs, from each of which, 
under favourable circumstances, an individual might arise, 
is very much larger than the number of real or actual 
individuals — that is, of those that really arise from these 
germs, come into life, and propagate themselves. By far the 
greater number of germs perish in the earliest stage of life, 
and it is only some favoured organisms which manage to 
develop, and actually survive the first period of early youth, 
and finally succeed in propagating themselves. This impor- 
tant fact is easily proved by a comparison of the number of 
eggs in a given species with the number of individuals which 
exist of this species. These numerical relations show the 
most striking contrast. There are, for example, species of 
fowls which lay great numbers of eggs, and yet are among 
the rarest of birds ; and the bird which is said to be the 
commonest (the most widely spread) of all, the stormy petrel 
(Proeellaria glacialis), lays only a single egg. The relation 
is the same in other animals. There are many very rare 
invertebrate animals, which lay immense quantities of eggs ; 
and others again which produce only very few eggs, and yet 
are among the commonest of animals. Take, for example, 
the proportion which is observed among the human tape- 


worms. Each tape-worm produces within a short period 
millions of eggs, while man, in whom these tape- worms are 
lodged, forms a far smaller number of eggs, and yet for- 
tunately there are fewer tape-worms than human beings. 
/In like manner, among plants there are many splendid 
orchids, which produce thousands of seeds and yet are very 
rare, and some kinds of asters (Compositse), which have but 
few seeds, are exceedingly common. 

This important fact might be illustrated by an immense 
number of examples. It is evidently, therefore, not the 
number of actually existing germs which indicates the num- 
ber of individuals which afterwards come into life and 
maintain themselves in life; but rather the case is this, 
that the number of adult individuals is limited by other 
circumstances, especially by the relations in which the 
organism stands to its organic and inorganic surroundings. 
Every organism, from the commencement of its existence, 
struggles with a number of hostile influences : it struggles 
against animals which feed on it, and to which it is the 
natural food, against animals of prey and parasites ; it 
struggles against inorganic influences of the most varied 
kinds, against temperature, weather, and other circum- 
stances ; but it also struggles (and this is much the most 
important !), above all, against organisms most like and akin 
to itself. Every individual, of every animal and vegetable 
species, is engaged in the fiercest competition with every 
other individual of the same species which lives in the same 
place with it. In the economy of nature the means of sub- 
sistence are nowhere scattered in abundance, but are very 
limited, and far from sufficient for the number of organisms 
which might develop from the germs produced. Therefore 


the young individuals of most species of animals and vege- 
tables must have hard work in obtaining the means of 
subsistence; this necessarily causes a competition among 
them in order to obtain the indispensable supplies of 

This great competition for the necessaries of life goes on 
everywhere and at all times, among human beings and 
animals as well as among plants ; in the case of the latter 
this circumstance, at first sight, is not so clearly apparent. 
If we examine a field which is richly sown with wheat, 
we can see that of the numerous young plants (perhaps 
some thousands) which shoot up on a limited space, only a 
very small proportion preserve themselves in life. A com- 
petition takes place for the space of ground which each plant 
requires for fixing its root, a competition for sunlight and 
moisture. And in the same manner we find that, among all 
animal species, all the individuals of one and the same species 
compete with one another to obtain these indispensable 
conditions of existence in the wide sense of the word. 
They are equally indispensable to all, but really fall to the 
lot of only a few — "Many are called, but few are chosen." 
The fact of the great competition is quite universal. We 
need only cast a glance at human society, where this 
competition exists everywhere, and in all the different 
branches of human activity. Here, too, a struggle is 
brought about by the free competition of the different 
labourers of one and the same class. Here too, as every- 
where, this competition benefits the thing, or the work, 
which is the object of competition. The greater and more 
general the competition, the more quickly improvements 
and inventions are made in the branch of labour, and 


the higher is the grade of perfection of the labourers 

The position of the different individuals in this struggle 
for life is evidently very unequal. Starting from the 
inequality of individuals, which is a recognized fact, we 
must in all cases necessarily suppose that all the individuals 
of one and the same species have not equally favourable 
prospects. Even at the beginning they are differently placed 
in this competition by their different strengths and abilities, 
independently of the fact that the conditions of existence 
are different, and act differently at every point of the earth's 
surface. We evidently have an infinite combination of in- 
fluences, which, together with the original inequality of the 
individuals during the competition for the conditions of 
existence, favour some individuals and prejudice others. 
The favoured individuals will gain the victory over the 
others, and while the latter perish more or less early, without 
leaving any descendants, the former alone will be able to 
survive and finally to propagate the species. As, therefore, 
it is clear that in the struggle for life the favoured indi- 
viduals succeed in propagating themselves, we shall (even as 
the result of this relation) perceive in the next generation 
differences from the preceding one. Some individuals of 
this second generation, though perhaps not all of them, will, 
by inheritance, receive the individual advantage by which 
their parents gained the victory over their rivals. 

But now — and this is a very important law of inheritance 
—if such a transmission of a favourable character is con- 
tinued through a series of generations, it is not simply trans- 
mitted in the original manner, but it is constantly increased 
and strengthened, and in a later generation it attains a 


strength which distinguishes this generation very essentially 
from the original parent. Let us, for example, examine a 
number of plants of one and the same species which grow 
together in a very dry soil. As the hairs on the leaves of 
plants are very useful for receiving moisture from the air, 
and as the hairs on the leaves are very variable, the 
individuals possessing the thickest hair on their leaves will 
have an advantage in this unfavourable locality where the 
plants have directly to struggle with the want of water, and 
in addition to this have to compete with one another for 
the possession of what little water there may be. These 
alone hold out, while the others possessing less hairy leaves 
perish ; the more hairy ones will be propagated, and th,eir 
descendants will, on the average, be more distinguished by 
their thick and strong hairs than the individuals of the first 
generation. If this process is continued for several genera- 
tions in one and the same locality, there will arise at last 
such an increase of this characteristic, such an increase of 
the hairs on the surface of the leaf, that an entirely new 
species seems to present itself. 

It must here be observed, that in consequence of the 
interaction of all the parts of every organism, as a rule 
one individual part cannot be changed without at the 
same time producing changes in other parts. If, for 
instance, in our imaginary example, the number of the 
hairs on the leaves is greatly increased, a certain amount 
of nourishment is thereby withdrawn from other parts ; 
the material which might be employed to form flowers or 
seeds is diminished, and a smaller size of the flower or 
seed will then be the direct or indirect consequence of the 
struggle for life, which in the first place only produced 


a change in the leaves. Thus the struggle for life, in this 
instance, acts as a means of selecting and transforming. 
The struggle of the different individuals to obtain the 
necessary conditions of existence, or, taking it in its widest 
sense, the inter-relations of organisms to the whole of their 
surroundings, produce mutations of form such as are pro- 
duced in the cultivated state by the action of man's 

This agency will perhaps "appear at first sight small and 
insignificant, and the student will not be inclined to concede 
to the action of such relations the weight which it in reality 
possesses. I must therefore find space in a subsequent 
chapter to put forward further examples of the immense 
and far-reaching power of transformation exhibited in 
natural selection. For the present I will confine myself to 
simply once more comparing the two processes of artificial 
and natural selection, and clearly explaining the agreement 
and the differences of the two. 

Both natural and artificial selection are quite simple, 
natural, mechanical relations of life, which depend upon the 
interaction of two physiological functions, namely, on Adap- 
tation and Inheritance, functions which, as such, must again 
be traced to the physical and chemical properties of organic 
matter. The difference between the two forms of selection 
consists in this : in artificial selection the will of man makes 
the selection according to a plan, whereas in natural selection, 
the struggle for life (that universal inter-relation of organ- 
isms) acts without a plan, but otherwise produces quite the 
same result, namely, a selection of a particular kind of indi- 
viduals for propagation. The alterations produced by artifi- 
cial selection are turned to the advantage of those who make 


the selection ; in natural selection, on the other hand, to the 
advantage of the selected organism. 

These are the most essential differences and agreements of 
the two modes of selection ; it must, however, be further 
observed that there is another difference, viz. in the duration 
of time required for the two processes of election. Man in 
his artificial selection can produce very important changes in 
a very short time, while in natural selection similar results 
are obtained only after a much longer time. This arises from 
the fact that man can make his selection with much greater 
care. Man is able with the greatest nicety to pick out indi- 
viduals from a large number, drop the others, and to employ 
only the privileged beings for propagation, which is not the 
case in natural selection. In natural conditions, besides the 
privileged individuals which first succeed in propagating 
themselves, some few or many of the less distinguished indi- 
viduals will propagate themselves by the side of the former. 
Moreover, man can prevent the crossing of the original and 
the new form, which in natural selection is often unavoid- 
able. If such a crossing, that is, a sexual connection, of the 
new variety with the original forms takes place, the off- 
spring thereby produced generally returns to the original 
character. In natural selection, such a crossing can be 
avoided only when the new variety by migration separates 
from the original and becomes isolated. 

Natural selection therefore acts much more slowly; it 
requires much longer periods than the artificial process of 
selection. But it is an essential consequence of this differ- 
ence, that the product of artificial selection disappears much 
more easily, and that the new form returns rapidly to the 
earlier one, which is not the case in natural selection. The 


new species arising from natural selection maintain them- 
selves much more permanently, and return much less easily 
to the original form, than is the case with products of artifi- 
cial selection, and accordingly maintain themselves during a 
much longer time than the artificial races produced by man. 
But these are only subordinate differences, which are ex- 
plained by the different conditions of natural and artificial 
selection, and in reality are connected only with differences 
in the duration of time. The nature of the transformation 
and the means by which it is produced are entirely the 
same in both artificial and natural selection. 

The thoughtless and narrow-minded opponents of Darwin 
are never tired of asserting that his theory of selection is a 
groundless conjecture, or at least an hypothesis which has 
yet to be proved. That this assertion is completely un- 
founded, may be perceived even from the outlines of the 
doctrine of selection which have just been discussed. 
Darwin assumes no kind of unknown forces of nature, nor 
hypothetical conditions, as the acting causes for the trans- 
formation of organic forms, but solely and simply the 
universally recognized vital activities of all organisms, which 
we term Inheritance and Adaptation. Every naturalist 
acquainted with physiology knows that these two phenomena 
are directly connected with the functions of propagation 
and nutrition, and, like all other phenomena of life, are 
purely mechanical processes of nature, that is, they depend 
upon the molecular phenomena of motion in organic matter. 
That the interaction of these two functions effect a con- 
tinual, slow transmutation of organic forms, is a necessary 
result of the struggle for existence. But this, again, is no 
more a hypothetical relation, nor one requiring a proof, 


than is the interaction of Inheritance and Adaptation. The 
struggle for life is a mathematical necessity, arising from 
the disproportion between the limited number of places in 
nature's household, and the excessive number of organic 
germs. The origin of new species is moreover greatly 
favoured by the active or passive migrations of animals 
and plants, which takes place everywhere and at all times, 
without being, however, entitled to rank as necessary agents 
in the process of natural selection. 

The origin of new species by natural selection, or, what 
is the same thing, by the interaction of Inheritance and 
Adaptation in the struggle for life, is therefore a mathe- 
matical necessity of nature which needs no further proof. 
Whoever, in spite of the present state of our knowledge, 
still seeks for proofs for the Theory of Selection, only 
shows that he either does not thoroughly understand the 
theory, or is not sufficiently acquainted with the biological 
facts — has not the requisite amount of experimental know- 
ledge in Anthropology, Zoology, and Botany. 

As in the case of every great idea that marks an epoch, 
Darwin's Theory of Selection had its forerunners at an 
earlier date ; and it is again our great Konigsberg philo- 
sopher, Immanuel Kant, in whom we find the first ideas 
of this theory already a century before Darwin. As Fritz 
Schultze has pointed out in his already quoted work on 
" Kant und Darwin'' (1875), Kant, as early as the year 1757 
(hence more than a century before the appearance of Darwin's 
principal work), in his " Physical Geography " makes various 
statements in which both the idea of a history of develop- 
ment of organic species, as well as the assumption of the 
importance of selection, adaptation, and inheritance, are 


distinctly maintained. Thus, for instance, in the following 
passage : " We have to account for the fact of some hens 
being white, by a change in food, air, and breeding ; for if 
we select, from among a number of chickens of the same 
parents, only such as are white, and breed from these, we 
shall at last have a white race which will not readily show 
variations." Again, in his treatise " On the Different Eaces 
of Man " (1775), he says, " It was the question of the possi- 
bility of establishing some permanent family trait by the 
careful selection of special births, that gave rise to the idea 
of breeding a race of men noble by nature, in whom, in 
fact, intellect, stability, and uprightness of character had 
become hereditary." And how important to Kant was the 
principle of the Struggle for Existence is proved, among 
others, by the following passage from his " Pragmatic 
Anthropology " : " Nature has placed the germ of dissension 
in the human race, and this becomes the means by which 
the amelioration of the race is accomplished by progressive 
culture. The inner and outward struggle is the impetus 
wherewith man passes from a rude state of nature into 
that of a citizen, just as in the case of a piece of machinery, 
where two opposite forces thwart each other by friction, 
but are nevertheless kept in motion by the blow or pull of 
other forces." 

The next earliest traces of the theory of selection after 
those of Kant's, we find in a treatise of Dr. W. 0. Wells, 
published in 1818, but which had been read before the 
Royal Society as early as 1813, entitled " On a Woman of 
the White Race, whose Skin partly resembled that of a 
Negro." The author states that negroes and mulattoes are 
distinguished from the white race by their immunity from 


certain tropical diseases. On this occasion he remarks that 
all animals have a tendency to change up to a certain 
degree, and that farmers, by availing themselves of this 
tendency, and also by selection, improve their domestic 
animals ; and then he adds that what is done in this latter 
case " by art, seems to be done with equal efficiency, though 
more slowly, by nature, in the formation of varieties of 
mankind fitted for the country which they inhabit. Of 
the accidental varieties of man which would occur among 
the first few and scattered inhabitants of the middle regions 
of Africa, some race would be better fitted than others to 
withstand the diseases of the country. This race would 
consequently multiply, while the others would decrease; 
not only from their inability to sustain the attacks of 
disease, but from their incapacity of contending with their 
more vigorous neighbours. The colour of this more 
vigorous race, I take for granted, from what has already 
been said, would be dark. But, the same disposition to 
form varieties still existing, a darker and ever darker race 
would in the course of time occur; and as the darkest 
would be best fitted for the climate, it would at length 
become the most prevalent, if not the only race, in the 
particular country in which it had originated." 

Although Dr. Wells clearly expresses and recognizes the 
principle of natural selection, yet it is applied by him only 
to the very limited problem of the origin of human races, 
and not at all to that of the origin of animal and vegetable 
species. Darwin's great merit in ^having independently 
developed the Theory of Selection, and having brought 
it to complete and well-merited recognition, is as little 
affected by this earlier and long-forgotten remark of Wells, 


as by other fragmentary observations about natural selection 
made by Patrick Matthew, and hidden in his book on 
" Timber for Shipbuilding, and the Cultivation of Trees," 
which appeared in 1831. The celebrated traveller, Alfred 
Wallace, who developed the Theory of Selection indepen- 
dently of Darwin, and had published it in 1858, simul- 
taneously with Darwin's first contribution, likewise stands 
far behind his greater and elder countryman in regard to 
profound conception, as well as to the extended application 
of the theory. In fact, Darwin, by his extremely compre- 
hensive and ingenious development of the whole doctrine, 
has acquired a fair claim to see the theory connected with 
his own name. 

If, as we maintain, natural selection is the great active 
cause which has produced the whole wonderful variety of 
organic life on the earth, all the interesting phenomena of 
human life must likewise be explicable from the same 
cause. For man is, after all, only a most highly-developed 
vertebrate animal, and all aspects of human life have their 
parallels, or, more correctly, their lower stages of develop- 
ment, in the animal kingdom. The whole history of 
nations, or what is called " Universal History," must there- 
fore be explicable by means of natural selection— must be 
a physico-chemical process, depending upon the interaction 
of Adaptation and Inheritance in the struggle for life. 
And this is actually the case. And yet not only natural 
selection, but artificial selection as well, is variously active 
in the history of the world. 

A remarkable instance of artificial selection in man, on a 
great scale, is furnished by the ancient Spartans, among 
whom, in obedience to a special law, all newly-born 


children were subject to a careful examination and selection. 
All those that were weak, sickly, or affected with any 
bodily infirmity, were killed. Only the perfectly healthy 
and strong children were allowed to live, and they alone 
afterwards propagated the race. By this means, the Spartan 
race was not only continually preserved in excellent 
strength and vigour, but the perfection of their bodies 
increased with every generation. No doubt the Spartans 
owed their rare degree of masculine strength and rough 
heroic valour (for which they are eminent in ancient 
history) in a great measure to this artificial selection. 

Many tribes also among the Red Indians of North 
America (who at present are succumbing in the struggle 
for life to the superior numbers of the white intruders, in 
spite of a most heroic and courageous resistance) owe their 
rare degree of bodily strength and warlike bravery to a 
similar careful selection of the newly-born children. Among 
them, also, all children that are weak or affected with a,nj 
infirmity are immediately killed, and only the perfectly 
strong individuals remain in life, and propagate the race. 
That the race becomes greatly strengthened, in the course 
of very many generations, by this artificial selection cannot 
in itself be doubted, and is sufficiently proved by many 
well-known facts. 

The opposite of this artificial selection of the wild Red- 
skins and the ancient Spartans is seen in the individual 
selection which is practised in modern civilized countries, 
by the advances of medical science in our day. Although 
still little able really to cure internal diseases, yet medical 
men possess and practise more than they used to do the art 
of prolonging life during lingering, chronic diseases for 


many years. Such ravaging evils as consumption, scrofula, 
syphilis, and also many forms of mental disorders, are 
transmitted by inheritance to a great extent, and trans- 
ferred by sickly parents to some of their children, or even 
to the whole of their descendants. Now, the longer the 
diseased parents, with medical assistance, can drag on their 
sickly existence, the more numerous are the descendants 
who will inherit incurable evils, and the greater will be 
the number of individuals, again, in the succeeding gene- 
ration, thanks to that artificial "medical selection," who 
will be infected by their parents with lingering, hereditary 

A more dangerous and injurious form of selection even 
than medical selection, is that momentous process which 
we term " clerical selection," and which is practised by all 
powerful and united hierarchies. In every country where 
a centralized clerical body has exercised its destructive 
influence for centuries upon the education of the young, 
upon family life, and thus upon the principal foundations 
of the national life, the sad consequences of this demoralizing 
" clerical selection " are distinctly evident in the decay of 
culture and morality. We need only look at Spain, at this 
" most Christian " land in Europe ! It is most obvious that 
the highest development of the power of the Roman 
Catholic Church, during the Middle Ages, coincides with 
the lowest decline of scientific inquiry and of morality in 
general. For its priests, being bound by that refined and 
immoral institution of celibacy, are obliged to seek admit- 
tance into the sanctum sanctorum of family life; and by their 
productivity there, transmit the immoral features of their 
nature upon a comparatively large number of descendants. 

vol. 1. N 


The Roman Catholic process of selection was powerfully- 
encouraged by the Inquisition, which did its utmost to 
remove all the nobler and better characters. 

On the other hand, it must be remembered that other 
forms of artificial selection in the civilized life of man 
exercise a very favourable influence. How much this is 
the case is at once evident in many relations of our advanced 
civilization, and especially of the improved arrangements of 
school life and education. And even capital punishment 
acts beneficially as an artificial process of selection. The . 
abolition of capital punishment is, indeed, still regarded by 
many as a " liberal measure," and the most absurd reasons 
for it are given in the name of a false species of " humanity " ! 
And yet capital punishment, for incorrigible and degraded 
criminals, is not only just, but also a benefit to the better 
portion of mankind. The v same benefit is accomplished by 
destroying luxuriant weeds, for the prosperity of a well- 
cultivated garden. 

In the same way as by a careful rooting out of weeds, 
light, air, and ground is gained for good and useful plants, 
in like manner, by the indiscriminate destruction of all 
incorrigible criminals, not only would the struggle for life 
among the better portion of mankind be made easier, but 
also an advantageous artificial process of selection would 
be set in practice, since the possibility of transmitting their 
injurious qualities by inheritance would be taken from 
those degenerate outcasts. 

Against the injurious influence of the various kinds of 
artificial selection, we fortunately have a salutary counter- 
poise, in the invincible and much more powerful influence 
of natural selection, which prevails everywhere. For in 


the life of man, as well as in that of animals and plants, this 
influence is the most important transforming principle, and 
the strongest lever for progress and amelioration. The 
result of the struggle for life is that, in the long run, that 
which is better, because more perfect, conquers that which 
is weaker and imperfect. In human life, however, this 
struggle for life will ever become more and more of an 
intellectual struggle, not a struggle with weapons of murder. 
The organ which, above all others, in man becomes more 
perfect by the ennobling influence of natural selection, is 
the brain. The man with the most perfect understanding, 
not the man with the best revolver, will in the long run be 
victorious ; he will transmit to his descendants the qualities 
of the brain which assisted him in the victory. Thus then 
we may justly hope, in spite of all the efforts of retrograde 
forces, that the progress of mankind towards freedom, and 
thus to the utmost perfection, will, by the happy influence 
of natural selection, become more and more a certainty. 




Universality of Inheritance and Transmission by Inheritance. — Special 
Evidences of the same. — Human Beings with four, six, or seven 
Fingers and Toes. — Porcupine Men. — Transmission . of Diseases, espe- 
cially Diseases of the Mind. — Original Sin. — Hereditary Monarchies.— 
Hereditary Aristocracy. — Hereditary Talents and Mental Qualities. — 
Material Causes of Transmission by Inheritance. — Connection between 
Transmission by Inheritance and Propagation. — Spontaneous Genera- 
tion and Propagation. — Non-sexual or Monogonous Propagation. — Pro- 
pagation by Self-division. — Monera and Amoebae. — Propagation by the 
formation of Buds, by the formation of Germ-Buds, by the formation 
of Germ-Cells. — Sexual or Amphigonous Propagation. — Formation of 
Hermaphrodites. — Distinction of Sexes, or Gonoohorism. — Virginal 
Breeding, or Parthenogenesis. — Material Transmission of Peculiarities 
of both Parents to the Child by Sexual Propagation. 

The reader has, in the last chapter, become acquainted 
with natural selection according to Darwin's theory, as the 
constructive force of nature which produces the different 
forms of animal and vegetable species. By natural selection 
we understand the interaction which takes place in the 
struggle for life between the transmission by inheritance 
and the mutability of organisms, between two physiological 
functions which are innate in all animals and plants, 
and which may be traced to other processes of life — 
the functions of propagation and nutrition. All the dif- 
ferent forms of organisms, which people are usually in- 


clined to look upon as the products of a creative power, 
acting for a definite purpose, we, according to the Theory 
of Selection, can conceive as the necessary productions 
of natural selection, working without a purpose, — as the 
unconscious interaction between the two properties of 
Mutability and Hereditivity. Considering the importance 
which accordingly belongs to these vital properties of 
organisms, we must examine them a little more closely, and 
employ a chapter with the consideration of Transmission 
by Inheritance. 

Strictly speaking, we must distinguish between Heredi- 
tivity (Transmissivity) and Inheritance (Transmission). 
Hereditivity is the power of transmission, the capability of 
organisms to transfer their peculiarities to their descendants 
by propagation. Transmission by Inheritance, or Inheritance 
simply, on the other hand, denotes the exercise of the 
capability, the actual transmission. 

Hereditivity and Transmission by Inheritance are such 
universal, everyday phenomena, that most people do not 
heed them, and but few are inclined to reflect upon the 
operation and import of these phenomena of life. It is 
generally thought quite natural and self-evident that every 
organism should produce its like, and that children should 
more or less resemble their parents. Heredity is usually 
only taken notice of and discussed in cases relating to 
some special peculiarity, which appears for the first time 
an a human individual without having been inherited 
and then is transmitted to his descendants. It shows 
itself in a specially striking manner in the case of certain 
diseases, and in unusual and irregular (monstrous) devia- 
tions from the usual formation of the body. 


Amongst these cases of the inheritance of monstrous 
deviations, those are specially interesting which consist in 
an abnormal increase or decrease of the number five in the 
fingers or toes of man. It is not unfrequently observed in 
families through several generations, that individuals have 
six fingers on each hand, or six toes on each foot. Less fre- 
quent is the number of four or seven fingers or toes. The 
unusual formation arises at first from a single individual who, 
from unknown causes, is born with an excess of the usual 
number of fingers and toes, and transmits these, by inherit^ 
ance, to a portion of his descendants. In one and the same 
family it has happened that, throughout three, four, or more! 
generations, individuals have possessed six fingers and toes. 
In a Spanish family there were no less than forty individuals 
distinguished by this excess. The transmission of the sixth 
finger or toe is not permanent or enduring in all cases, 
because six-fingered people always intermarry again with 
those possessing five fingers. If a six-fingered family were 
to propagate by pure in-breeding, if six-fingered men were 
always to marry six-fingered women, this characteristic 
would become permanent, and a special six-fingered human 
race would arise. But as six-fingered men usually marry 
five-fingered women, and vice versa, their descendants for 
the most part show a very mixed numerical relation, and 
finally, after the course of some generations, revert again to 
the normal number of five. Thus, for example, among eight 
children of a six-fingered father and a five-fingered mother, 
two children may have on both hands and feet six fingers 
and toes, four children may have a mixed number, and two 
children may have the usual number of five on both hands 
and feet. In a Spanish family, each child except the 


youngest had the number six on both hands and feet ; the 
youngest, only, had the usual number on both hands and 
feet, and the six-fingered father of the child refused to 
recognize the last one as his own. 

The power of inheritance, moreover, shows itself very 
strikingly in the formation and colour of the human skin 
and hair. It is well known how exactly the nature of the 
complexion in many families — for instance, a peculiar soft 
or rough skin, a peculiar luxuriance of the hair, a peculiar 
colour and largeness of the eyes — is transmitted through 
many generations. In like manner, peculiar local growths 
or spots on the skin, the so-called moles, freckles, and other 
accumulations of pigment which appear in certain places, 
are frequently transmitted through several generations so 
exactly, that in the descendants they appear on the same 
spots on which they existed in the parents. The porcupine 
men of the Lambert family, who lived in London last cen- 
tury, are especially celebrated. Edward Lambert, born in 
1717, was remarkable for a most unusual and monstrous 
formation of the skin. His whole body was covered with 
a horny substance, about an inch thick, which rose in the 
form of numerous thorn-shaped and scale-like processes, 
more than an inch long. This monstrous formation of the 
outer skin, or epidermis, was transmitted by Lambert to his 
sons and grandsons, but not to his granddaughters. The 
transmission in this instance remained in the male line, as 
is often the case. In like manner, an excessive develop- 
ment of fat in certain parts of the body is often transmitted 
only in the female line. I scarcely need call to mind how 
exactly the characteristic formation of the face is trans- 
mitted by inheritance ; sometimes it remains within the 


male, sometimes within the female line ; sometimes it is 
blended in both. 

The phenomena of transmission by inheritance of patho- 
logical conditions, especially of the different forms of human 
diseases, are very instructive and generally known. Diseases 
of the respiratory organs, the glands, and of the nervous 
system are specially liable to be transmitted by inheritance. 
Very frequently there suddenly appears in an otherwise 
healthy family a disease until then unknown among them ; 
it is produced by external causes, by conditions of life causing 
diseases. This disease, brought about in an individual by 
external cause, is propagated and transmitted to his descend- 
ants, and some or all of them then suffer from the same 
disease. In case of diseases of the lungs, for instance in 
consumption, this sad transmission by inheritance is well 
known, and it is the same with diseases of the liver, with 
syphilis, and diseases of the mind. The latter are specially 
interesting. Just as peculiar characteristic features of man 
— pride, ambition, frivolity, etc. — are transmitted to the 
descendants strictly by inheritance, so too are the peculiar 
abnormal manifestations of mental activity, which are 
usually called fixed ideas, despondency, imbecility, and 
generally '■' diseases of the mind." This distinctly and 
irrefragably shows that the soul of man, just as the soul 
of animals, is a purely mechanical activity, the sum of 
the molecular phenomena of motion in the particles of the 
brain, and that it is transmitted by inheritance, together 
with its substratum, just as every other quality of the body 
is materially transmitted by propagation. 

When this exceedingly important and undeniable fact is 
mentioned, it generally causes great offence, and yet in 


reality it is silently and universally acknowledged. For 
upon what else do the ideas of " hereditary sin," " hereditary 
wisdom," and " hereditary aristocracy," etc., rest than upon 
the conviction that the quality of the human mind is trans- 
mitted by propagation — that is, by a purely material pro- 
cess—through the body, from the parents to the descendants ? 
The recognition of the great importance of transmission by 
inheritance is shown in a number of human institutions, as, 
for example, among many nations in the division into castes, 
such as the castes of warriors, castes of priests, and castes 
of labourers, etc. It is evident that the institution of such 
castes originally arose from the notion of the great im- 
portance of hereditary distinctions possessed by certain 
families, which it was presumed would always be trans- 
mitted by the parents to the children. The institution of 
an hereditary aristocracy and an hereditary monarchy is 
to be traced to the notion of a transmission of special 
excellences. However, it is unfortunately not only virtues, 
but also vices, that are transmitted and accumulated by 
inheritance ; and if, in the history of the world, we compare 
the different individuals of the different dynasties, we shall 
everywhere find a great number of proofs of the transmission 
of qualities by inheritance, but fewer of transmissions of 
virtues than of vices. Look only, for example, at the Roman 
emperors, at the Julii and the Claudii, or at the Bourbons 
in France, Spain, and Italy ! j 

In fact, scarcely anywhere could we find such a number 
of striking examples of the remarkable transmission of 
bodily and mental features by inheritance, as in the history 
of the reigning houses in hereditary monarchies. This is 
specially true in regard to the diseases of the mind pre- 


viously mentioned. It is in reigning families that mental 
disorders are hereditary in an unusual degree. Thus Esquirol, 
distinguished for his knowledge of mental diseases, proved 
that the number of insane individuals in the reigning houses 
was, in proportion to the number among the ordinary popu- 
lation, as 60 to 1 ; that is, that disorders of the brain occur 
60 times more frequently in the privileged families of the 
ruling houses than among ordinary people. If equally 
accurate statistics were made of the hereditary nobility, 
the result would probably be that here also we should 
find an incomparably larger contingent of mental diseases 
than among the common, ignoble portion of mankind. 
This phenomenon can scarcely astonish us when we consider 
what injury these privileged castes inflict upon them- 
selves by their unnatural, one-sided education, and by their 
artificial separation from the rest of mankind. By this 
means many dark sides of human nature are specially deve- 
loped and, as it were, artificially bred, and, according to 
the laws of transmission by inheritance, are propagated 
through series of generations with ever-increasing force and 

It is sufficiently obvious from the history of nations how, 
in successive generations of many dynasties, the noble 
solicitude for the most perfect human accomplishments 
in science and art were retained and transmitted from 
father to son ; and how, on the other hand, in many other 
dynasties, for centuries a special partiality for sensuous 
pleasures, for the profession of war, and for other rude 
acts of violence, have been hereditary. In like manner, 
talents for special mental activities are transmitted in 
many families for generations, as, for instance, talent for 


mathematics, poetry, music, sculpture, the investigation of 
nature, philosophy, etc. In the family of Bach there have 
been no less than twenty-two eminent musicians. Of course 
the transmission of such peculiarities of mind depends upon 
the material process of reproduction, as does the transmission 
of mental qualities in general. In this case again, the vital 
phenomenon, the manifestation of force (as everywhere in 
nature), is directly connected with definite relations in the 
admixture of the material components of the organism. It 
is this definite proportion and molecular motion of matter 
which is transmitted by generation. 

Now, before we examine the numerous, and in some cases 
most interesting and important, laws of transmission by 
inheritance, let us make ourselves acquainted with the 
actual nature of the process. The phenomena of transmis- 
sion by inheritance are generally looked upon as something 
quite mysterious, as peculiar processes which cannot be 
fathomed by natural science, and the causes and actual 
nature of which cannot be understood. It is precisely in 
such a case that people very generally assume supernatural 
influences. But even in the present state of our physiology 
it can be proved with complete certainty that all the 
phenomena of inheritance are entirely natural processes, 
that they are produced by mechanical causes, and that they 
depend on the material phenomena of motion in the bodies 
of organisms, which we may consider as a part of the 
phenomena of propagation. All the phenomena of Heredity 
and the laws of Transmission by Inheritance can be traced 
to the material process of Propagation. 

Every organism, every living individual, owes its exist- 
ence either to an act of unparental or Spontaneous Gene- 


ration (Generatio Spontanea, Archigonia), or to an act of 
Parental Generation or Propagation (Generatio Parentalis, 
Tocogonia). In a future chapter we shall have to consider 
Spontaneous Generation, or Archigony, by which only 
organisms of the most simple kind, the monera, can be 
produced. At present we must occupy ourselves with 
Propagation, or Tocogony, a closer examination of which 
is of the utmost importance for understanding transmission 
by inheritance. Most of my readers probably only know 
the phenomena of Propagation which are seen universally 
in the higher plants and animals, the processes of Sexual 
Propagation, or Amphigony. The processes of Non-sexual 
Propagation, or Monogony, are much less generally known. 
The latter, however, are far more suited to throw light 
upon the nature of transmission by inheritance in con- 
nection with propagation. 

For this reason, we shall first consider only the phe- 
nomena of non-sexual or monogonic propagation (Mono- 
gonia). This appears in a variety of different forms, as for 
example, self-division, formation of buds, the formation of 
germ-cells or spores. It will be most instructive, first, to 
examine the propagation of the simplest organisms known to 
us, which we shall have to return to later, when considering 
the question of spontaneous generation. These very simplest 
of all organisms yet known, and which, at the same time, 
are the simplest imaginable organisms, are the Monera living 
in water; they are very small living corpuscles, which, 
strictly speaking, do not at all deserve the name of organism. 
For the designation " organism," applied to living creatures, 
rests upon the idea that every living natural body is com- 
posed of organs, of various parts, which fit into one another 

Life history of a simplest organism 

PI. I. 

■i y/ vgf V V vSJM • W ' 

: HjppWpI ,i pi 

Protomvxcu azcrantiaccb. 


and work together (as do the different parts of an artificial 
machine), in order to produce the action of the whole. 
But of late years we have become acquainted with Monera, 
organisms which are, in fact, not composed of any organs at 
all, but consist entirely of shapeless, simple, homogeneous 
matter. The entire body of one of these Monera, during 
life, is nothing more than a shapeless, mobile little lump of 
mucus or slime, consisting of an albuminous combination 
of carbon. "We assume that this homogeneous mass has 
a very complicated and fine molecular structure ; however, 
this has not been proved either anatomically or with the 
aid of the microscope. Simpler or more imperfect organisms 
we cannot possibly conceive. 

The first complete observations on the natural history 
of a Moneron (Protogenes primordialis) were made by me 
at Nice, in 1864. Other very remarkable Monera I 
examined later (1866) in Lanzarote, one of the Canary 
Islands, and in 1867 in the Straits of Gibraltar. The com- 
plete history of one of these Monera, the orange-red 
Protomyxa aurantiaca, is represented in Plate I., and its 
explanation is given in the Appendix. I found some 
curious Monera also (in 1869) in the North Sea, off the 
Norwegian coast, near Bergen. Cienkowski has described 
an interesting Moneron from fresh waters, under the name of 
Vampyrella; Sorokin another,- under the name of Oloidium ; 
Leidy a third, as Biomyxa ; Mereschkowski a fourth, as 
Haeckelina, etc. And similar genuine Monera, without a 
nucleus, have been observed recently by numerous other 
naturalists (Gruber, Trinchese, Maggi, Biitschli, etc.). Hence 
I set great value upon this discovery of mine, that has so 
often been called into question, for the proof of the existence 


of these plastides without a nucleus is of the utmost 
importance to several fundamental points in our theory of 
development. The body of these plastides consists of 
absolutely nothing but shapeless plasma or protoplasm, that 
is, of the same albuminous combination of carbon which, 
in infinite modifications, is found in all organisms, as the 
essential and never-failing seat of the phenomena of life. 
I have given a detailed description and drawing of the 
Bathybius and other Monera in my " Monographic der 
Moneren," 1870, 15 from which the drawing in Fig. 9 is taken- 
In a state of rest most Monera appear as small globules 
of mucus or slime, invisible, or nearly so, to the naked eye ; 
they are at most as large as a pin's head. When the 
Moneron moves itself, there are formed on the upper surface 
of the little mucous globule, shapeless, finger-like processes, 
or very fine radiated threads ; these are the so-called false 
feet, or pseudopodia. The false feet are simple, direct 
continuations of the shapeless albuminous mass, of which 
the whole body consists. We are unable to perceive 
different parts in it, and we can give a direct proof of the 
absolute simplicity of the semi-fluid mass of albumen, for 
with the aid of the microscope we can follow the Moneron 
as it takes in nourishment. When small particles suited 
for its nourishment — for instance, small particles of decayed 
organic bodies or microscopic plants and infusoria — acci- 
dentally come into contact with the Moneron, they remain 
hanging to the sticky semi-fluid globule of mucus, and 
here create an irritation, which is followed by a strong afflux 
of the mucous substance, and, in consequence, they become 
finally completely inclosed by it, or are drawn into the 
body of the Moneron by displacement of the several albu- 


minous particles, and are there digested, being absorbed 
by simple diffusion (endosmosis). 

Just as simple as the process of nutrition is the propaga- 
tion of these primitive creatures, which in reality we can 
neither call animals nor plants. All Monera propagate them- 
selves only in a non-sexual manner by monogony; and 
in the simplest case, by that kind of monogony which we 
place at the head of the different forms of propagation, that 
is, by self-division. When such a little globule, for example 
a Protamceba or a Protogenes, has attained a certain size 
by the assimilation of foreign albuminous matter, it falls 
into two pieces ; a pinching-in takes place, contracting the 
middle of the globule on all sides, and finally leads to the 
separation of the two halves (compare Fig. 1). Each half 

Pig. 1. — Propagation of the simplest organism, a Moneron, by self-division. 
A. The entire Moneron, a Protamceba. B. It falls into two halves by a 
contraction in the middle. 0. Each of the two halves has separated from 
the other, and now represents an independent individual. 

then becomes rounded off, and now appears as an indepen- 
dent individual, which commences anew the simple course 
of the vital phenomena of nutrition and propagation. By 
the separated half becoming gradually replaced by growth, 
this regeneration destroys a part for the good of the whole. 
In other Monera (Vampyrella and Glodium), the body in 


the process of propagation does not fall into two, but into 
four equal pieces, and in others, again (Protomonas, 
Protomyxa, Myxastrum), at once into a large number of 
small globules of mucus, each of which again, by simple 
growth, becomes like the parent body (Plate I.). Here it is 
evident that the process of propagation is nothing but 
a growth of the organism beyond its own individual limit 
of size. 

The simple method of propagation of the Moneron by self- 
division is, in reality, the most universal and most widely 
spread of all the different modes of propagation ; for by this 
same simple process of division, cells also propagate them- 
selves. Cells are those simple organic individuals, a large 
number of which constitute the bodies of most organisms, 
the human body not excepted. With the exception of the 
organisms of the lowest order, which have not even the 
perfect form of a cell (Monera), or during life only repre- 
sent a single cell (like many Protista), the body of every 
organic individual is composed of a great number of cells. 
Every organic cell is to a certain degree an independent 
organism, a so-called " elementary organism," or an " indivi- 
dual of the first order." Every higher organism is, in 
a measure, a society or a state of such variously shaped 
elementary individuals, variously developed by division 
of labour. 89 Originally every organic cell is only a single 
globule of mucus, like a Moneron, but differing from it in 
the fact that the homogeneous albuminous substance has 
separated itself into two different parts, a firmer albu- 
minous body, the cell-Jcernel (nucleus), and an external, 
softer albuminous body, the cell-slime (protoplasma). Besides 
this, many cells later on form a third (frequently absent) 


distinct part, inasmuch as they cover themselves with 
a capsule, by exuding an outer pellicle or cell-membrane 
(membrana). All other forms of cells, besides these, are of 
subordinate importance, and are of no further interest to 
us here. 

Every organism composed of many cells was originally 
a single cell, and becomes many-celled owing to the fact 
that the original cell propagates itself by self-division, and 
that the new individual cells originating in this manner 
remain together, and by division of labour form a commu- 
nity or a state. The forms and vital phenomena of all many- 
celled organisms are merely the effect or the expression of 
all the forms and vital phenomena of all the individual cells 
of which they are composed. The egg, from which most 
animals and plants are developed, is a simple cell. 

Fig. 2. — Propagation of a single-celled organism, Amoeba sphaerococcus, 
by self-division. A. The enclosed Amoeba, a simple globnlar cell consisting of 
a lump of protoplasm (c), which contains a kernel (b) and a kernel speck (a) , 
and is surronnded by a cell-membrane or capsule. B. The free Amoeba, 
which has bnrst and left the cyst or cell-membrane. C. It begins to divide 
by its kernel forming two kernels, and by the cell-substance between the two 
becoming contracted. D. The division is completed by the cell-substance 
likewise falling into two halves (Da and Db) . 

The single-celled organisms, that is, those which during 
life retain the form of a single cell, for example, the Amoebae 
(Fig. 2), as a rule propagate themselves in the simplest way 

vol. 1. o 


by self-division. This process differs from the previously- 
described self-division of the Moneron only in the fact that 
at the commencement the firmer cell-kernel (nucleus) falls 
into two halves, by a pinching-in at its middle. The two 
young kernels separate from each other and act now as two 
distinct centres of attraction upon the surrounding softer 
albuminous matter, that is, the cell-substance (protopla3ma). 
By this process finally the latter also divides into two 
halves, and there now exist two new cells, which are like 
the mother cell. If the cell was surrounded by a membrane, 
this either does not divide at all, as in the case of egg- 
cleavage (Fig. 3, 4), or it passively follows the active 
pinching-in of the protoplasm ; or, lastly, every new cell 
exudes a new membrane for itself. 

The non-independent cells which remain united in com- 
munities or states, and thus constitute the body of higher 
organisms, are propagated in the same manner as are in- 
dependent single-celled organisms, for example, Amoeba 
(Fig. 2). Just as in that case, the cell with which most 
animals and plants commence their individual existence, 
namely, the egg, multiplies itself by simple division. When 
an animal, for instance, a mammal (Figs. 3, 4), develops out 

Fig. 3.— Egg of a mammal (a simple cell). 
a. The small kernel speck or nucleolus (the so- 
called germ-spot of the egg). ~b. Kernel or 
nucleus (the so-called germ-bladder of the egg), 
c. Cell-substance or protoplasm (the so-called 
yolk of the egg), d. Cell-capsule or membrane 
(membrane of the yolk) of the egg; called in 
mammals, on account of its transparency, Mem- 
brana pellucida. 

of an egg, this process of development always begins by the 
simple egg-cell (Fig. 3) forming an accumulation of cells 



(Fig. 4) by continued self-division. The outer covering, or 
cell-membrane, of the globular egg remains undivided. First, 

Fig. 4. — First commencement of the development of a mammal's egg, the 
so-called " cleavage of the egg" (propagation of the egg-cell by repeated 
self-division) . A. The egg, by the formation of the first furrow, falls into 
two cells. B. These separate by division into four cells. C. The latter 
have divided into eight cells. X>. By repeated division a globular accumu- 
lation of numerous cells has arisen. 

the cell-kernel of the egg (the so-called germical vesicle) 
divides itself into two kernels, then follows the cell-sub- 
stance (the yolk of the egg) (Fig. 4 A). In like manner, 
the two cells, by continued self-division, separate into four 
(Fig. 4 B), these into eight (Fig. 4 0), into sixteen, thirty- 
two, etc., and finally there is produced a globular mass of 
very numerous little cells (Fig. 4 D). These now, by further 
increase and heterogeneous development (division of labour), 
gradually build up the compound many-celled organism. 
Every one of us, at the commencement of our individual de- 
velopment, has undergone the very same process as that repre- 
sented in Fig. 4. The egg of a mammal — represented in Fig. 
3, and its development in Fig. 4 — might as well be that of a 
man, as of an ape, dog, horse, or any other placental mammal. 
Now, when we examine this simplest form of propa- 
gation, this self-division, it surely cannot be considered 
wonderful that the products of the division of the original 
organism should possess the same qualities as the parental 


individual. For they are parts or halves of the parental 
organism, and the matter or substance in both halves 
is the same, and as both the young individuals have 
received an equal amount and the same quality of matter 
from the parent individual, one can but consider it 
natural that the vital phenomena, the physiological qualities 
should be the same in both children. In fact, in regard to 
their form and substance, as well as to their vital phenomena, 
the two produced cells can in no respect be distinguished 
from one another, or from the mother cell. They have 
inherited from her the same nature. 

But this same simple propagation by self-division is not 
only confined to simple cells — it is the same also in the 
higher many-celled organisms ; for example, in the coral 
zoophytes. Many of them which exhibit a high complexity 
of composition and organization, nevertheless, propagate 
themselves by simple division. In this case the whole 
organism, with all its organs, falls into two equal halves as 
soon as by growth it has attained a certain size. Each half 
again develops itself, by growth, into a complete individual. 
Here, again, it is surely self-evident that the two products 
of division will share the qualities of the parental organism, 
as they themselves are in fact halves of that parent. 

Next to propagation by division we come to propagation 
by the formation of buds. This kind of monogony is 
exceedingly widely spread. It occurs both in the case of 
simple cells (though not frequently) and in the higher 
organisms composed of many cells. The formation of buds 
is universal in the vegetable kingdom, less frequent in the 
animal kingdom. However, here also it occurs in the 
tribe of Plant-like Animals, especially among the Coral 


Zoophytes, and among the greater portion of the Hydroid 
Polyps very frequently, further also among some worms 
(Planarian Worms, Ring- Worms, Moss Animals, Tunicates). 
Most branching animal-trees or colonies, which are exceed- 
ingly like branching plants, arise like those plants, by the 
formation of buds. 

Propagation by the formation of buds (Gemmatio) is 
essentially distinguished from propagation by division, in 
the fact that the two organisms thus produced by budding 
are not of equal age, and therefore at first are not of equal 
value, as they are in the case of division. In division 
we cannot clearly distinguish either of the two newly 
produced individuals as the parental, that is as the producer, 
because, in fact, both have an equal share in the composition 
of the original parental individual. If, on the other hand, 
an organism sends out a bud, then the latter is the child of 
the former. The two individuals are of unequal size and of 
unequal form. If, for instance, a cell propagates itself by 
the formation of buds, we do not see the cell fall into two 
equal halves, but there appears at one point of it a protube- 
rance, which becomes larger and larger, more or less separates 
itself from the parental cell, and then grows independently. 
In like manner we observe in the budding of a plant or 
animal, that a small local growth arises on a part of the 
mature individual, which growth becomes larger and larger, 
and likewise more or less separates itself from the parental 
organism by an independence in its growth. The bud, after 
it has attained a certain size, may either completely separate 
itself from the parental individual, or it may remain con- 
nected with it and form a stock or colony, whilst at the 
same time its life may be quite independent of that of its 


parent. While the growth which starts the propagation, in 
the ease of self-division, is a total one affecting the whole 
body, it is in the formation of buds only partial, affecting 
merely a portion of the parental organism. But here, also, 
the bud — the newly produced individual which remains so 
long most directly connected with the parental organism, 
and which proceeds from it — retains the essential qualities 
and the original tendency of development of its parent. 

A third mode of non-sexual propagation, that of the 
formation of germ-buds (Polysporogonia), is intimately 
connected with the formation of buds. In the case of the 
lower, imperfect organisms, among animals, especially in 
the case of the Plant-like animals and Worms, we very fre- 
quently find that in the interior of an individual composed 
of many cells, a small group of cells separates itself from 
those surrounding it, and that this small isolated group 
gradually develops itself into an individual, which becomes 
like the parent, and sooner or later comes out of it. 
Thus, for example, in the body of the Fluke- worms (Tre- 
matodes) there often arise numerous little bodies consisting 
of many cells, that is germ-buds, or polyspores, which at 
an early stage separate themselves completely from the 
parent body, and leave it when they have attained a certain 
stage of development. 

The formation of germ-buds is evidently but little different 
from real budding. But, on the other hand, it is connected 
with a fourth kind of non-sexual propagation, which almost 
forms a transition to sexual reproduction, namely, the 
formation of germ-cells (Monosporogonia), which is often 
briefly called formation of spores (sporogonia). In this case 
it is no longer a group of cells, but a single cell, which 


separates itself from the surrounding cells in the interior of 
the producing organism, and which only becomes further 
developed after it has come out of its parent. After this 
germ-cell, or monospore (or, briefly, spore), has left the 
parental individual, it multiplies by division, and thus 
forms a many-celled organism, -which by growth and 
gradual development attains the hereditary qualities of the 
parental organism. This occurs very generally among lower 

Although the formation of germ-cells very much resembles 
the formation of germ-buds, it evidently and very essentially 
differs from the latter, and also from the other forms of non- 
sexual propagation which have previously been mentioned, 
by the fact that only a very small portion of the producing 
organism takes part in the propagation and, accordingly, in 
the transmission by inheritance. In the case of self-division, 
where the whole organism falls into two halves, in the 
formation of buds, where a considerable portion of the whole 
body, already more or less developed, separates from the 
producing individual, we easily understand that the forms 
and vital phenomena should be the same in the producing 
and produced organism. It is much more difficult to under- 
stand in the formation of germ-buds, and more difficult still 
in the formation of germ-cells, how this very small, quite 
undeveloped portion of the body, this group of cells, or this 
single cell, not only directly takes with it certain parental 
qualities into its independent existence, but also after its 
separation from the parental individual develops into a 
many-celled body, and in this repeats the forms and vital 
phenomena of the original producing organism. This last 
form of monogonic propagation — that of the germ-cells, or 


spore-formation — leads us directly to a form of propagation 
which is the most difficult of all to explain, namely, sexual 

Sexual or amphigonic propagation (Amphigonia) is the 
usual method of propagation among all higher animals and 
plants. It is evident that it has only developed, at a very 
late period of the earth's history, from non-sexual propaga- 
tion, and apparently in the first instance from the method 
of propagation by germ-cells. In the earliest periods of the 
organic history of the earth, all organisms propagated them- 
selves in a non-sexual manner, as numerous lower organisms 
still do, especially all those which are at the lowest stage of 
organization, and which, strictly speaking, can be considered 
neither as animals nor as plants, and which therefore, as 
primary creatures, or Protista, are best excluded from both 
the animal and vegetable kingdoms. And yet in the case 
of many of the Protista, increase by self-division, or the 
formation of spores, takes place only when it has been 
preceded by the commingling of two individual cells. 
This conjugation or copulation is the beginning of sexual 
propagation, and is at present, as a rule, the only means of 
the increase of individuals among the higher animals and 

In all the chief forms of non-sexual propagation mentioned 
above — in fission, in the formation of buds, germ-buds, and 
germ-cells — the separated cell or group of cells was able by 
itself to develop into a new individual, but in the case of 
sexual propagation the cell must first be fructified by 
another generative substance. Two different cells, the male 
seed-cell (sperma) and the female egg-cell, must commingle ; 
and out of this newly produced cell (the stork-cell, Cytula) 


arises the many-celled organism. These two different 
generative substances, the male sperm and the female egg, 
are either produced by one and the same individual 
hermaphrodite (Hermaphroditismus), or by two different 
individuals (sexual separation, Gonochorismus). 

The simpler and earlier form of sexual propagation is 
through double-sexed individuals (Hermaphroditismus). It 
occurs in the great majority of plants, but only in a minority 
of animals, for example, in the garden snails, leeches, earth- 
worms, and many other worms. Every single individual 
among hermaphrodites produces within itself materials of 
both sexes — eggs and sperm. In most of the higher plants 
every blossom contains both the male organ (stamens and 
anther) and the female organs (style and germ). Every 
garden snail produces in one part of its sexual gland eggs, 
and in another part sperm. Many hermaphrodites can 
fructify themselves; in others, however, copulation and 
reciprocal fructification of both hermaphrodites is necessary 
for causing the development of the eggs. By this reciprocal 
action the disadvantages of in-breeding are avoided. This 
latter case is evidently a transition to sexual separation. 

Sexual separation (Gonochorismus), which characterizes 
the more complicated of the two kinds of sexual reproduc- 
tion, has evidently been developed from the condition of 
hermaphroditism at a late period of the organic history of 
the world. It is at present the universal method of propa- 
gation of the higher animals, and occurs, on the other hand, 
only in the minority of plants (for example, in many aquatic 
plants, e.g. Hydrocharis, Vallisneria; and in trees, e.g. 
Willows, Poplars). Every organic individual, as a non- 
hermaphrodite (Gonochoristus), produces within itself only 


one of two generative substances, either the male or the 
female. The female individuals, both in animals and plants, 
produce eggs or egg-cells. The eggs of plants in the case 
of flowering plants (Phanerogama) are commonly called 
" embryo sacs ; " in the case of flowerless plants (Crypto- 
gama), "fruit-spores." J In animals, the male individual 
secretes the fructifying sperm (sperma); in plants, the 
corpuscles, which correspond to the sperm. In the Phane- 
rogama, these are the pollen-grains, or flower-dust ; in the 
Cryptogama, a sperm, which, like that of most animals, 
consists of floating vibratile cells actively moving in a 
fluid — the zoosperms, spermatozoa, or sperm-cells. 

The so-called virginal reproduction (Parthenogenesis) 
offers an interesting form of transition from sexual repro- 
duction to the non-sexual formation of germ-cells (which 
most resembles it); it has been demonstrated to occur in 
many cases among Insects, especially by Siebold's ex- 
cellent investigations. In this case germ-cells, which 
otherwise appear and are formed exactly like egg-cells, 
become capable of developing themselves into new indi- 
viduals without requiring the fructifying seed. The most 
remarkable and most instructive of the different partheno- 
genetic phenomena are furnished by those cases in which 
the same germ-cells, according as they are fructified or not, 
produce different kinds of individuals. Among our common 
honey bees, a male individual (a drone) arises out of the 
eggs of the queen, if the egg has not been fructified; a 
female (a queen, or working bee), if the egg has been fructi- 
fied. It is evident from this, that in reality there exists 
on wide chasm between sexual and non-sexual reproduc- 
tion, but that both modes of reproduction are directly 


connected. The parthenogenesis of Insects must probably 
be regarded as a relapse from the sexual mode of propaga- 
tion (possessed by the original parents of the insects) to the 
earlier condition of non-sexual propagation. In any case, 
however, sexual reproduction, both in plants and animals, 
which seems such a wonderful process, has only arisen at 
a later date out of the more ancient process of non-sexual 
reproduction. In both cases heredity is a necessary part of 
the phenomenon. 

Moreover, the parthenogenesis of insects is not an original, 
primary phenomenon, but a secondary one, which has arisen 
from a diminution of the male sex; for some reason or 
another the males became superfluous ! 

At all events, both in plants as well as in animals, sexual 
propagation — which appears so wonderful a process — arose 
only at a later period from the earlier form of non-sexual 
propagation. In both cases inheritance forms a necessary 
part in the phenomenon of reproduction. The commingling 
of two homogeneous cells, which in the case of numerous 
Protista leads to non-sexual propagation by self-division 
or the formation of spores (sometimes as temporary con- 
jugation, sometimes as permanent copulation), is the first 
step towards Amphigony. The second step is the hetero- 
geneous development or divergence of the two cells, their 
division of labour and of form. The smaller and more agile 
cell becomes the male sperm-cell, the larger and less agile 
cell the female egg-cell. Both of them, on commingling, 
transmit their own peculiarities to the common product. 
This transmission becomes quite intelligible when we 
examine the whole series of phenomena in connection. 




Theories of Inheritance. — Difference between Transmission by Inheritance 
in Sexual and Non-sexual Propagation. — Distinction between Con- 
servative and Progressive Transmission by Inheritance. — Laws of 
Conservative Transmission : Transmission of Inherited Characters. — 
Uninterrupted or Continuous Transmission. — Interrupted or Latent 
Transmission. — Alteration of Generations. — Relapse. — Degeneracy. — 
Sexual Transmission. — Secondary Sexual Characters. — Mixed or Amphi- 
gonous Transmission. — Hybrids. — Abridged or Simplified Transmis- 
sion. — Laws of Progressive Inheritance : Transmission of Acquired 
Characters. — Adapted or Acquired Transmission. — Fixed or Established 
Transmission. — Homochronous Transmission (Identity in time). — 
Homotopic Transmission (Identity in place). — Molecular Theories of 
Transmission. — Pangenesis (Darwin). — Perigenesis (Haeckel). — Idio- 
plasma (Nageli). — Germ-plasma (Weismann). — Intracellular Pangenesis 

The proper understanding of the two great organic 
constructive forces of Inheritance and Adaptation are 
among the most important advances which, during the last 
thirty years, our modern theory of development has intro- 
duced into the general history of nature. The very com- 
plicate interaction of these two forces, together with the 
ever-varying relations of the struggle for existence, is 
sufficient for producing the whole variety of forms in the 
organic world. The earlier school of naturalists, at the 


beginning of our century, did, indeed, recognize the immense 
importance of this interaction, but they were unable to 
penetrate further into the mysterious character of the two 
"constructive forces." However, the grand advances in 
morphology and physiology, in histology and ontogeny, 
have now furnished us with a far deeper insight into their 
true nature, and we know them to be genuine physiology 
functions, i.e. universal vital forces in organisms them- 
selves ; and like other vital processes these two fundamental 
constructive forces proceed primarily from physical and 
chemical relations. They certainly at times appear ex- 
tremely complicate, but can nevertheless be traced back 
to simple, mechanical causes, to the attraction and repul- 
sion of particles of matter, of molecules and of atoms. 

As I endeavoured to show in my " General Morphology " 
(in 1866), we arrive at an understanding of Inheritance 
from the complicate phenomena of propagation, whereas the 
phenomena of Adaptation are explained by the elementary 
conditions of nutrition, more especially by the trophic 
irritation exercised on the one hand by the direct influence 
of the external conditions of life, on the other by the 
peculiar activity of the organs and of the cells of which 
they are composed. 

In my last chapter I endeavoured to show that in the 
case of all the different forms of propagation (and also 
of inheritance) the most essential point is invariably a 
detachment from the parental organism of a portion 
possessing the faculty of leading an individual, independent 
existence. We may, therefore, in all cases expect that the 
produced individuals — which are, in fact, as is commonly 
said, " the flesh and blood of the parents " — will receive the 


vital characteristics and qualities of form which the 
parental individuals possess. It is simply a larger or 
smaller quantity of the parental material, in fact, of its 
albuminous protoplasm, or cell-substance, which passes to 
the produced individual. But together with the material, 
its vital properties — that is, the molecular motions of the 
plasma — are transmitted, and these then manifest themselves 
in its form. Inheritance by sexual breeding loses very 
much of the mysterious and wonderful character which it 
at first sight possesses for the uninitiated, if we consider 
the above-mentioned series of the different modes of pro- 
pagation, and their connection one with another. It at 
first sight appears exceedingly wonderful that in the sexual 
propagation of man, and of all higher animals, the small 
egg, the minute cell, often invisible to the naked eye, is 
able to transfer to the produced organism all the qualities 
of the material organism, and, no less mysterious, that at 
the same time the essential qualities of the paternal 
organism are transferred to the offspring by means of the 
male sperm, which fructifies the egg-cell by means of a 
viscid substance in which minute thread-like cells or zoo- 
sperms move about. But as soon as we compare the con- 
nected stages of the different kinds of propagation, in which 
the produced organism separates itself more and more as a 
distinct growth from the parental individual, and more or 
less early enters upon its independent career; as soon as 
we consider, at the same time, that the growth and develop- 
ment of every higher organism only depends upon the 
increase of the cells composing it — that is, upon their 
simple propagation by division — it becomes quite evident 
that all these remarkable processes belong to one series. 


The life of every organic individual is nothing but a 
connected chain of very complicated material phenomena 
of motion. These motions must be considered as changes 
in the position and combination of the molecules, that is, 
of the smallest particles of animated matter (of atoms 
united in the most varied ways). The specific, definite 
tendency of this regular, continuous, and inherent vital 
motion depends, in every organism, upon the chemical 
mingling of the albuminous generative matter to which 
it owes its origin. In man, as in the case of the higher 
animals which propagate themselves in a sexual manner, 
the individual vital motion commences at the moment 
in which the egg-cell is fructified by the spermatic 
filaments of the seed, in which process both generative 
substances actually mix; and here the tendency of the 
vital motion is determined by the specific, or, more 
accurately, by the individual nature of the sperm as well 
as of the egg. There can be no doubt as to the purely 
mechanical, material nature of this process. But here we 
stand full of wonder and astonishment before the infinite 
and inconceivable delicacy of this albuminous matter. We 
are amazed at the undeniable fact that the simple egg-cell 
of the maternal organism, and a single paternal sperm- 
thread, transfer the molecular, individual vital motion of 
the two individuals to the child so accurately, that after- 
wards the minutest bodily and mental peculiarities of both 
parents reappear in it. 

Here we stand before a mechanical phenomenon of 
nature of which Virchow, whose genius founded the 
"cellular pathology," says with full justice, "If the 
naturalist cared to follow the custom of historians and 


preachers, and to clothe phenomena, which are in their way 
unique, with the hollow pomp of ponderous and high- 
sounding words, this would be the opportunity for him \ 
for we have now approached one of those great mysteries of 
animal nature, which encircle the region of animal life as 
opposed to all the rest of the world of phenomena. The 
question of the formation of cells, the question of the ex- 
citation of a continuous and equable motion, and finally 
the questions of the independence of the nervous system and 
of the soul — these are the great problems on which the 
human mind can measure its strength. To comprehend the 
relation of the male and female to the egg-cell is almost as 
much as to solve all those mysteries. The origin and 
development of the egg-cell in the mother's body, the trans- 
mission of the bodily and mental peculiarities of the father 
to it by his seed, touch upon all the questions which the 
human mind has ever raised about man's existence." And, 
we add, these most important questions are solved, by means 
of the Theory of Descent, in a purely mechanical, a purely 
monistic sense ! 

There can, therefore, be no further doubt that, in the 
sexual propagation of man and all higher organisms, inherit- 
ance, which is a purely mechanical process, is directly 
dependent upon the material continuity of the producing 
and produced organism, just as is the case in the simplest 
non-sexual propagation of the lower organisms. However, 
I must at once take this opportunity of drawing atten- 
tion to an important difference which inheritance presents 
in sexual and non-sexual propagation. It is a fact long 
since acknowledged, that the individual peculiarities of the 
producing organism are much more accurately transmitted 


to the produced organism by non-sexual than by sexual 
propagation. Gardeners have for a long time made use 
of this fact in many ways. When, for instance, a single 
individual of a species of tree with stiff, upright branches 
accidentally produces down-hanging branches, a gardener, 
as a rule, cannot transmit this peculiarity by sexual, but 
only by non-sexual propagation. The twigs cut off such a 
weeping tree and planted as cuttings or slips, afterwards 
produce trees having likewise hanging branches, as, for 
example, the weeping willows and beeches. Seedlings, on 
the other hand, which have been reared out of the seed of 
such a weeping tree, generally have the original stiff and 
upright form of branches possessed by their ancestors. 
The same may be observed in a very striking manner in 
the so-called "copper-coloured trees," that is, varieties of 
trees which are characterized by a red or reddish brown 
colour of the leaves. Off-shoots from such copper-coloured 
trees (for example, the copper beech), which have been 
propagated by cuttings in a non-sexual manner, show the 
peculiar colour and nature of the leaves which distinguished 
the parental individual, while others reared from seeds of 
such a copper-coloured tree return to the green-coloured 
condition of leaf. 

This difference in inheritance will seem very natural when 
we consider that the material connection between the pro- 
ducing and produced individuals is much closer and lasts 
much longer in non-sexual than in sexual propagation. The 
special tendency of the molecular motion of life can there- 
fore fix itself much longer and more thoroughly in the filial 
organism, and be more strictly transmitted by non-sexual 
than by sexual propagation. All these phenomena, con- 

VOL. i. p 


sidered in connection, clearly prove that the transmission of 
bodily and mental peculiarities is a purely material and 
mechanical process. By propagation a greater or lesser 
quantity of albuminous particles, and together with them 
the individual form of motion inherent in these molecules 
of protoplasm, are transmitted from the parental organism to 
the offspring. As this form of motion remains continuous, 
the more delicate peculiarities inherent in the parental 
organism must sooner or later reappear in the filial 

The most important task in the physiology of Inheritance 
would therefore be to obtain a deeper insight into the 
processes of these molecular movements, and to examine 
more accurately the physio-chemical processes connected 
with them, and to do this experimentally wherever possible. 
However, the task is so exceedingly difficult, that not one 
of the already mentioned theories of molecular inheritance 
appears sufficient. However, before turning our attention 
to them, it seems appropriate first to cast one more glance 
at the various manifestations of Heredity, which we may 
perhaps even now denominate the " laws of transmission 
by inheritance," Unfortunately, up to the present time 
very little has been done for this most important subject, 
either in zoology or in botany ; professional physiologists 
have hardly troubled themselves at all about the subject, 
so that almost all we know of the different laws of inherit- 
ance is confined to the experiences of gardeners and 
farmers. It is not therefore to be wondered at, that on the 
whole these exceedingly interesting and important pheno- 
mena have not been investigated with desirable scientific 
accuracy, or reduced to the form of scientific laws. Accord- 


ingly, what I shall relate of the different laws of trans- 
mission are only some preliminary fragments taken out of 
the infinitely rich store which lies open to our inquiry. 

We may first divide all the different phenomena of inherit- 
ance into two groups, which we shall distinguish as the 
transmission of inherited characters, and the transmission of 
acquired characters ; and we may call the former the con- 
servative transmission, and the latter the progressive trans- 
mission by inheritance. This distinction depends upon the 
exceedingly important fact that the individuals of every 
species of animals and plants can transmit to their de- 
scendants, not only those qualities which they themselves 
have inherited from their ancestors, but also the peculiar, 
individual qualities which they have acquired during their 
own life. The latter are transmitted by progressive, the 
former by conservative inheritance. We have now first to 
examine the phenomena of conservative inheritance, that 
is, the transmission of such qualities as the organism has 
already received from its parents or ancestors. 

Among the phenomena of conservative inheritance we are 
first struck by that which is its most general law, and which 
we may term the law of uninterrupted or continuous trans- 
mission. It is so universal among the higher animals and 
plants, that the uninitiated might over-estimate its action 
and consider it as the only normal law of transmission by 
inheritance. This law simply consists in the fact that 
among most species of animals and plants, every generation 
is, on the whole, like the preceding — that the parents are as 
like the grandparents as they are like the children. " Like 
produces like," as is commonly said, but more accurately, 
" Similar things produce similar things." For, in reality, the 


descendants of every organism are never absolutely equal 
in all points, but only similar in a greater or less degree. 
This law is so generally known, that I need not give any 
examples of it. 

The law of interrupted or latent transmission by inherit- 
ance, which might also be termed alternating transmission, 
is in a measure opposed to the preceding law. This im- 
portant law appears principally active among many lower 
animals and plants, and manifests itself in contrast to the 
former in the fact that the offspring are not like their 
parents, but very dissimilar, and that only the third or a 
later generation becomes similar to the first. The grand- 
children are like the grandparents, but quite unlike the 
parents. This is a remarkable phenomenon, and, as is well 
known, occurs also very frequently, though in a less degree, 
in human families. Every one of my readers doubtless 
knows some members of a family who, in this or that pecu- 
liarity, much more resemble the grandfather or grandmother 
than the father or mother. Sometimes it lies in bodily 
peculiarities, for example, features of face, colour of hair, 
size of body — sometimes in mental qualities, for example, 
temperament, energy, understanding — which are trans- 
mitted in this manner. This fact may be observed in 
domestic animals as well as in the case of man. Among 
the domestic animals most liable to vary — as the dog, 
horse, and ox — breeders very frequently find that the pro- 
duet by breeding resembles the grandparents far more than 
it does its own parental organism. If we express this 
general law and the succession of generations by the letters 
of the alphabet, then A = C = E, whilst B = D = F, and 
so on. 


This very remarkable fact appears in a more striking 
way in the lower animals and plants than in the higher, 
and especially in the well-known phenomenon of alterna- 
tion of generations (metagenesis). Here we very frequently 
find — for example, among the Planarian worms, sea-squirts 
or Tunicates, Zoophytes, and also among ferns and mosses 
— that the organic individual in the first place produces, by 
propagation, a form completely different from the parental 
form, and that only the descendants of this generation, 
again, become like the first. This regular change of genera- 
tion was discovered by the poet Chamisso, on his voyage 
round the world in 1819, among the Salpai, cylindrical tuni- 
cates, transparent like glass, which float on the surface of 
the sea. Here the larger generation, the individuals of 
which live isolated and possess an eye of the form of a 
horse-shoe, produce in a non-sexual manner (by the forma- 
tion of buds) a completely different and smaller generation. 
The individuals of this second smaller generation live united 
in chains and possess a cone-shaped eye. Every individual 
of such a chain produces, in a sexual manner (hermaphrodite) 
again, a non-sexual solitary form of the first and larger 
generation. Among the Salpse, therefore, it is always the 
first, third, and fifth generations, and in like manner the 
second, fourth, and sixth generations, that are entirely like 
one another. However, it is not always only one, but in 
other cases a number of generations, which are thus leapt 
over ; so that the first generation resembles the fourth and 
seventh, the second resembles the fifth and eighth, the 
third resembles the sixth and ninth, and so on. Three 
different generations alternate with one another; for ex- 
ample, among the neat little sea-buoys (Doliolum), small 


tunicates closely related to the Salpse. In this case it is 
A = D = G, further, B = E = H, and C = F = I. Among 
the plant-lice (Aphides), each sexual generation is followed 
by a succession of from eight to ten or twelve non-sexual 
generations, which are like one another, but differ from 
the sexual generations. Then, again, a sexual generation 
reappears like the one long before vanished. 

If we further follow this remarkable law of latent or in- 
terrupted inheritance, and take into consideration all the 
phenomena appertaining to it, we may comprise under it 
also the well-known phenomena of reversion. By the term 
" reversion " or " atavism " we understand the remarkable 
fact known to all breeders of animals, that occasionally 
single and individual animals assume a fori k which has not 
existed for many generations, but belongs to a generation 
which has long since disappeared. One of the most remark- 
able instances of this kind is the fact that in some horses 
there sometimes appear singular dark stripes, similar to 
those of the zebra, quagga, and other wild species of 
African horses. Domestic horses of the most different races 
and of all colours sometimes show such dark stripes ; for ex- 
ample, a stripe along the back, a stripe across the shoulders, 
and the like. The sudden appearance of these stripes can 
only be explained by the supposition that it is the effect of 
a latent transmission, a relapse into the ancient original 
form, which has long since vanished, and was once common 
to all species of horses ; the original form, undoubtedly, was 
originally striped like the zebras, quaggas, etc. In like 
manner, certain qualities in other domestic animals some- 
times appear quite suddenly, which once marked their wild 
ancestors, now long since extinct. In plants, also, such 


a relapse can be observed very frequently. All my readers 
probably know the wild yellow toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris), 
a plant very common in our fields and hedges. Its dragon- 
mouthed yellow flower contains two long and two short 
stamens. But sometimes there appears a single blossom 
(Peloria) which is funnel-shaped, and quite regularly 
composed of five individual and equal sections, with five 
corresponding stamens. This Peloria can only be ex- 
plained as a relapse into the long since extinct and very 
ancient common form of all those plants which, like the 
toad-flax, possess dragon-mouthed, two-lipped flowers, with 
two long and two short stamens. The original form, like 
the Peloria, possessed a regular five-spurred blossom, 
with five equal stamens, which only later and by degrees 
have become unequal. All such relapses are to be 
brought under the law of interrupted or latent transmission, 
although the number of intervening generations may be 

When cultivated plants or domestic animals become wild, 
when they are withdrawn from the conditions of cultivated 
life, they experience changes which appear not only as 
adaptations to their new mode of life, but partially also as 
relapses into the ancient original form out of which the 
cultivated forms have been developed. Thus the different 
kinds of cabbage, which are exceedingly different in form, 
may be brought back to the original form, by allowing 
them to grow wild. In like manner, dogs, horses, heifers, 
etc., when growing wild, often revert more or less to a long 
extinct generation. An immensely long succession of 
generations may pass away before this power of latent 
transmission becomes extinguished. 


A third law of conservative transmission may be called 
the law of sexual transmission, according to which each 
sex transmits to the descendants of the same sex pecu- 
liarities which are not inherited by the descendants of the 
other sex. The so-called secondary sexual characters, which 
in many respects are of extraordinary interest, everywhere 
furnish numerous examples of this law. Subordinate or 
secondary sexual characters are those peculiarities of one 
of the two sexes which are not directly connected with the 
sexual organs themselves ; characteristics which exclusively 
belong to the male sex are, for example, the antlers of the 
stag, the mane of the lion, and the spur of the cock. The 
human beard, an ornament commonly denied to the female 
sex, belongs to the same class. Similar characteristics by 
which the female sex is alone distinguished are, for ex- 
ample, the developed breasts, with the lactatory glands of 
female mammals and the pouch of the female opossum. 
The bodily size, also, and complexion, differs in female 
animals of many species from that of the male. All these 
secondary sexual qualities, like the sexual organs them- 
selves, are transmitted by the male organism only to the 
male, not to the female, and vice versa. Contrary facts are 
rare exceptions to the rule. 

A fourth law of transmission, which has here to be men- 
tioned, in a certain sense contradicts the last, and limits 
it, viz. the law of mixed or mutual (amphigonous) trans- 
mission. This law tells us that every organic individual 
produced in a sexual way receives qualities from both 
parents, from the father as well as from the mother. This 
fact, that personal qualities of each of the two sexes are 
transmitted to both male and female descendants, is very 


important. Goethe mentions it of himself, in the beautiful 
lines — 

" Von Vater hab ich die Statur, des Lebens ernstes Fiihren, 
Von Miltterchen die Frohnatur and Last zu fabaliren." 

" From my father I have my stature and the serious tenor of my life, 
From my mother a joyous nature and a turn for poetizing." 

This phenomenon is so well known to all, that I need 
not here enter upon it. It is according to the different 
portions of their character which father and mother 
transmit to their children, that the individual differences 
among brothers and sisters are chiefly determined. Yet, 
as is well known, we very often meet with a cross-inherit- 
ance of the two sexes, by the son showing a greater resem- 
blance to the mother, whereas the daughter more resembles 
the father. This greater resemblance with the parent of 
the opposite sex often shows itself very marked, not only 
in the outward shape of the body, and especially of the face, 
but also in the finer characteristics of the mind, hence of 
the molecular formation of the brain. 

Extraordinary importance has of late been ascribed to 
amphigonous inheritance by Weismann ; he considers it, in 
the case of all many-celled organisms (Metazoa and Meta- 
phy tse), as the universal cause of their individual variability. 
This one-sided idea is connected with the peculiar theory 
of the continuity of the germ-plasma, which Weismann 
very much over-estimates. As a consequence, he altogether 
denies the inheritance of acquired characteristics in general 
(see below, p. 221). 

The very important and interesting phenomenon of 
hybridism also belongs to this law of mixed or amphigonous 
transmission It alone, when rightly estimated, is quite 


sufficient to refute the prevailing dogma of the constancy 
of species. Plants, as well as animals, belonging to quite 
different species, may sexually mingle with one another 
and produce descendants which in many cases can again 
propagate themselves, and that indeed either (more fre- 
quently) by mingling with one of the two parental species, 
or (more rarely) by pure in-breeding, hybrid mixing with 
hybrid. The latter is well established, for example, in the 
hybrids of hares and rabbits (Lepus Darwinii, p. 151). The 
hybrids of a horse and a donkey, two different species of 
the same genus (Equus), are well known. These hybrids 
differ according as the father or the mother belongs to the 
one or the other species — the horse or the donkey. The 
mule produced by a mare and a he-donkey has qualities 
quite different from those of the jinny (Hinnus), the hybrid 
of a horse and a she-donkey. In both cases the hybrid pro- 
duced by the crossing of two different species is a mixed 
form, which receives qualities from both parents ; but the 
qualities of the hybrid are different, according to the form 
of the crossing. In like manner, mulattoes produced by 
a European and a negress show a different mixture of 
characters from the hybrids produced by a negro with a 
European female. In these phenomena of hybrid-breeding, 
as well as in the other laws of transmission previously 
mentioned, we are as yet unable to show the acting causes 
in detail ; but no naturalist doubts the fact that the causes 
are in all cases purely mechanical and dependent upon the 
nature of organic matter itself. If we possessed more 
delicate means of investigation than our rude organs of 
sense and auxiliary instruments, we should be able to dis- 
cover those causes, and to trace them to the chemical and 


physical properties of plasmic matter, to their complicate 
molecular construction. 

Among the phenomena of conservative transmission, we 
must now mention, as the fifth law, the law of abridged or 
simplified transmission. This law is very important in 
regard to embryology or ontogeny, that is, in regard to the 
history of the development of organic individuals. Onto- 
geny, or the history of the development of individuals, as 
I have already mentioned in the first ehapter (p. 10), and 
as I shall subsequently explain more minutely, is nothing 
but a short and quick repetition of Phylogeny dependent 
on the laws of transmission and adaptation — that is, a 
repetition of the palaeontological history of development of 
the whole organic tribe or phylum, to which the organism 
belongs. If, for example, we follow the individual develop- 
ment of a man, an ape, or any other higher mammal within 
the maternal body from the egg, we find that the foetus or 
embryo arising out of the egg passes through a series of 
very different forms, which on the whole agrees with, or at 
least runs parallel to, a series of forms which is presented 
to us by the historical chain of ancestors of the higher 
mammals. Among these ancestors we may mention certain 
fishes, amphibians, marsupials, etc. But the parallelism or 
agreement of these two series of development is never quite 
complete ; on the contrary, in ontogeny there are always 
gaps and leaps which indicate the omission of certain stages 
belonging to the phylogeny. Fritz Muller, in his excellent 
work, "Fur Darwin," 16 has clearly shown, in the case of 
the Crustacea, or crabs, that "the historical record pre- 
served in the individual history of development is gradually 
obscured, in proportion as development takes a more and 


more direct route from the egg to the complete animal." 
This process of obscuring and shortening is determined by 
the law of abridged transmission, and I mention it here 
specially because it is of great importance for the under- 
standing of embryology, and because it explains the fact, 
at first so strange, that the whole series of forms which our 
ancestors have passed through in their gradual development 
are no longer visible in the series of forms of our own 
individual development from the egg. 

Opposed to the laws of the conservative transmission, 
hitherto discussed, are the phenomena of the transmission 
of the second series, that is, the laws of progressive trans- 
mission by inheritance. As already mentioned, they depend 
upon the fact that the organism transmits to its descendants 
not only those qualities which it has inherited from its own 
ancestors, but also a number of those individual qualities 
which it has acquired during its own lifetime. Adapta- 
tion is here seen to be connected with transmission by 

The fundamental importance which the transmission of 
acquired qualities possesses for the Theory of Descent, was 
clearly recognized as early as the beginning of our century 
by Lamarck, and by Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus Darwin. 
The new characteristics which originate in the organism 
through the influence of the outward conditions of life, as 
well as those which arise through its own individual 
activity (the use or non-use of organs), may be transmitted 
to its descendants, and the original form will thus become 
more or less altered. Some recent writers have set too 
little value upon this important phenomenon, and Weis- 
mann, in fact, completely rejects it. He maintains that 


" we, as yet, do not know of any fact that would actually 
prove that acquired characteristics may be transmitted," 
and that "only such characteristics can be transmitted to 
a following generation for which a disposition already 
existed in the germ." Weismann demands new and con- 
vincing proofs for the transmission of adaptations, and in 
doing so forgets that such proofs are wholly wanting for 
his own, opposite hypothesis ; nay, will probably never be 
forthcoming in the sense he desires. In my opinion, as 
well as that of many others who hold by transformism, the 
direct transmission of new adaptations (in Lamarck's sense) 
is a very important fact, and thousands of proofs of this 
are furnished by comparative anatomy and ontogeny, by 
physiology and pathology. And, indeed, the origin of 
thousands of special arrangements remains perfectly un- 
intelligible without the supposition ; for instance, functional 
and mimetic adaptation, instincts (hereditary psychical 
habits), etc. With regard to the inheritance of pathological 
changes, the reasons set forth by Virchow, as opposed to 
Weismann, are worthy of consideration. 

At the head of these important phenomena of progressive 
transmission, we may mention the law of adapted or ac- 
quired transmission. In reality it asserts nothing more 
than what I have said above, that in certain circumstances 
the organism is capable of transmitting to its descendants 
all the qualities which it has acquired during its own life 
by adaptation. This phenomenon, of course, shows itself 
most distinctly when the newly acquired peculiarity pro- 
duces any considerable change in the inherited form. This 
is the case in the examples I mentioned in the preceding 
chapter as to transmission in general, in the case of the 


men with six fingers and toes, the porcupine men, copper 
beeches, weeping willows, etc. The transmission of acquired 
diseases, such as consumption, madness, and albinism, like- 
wise form very striking examples. Albinoes are those 
individuals who are distinguished by the absence of colour- 
ing matter, or pigments, in the skin. They are of frequent 
occurrence among men, animals, and plants. In the case 
of animals of a definite dark colour, individuals are not 
unfrequently born which are entirely without colour, and 
in animals possessing eyes, this absence of pigment extends 
even to the eyes, so that the iris of the eye, which is com- 
monly of a bright or intense colour, is colourless, but appears 
red, on account of the blood-vessels being seen through it. 
Among many animals, such as rabbits and mice, albinoes 
with white fur and red eyes are so much liked that they 
are propagated in great numbers as a special race. This 
would be impossible were it not for the law of the trans- 
mission of adaptations. 

Which of the changes acquired by an organism are trans- 
mitted to its descendants, and which are not, cannot be 
determined a priori, and we are unfortunately not ac- 
quainted with the definite conditions under which the 
transmission takes place. We only know in a general way 
that certain acquired qualities are much more easily trans- 
mitted than others — for example, more easily than the 
mutilations caused by accidents. These latter are generally 
not transmitted by inheritance, otherwise the descendants 
of men who have lost their arms or legs would be born 
without the corresponding arm or leg; but here, also, 
exceptions occur, and a race of dogs without tails has been 
produced by consistently cutting off the tails of both sexes 


of the dog during several generations. A few years ago 
a case occurred on an estate near Jena, in which by a 
careless slamming of a stable door the tail of a bull was 
wrenched off, and the calves begotten by this bull were all 
born without a tail. Of late years observations on the 
same phenomena in dogs, cats, and mice, which confirm the 
above statements, have been communicated by five different 
investigators. These are certainly exceptional cases; but 
it is very important to note the fact, that under certain 
unknown conditions such violent changes are sometimes 
transmitted in the same manner as many diseases. 

In very many cases the change which is transmitted and 
preserved by adapted transmission is constitutional or in- 
born, as in the case of albinism mentioned before. The 
change then depends upon that form of adaptation which 
we call the indirect or potential. A very striking instance 
is furnished by the hornless cattle of Paraguay, in South 
America. A special race of oxen is there bred which is 
entirely without horns. It is descended from a single bull, 
which was born in 1770 of an ordinary pair of parents, and 
the absence of horns was the result of some unknown cause. 
All the descendants of this bull produced with a horned 
cow were entirely without horns. This quality was found 
advantageous, and by propagating the hornless cattle among 
one another, a hornless race was obtained, which at present 
has almost entirely supplanted the horned cattle in Paraguay. 
The case of the otter-sheep of North America forms a similar 
example. In the year 1791 a farmer, by name Seth Wright, 
lived in Massachusetts, in North America ; in his normally 
formed flock of sheep a lamb was suddenly born with a 
surprisingly long body and very short and crooked legs. It 


was therefore unable to take any great leaps, and especially 
unable to leap across a hedge into a neighbour's garden — 
a quality which seemed advantageous to the owner, as the 
territories were divided by hedges. It therefore occurred 
to him to transmit this quality to other sheep, and by 
crossing this ram with normally shaped ewes, he produced 
a whole race of sheep, all of which had the qualities of the 
father, short and crooked legs and a long body. None of 
them could leap across the hedges, and they therefore were 
much liked and propagated in Massachusetts. 

A second law, which likewise belong to the series of pro- 
gressive transmissions, may be called the law of established 
or habitual transmission. It manifests itself in this, that 
qualities acquired by an organism during its individual life 
are the more certainly transmitted to its descendants the 
longer the causes of that change have been in action, and 
that this change becomes the more certainly the property 
of all subsequent generations the longer the cause of change 
acts upon these latter also. The quality newly acquired 
by adaptation or mutation must be established or con- 
stituted to a certain degree before we can calculate with 
any probability that it will be transmitted at all to the 
descendants. In this respect transmission resembles adapta- 
tion. The longer a newly acquired quality has been trans- 
mitted by inheritance, the more certainly will it be preserved 
in future generations. If, therefore, for example, a gardener 
by methodical treatment has produced a new kind of apple, 
he may calculate with the greater certainty upon preserving 
the desired peculiarity of this sort the longer he has trans- 
mitted the same by inheritance. The same is clearly shown 
in the transmission of diseases. The longer consumption 


or madness has been hereditary in a family, the deeper is 
the root of the evil, and the more probable it is that all 
succeeding generations will suffer from it. 

We may conclude the consideration of the phenomena of 
inheritance with the two very important laws of homotopio 
and contemporaneous transmission by inheritance. We 
understand by them the fact that changes acquired by an 
organism during its life, and transmitted to its descendants, 
appear in the same part of the body in which the parental 
organism was first affected by them, and that they also 
appear in the offspring at the same age as that at which 
they did so in the parent. 

The law of contemporaneous or homochronous trans- 
mission, which Darwin calls the law of "transmission in 
corresponding periods of life," can be shown very clearly in 
the transmission of diseases, especially of such as are recog- 
nized as very destructive, on account of their hereditary 
character. They generally appear in the organism of the 
child at the time corresponding with that in which the 
parental organism contracted the disease. Hereditary dis- 
eases of the lungs, liver, teeth, brain, skin, etc., usually 
appear in the descendants at the same period, or a little 
earlier than they showed themselves in the parental organ- 
ism, or were contracted by it. The calf gets its horns at 
the same period of life as its parents did. In like manner 
the young stag receives its antlers at the same period of 
life in which they appeared in its father or grandfather. 
In every one of the different sorts of vine the grapes ripen 
at the same time as they did in the case of their progenitors. 
It is well known that the time of ripening varies greatly 
-in the different sorts; but as all are descended from a 

vol. 1. Q 


single species, this variation has heen acquired by the pro- 
genitors of the several sorts, and has then been transmitted 
by inheritance. 

The law of homotopic transmission, which is most closely 
connected with the last-mentioned law, and which might 
be called the law of transmission in corresponding parts of 
the body, may also be very distinctly recognized in patho- 
logical cases of inheritance. Large moles, for example, or 
accumulations of pigment in several parts of the skin, 
tumours also, often appear during many generations, not 
only at the same period of life, but also in the same part 
of the skin. Excessive development of fat in certain parts 
of the body is likewise transmitted by inheritance. Above 
all, it is to be noted that numerous examples of this, as well 
as of the preceding law, may be found everywhere in the 
study of embryology. Both the law of homochronous and 
homotopic transmission are fundamental laws of embry- 
ology, or ontogeny. For these laws explain the remarkable 
fact that the different successive forms of individual develop- 
ment in all generations of one and the same species always 
appear in the same order of succession, and that the varia- 
tions of the body always take place in the same parts. 
This apparently simple and self-evident phenomena is 
nevertheless exceedingly wonderful and curious ; we cannot 
explain its real causes, but may confidently assert that they 
are due to the direct transmission of the organic matter 
from the parental organism to that of the offspring, as we 
have seen above in the case of the .process of transmission 
in general, by a consideration of the details of the various 
modes of reproduction. 

The different laws of conservative and of progressive -trans- 


mission (which I first elaborated in the nineteenth chapter 
of my " General Morphology," and have briefly discussed 
here) interact with and through one another in the most 
diversified ways, and this accounts for their exceeding 
importance for transformations, and, at the same time, for 
the great difficulty in penetrating theoretically further into 
the nature of these physiological processes. Numerous 
endeavours have, indeed, been made since Darwin to set 
up molecular hypotheses in order to explain the processes, 
but none of these so-called " Theories of Heredity " have 
satisfactorily cleared up the obscurity that surrounds them, 
or received universal recognition. 

If now, in conclusion, we take a glance at these theories 
of heredity which have recently been so much discussed, 
we must bear in mind that they all possess the value merely 
of provisional molecular hypotheses; they cannot be set 
up either morphologically by microscopic or anatomical 
observation, or physiologically by physical and chemical 
demonstration. The plasma or albuminous substance of 
the cells, by means of which alone transmission is accom- 
plished (both the karyo-plasm of the cell-kernel, as well 
as proto-plasm of the cell-body), certainly possesses an ex- 
tremely complex and fine molecular structure ; that is, the 
smaller and smallest particles of which the plasma consists 
are arranged in groups, according to extremely complicate 
laws. But unfortunately our microscopic instruments are 
much too powerless to enable us to obtain any insight into 
this arrangement ; and as little have physics and chemistry 
hitherto been able to obtain a satisfactory physiological 
idea of the molecular construction and transformation of 
the plasma. All the opinions that have been formed of 


them, and are discussed in the following theories of trans- 
mission, are based upon pure conjecture, and are, strictly 
speaking, metaphysical speculations. We shall now ex- 
amine them in the order in which they appeared : — I. Dar- 
win's Theory of Pangenesis (1868) ; II. Haeckel's Theory 
of Perigenesis (1876) ; III. Naegeli's Theory of Idioplasm 
(1884); IV. Weismann's Theory of Germ-Plasma (1885); 
V. Vries' Theory of Intracellular Pangenesis (1889). 

I. The Theory of Pangenesis was established by Darwin 
in 1868, in his important work on the "Variation of 
Animals and Plants under Domestication," and worked out 
further in the second edition of this work, published in 
1875 (Chap. XXVII.). Darwin assumes that all the cells 
of the organism (as living individuals) increase and 
differentiate not only by division, but also that they throw 
off minute atoms ; these immensely small atoms he calls 
gemmules; these gemmmles multiply and aggregate them- 
selves into buds and the sexual elements; their develop- 
ment depends on their union with other nascent cells or 
units, and they are capable of transmission in a dormant 
state to successive generations. Besides, every cell can 
throw off atoms throughout its entire period of develop- 
ment; and these atoms possess, in their dormant state, a 
mutual relationship which leads to their aggregation in the 
sexual elements. 

This provisional hypothesis of Pangenesis, as Darwin 
himself cautiously terms it, appears to me the weakest and 
most untenable of all the numerous and far-reaching theories 
of the great master. I have from the outset considered it 
erroneous, and have carefully stated the reasons which 
make it impossible for me to accept it, in a work which 


I shall have to refer to immediately, in connection with 
Perigenesis. Darwin's theory seems to me incompatible 
with the chief fundamental facts of histology and ontogeny ; 
both the construction of the tissues from cells, as well as 
the origin of the differentiated cells from germ-layers, and 
their development from the fructified egg-cell, appear to 
me to stand in irremediable contradiction with the hypothesis 
of Pangenesis; consistently carried out, it leads to the 
" Pre-formation theory" of Haller and others. The same 
may be said also of the modification of this theory which 
W. K. Brooks has given in his work on the "Law of 
Inheritance" (1883). His Pangenesis does not essentially 
differ from Darwin's except for his assumption that the 
cells do not continually throw off minute atoms or gemmules, 
but only when they find themselves in new and unusual 
circumstances. And the male sperm-cell he thinks much 
more full of gemmules than the female egg-cell ; hence the 
male sperm-cell he thinks represents the more progressive, 
the female egg-cell the more conservative element in pro- 
pagation and inheritance. 

II. The Theory of Perigenesis was established by me in 
1876, in a treatise entitled, "On the Wave-production of 
Vital Particles, or the Perigenesis of the Plastidules," and 
termed a provisional attempt at a mechanical explanation of 
the elementary processes of development, more especially of 
heriditivity (in No. II. of my " Collected Popular Lectures," 
Bonn, 1879, pp. 25-80). The theory of Perigenesis en- 
deavours to explain the nature of inheritance by a simple, 
mechanical principle, namely, by the well-known principle 
of inherited motion. I assume in every process of repro- 
duction that not only the peculiar chemical substance, the 


plasson or plasma, of the producing organism is transmitted 
to the produced organism, but that the special form of the 
molecular motion which is connected with its physical, 
chemical nature, is also transmitted. In agreement with 
our modern histology and histogeny, I assume that the 
plasma only (either the karyo-plasm of the cell-kernel or 
the cyto-plasm of the cell-substance) is the original bearer 
of all the active movements of life, hence also of inheritance 
and propagation. This plasma or plasson, in the case of all 
plastidules (both the non-kernelled cytods as well as the 
genuine kernelled cells), is composed of plastidules or 
molecules of plasma ; and these are " probably always sur- 
rounded by watery coverings ; the greater or lesser amount 
of water — which both separates and connects the neighbour- 
ing plastidules — is dependent upon the softer or firmer con- 
dition of the plasson " (I.e., p. 8). " Inheritance is the trans- 
mission of plastidule motion ; adaptation, on the other hand, 
its variation " (p. 55). The movement may be imagined in 
the form of the branchings of a wave-movement. In the 
case of all Protista, or one-celled organisms (protophyta and 
protozoa), this periodical mass-movement proceeds in a com- 
paratively simple form, whereas in all Histones, or many- 
celled organisms (metaphyta and metazoa), it is connected 
with the alternate generation of the plastids and division 
of labour of the plastidules. I gave an explanation of this 
as early as 1866, in the seventeenth chapter of my " General 
Morphology," as Strophogenesis, or series of generations. 

The monistic conception of nature may all the more 
readily accept my theory of Perigenesis as the basis of a 
mechanical theory of inheritance, as I likewise consider the 
plastidules as molecules with souls (similar to the " monads " 


of Leibnitz), and assume that their movements (attraction 
and repulsion) are also connected with sensations (pleasure 
and displeasure) like the movements of the atoms of which 
they are composed. Without the assumption of some such 
lower (unconscious) form of sensation and will-movement 
in matter, the simplest chemical and physical processes 
remain unintelligible, for surely it is upon this supposition 
that the whole idea of elective-relationship or chemical 
affinity is based. The plastidules, however, differ from all 
other molecules by their capacity for reproduction or for 
memory. As Ewald Hering, the physiologist, pointed out, 
as early as 1870, in his admirable treatise, " On Memory as 
a Universal Function of Organic Matter," unless we assume 
some such (unconscious) memory, the most important 
phenomena of life, and above all those of propagation 
and inheritance, remain utterly unintelligible (p. 51). And 
in connection with this he thinks that we may term 
" Inheritance the memory of the plastidules, and Variability 
their power of apprehension " (p. 72). 

III. The Theory of Idioplasm was established in 1884 
by Carl Naegeli, in his comprehensive work, " Mechanico- 
physiological Theory of the Doctrine of Descent." This 
excellent botanist regards idioplasm (i.e. only that portion 
of plasma or plasson which, as germ, conveys all the 
inheritable qualities, in contrast to the purely nutrition- 
plasma) as the essential factor of inheritance and as the 
bearer of the transmitted qualities. The minutest particles 
of it, which, owing to their peculiar arrangement, deter- 
mine the nature of the idioplasm, Naegeli calls Mi-cells; 
they correspond in all essential points to my plastidules, 
and are conceived, of as surrounded by water. The specific 


nature of idioplasm, which is analogous to my plasson, is 
said to consist in " the configuration of the cross-section of 
strings of parallel rows of mi-cells." The strings of idioplasm 
are said to extend through the whole organism in the form 
of a large connected (invisible) network This changes 
from generation to generation from internal causes, and is 
not at all dependent upon the influence'of the external con- 
ditions of existence, or is so only to a very small extent. 
For the same reason external causes (especially variations 
of climate, nutrition, surroundings, etc.) are said not to 
exercise any or merely a very unimportant influence upon 
the transformation of species. Naegeli assumes rather that 
transformation proceeds from an internal, innate principle 
of perfecting ; that this effects the transformation of the 
smaller or larger groups of forms, in a definite and pro- 
gressive direction, and that selection exercises only a very 
trifling influence, or none at all. 

_ As is evident, Naegeli again introduces a purely teleo- 
logical principle into biology for the explanation of in- 
heritance and organic development. His "internal principle 
of perfecting," which determines the whole development, is 
nothing else than the old " vital foree " in a new form ; and 
this unknown power is not rendered any the more intel- 
ligible to us by the fact that Naegeli sets it up as an 
inherent quality of his idioplasm. It is difficult to under- 
stand how so clear-sighted a naturalist (who even regards 
himself as one of the strictly exact physiologists) could be 
so completely deceived as to the true value of his molecular 
hypothesis. He rejects both Darwin's Pangenesis and my 
Perigenesis, and considers them the "products of nature- 
philosophy, and, as such, as good as any other products 


emanating from the same source." In making this state- 
ment he fails to see that precisely the same may be said 
of his own hypothesis, and that the very same words might 
apply to himself — "their fault, as in every other such 
philosophical doctrine, is, that they set up their suppositions 
as facts, make use of inappropriate scientific designations, 
and most unjustifiably assume them to be of scientific 
value " (p. 81). The same may be said of the metaphysical 
and last part of his work, entitled, " Forces of Forms in the 
Domain of Molecules," and more especially of his hypothesis 
of isagity (p. 807). No exact physicist could regard it as 
anything but a metaphysical speculation full of fancies. 
However, apart from his wholly unfounded theory of in- 
heritance and many errors connected with it, Naegeli's 
work contains a number of valuable contributions to the 
theory of descent, but, unfortunately, not its " mechanico- 
physiological foundation." Especially excellent are his 
chapters on the Phylogenetic History of Development and 
Change of Generations (VII. and VIII.), on Morphology 
and Classification as Phylogenetic Sciences (IX.), and on 
Spontaneous Generation (II.). Many of the details there 
given coincide with those which I first developed in my 
"General Morphology "in 1866. 

IV. Tlie Theory of Germ-plasma was established in 1885 
by August Weismann, in a treatise " On the Continuity of 
Germ-plasma as the Foundation for a Theory of Inherit- 
ance." This theory agrees with the two preceding ones in 
assuming that the direct cause of individual development, 
and the material basis of inheritance, must be looked for in 
the molecules of the plasmic germ-substance, either in the 
kernel or in the protoplasm of the propagating cells. But 


while my hypothesis of Perigenesis applies the mechanical 
principle of transmitted motion to the molecules of plasma 
or plastidules, and assumes that their tendency differs 
owing to adaptation; and whereas, further, Naegeli, in a 
purely teleological manner, imagines some internal, un- 
known tendency of perfecting in his idioplasm-molecules 
or mi-cells, and assumes these to be connected in strings 
forming a network ; — Weismann finds that the actual cause 
of inheritance lies in the continuity of the germ-plasma, 
and the cause of the variation to lie in the mixing of the 
two different germ-plasmas, by sexual propagation. He 
assumes that there exist in an organism two completely 
distinct species of plasma — the germ-plasma, as the pro- 
pagating substance, and the somatic plasma, as the substance 
out of which all the tissues of the body become developed 
(this distinction was assumed at an earlier date by Rauber, 
who speaks of the germinal part and the personal part of 
the individual). Weismann further maintains that in every 
act of propagation a portion of the parental germ-plasma 
is not used for the construction of the filial organism, but 
is left behind unchanged, and used for the formation of the 
germ-cells for the following generation; that inheritance 
depends upon this uninterrupted continuity of the germ- 
plasma through a series of generations ; on the other hand, 
that adaptation or variation depends upon the individual 
difference of the two species of germ-plasmas (of the female 
egg-plasma and the male sperm-plasma), which become 
mingled in the process of sexual propagation. Weismann 
regards it as an important sequence of his theory that an 
acquired quality cannot be transmitted. He, therefore, 
rejects the most essential principle of the earlier, Lamarckian, 


theory of Descent, and gives the Darwinian principle of 
selection the widest scope of activity. 

The many morphological and physiological reasons that 
contradict Weismann's theory of germ-plasma have already 
been brought forward in detail by Virchow, Kblliker, 
Detmer, Eimer, Herbert Spencer, and others. And, while 
agreeing with them, I wish especially also to point out that 
the permanent separation of the two species of plasma in 
the germ-cell is not only not proved by microscopic investi- 
gation, but is rendered extremely improbable by the facts 
of the so-called "cleavage of the egg," and gastrulation. 
Besides which, Weismann is thus obliged to assume internal 
unknown causes for the development of his germ-plasma, 
and these are as metaphysical and teleological as the in- 
herent principle of perfecting assumed by Naegeli for his 
idioplasm ; the unknown cause differs only in name. 
Finally, as Weismann recognizes only the transmissibility 
of indirect or potential variations, and altogether rejects 
the transmissibility of direct or actual adaptation, he fails, 
I think, to give a mechanical explanation of the most 
important phenomena of transformation. 

V. A Theory of Intracellular Pangenesis (1889) has quite 
recently been brought forward by Hugo de Vries, a botanist, 
in direct connection with Darwin's hypothesis, but with 
this essential difference, that he drops Darwin's supposition 
of the transport of the minute germs throughout the body. 
Vries assumes this transport as only within every single cell ; 
he gives a more careful definition of the minute germs or 
gemmules (which he calls Pangens), and assumes that every 
single transmissible quality is connected with some such 
material bearer, an invisible pangen. The entire living 


protoplasm is composed solely of pangens, and in the cell- 
kernel are representatives of all species of pangens of the 
individual in question. 

Vries's treatise is worth reading, admirably written, and 
contains instructive ideas on inheritance ; still, like all the 
four preceding hypotheses, it fails to give any actual ex- 
planation of the molecular processes, nor does it offer any 
conceivable idea. The "single transmissible qualities" 
again lead back to the pre-formation theory. Further, the 
construction and development of animal tissues present 
insurmountable difficulties to the acceptance of Vries's 
theory, whereas Vries, as a botanist, found no difficulty 
with the much simpler and relatively independent vegetable- 

In addition to the above five theories of inheritance, 
other naturalists have of late years come forward with 
endeavours to explain these wonderful phenomena. How- 
ever, they offer either mere unimportant modifications of 
one or other of the above-mentioned hypotheses, or they 
are so far removed from the thoroughly established basis 
of our empiric knowledge, that they need not be taken into 
consideration. The question as to whether, in propagation, 
merely the kernel of the cells, or the protoplasm, likewise, 
is the bearer of the inherited qualities, is now generally 
answered in favour of the former. As early as 1866 I had. 
maintained, in my " General Morphology," " that the inner 
kernel has to attend to the transmission of heritable charac- 
teristics, the outer plasma to the adaptation to relations 
with the outer world." Of late years, and especially 
through the admirable investigations of the brothers Hert- 
wig, of E. Strasburger, and others, highly convincing 


reasons for the probability of this opinion have been 
brought forward. 

Our knowledge of inheritance and propagation has made 
extraordinary progress during the last thirty years through 
the above and numerous other investigations. It is true 
none of the five above theories of molecules altogether 
explain the enigma of these wonderful processes ; their 
merit lies rather in having brought us to a clear conscious- 
ness of our inability to comprehend the immensely complex 
nature of these invisible processes. However, they have 
enabled ns to cast aside the former mystical ideas as to 
their nature, and we have arrived generally at the convic- 
tion that we have here to deal with physiological functions, 
with the vital activity of cell-life, which, like all other 
phenomena of life, have to be traced back to chemico- 
physical processes; in faet, have to be explained by a 
mechanical method. 




Adaptation and Variation. — Connection between Adaptation and Nutrition 
(Change of Matter and Growth). — Distinction between Indirect and 
Direct Adaptation. — Laws of Indirect or Potential Adaptation. — Indi- 
vidual Adaptation. — Monstrous or Sadden Adaptation. — Sexual Adapta- 
tion. — Laws of Direct or Actual Adaptation. — Universal Adaptation. — 
Cumulative Adaptation. — Cumulative Influence of External Conditions 
of Existence and Cumulative Counter-influence of the Organism. — Free- 
will. — Use and Non-Use of Organs. — Practice and Habit. — Functional 
Adaptation. — Correlative Adaptation. — Correlation of Development. — 
Correlation of Organs. — Explanation of Indirect or Potential Adapta- 
tion by the Correlation of the Sexual Organs and of the other Parts 
of the Body. — Aping or Mimetic Adaptation (Mimicry). — Divergent 
Adaptation. — Unlimited or Infinite Adaptation. 

Having now in our two last chapters discussed the most 
important laws and theories of inheritance, we now turn to 
the second great series of phenomena bearing on natural 
selection, viz. to those of adaptation or variation. These 
phenomena, taken as a whole, stand in a certain opposition 
to the phenomena of inheritance, and the difficulty which 
arises in examining these consists mainly in the two sets of 
phenomena being so completely intercrossed and inter- 
woven. We are but seldom able to say with certainty — 
of the variations of form which occur before our eyes — how 


much is owing to Inheritance, and how much to Adaptation. 
All characters of form, by which organisms are distinguished, 
are caused either by Inheritance or by Adaptation ; but as 
both functions are continually interacting with each other, 
it is extremely difficult for the systematic inquirer to recog- 
nize the share belonging to each of the two functions in the 
special structure of individual forms. This is, at present, 
all the more difficult, because we are as yet scarcely aware 
of the immense importance of this fact, and because most 
naturalists have neglected the theory of Adaptation, as well 
as that of Inheritance. The laws of Inheritance, which we 
have just discussed, as well as the laws of Adaptation, 
which we shall consider directly, in reality form only a 
small portion of the phenomena existing in this domain, 
but which have not as yet been investigated ; and since 
every one of these laws can interact with every other, it is 
clear that there is an infinite complication of physiological 
actions, which are at work in the construction of organisms. 
But now, as to the phenomenon of variation or adaptation 
in general, we must, as in the case of inheritance, view it 
as a quite universal, physiological fundamental quality of 
all organisms, without exception — as a manifestation of 
life which cannot be separated from the idea of an organism. 
Strictly speaking, we must here also, as in the case of 
inheritance, distinguish between Adaptation itself and 
Adaptability. By Adaptation (Adaptio), or Variation 
(Variatio), we understand the fact that the organism, in 
consequence of influences of the surrounding outer world, 
assumes certain new peculiarities in its vital activity, com- 
position, and form which it has not inherited from its 
parents ; these acquired individual qualities are opposed to 


those which have been inherited, or, in other words, those 
which have been transmitted to it from its parents or 
ancestors. On the other hand, we call Adaptability (Adap- 
tabilitas), or Variability (Variabilitas), the capability in- 
herent in all organisms to acquire such new qualities under 
the influence of the outer world. 

The undeniable fact of organic adaptation or variation is 
universally known, and can be observed at every moment 
in thousands of phenomena surrounding us. But just 
because the phenomena of variation by external influences 
appear so self-evident, they have hitherto undergone scarcely 
any accurate scientific investigation. To them belong all 
the phenomena which we look upon as the results of con- 
tracting and giving up habits, of practice and giving up 
practices, or as the results of training, of education, of 
acclimatization, of gymnastics, etc Many permanent varia- 
tions brought about by causes producing disease, that is to 
say, many diseases, are nothing but dangerous adaptations 
of the organism to injurious conditions of life. In the case 
of cultivated plants and domestic animals, variation is so 
striking and powerful that the breeder of animals and the 
gardener have founded their whole mode of procedure upon 
it, or rather upon the interaction between these phenomena 
and those of Inheritance- It is also well known to every 
one that animals and plants, in their wild state, are subject 
to variation. Every systematic treatise on a group of 
animals or plants, if it were to be quite complete and 
exhaustive, ought to mention in every individual species 
the number of variations which differ more or less from 
the prevailing or typical form of the species. Indeed, in 
every careful systematic special treatise one finds, in the 


case of most species, mention of a number of such varia- 
tions, which are described sometimes as individual devia- 
tions, and sometimes as so-called races, varieties, degenerate 
species, or subordinate species, and which often differ ex- 
ceedingly from the original species, solely in consequence 
of the adaptation of the organism to the external conditions 
of life. 

If we now endeavour to fathom the general causes of these 
phenomena of Adaptation, we arrive at the conclusion that 
in reality they are as simple as the causes of the phenomena 
of Inheritance. We have shown that the nature of the 
process of propagation furnishes the real explanation of the 
facts of Transmission by Inheritance, that is, the transmis- 
sion of parental matter to the body of the offspring ; and 
in like manner we can show that the physiological function 
of nutrition, or change of substance, affords a general 
explanation of Adaptation or Variation. When I here 
point to ■" nutrition " as the fundamental cause of variation 
and adaptation, I take this word in its widest sense, and 
I understand by it all the trophic changes which the 
organism undergoes in all its parts through the influences 
of the surrounding outer world. Nutrition thus comprises 
not only the reception of actual nutritive substances and 
the influence of different kinds of food, but also, for example, 
the action upon the organism of water and of the atmo- 
sphere, the influence of sunlight, of temperature, and of all 
those meteorological phenomena which are implied in the 
term "climate." The indirect and direct influence of the 
nature, of the soil and of the dwelling-place also belong 
to it; and further, the extremely important and varied 
influence which is exercised upon every animal and every 

VOL. I. R 


plant by the surrounding organisms, friends and neighbours, 
enemies and robbers, parasites, etc. All these and many 
other very important influences, all of which more or less 
modify the organism in its material composition, must be 
taken into consideration in studying the change of sub- 
stance which goes on in living things. Adaptation, accord- 
ingly, is the consequence of all those material variations 
the external conditions of existence produce in the nourish- 
ment of the elementary parts, and the influence of the 
surrounding outer world produce in the change of substance 
and in the growth of the organism. 

How very much every organism is dependent upon the 
whole of its external surroundings, and changed by their 
alteration, is, in a general way, well known to every one. 
Only think how much the human power of action is de- 
pendent upon the temperature of the air, or how much the 
disposition of our minds depends upon the colour of the 
sky. Accordingly as the sky is cloudless and sunny, or 
covered with large heavy clouds, our state of mind is cheer- 
ful or dull. How differently do we feel and think in a 
forest during a stormy winter night and during a bright 
summer day! All these different modes of our soul depend 
upon purely material changes of our brain, upon movements 
of molecular plasma, which are started through the medium 
of the senses by the different influences of light, warmth, 
moisture, etc. "We are a plaything to every pressure of 
the air." 

No less important and deeply influential are the effects 
produced upon our mind and body by the different qiiality 
and quantity of food. Our mental activity, the activity of 
our understanding and of our imagination, is quite different 


accordingly as we have taken tea or coffee, wine or beer, 
before or during our work. Our moods, wishes, and feel- 
ings are quite different when we are hungry and when we 
are satisfied. The national character of Englishmen and of 
the Gauchos in South America, who live principally on 
meat and food rich in nitrogen, is wholly different from 
that of the Irish, feeding on potatoes, and that of the 
Chinese, living on rice, both of whom take food deficient 
in nitrogen. The latter also form much more fat than the 
former. Here, as everywhere, the variations of the mind 
go hand in hand with the corresponding transformations of 
the body; both are produced by purely material causes. 
But all other organisms, in the same way as man, are varied 
and changed by the different influences of nutrition. It is 
well known that we can change in an arbitrary way the 
form, size, colour, etc., of our cultivated plants and domestic 
animals, by change of food ; that, for example, we can take 
from or give to a plant definite qualities, accordingly as we 
expose it to a greater or less degree of sunlight and moisture. 
As these phenomena are generally widely known, and as 
we shall proceed presently to the consideration of the 
different laws of adaptation, we will not dwell here any 
longer on the general facts of variation. 

As the different laws of transmission may be naturally 
divided into the two series of conservative and progressive 
transmission, so we may also distinguish between two series 
of the laws of adaptation, first, the series of laws of indirect, 
and secondly, the series of laws of direct adaptation. The 
latter may also be called the laws of actual, and the former 
the laws of potential adaptation. 

The first series, comprising the phenomena of indirect 


(potential) adaptation, has, on the whole, hitherto been 
little attended to, and Darwin has the merit of having 
directed special attention to this series of changes. Of late 
years August Weismann has investigated them very care- 
fully, and places such exclusive importance in them as the 
sole transmissible deviations, that he finally altogether 
rejects the inheritance of direct adaptations. It is some- 
what difficult to place this subject clearly before the reader ; 
I will endeavour to make it clear hereafter by examples. 
Speaking quite generally, indirect or potential adaptation 
consists in the fact that certain changes in the organism, 
effected by the influence of nutrition (in its widest sense) 
and of the external conditions of existence in general, show 
themselves not in the individual form of the respective 
organism, but in that of its descendants. Thus, especially 
in organisms propagating themselves in a sexual way, the 
reproductive system, or sexual apparatus, is often influenced 
by external causes (which little affect the rest of the 
organism) to such a degree that its descendants show a 
complete alteration of form. This can be seen very 
strikingly in artificially produced monstrosities. Mon- 
strosities can be produced by subjecting the parental 
organism to certain extraordinary conditions of life, and, 
curiously enough, such an extraordinary condition of life 
does not produce a change of the organism itself, but a 
change in its descendants. This cannot be called trans- 
mission by inheritance, because it is not a quality existing 
in the parental organism that is transmitted by inheritance. 
It is, on the contrary, a change affecting the parental 
organism, but not perceptible in it, that appears in the 
peculiar formation of its descendants. It is only the 


impulse to this new formation which is transmitted in 
propagation through the egg of the mother or the sperm 
of the father. The new formation exists in the parental 
organism only as a possibility (potential) ; in the descendants 
it becomes a reality (actual). 

As this very important and very general phenomenon had 
hitherto been entirely neglected, people were inclined to 
consider all the visible variations and transformations of 
organic forms as phenomena of adaptation of the second 
series, that is, as phenomena of direct or actual adaptation. 
The nature of this latter kind of adaptation consists in the 
fact that the change affects the organism itself (through 
nutrition, etc.), and shows itself immediately by some trans- 
formation, and does not only make itself apparent in the 
descendants. To this class belong all the well-known 
phenomena in which we can directly trace the transforming 
influence of climate, food, education, training, etc., in their 
effects upon the individual itself. 

We have seen how the two series of phenomena of pro- 
gressive and conservative transmission, in spite of their 
difference in principle, in many ways interfere with and 
modify each other, and in many ways co-operate with and 
cross each other. The same is the case, in a still higher 
degree, in the two series of phenomena of indirect and 
direct adaptation, which are opposed to each other and yet 
closely connected. Some naturalists, especially Darwin, 
Carl Vogt, and Weismann, ascribe to the indirect or potential 
adaptation by far the more important and almost exclusive 
influence. But the majority of naturalists have hitherto 
been inclined to take the opposite view, and to attribute the 
principal influence to direct or actual adaptation. I con- 


sider this controversy, in the "mean while, as almost useless. 
It is but seldom that we are in a condition, in any individual 
case of variation, to judge how much of it belongs to direct 
and how much to indirect adaptation. We are, on the 
whole, still too little acquainted with these exceedingly 
important and intricate relations, and can only assert, in a 
general way, that the transformation of organic forms is to 
be ascribed either to direct adaptation alone, or to indirect 
adaptation alone, or lastly, to the co-operation of both direct 
and indirect adaptation. The physiology of nutrition will 
have to solve the important problem, to investigate the 
different effects of these changes (experimentally if possible) 
and to trace them back to their elementary causes, to the 
physico-chemical processes in the change of substance, and 
in the growth of the organs. 

Let us now turn our attention somewhat more closely to 
the different forms of variation, which we may meanwhile 
term the " laws of adaptation." We shall in the first place 
examine the variations of the first series, indirect or 
potential adaptation. Although the nature of these re- 
markable phenomena is still very obscure, and their primary 
causes have been but little investigated, one fact remains 
universally recognized and unquestioned, that organic indi- 
viduals experience transformations and assume new forms 
in consequence of changes of nutrition not experienced by 
themselves, but by the parental organism. The transform- 
ing influence of the external conditions of existence, of 
climate, of nutrition, etc., shows its effects here not directly 
in the transformation of the organism itself, but indirectly 
in that of its descendants. 

The principal and most universal of the laws of indirect 


variation may be termed the law of individual adaptation, 
or the important proposition that all organic individuals 
from the commencement of their individual existence are 
unequal, although often very much alike. As a proof of 
this proposition, I may at once point to the fact, that in 
the human race in general all brothers and sisters, all 
children of the same parents, are unequal from their birth. 
No one will venture to assert that two children at their 
birth are perfectly alike : that the size of the individual parts 
of their bodies, the number of hairs on their heads, the 
number of cells composing their outer skins or epidermis, or 
that the number of blood-cells are the same in both children, 
or that both children have come into the world with the 
same abilities or talents. But what more specially proves 
this law of individual indifference, is the fact that in the 
case of those animals which produce several young ones at 
a time — for instance, dogs and cats— all the young of each 
birth differ from one another more or less strikingly in 
size and colour of the individual parts of the body, or in 
strength, etc. Now, this law is universal. All organic indi- 
viduals from their beginning are distinguished by certain, 
though often extremely minute differences, and the cause 
of these individual differences, though in detail usually 
utterly unknown to us, depends partly or entirely on certain 
influences which the organs of propagation in the parental 
organism have undergone. Many naturalists consider indi- 
vidual variation as the most important, or even as the 
exclusive cause of the transformation; thus, for instance, 
August Weismann, who regards it as the direct consequence 
of sexual propagation, Amphigonous Transmission, accord- 
ing to him, directly affects the individual adaptation. But 


however high we may estimate its value, we cannot admit 
its exclusive importance. 

A second law of indirect adaptation, which we shall call 
the law of monstrous or sudden adaptation, is of less 
importance and less general than the law of individual 
adaptation. Here the divergences of the child-organism 
from the parental form are so striking that, as a rule, we 
may designate them as monstrosities. In many cases they 
are produced, as has been proved by experiments, by the 
parental organism having been subject to a certain treat- 
ment, and placed under peculiar conditions of nutrition ; 
for example, when air and light are withdrawn from it, or 
when other influences powerfully acting upon its nutrition 
are changed in a certain way. The new condition of exist- 
ence causes a strong and striking modification of form, not 
directly of the organism itself, but only of that of its de- 
scendants. The mode of this influence in detail we cannot 
discover, and we can only in a very general way detect a 
casual connection between the abnormal formation of the 
child and a certain change in the conditions of existence 
of its parents exerting a special influence upon the organs 
of propagation in the latter. The previously mentioned 
phenomenon of albinism probably belongs to this group of 
abnormal or sudden variations, also the individual cases of 
human beings with six fingers and toes, the case of the 
hornless cattle, as well as those of sheep and goats with 
four or six horns. The abnormal deviation in all these 
cases probably owes its origin to a cause which at first only 
affected the reproductive system of the parental organism, 
the egg of the mother or the sperm of the father. 

A third curious manifestation of indirect adaptation may 


be termed the law of sexual adaptation. Under this name 
we indicate the remarkable fact that certain influences, 
which act upon the male organs of propagation only, affect 
the structure of the male descendants, and in like manner 
other influences, which act upon the female organs of pro- 
pagation only, manifest their effect only in the change 
of structure of the female descendants. This remarkable 
phenomenon is still very obscure, and has not as yet been 
investigated, but is probably of great importance in regard 
to the origin of " secondary sexual characteristics," to which 
we have already made allusion. 

All the phenomena of sexual, monstrous, and individual 
adaptation, which we may comprise under the name of the 
laws of indirect or potential adaptation, are as yet very 
little known to us in their real nature and in their deeper 
casual connection. Only this much we can at present main- 
tain with certainty, that numerous and important trans- 
formations in organic forms owe their existence to this 
process. Many and striking variations of form solely depend 
on causes which at first only affect the nutrition of the 
parental organism, and thereupon its organs of propagation. 
Evidently the relations in which the sexual organs stand to 
other parts of the body are of the greatest importance. We 
shall have more to say of these presently, when we speak 
of the law of correlative adaptation. How powerfully the 
variations in the conditions of life and nutrition affect the 
propagation of organisms is rendered obvious by the re- 
markable fact that numerous wild animals which we keep 
in our zoological gardens, and exotic plants which are grown 
in our botanical gardens, are no longer able to reproduce 
themselves. This is the case, for example, with most birds 


of prey, parrots, and monkeys. The elephant, also, and the 
animals of prey of the bear genus, in captivity hardly ever 
produce young ones. In like manner many plants in a 
cultivated state become sterile. The two sexes may indeed 
unite, but no fructification, or no development of the fructi- 
fied germ, takes place. From this it follows with certainty 
that the changed mode of nutrition in the cultivated state 
is able completely to destroy the capability of reproduction, 
and therefore to exercise the greatest influence upon the 
sexual organs. In like manner other adaptations or varia- 
tions of nutrition in the parental organism may cause, not 
indeed a complete want of descendants, but still important 
changes in their form. 

Much better known than the phenomena of indirect or 
potential adaptation are those of direct or actual adapta- 
tion, to the consideration of which we now turn our atten- 
tion. To them belong all those changes of organisms which 
are generally considered to be the results of practice, habit, 
training, education, etc. ; also those changes of organic 
forms which are effected directly by the influence of nutri- 
tion, of climate, and other external conditions of existence. 
As has already been remarked in direct or actual adaptation, 
the transforming influence of the external cause affects the 
form of the organism itself, and does not only manifest 
itself in that of the descendants. 

We may place the law of universal adaptation at the 
head of the different laws of direct or actual adaptation, 
because it is the chief and most comprehensive among them. 
It may be briefly explained in the following proposition : 
" All organic individuals become unequal to one another in 
the course, of .their life by adaptation to different conditions 


of life, although the individuals of one and the same species 
remain mostly very much alike." A certain inequality of 
organic individuals, as we have seen, had already to be 
assumed in virtue of the law of individual (indirect) adapta- 
tion. But, beyond this, the original inequality of individuals 
is afterwards increased by the fact that every individual, 
during its own independent life, subjects and adapts itself 
to its own peculiar conditions of existence. All different 
individuals of every species, however like they may be in 
their first stages of life, become in the further course of 
their existence less like to one another. They deviate 
from one another in more or less important peculiarities, 
and this is a natural consequence of the different conditions 
under which the individuals live. There are no two single 
individuals of any species which can complete their life 
under exactly the same external circumstances. The vital 
conditions of nutrition, of moisture, air, light ; further, the 
vital conditions of society, the inter-relations with sur- 
rounding individuals of the same or other species, are 
different in every individual being; and this difference first 
affects the functions, and later changes the form of every 
individual organism. If the children of a human family 
show, even at the beginning, certain individual inequalities 
which we may consider as the consequence of individual 
(indirect) adaptation, they will appear still more different 
at a later period of life, when each child has passed through 
different experiences, and has adapted itself to different 
conditions of life. The original difference of the individual 
processes of development evidently becomes greater the 
longer the life lasts and the more various the external con- 
ditions which influence the separate individuals. This may 


be demonstrated in the simplest manner in man, as well as 
in domestic animals and cultivated plants, in which the 
vital conditions may be arbitrarily modified. Two brothers t 
of whom one is brought up as a workman and the other as 
a priest, develop quite differently in body as well as in 
mind ; in like manner, two dogs of one and the same birth, 
of which one is trained as a sporting dog and the other 
chained up as a watch-dog. The same observation may 
also readily be made as to organic individuals in a natural 
state. If, for instance, one carefully compares all the trees 
in a fir or beech forest, which consists of trees of a single 
species, one finds that, among all the hundreds or thousands 
of trees, there are not two individual trees completely agree- 
ing in size of trunk and other parts, in the number of 
branches, leaves, etc. Everywhere we find individual in- 
equalities which, in part at least, are merely the conse- 
quences of the different conditions of life under which the 
trees have developed. It is true we can never say with 
certainty how much of this dissimilarity in all the indi- 
viduals of every species may have originally been caused by 
indirect individual adaptation, and how much of it acquired 
under the influence of direct or universal adaptation. 

A second series of phenomena of direct adaptation, which 
we may comprise under the law of cumulative adaptation, 
is no less important and general than universal adaptation. 
Under this name I include a great number of very important 
phenomena, which are usually divided into two quite 
distinct groups. Naturalists, as a rule, have distinguished, 
first, those variations of organisms which are produced 
directly by the permanent influence of external con- 
ditions (by the constant action of nutrition, of climate, of 


surroundings, etc.), and secondly, those variations which 
arise indirectly from habit and practice, from accustoming 
themselves to definite conditions of life, and from the use 
and non-use of organs. The latter influences have been set 
forth especially by Lamarck as important causes of the 
change of organic forms, "while the former have for a very 
long time been recognized as such more generally. 

The sharp distinction usually made between these two 
groups of cumulative adaptation, and which even Darwin 
maintained, disappears as soon as we reflect more accurately 
and deeply upon the real nature and causal foundation of 
these two, apparently very different, series of adaptations. 
We then arrive at the conviction that in both cases there 
are always two different active causes to be dealt with : on 
the one hand, the external influence or action of adaptative 
conditions of life, and on the other hand, the internal re- 
action of the organism which subjects and adapts itself to 
that condition of life. If cumulative adaptation is con- 
sidered from the first point of view alone, and the transform- 
ing influences of the permanent external conditions of life 
are traced to those conditions solely, then the principal 
stress is laid unduly upon the external factor, and the 
necessary internal reaction of the organism is not taken into 
proper consideration. If, on the other hand, cumulative 
adaptation is regarded solely in relation to its second factor, 
and the transforming action of the organism itself, its 
reaction against the external influences, its change by 
practice, habit, use, or non-use of organs, is put into the 
foreground, then we forget that this reaction is first called 
into play by the action of external conditions of existence. 
Hence it seems that the distinction made between these two 


groups lies only in the different manner of viewing them, 
and I believe that they can, with full justice, he considered 
as one. The most essential fact in these phenomena of 
cumulative adaptation is that the change of the organism 
which manifests itself first in the functions, and at a later 
period in the form, is the result either of long enduring, 
or of often repeated, influences of an external cause. The 
smallest cause, by cumulation of its action, can attain the 
greatest results. 

There are innumerable examples of this kind of direct 
adaptation. In whatever direction we may examine the 
life of animals and plants, we discover on all hands 
evident and undeniable changes of this kind. Let me first 
mention some of those phenomena of adaptation occasioned 
directly by nutrition itself. Every one knows that the 
domestic animals which are bred for certain purposes can 
be variously modified, according to the different quantity 
and quality of the food given to them. If a farmer in 
breeding sheep wishes to produce fine wool, he gives them 
different food from what he would give if he wished to 
obtain good flesh or an abundance of fat. Choice race and 
carriage horses receive better food than dray and cart 
horses. Even the bodily form of man — for example, the 
amount of fat — is quite different according to his nutrition. 
Food containing much nitrogen produces little fat, that 
containing little nitrogen produces a great deal of fat. 
People who, by means of Banting's system, lately so 
popular, wish to become thin eat only meat and eggs — no 
bread, no potatoes. The important variations that can be 
produced among cultivated plants, solely by changing the 
quantity and quality of nourishment, are well known. The 


same plant acquires an altogether different appearance, 
according as it is placed in a dry and warm place, exposed 
to the sunlight or placed in a cool damp spot in the shade. 
Many plants, if transferred to the sea-shore, get, in a short 
space of time, thick, fleshy leaves, and the same plants 
placed in a particularly dry and hot locality get thin hairy 
leaves. All these variations arise directly from the cumu- 
lative influence of changed nutrition. 

But it is not only the quantity and quality of the means 
of nutrition which affect and powerfully change and trans- 
form the organism, but it is affected also by all the other 
external conditions of existence, above all by its nearest 
organic surroundings, the society of friendly or hostile 
organisms. One and the same kind of tree develops quite 
differently in an open locality, where it is free on all sides, 
to what it does in a forest, where it must adapt itself to 
its surroundings, where it is pressed on all sides by its 
nearest neighbours, and is forced to shoot upwards. In 
the former case, the branches of the tree spread widely out ; 
in the latter, the trunk extends upwards, and the top of 
the tree remains small and contracted. How powerfully 
all these circumstances, and how powerfully the hostile or 
friendly influence of surrounding organisms, of parasites, 
etc., affect every animal and every plant, is so well known, 
that it appears superfluous to quote further examples. The 
change of form, or transformation which is thereby effected, 
is never solely the direct result of the external influence, 
but must always be traced to the corresponding reaction, 
and to the activity of the organism itself, which consists in 
contracting a habit, or practice, and in the use or non-use 
of organs. The fact that these latter phenomena, as a rule, 


have been considered distinct from the former, is owing first 
to the one-sided manner of viewing them already mentioned, 
and secondly to the wrong notion which has been formed 
as to the nature and the influence of the activity of the 
will in animals. 

The activity of the will, which is the origin of habit, of 
practice, of the use or non-use of organs among animals, is, 
like every other activity of the animal soul, dependent 
upon material processes in the central nervous system, 
upon peculiar motions which emanate from the albuminous 
matter of the ganglion cells, and the nervous fibres con- 
nected with them. The will, as well as the other mental 
activities, in higher animals, in this respect is different from 
that of men only in quantity, not in quality. The will of 
the animal, as well as that of man, is never free. The 
widely spread dogma of the freedom of the will is, from 
a scientific point of view, altogether untenable. Every 
physiologist who scientifically investigates the activity of 
the will in man and animals, must of necessity arrive at the 
conviction that in reality the will is never free, but is 
always determined by external or internal influences. These 
influences are for the most part ideas which have been 
either formed by Adaptation or by Inheritance, and are 
traceable to one or other of these two physiological functions. 
As soon as we strictly examine the action of our own will, 
without the traditional prejudice about its freedom, we 
perceive that every apparently free action of the will is 
the result of previous ideas, which are based on notions 
inherited or otherwise acquired, and are therefore, in the 
end, dependent on the laws of Adaptation and Inheritance. 
The- same also applies to the action of the will in all animals. 


As soon as their will is considered in connection with their 
mode of life, in its relation to the changes which the mode 
of life is subject to from external conditions, we are at once 
convinced that no other view is possible. Hence the 
changes of the will which follow the changes of nutrition, 
and which, in the form of practice, habit, etc., produce 
variations in structure, must be reckoned among the other 
material processes of cumulative adaptation. 

Whilst an animal's will is adapting itself to changed 
conditions of existence by the acquisition of new habits, 
practices, etc., it not unfrequently effects the most remark- 
able transformations of the organic form. Numerous 
instances of this may be found everywhere in animal life. 
Thus, for example, many organs in domestic animals are 
suppressed, when in consequence of a changed mode of life 
they cease to act. Ducks and fowls in a wild state fly 
exceedingly well, but lose this facility more or less in a 
cultivated state. They accustom themselves to use their 
legs more than their wings, and in consequence the muscles 
and parts of the skeleton used in flying are essentially 
changed in their development and form. Darwin has 
proved this by a very careful comparative measurement 
and weighing of the respective parts of the skeleton in the 
different races of domestic ducks, which are all descended 
from the wild duck (Anas boschas). The bones of the 
wings in tame ducks are weaker, the bones of the legs, on 
the other hand, are more strongly developed than in wild 
ducks. In ostriches and other running birds which have 
become completely unaccustomed to fly, the consequence is 
that their wings are entirely crippled and have degenerated 
into mere "rudimentary organs." In many domestic 

vol. 1. s 


animals, especially in many races of dogs and- rabbits, 
we find that in the cultivated state they have acquired 
pendulous ears. This is simply a consequence of a 
diminished use of the auricular muscles. In a wild state 
these animals have to exert their ears very much in order 
to discover an approaching foe, and this is accompanied by 
a strong development of the muscular apparatus which 
keeps the outer ears in an upright position, and by which 
they can turn them in all directions. In a domestic state 
the same animals no longer require to listen so attentively, 
they prick up or turn their ears only a little ; the auricular 
muscles cease to be used, gradually become weakened, and 
the ears hang down flabbily, or become rudimentary. 

As in these cases the function, and consequently the form 
also, of the organ becomes degenerated through disuse, so, 
on the other hand, it becomes more developed by greater 
use. This is particularly striking if we compare the brain, 
and the mental activity belonging to it, in wild animals 
and those domestic animals which are descended from 
them. The dog and horse, which are so vastly improved 
by cultivation, show an extraordinary degree of mental 
development in comparison with their wild original 
ancestors, and evidently the change in the bulk of the 
brain, which is connected with it, is mainly determined by 
persistent exercise. It is also well known how quickly 
and powerfully muscles grow and change their form by 
continual practice. Compare, for example, the arms and 
legs of a trained gymnast with those of an immovable 

1 How powerfully external influences affect the habits of 
animals and their mode of life, and in this way still further 


change their forms, is very strikingly shown in many cases 
among amphibious animals and reptiles. Our commonest 
indigenous snake, the ringed snake, lays eggs which require 
three weeks' time to develop. But when it is kept in 
captivity, and no sand is strewn in the cage, it does not lay 
its eggs, but retains them until the young ones are developed. 
The difference between animals producing living offspring 
and those laying eggs is here effaced simply by the change 
of the ground upon which the animal lives. 

The water-salamanders, or tritons, which have been 
artificially made to retain their original gills, are extremely 
interesting in this respect. The tritons are amphibious 
animals, nearly akin to frogs, and possess, like the latter, 
in their youth external organs of respiration — gills — with 
which they, while living in water, breathe the air dissolved 
in the water. At a later date a metamorphosis takes place 
in tritons, as in frogs. They leave the water, lose their 
gills, and accustom themselves to breathe with their lungs. 
But if they are prevented from doing this by being kept 
shut up in a tank, they do not lose their gills. The gills 
remain, and the water-salamander continues through life 
in that low stage of development, beyond which its lower 
relations, the gilled salamanders, or Sozobranchiata, never 
pass. The gilled salamander attains its full size, its sexual 
development, and reproduces itself without losing its gills. 

Great interest was caused a short time ago, among 
zoologists, by the axolotl (Siredon pisciformis), a gilled 
salamander from Mexico, nearly related to the triton; it 
had already been known for a long time, and been bred on 
a large scale in the zoological garden in Paris. This animal 
possesses external gills, like the young salamander, but 


retains them all its life, like all other Sozobranehiata. This 
gilled salamander generally remains in the water, with its 
aquatic organs of respiration, and also propagates itself 
there. But in the Paris garden, unexpectedly from among 
hundreds of these animals, a small number crept out of 
the water on to the dry land, lost their gills, and changed 
themselves into gill-less salamanders, which cannot be 
distinguished from a North-American genus of tritons 
(Amblystoma), and breathe only through lungs. In this 
exceedingly curious case we can directly follow the great 
stride from water-breathing to air-breathing animals, a 
stride which can indeed be observed every spring in the 
individual history of development of frogs and salamanders. 
Just as every separate frog and every separate salamander 
transforms itself from an amphibious animal breathing 
through gills, at a later period into one breathing through 
lungs, so the whole group of frogs and»salamanders have 
arisen from animals breathing through gills, and akin to 
the Siredon. The Sozobranehiata have remained up to the 
present day in that low stage of development. Ontogeny 
here explains phylogeny ; the history of the development 
of individuals explains that of the whole group (p. 10). 

The important variations of organizations which have 
recently been very thoroughly and clearly explained by 
Wilhelm Roux as Functional Adaptations stand in direct 
connection with the phenomena of Cumulative Adaptation, 
and partly under the same idea. Roux's treatise on " The 
Struggle of the Parts of Organisms " (1881) is one of the 
most important of the recent contributions to our Darwinian 
literature. In agreement with Lamarck, Roux starts with 
the morphological actions of the physiological functions or 


life-activities. He points out to what a great extent they 
are strengthened by the use of the organs, and weakened 
by their non-use; the former brings about Hypertrophy 
and the growth of the organs, the latter Atrophy and 
degeneration of the organs. He very justly lays great 
stress upon the undoubted transmission of such acquired 
variations, and emphasizes the differentiating and con- 
structive effect of the functional stimuli. Specially im- 
portant, however, are his explanations of the far-reaching 
and direct variations, which affect the increased or lessened 
use of the organs in the tissues of which they are composed, 
and in the cells of which the tissues are built up. In my 
" General Morphology " I had, in 1866, already pointed to 
these significant variations in my endeavours to trace back 
all adaptations to nutrition as their physiological funda- 
mental bases (vol. ii. p. 193). Roux enters more fully into 
the subject, and explains the trophic action of the functional 
stimulus as the actively and passively working parts. He 
points out in the case of the finer structure of the bones 
and muscles, of the glands and blood-vessels, that their 
extremely suitable arrangement may have proceeded directly 
from the trophic influence of functional stimulus. From 
this it is clear how the utmost conceivable perfecting of the 
organization can be accomplished directly by means of the 
vital activity of organisms themselves, as a teleological 
piece of mechanism, which has no conscious object or so- 
called plan of structure. But it at the same time shows 
how the new suitable arrangements ma}' be directly trans- 
mitted by inheritance, without there being any necessary 
or special selection. 

In close connection with the two preceding series of 


phenomena, Cumulative and Functional Adaptation, we 
have the law of Correlative Adaptation. According to this 
important law, actual adaptation not only changes those 
parts of the organism which are directly affected by its 
influence, but other parts also not directly affected by it. 
This is the consequence of organic solidarity, and especially 
of the unity of the nutrition existing among all the parts of 
every organism. If, for example, the hairiness of the leaves 
increases in a plant by its being transferred to a dry locality, 
then this change reacts upon the nutrition of other parts, 
and it may result in a shortening of the parts of the stalk, 
and produce a more contracted form of the whole plant. 
In some races of pigs and dogs — for example, in the Turkish 
dog — which by adaptation to a warmer climate have more 
or less lost their hair, the teeth also have degenerated. 
Whales and Edentata (armadillos), which by their curious 
skin-covering are removed from the other mammals, also 
show the greatest deviations in the formation of their teeth. 
Further, those races of domestic animals (oxen and pigs) 
which have acquired short legs have, as a rule, also a short 
and compact head. Among other examples, the races of 
pigeons which have the longest legs are also characterized 
by the longest beaks. The same correlation between the 
length of the legs and beaks is universal in the order of 
stilted-birds (Grallatores), in storks, cranes, snipe, etc. The 
correlations which thus exist between different parts of the 
organism are most remarkable, but their real cause is un- 
known to us. In general, we can of course say, the changes 
of nutrition affecting an individual part must necessarily 
react on the other parts, because the nutrition of every 
organism is a connected, centralized activity, But why 


just this or that part should exhibit this or that particular 
correlation is in most cases quite unknown to us. W© 
know a great number of such correlations in formation; 
they are especially seen in those changes of animals and 
plants which give rise to an absence of pigment (noticed 
previously) — in albinoes. The want of the usual colouring 
matter goes hand in hand with certain changes in the 
formation of other parts; for example, of the muscular and 
osseous systems, consequently of organic systems which are 
not at all ultimately connected with the system of the 
outer skin. Very frequently albinoes are more feebly 
developed, and consequently the whole structure of the 
body is more delicate and weak than in coloured animals 
of the same species. The organs of the senses and nervous 
system are in like manner curiously affected when there is 
this want of pigment. White cats with blue eyes are nearly 
always deaf. White horses are distinguished from coloured 
horses by their special liability to form sarcomatous tumours. 
In man, also, the degree of the development of pigment in 
the outer skin greatly influences the susceptibility of the 
organism for certain diseases ; so that, for instance, Europeans 
with a dark complexion, black hair, and brown eyes become 
more easily acclimatized to tropical countries, and are less 
subject to the diseases there prevalent (inflammation of the 
liver, yellow fever, etc.) than Europeans of white complexion, 
fair hair, and blue eyes. 

Among these correlations in the formation of different 
organs, those are specially remarkable which exist between 
the sexual organs and other parts of the body. No change 
of any part reacts so powerfully upon the other parts of 
the body a,s a. certain treatment of the sexual organs. 


Farmers who wish to obtain an abundant formation of fat 
in pigs, sheep, etc., remove the sexual organs by cutting 
them out (castration), and this is indeed done to animals of 
both sexes. The result is an excessive development of fat* 
The same is done to the singers in certain religious corpora- 
tions. These unfortunates are castrated in early youth, in. 
order that they may retain their high boyish voices. In 
consequence of this mutilation of the genitals, the larynx 
remains in its youthful stage of development. The 
muscular tissues of the body remain at the same time 
weakly developed, while below the skin an abundance of 
fat accumulates. But this mutilation also powerfully 
reacts upon the development of the nervous system, the 
energy of the will, etc., and it is well known that human 
castrates, or eunuchs, as well as castrated animals, are 
utterly deficient in the special psychical character -.which 
distinguishes the male sex. Man is a man, both in body 
and soul, solely through his male generative glands. 

These most important and influential correlations between 
the sexual organs and the other parts of the body, especially 
the brain, are found equally in both sexes. This might be 
expected even d, priori, because in most animals the two 
kinds of organs develop themselves from the same founda- 
tion, and at the beginning are not different. In man, as 
in the rest of the vertebrate animals, the male and female 
organs in the original state of the germ are entirely the 
same, and the differences of the two sexes only gradually 
arise in the course of embryonic development (in man, in 
the ninth week of embryonic life, see Plates II. and III.); 
by one and the same gland developing in the female as the 
ovary, and in the male as the testicle. Every change of 


the female ovary, therefore, has a no less important reaction 
upon the whole female organism than every change of the 
testicle has upon the male organism. Virchow has expressed 
the importance of this correlation in his admirable essay on 
" Das Weib und die Zelle " (" Woman and the Cell "), in the 
following words : " Woman is woman only by her sexual 
glands ; all the peculiarities of her body and mind, of her 
nutrition and her nervous activity, the sweet delicacy and 
roundness of her limbs, the peculiar formation of the pelvis, 
the development of the breasts, the continuance of the high 
voice, that beautiful ornament of hair on her head, with 
the scarcely perceptible soft down on the rest of the skin — 
then, again, the depth of feeling, the truth of her direct per- 
ceptions, her gentleness, devotion, and fidelity — in short, all 
the feminine qualities which we admire and honour in a 
true woman are but a dependence of the ovary. Take this 
ovary away, and the man-woman stands before us — a 
loathly abortion." 

The same close correlation between the sexual organs and 
the other parts of the body occurs among plants as generally 
as among animals. If one wishes to obtain an abundance 
of fruit from a garden plant, the growth of the leaves is 
curtailed by cutting off some of them. If, on the other 
hand, an ornamental plant with a luxuriance of large and 
beautiful leaves is desired, then the development of the 
blossoms and fruit is prevented by cutting off the flower- 
buds. In both cases one system of organs develops at the 
cost of the others. Thus, also, most variations in the forma- 
tion of leaves in wild plants result in corresponding trans- 
formations of the generative parts or blossoms. The great, 
importance of this " compensation of development," of this 


'f correlation of parts," had been already set forth by Goethe, 
by Geoffrey St. Hilaire, and other nature-philosophers. It 
rests mainly upon the fact that direct or actual adaptation 
cannot produce an important change in a single part of the 
body, without at the same time affecting the whole organism. 

The correlative adaptation between the reproductive 
organs and the other parts of the body deserves a very 
special consideration, because it is, above all others, likely 
to throw light upon the obscure and mysterious phenomena 
of indirect or potential adaptation, which have already 
been considered For just as every change of the sexual 
organs powerfully reacts upon the rest of the body, so on 
the other hand every important change in another part of 
the body must necessaily more or less react on the sexual 
organs. This reaction, however, will only become per- 
ceptible in the formation of the offspring which arise out 
of the changed generative parts. It is, in fact, precisely 
those remarkable and imperceptible changes of the genital 
system (in themselves utterly insignificant changes) — 
changes of the eggs and the sperm — brought about by such 
correlations, which have the greatest influence upon the 
formation of the offspring, and all the phenomena of indirect 
or potential adaptation previously mentioned may in the 
end be traced to correlative adaptation. 

A further series of remarkable examples of correlative 
adaptation is furnished by the different animals and plants 
which become degenerated through parasitic life or para- 
sitism. No other change in the mode of life so much 
affects the shapes of organisms as the adoption of a 
parasitical life. Plants thereby lose their green leaves; 
as, for instance, our native parasitical plants, Orobanche, 


Lathrsea, Monotropa. Animals which originally have lived 
freely and independently, but afterwards adopt a parasitical 
mode of life on other animals or plants, in the first place 
cease to use their organs of motion and their organs of 
sense. The loss of this activity is succeeded by the loss of 
the organs themselves, and thus we find, for example, many 
crabs, or Crustacea, which in their youth possess a tolerably 
high degree of organization, viz. legs, antennae, and eyes, in 
old age completely degenerate, living as parasites, without 
eyes, without apparatus of motion, and without antennae. 
The lively, active form of youth has become a shapeless, 
motionless lump. Only the most necessary organs of nutri- 
tion and propagation retain their activity ; all the rest of 
the body has degenerated. Evidently these complete trans- 
formations are, to a large extent, the direct consequences of 
cumulative adaptation, of the non-use and defective exercise 
of the organs, but a great portion of them must certainly 
be attributed also to correlative adaptation. (Compare 
Plates X. and XI.) 

A specially interesting series of variations which are in 
many ways connected with the preceding laws of direct 
Adaptation, is formed by Mimetic Adaptation, " Mimicry." 
It is met with among land-animals, more especially in 
insects, and among water-animals in the crabs. In these 
two classes of animals there are numerous species which so 
closely resemble other species of entirely different families 
that they are apt to be confounded with them. We may 
specially mention as examples of mimetic adaptation those 
insects (e.g. butterflies or their caterpillars) which are 
avoided or feared by other insects owing to peculiarly bad 
habits ; for instance, owing to the unsavoury taste of their 


flesh, their bad smell, their being armed with stings, thorns, 
and other such weapons. Butterflies and caterpillars of 
several perfectly distinct families have, by Mimetic Adapta- 
tion, acquired the same form, colour, and tracings belonging 
to other families which are avoided owing to their smell 
or the taste of their flesh, or on account of their terrifying 
appearance, or their armour. Among insects bees and 
wasps are especially feared owing to their poisonous sting. 
Hence there are insects, of not less than five or six wholly 
distinct orders, which have gradually, by natural selection, 
become strangely like wasps: the butterflies (Sesia), the 
scarabee (Odontorera), further numerous Diptera (flies 
and gnats), various grasshoppers (Orthoptera), hemipters 
(Hemiptera), and others. Their terrifying resemblance to 
wasps is of the greatest use to all of these insects, inasmuch 
as it protects them from their numerous enemies and per- 
secutors. There are also numerous innocent snakes which 
have gradually become extremely like certain poisonous 
snakes, having " mimicked " them in form, colour, and 
tracings; thus, for instance, our innocent ringed-snake 
(Coronella Icevis) has copied the poisonous viper (Vipera 
berus). As protective resemblance is in many other cases 
also (for instance, in the selection of similar colours) the 
cause of striking transformations, it may likewise be classed 
among the series of Mimetic Adaptations. 

Another law of adaptation is the law of divergent adapta- 
tion. By this law we indicate the fact that parts originally 
formed alike have developed in different ways under the 
influence of external conditions. This law of adaptation is 
extremely important for the explanation of the phenomenon 
of division of labour, or polymorphism. We can see this 


very easily in our own selves ; for instance, in the activity 
of our two hands. We usually accustom our right hand to 
quite different work from that which we give our left, and 
in consequence of the different occupation there arises a 
different formation of the two hands. The right hand, 
which we use much more than the left, shows a stronger 
development of the nerves, muscles, and bones. The same 
applies to the whole arm. In most human beings the 
bones and flesh of the right arm are, in consequence of 
their being more employed, stronger and heavier than 
those of the left arm. Now, as the special use of the right 
arm has been adopted and transmitted by inheritance for 
thousands of years among most races of men, the stronger 
shape and size of the right arm have already become 
hereditary. P. Harting, an excellent Dutch naturalist, has 
shown, by measuring and weighing newly born children, 
that even in them the right arm is more developed than 
the left. 

According to the same law of divergent adaptation, both 
eyes also frequently develop differently. If, for example, 
a naturalist accustoms himself always to use one eye for 
the microscope (it is better to use the left), then that eye 
will acquire a power different from that of the other, and 
this division of labour is of great advantage. The one eye 
will become more short-sighted, and better suited for seeing 
things near at hand; the other eye becomes, on the con- 
trary, more long-sighted, more acute for looking at an 
object in the distance. If, on the other hand, the naturalist 
alternately uses both eyes for the microscope, he will not 
acquire the short-sightedness of the one eye and the com- 
pensatory degree of long-sight in the other, which is attained 


by a wise distribution of these different functions of sight 
between the two eyes. Here then again the function, that 
is the activity, of originally equally formed organs can 
become divergent by habit; however, the function reacts 
again upon the form of the organ, and upon the internal 

. Divergent adaptation can very easily be perceived among 
plants, especially in creepers. Branches of one and the 
same creeping plant, which originally were formed alike, 
acquire a completely different form and extent, a com- 
pletely different degree of curvature and diameter of spiral 
winding, according as they twine themselves round a 
thinner or a thicker bar. The divergent change of form 
of parts originally identical in form — which tending in 
different directions develop themselves under different 
external conditions — can be distinctly demonstrated in 
many other examples. As this divergent adaptation inter- 
acts with progressive inheritance, it becomes the cause of 
a division of labour among the different organs. 

An eighth and last law of adaptation we may call the 
law of unlimited or infinite adaptation. By it we simply 
mean to express that we know of no limit to the variation 
of organic forms occasioned by the external conditions of 
existence. We can assert of no single part of an organism, 
that it is no longer variable, or that if it were subjected to 
new external conditions it would not be changed by them. 
It has never yet been proved by experience that there is a 
limit to variation. If, for example, an organ degenerates 
from non-use, this degeneration ends finally in a complete 
disappearance of the organ, as is the case with the eyes of 
many animals. On the other hand, we are able, by continual 

adaftatIOh is unlimited. 271 

-practice, habit, and the ever-increasing use of ah organ, to 
bring it to a degree of perfection which we should at the 
beginning have considered to be impossible. If we compare 
the uncivilized savages with civilized nations, we find 
among the former a development of the organs of sense — 
sight, smell, and hearing — such as civilized nations can 
hardly conceive of. On the other hand, the brain, that is, 
mental activity, among more civilized nations is developed 
to a degree of which the wild savages have no idea. 

There appears indeed to be a limit given to the adapt- 
ability of every organism, by the "type" of its tribe or 
phylum ; that is, by the essential fundamental qualities 
of this tribe, which have been inherited from a common 
ancestor, and transmitted by conservative inheritance to all 
its descendants. Thus, for example, no vertebrate animal 
can acquire the ventral nerve-chord of articulate animals, 
instead of the characteristic spinal marrow of the vertebrate 
animals. However, within this hereditary primary form, 
within this inalienable type, the degree of adaptability is 
unlimited. The elasticity and fluidity of the organic form 
manifests itself, within the type, freely in all directions, 
and to an unlimited extent. But there are some animals, 
as, for example, the parasitically degenerate crabs and 
worms, which seem to pass even the limit of type, and have 
forfeited all the essential characteristics of their tribe by an 
astonishing degree of degeneration. 

As to the adaptability of man, it is, as in all other 
animals, also unlimited, and since it is manifested in him 
above all other animals, in the modifications of the brain, 
there can be absolutely no limit to the knowledge which 
man in a further progress of mental cultivation may not be 


able to attain to. Even the human mind, according to the 
law of unlimited adaptation, enjoys an infinite perspective 
of becoming ever more and more perfect. It is this con- 
sideration which proves the worthlessness of the much- 
talked-of " Ignorabimus Speech," which Du Bois Reymond, 
the Berlin physiologist, in 1873, most unjustifiably directed 
against the advance of science in his discourse "On the 
Limits to our Knowledge of Nature" ("TJber die Grenzen 
des Naturkennens "). I have entered my protest against 
this infamous " Ignorabimus Speech " — which clerical 
obscurantism has made its watchword — in the preface to 
my " Anthropogeny " (1874), and again in my treatise 
on "Freedom in Science and Teaching" ("Freie Wissen- 
schaft und freie Lehre "). 

These remarks are sufficient to show the extent of the 
phenomena of Adaptation, and the great importance to be 
attached to them. The laws of Adaptation, or the facts of 
Variation, are just as important as the laws of Inheritance. 
All phenomena of Adaptation can, in the end, be traced to 
conditions of nutrition of the organism, in the same way as 
the phenomena of Inheritance are referable to conditions of 
reproduction ; but the latter, as well as the former, may 
further be traced to chemical and physical, that is, to 
mechanical causes. According to Darwin's Theory of 
Selection, the new forms of Organisms, the transformations 
which artificial selection produces in the state of cultivation, 
and which natural selection produces in the state of nature, 
arise solely by the interaction of such causes. 

( 273 ) 



Interaction of the Two Organic Formative Causes, Inheritance and Adapta- 
tion. — Natural and Artificial Selection. — Struggle for Existence, or 
Competition for the Necessaries of Life. — Disproportion between the 
Number of Possible or Potential, and the Number of Eeal or Actual 
Individuals. — Complicated Correlations of all Neighbouring Organisms. 
— Mode of Action in Natural Selection. — Homochromic Selection as 
the Cause of Sympathetic Colourings. — Sexual Selection as the Cause. 
of the Secondary Sexual Characters. — The Struggle of Parts in the 
Organism (Roux). — Functional* Self- Formation of Suitable Structures. 
— Teleological Mechanism. — Cellular Selection (Protista) and Persona 
Selection (Histonee). — Selection of the Cells and of the Tissues. — 
The Principle of Selection in Empedocles. — Mechanical Origin of what 
is Suitable for a Purpose from what is Unsuitable. — Philosophical 
Range of Darwinism. 

In order to arrive at a right understanding of Darwinism, 
it is, above all, necessary that the two organic functions 
of Inheritance and Adaptation, which we examined in 
our last chapters, should be more closely examined. If we 
do not, on the one hand, examine the purely mechanical 
nature of these two physiological activities, and the various 
action of their different laws, and if, on the other hand, we 
do not consider how complicated the interaction of these 


different laws of Inheritance and Adaptation must be, we 
shall not be able to understand how these two functions, by 
themselves, have been able to produce all the variety of 
animal and vegetable forms, which, in fact, they have. We 
have, at least, hitherto been unable to discover any other 
formative causes besides these two, and if we rightly under- 
stand the necessary and infinitely complicated interaction 
of Inheritance and Adaptation, we do not require to look 
for other unknown causes for the change of organic forms. 
These two fundamental causes are, as far as we can see, 
completely sufficient. 

Even long before Darwin had published his Theory of 
Selection, some naturalists, and especially Goethe, had as- 
sumed the interaction of two distinct formative tendencies 
— a conservative or preserving, and a progressive or 
changing formative tendency — as the causes of the variety 
of organic forms. The former was called by Goethe the 
centripetal or specifying tendency, the latter the centrifugal 
tendency, or the tendency to metamorphosis. These two 
tendencies completely correspond with the two processes 
of Inheritance and Adaptation. Inheritance is the centri- 
petal or internal formative tendency which strives to keep 
the organic form in its species, to form the descendants like 
the parents, and always to produce identical things from 
generation to generation. Adaptation, on the other hand, 
which counteracts inheritance, is the centrifugal or external 
formative tendency, which constantly strives to change the 
organic forms through the influence of the varying agencies 
of the outer world, to create new forms out of those existing, 
and entirely to destroy the constancy or permanency of 
species. Accordingly as Inheritance or Adaptation pre- 


dominates in the struggle, the specific form either remains 
constant or changes into a new species. The degree of con- 
stancy of form in the different species of animals and plants, 
which obtains at any moment, is simply the necessary 
result of the momentary predominance which either of 
these two formative powers (or physiological activities) has 
acquired over the other. 

If we now return to the consideration of the process of 
selection or choice, the outlines of which we have already 
examined, we shall be in a position to see clearly and dis- 
tinctly that both artificial and natural selection rest solely 
upon the interaction of these two formative tendencies. If 
we carefully watch the proceedings of an artificial selector — 
a farmer or a gardener — we find that only these two con- 
structive forces are used by him for the production of new 
forms. The whole art of artificial selection rests solely upon 
a thoughtful and wise application of the laws of Inheritance 
and Adaptation, and upon their being applied and regulated 
in a skilful and systematic manner. Here the will of man 
constitutes the selecting force. 

The case of natural selection is quite similar, for it also 
employs merely these two organic constructive forces, the 
physiological functions of Adaptation and Heredity, in 
order to produce the different species. But the selecting 
principle or force, which in artificial selection is represented 
by the conscious will of man acting for a definite purpose, 
consists in natural selection of the unconscious struggle for 
existence acting without a definite plan. What we mean 
by " struggle for existence " has already been explained in 
the seventh chapter. It is the recognition of its exceeding 
importance which constitutes one of the greatest of Darwin's 


merits. But as this relation is very frequently imperfectly 
or falsely understood, it is necessary to examine it now 
more closely, and to illustrate by a few examples the 
operation of the struggle for life, and the part it plays in 
natural selection. 

When considering the struggle for life, we started from 
the fact that the number of germs which all animals and 
plants produce is infinitely greater than the number of 
individuals which actually come to life and remain alive 
for a longer or shorter time. Most organisms produce 
during life thousands or millions of germs, from each of 
which, under favourable circumstances, a new individual 
might arise. In most animals and plants these germs are 
eggs, that is cells, which for their development require 
sexual fructification. But many of the Protista, those one- 
celled, lowest organisms, which are neither animals nor 
plants, propagate themselves only in a non-sexual manner ; 
the germ-cells, or spores, require no fructification. Now, in 
all cases the number of unsexual, as well as of sexual germs, 
is out of all proportion to the number of actually living 
individuals of every species. 

Taken as a whole, the number of living animals and 
plants on our earth remains always about the same. The 
number of places in the economy of nature is limited, and 
in most parts of the earth's surface these places are always 
approximately occupied. Certainly there occur everywhere 
and in every year fluctuations in the absolute and in the 
relative number of individuals of all species. However, 
taken as a whole, these fluctuations are of little importance, 
and it is a fact that the total number of all individuals 
remains, on an average, almost constant. There is a con- 


stant fluctuation from year to year occasioned by one or 
other series of animals and plants predominating, and that 
every year the struggle for life somewhat alters their 

Every single species of animal and plant would have 
densely peopled the whole earth's surface in a short time, 
if it had not had to struggle against a number of enemies 
and hostile influences. Even Linnaeus calculated that if an 
annual plant only produced two seeds (and there is not one 
which produces so few), it would have yielded in twenty 
years a million of individuals. Darwin has calculated of 
elephants, which of all animals seem the slowest to increase, 
that in five hundred years the descendants of a single pair 
would amount to fifteen millions of individuals ; this is 
supposing that every elephant, during its period of fertility 
(from the 30th to the 90th year), produced only three pairs 
of young ones, and survived itself to its hundredth year. 
In like manner the increase of the number of human beings 
— if calculated on the average proportion of births to popu- 
lation, and no hindrances to the natural increase stood in 
the way — would be such as to double the total in twenty- 
five years. In every century their total number would 
have increased sixteen-fold ; whereas we know that the 
total number of human beings increases but slowly, and 
that the increase of population is very different in different 
countries. While European tribes spread over the whole 
globe, other tribes or species of men every year draw nearer 
to their complete extinction. This is the case especially 
with the redskins of America, and with the copper-coloured 
natives of Australia. Even if these races were to propagate 
more abundantly than the white Europeans, yet they would 


sooner or later succumb to the latter in the struggle for life. 
But of all human individuals, as of all other organisms, by 
far the majority perish at the earliest period of their lives. 
Of the immense quantity of germs which every species 
produce, only very few actually succeed in developing, and 
of these few it is again only a very small portion which 
attain to the age in which they can reproduce themselves. ; 
From the disproportion between the immense excess of 
organic germs and the small number of chosen individuals 
which are actually able to continue in existence beside one 
another, there follows of necessity that universal struggle 
for life, that constant fight for existence, that perpetual 
competition for the necessaries of life, of which I gave a 
sketch in my seventh chapter. It is this struggle for life 
which brings natural selection into play, which in its turn 
is made use of by the interaction of Inheritance and Adap- 
tation as a sifting agency, and which thus causes a con 7 
tinual change in all organic forms. In this struggle for 
acquiring the necessary conditions of existence, those indi- 
viduals will always overpower their rivals who possess any 
individual privilege, any advantageous quality, of which 
their fellow-competitors are destitute. It is true we are 
able only in the fewest cases (in those animals and plants 
best known to us) to form an approximate conception of 
the infinitely complicated interaction of the numerous cir^ 
cumstances, all of which here come into combination. Only 
think how infinitely varied and complicated are the rela- 
tions of every single human being to the rest of mankind, 
and in fact to the whole of the surrounding outer world. 
But similar relations prevail also among all animals and 
plants which live together in one plape. All influence one 


another actively or passively. Every animal and every 
plant struggles directly with a number of enemies, beasts 
of prey, parasitic animals, etc. Plants standing together 
struggle with one another for the space of ground requisite 
for their roots, for the necessary amount of light, air, 
moisture, etc. In like manner, animals living together 
struggle with one another for their food, dwelling-place, 
etc. In this most active and complicated struggle, any 
personal superiority, however small, any individual advan- 
tage, may possibly decide the issue in favour of the one 
possessing it. This privileged individual remains the victor 
in the struggle, and propagates itself, while its fellow-com- 
petitors perish before they succeed in propagating them- 
selves. The personal advantage which gave it the victory 
is transmitted by inheritance to its descendants, and by a 
further development may become so strongly marked as 
to cause us to consider the later generations as a new 

The infinitely complicated correlations which exist be- 
tween the organisms of every district, and which must be 
looked upon as the real conditions of the struggle for life, 
are mostly unknown to us, and are very difficult to dis- 
cover. We have hitherto been able to trace them only to 
a certain point in individual cases, as in the example given 
by Darwin of the relations between cats and red clover in 
England. The red clover (Trifolium pratense), which in 
England is among the best fodder for cattle, requires the 
visit of humming-bees in order to attain the formation of 
seeds. These insects, while sucking the honey from the 
bottom of the flower, bring the pollen in contact with the 
stigma, and thus cause the fructification of the flower, 


which never takes place without it. Darwin has shown 
by experiments, that red clover which is not visited by 
humming-bees does not yield a single seed. The number 
of bees is determined by the number of their enemies, the 
most destructive of which are the field-mice. The more 
the field-mice predominate, the less the clover is fructified. 
The number of field-mice, again, is dependent upon the 
number of their enemies, principally cats. Hence in the 
neighbourhood of villages and towns, where many cats are 
kept, there are plenty of bees. A great number of cats, 
therefore, is evidently of great advantage for the fructifica- 
tion of clover. This example may be followed still further, 
as has been done by Carl Vogt, if we consider that cattle 
which feed on red clover are one of the most important 
foundations of the wealth of England. Englishmen preserve 
their bodily and mental powers chiefly by making excellent 
meat — roast beef and beefsteak — their principal food. The 
English owe the superiority of their brains and minds over 
those of other nations in a great measure to their excellent 
meat. But this is clearly indirectly dependent upon the 
cats, which pursue the mice. We may, with Huxley, even 
trace the chain of causes to those old maids who cherish 
and keep cats, and, consequently, are of the greatest impor- 
tance to the fructification of the clover and to the prosperity 
of England. From this example we can see that the further 
it is traced the wider is the circle of action and of correla- 
tion. We can with certainty maintain that there exist a 
great number of such correlations in every plant and in 
every animal, only we are not always able to point out and 
survey their concatenation as in the last instance. 

Another remarkable example of important correlations is 


the following, given by Darwin. In Paraguay, there are 
no wild oxen and horses, as in the neighbouring parts of 
South America, both north and south of Paraguay. This 
surprising circumstance is explained simply by the fact 
that in that country a kind of small fly is very frequent, 
and is in the habit of laying its eggs in the navel of newly 
born calves and foals. The newly born animals die in con- 
sequence of this attack, and the small deadly fly is therefore 
the cause of oxen and horses never becoming wild in that 
district. Supposing that this fly were destroyed by some 
insect-eating bird, then these large mammals would grow 
wild in Paraguay, as well as in the neighbouring parts of 
South America ; and as they would eat a quantity of 
certain species of plants, the whole flora, and, consequently 
again, the whole fauna of the country would become 
changed. It is hardly necessary to state, that at the same 
time the whole economy, and consequently the character, 
of the human population would alter. It is much the same 
with the Tse-tse fly in Africa. 

Thus the prosperity, nay, even the existence of whole 
populations can be indirectly determined by a single small 
animal or vegetable form in itself extremely insignificant. 
There are small coral islands whose human inhabitants live 
almost entirely upon the fruit of a species of palm. The 
fructification of this palm is principally effected by insects, 
which carry the pollen from the male to the female palm 
trees. The existence of these useful insects is endangered 
by insect-eating birds, which in their turn are pursued by 
birds of prey. The birds of prey, however, often succumb 
to the attack of a small parasitical mite, which develops 
itself in millions in their feathers. This small, dangerous 


parasite, again, may be killed by parasitical moulds. 
Moulds, birds of prey, and insects would in this case favour 
the prosperity of the palm, and consequently of man ; birds, 
mites, and insect-eating birds would, on the other hand, 
endanger it. 

Interesting examples in relation to the change of correla- 
tions in the struggle for life are furnished also by those 
isolated oceanic islands, uninhabited by man, on which at 
different times goats and pigs have been placed by navi- 
gators. These animals become wild, and having no enemies, 
they increase in number so excessively, that the rest of the 
animal and vegetable population suffer in consequence, and 
the island finally may become almost a waste, because there 
is insufficient food for the large mammals which increase 
too numerously. In some cases on an island thus overrun 
with goats and pigs, other navigators have let loose a 
couple of dogs, who enjoyed this superabundance of food, 
and they again increased so numerously, and made such 
havoc among the herds, that after several years the dogs 
themselves lacked food, and they also almost died out. 
The equilibrium of species continually changes in this 
manner in nature's economy, accordingly as one or another 
species increases at the expense of the rest. In most cases 
the relations of different species of animals and plants to 
one another are much too complicated for us to be able to 
follow them, and I leave it to the reader to picture to 
himself what an infinitely complicated machinery is at work 
in every part of the world in consequence of this struggle. 
The impulses which started the struggle, and which altered 
and modified it in different places, are in the end seen to be 
the impulses of self-preservation — in fact, the instinct lead- 


ing individuals to preserve themselves (the instinct of 
obtaining food), and the instinct leading them to preserve 
the species (instinct of propagation). It is these two funda- 
mental instincts of organic self-preservation of which 
Schiller, the idealist (not Goethe, the realist !), says — 

" Meanwhile, until philosophy 
Sustains the structure of the world, 
Her workings will be carried on 
By hunger and by lore." * 

It is these two powerful fundamental instincts which, by 
their varying activity, produce such extraordinary differ- 
ences in species through the struggle for life. They are the 
foundations of the phenomena of Inheritance and Adapta- 
tion. We might, in fact, trace all phenomena of Inheritance 
to propagation, all phenomena of Adaptation to nutrition, 
as the material, fundamental cause. 

The struggle for life in natural selection acts with as 
much selective power as does the will of man in artificial 
selection. The latter, however, acts according to a plan 
and consciously, the former without a plan and uncon- 
sciously. This important difference between artificial and 
natural selection deserves especial consideration. For we 
learn by it to understand how arrangements serving a 
purpose can be produced by mechanical causes acting without 
an object, as well as by causes acting for an object. The 
products of natural selection are arranged even more for 
a purpose than the artificial products of man, and yet they 
owe their existence not to a creative power acting for a 

* " Einstweilen bis den Ban der Welt 
Philosophic zusammenhalt, 
Erhalt sich ihr Getriebe 
Durch Hunger und durch Liebe." 


definite purpose, but to a mechanical relation acting un- 
consciously and without a plan. If we had not thoroughly 
considered the interaction of Inheritance and Adaptation 
under the influence of the struggle for life, we should not 
at first be inclined to expect such results from this natural 
process of selection as are, in fact, furnished by it. It may 
therefore be appropriate here to mention a few especially 
striking examples of the activity of natural selection. 

Let us first take Darwin's homochromic selection of 
animals, or the so-called " sympathetic selection of colours," 
into consideration. Earlier naturalists have remarked that 
numerous animals are of nearly the same colour as their 
dwelling-place, or the surroundings in which they per- 
manently live. Thus, for example, plant-lice and many 
other insects living on leaves are of a green colour. The 
inhabitants of the deserts, the jerboa or leaping mice, foxes 
of the desert, gazelles, lions, etc., are mostly of a yellow or 
yellowish- brown colour, like the sand of the desert. The 
polar animals, which live on the ice and snow, are white 
or grey, like ice and snow. Many of these animals change 
their colour in summer and winter. In summer, when the 
snow partly vanishes, the fur of these polar creatures 
becomes brownish-grey or blackish, like the naked earth, 
while in winter it again becomes white. Butterflies and 
insects which hover round the gay and bright flowers are 
like them in colour. Now, Darwin explains this surprising 
circumstance quite simply by the fact that such colours as 
agree with the colour of the habitation are of the greatest 
use to the animals concerned. If these animals are animals 
of prey, they will be able to approach the object of their 
pursuit more safely and with less likelihood of observation, 


and, in like manner, those animals which are pursued will 
be able to escape more easily, if their colour is as little 
different as possible from that of their surroundings. If 
therefore originally an animal species varied so as to present 
cases of all colours, those individuals whose colour most 
resembled the surroundings must have been most favoured 
in the struggle for life. They remained more unobserved, 
maintained and propagated themselves, while those indi- 
viduals or varieties differently coloured died out. 

I have tried to explain, by the same sympathetic selec- 
tion of colour, the wonderful fact that the majority of 
pelagic glass-like animals — that is, of those which live on 
the surface of the open sea — are bluish, or completely colour- 
less and transparent, like glass and water itself. Such 
colourless, glassy animals are met with in the most different 
classes. To them belong, among fish, the Helmicthyidse, 
through whose crystalline bodies the words of a book can 
be read ; among the molluscs, the finned snails (Heteropods) 
and butterfly snails (Pteropods) ; among worms, the Alciope 
and Sagitta ; among Tunicates, the Salpse or Sea-barrels ; 
further, a great number of pelagic crabs (Crustacea), and 
the greater part of the Medusae; Umbrella-jellies (Discome- 
dusse) ; Comb-jellies (Ctenophora). All of these pelagic 
animals, which float on the surface of the ocean, are trans- 
parent and colourless, like glass and like the water itself, 
while their nearest kin live at the bottom of the ocean, and 
are coloured and opaque like the inhabitants of the land. 
This remarkable fact, like the sympathetic colouring of the 
inhabitants of the earth, can be explained by natural 
selection. Among the ancestors of the pelagic glass-like 
animals which showed a different degree of colourlessness 


and transparency, those that were the most colourless and 
transparent must have heen most favoured in the active 
struggle for life which takes place on the surface of the 
ocean. They were enabled to approach their prey the most 
easily unobserved, and were themselves least observed by 
their enemies. Hence they could preserve and propagate 
themselves more easily than their more coloured and opaque 
relatives ; and finally, by accumulative adaptation and 
transmission by inheritance, by natural selection throughout 
the course of many generations, their bodies would attain 
that degree of crystal-like transparency and colourlessness 
which we at present admire in them. 

No less interesting and instructive than homochromic 
selection is that species of natural selection which Darwin 
calls "sexual selection," and it explains the origin of the 
so-called " secondary sexual characters." We have already 
mentioned these subordinate sexual characteristics, so in- 
structive in many respects. They comprise those pecu- 
liarities of animals and plants which belong only to one 
of the two sexes, and which do not stand in any direct 
relation to the act of propagation itself. 

Such secondary sexual characters occur in great variety 
among the higher classes of animals. We all know how 
striking is the difference of the two sexes in size and 
colour in many birds and butterflies. The male sex is 
generally the larger and more beautiful. It often possesses 
special decorations or weapons; as, for example, the spur 
and comb of the cock, the antlers of the stag and deer, etc. 
All these peculiarities of the two sexes have nothing 
directly to do with propagation itself, which is effected by 
the " primary sexual characters," or actual sexual organs. 


Now, the origin of these remarkable "secondary sexual 
characters " is explained by Darwin simply by a choice or 
selection which takes place in the propagation of animals. 
In most animals the number of individuals of both sexes is 
unequal; either the number of the female or the number 
ofvthe male individuals is greater, and, as a rule, when 
the season of propagation approaches, a struggle takes 
place between the rivals for the possession of the animals 
of the other sex. It is well known with what vigour and 
vehemence this struggle is fought out among the higher 
animals — among mammals and birds — especially among those 
of polygamous habits. Among gallinaceous birds, where for 
one cock there are several hens, a severe struggle takes place 
between the competing cocks for as large a harem as possible. 
The same is the case with many ruminating animals. 
Among stags and deer, for instance, at the period of rut, 
deadly struggles take place between the males for the 
possession of the females. The secondary sexual character 
which here distinguishes the males — the antlers of stags 
and deer — not possessed by the female, is, according to 
Darwin, the consequence of that struggle. Here the motive 
and cause determining the struggle is not, as in the case of 
the struggle for individual existence, self-preservation, but 
the preservation of the species — propagation. There are 
numerous passive weapons of defence, as well as active 
weapons for attack. The lion's mane, not possessed by the 
female, is evidently such a weapon of defence ; it is an 
excellent means of protection against the bites which the 
male lions try to inflict on each other's necks when fighting 
for the females ; consequently those males with the strongest 
manes have the greatest advantage in the sexual struggle. 


The dewlap of the ox and the comb of the cock are similar 
defensive weapons. Active weapons of attack, on the other 
hand, are the antlers of the stag, the tusks of the boar, the 
spur of the cock, and the hugely developed pair of jaws in 
the male stag-beetle ; all are instruments employed by the 
males in the struggle for the females, for annihilating or 
chasing away their rivals. 

In the cases just mentioned, it is the bodily "struggle to 
the death " which determines the origin of the secondary 
sexual characters. But, besides these mortal struggles, there 
are other important competitions in sexual selection, which 
no less influence the structure of the rivals. These consist 
principally in the fact that the courting sex tries to please 
the other by external finery, by beauty of form, or by a 
melodious voice. Darwin thinks that the beautiful voices 
of singing birds have principally originated in this way. 
Many male birds carry on a regular musical contest - when 
they contend for the possession of the females. It is known 
of several singing birds, that in the breeding season the 
males assemble in numbers round the females, and let their 
songs resound before them, and that then the females choose 
the singers who best please them, for their mates. Among 
other songsters, individual males pour out their songs in the 
loneliness of the forest in order to attract the females, and 
the latter follow the most attractive calls. A similar musical 
contest, though certainly less melodious, takes place among 
crickets and grasshoppers. The male cricket has on its belly 
two instruments like drums, and produces with these the 
sharp chirping notes which the ancient Greeks curiously 
enough thought beautiful music. Male grasshoppers, partly 
by using their hind-legs like the bow of a violin against 


their wing-coverings, and partly by rubbing their wing- 
coverings together, bring out tones which are, indeed, not 
melodious to us, but which please the female grasshoppers 
so much that they choose the male who fiddles the best. 

Among other insects and birds it is not song or, in fact, 
any musical accomplishment, but finery or beauty of the 
one sex which attracts the other. Thus we find that, among 
most gallinaceous birds, the cocks are distinguished by eombs 
on their heads, or by a beautiful tail, which they can spread 
out like a fan ; as, for example, in the case of the peacock 
and turkey-cock. The magnificent tail of the bird of para- 
dise is also an exclusive ornament of the male sex. In like 
manner, among very many other birds and very many 
insects, principally among butterflies, the males are dis- 
tinguished from the females by special colours or other 
decorations. These are evidently the results of sexual 
selection. As the females do not possess these attractions 
and decorations, we must come to the conclusion that they 
have been acquired by degrees by the males in the competi- 
tion for the females, which takes its origin in the selective 
discrimination of the females. 

We may easily picture to ourselves, in detail, the appli- 
cation of this interesting conclusion to the human com 
munity. Here, also, the same causes have evidently in- 
fluenced the development of the secondary sexual characters. 
The characteristics distinguishing the man, as well as those 
distinguishing the woman, owe their origin, certainly for the 
most part, to the sexual selection of the other sex. In an- 
tiquity and in the Middle Ages, especially in the romantic 
age of chivalry, it was the bodily struggles to the death — the 
tournaments and duels — which determined the choice of the 

vol. 1. u 


bride ; the strongest carried home the bride. In more recent 
times, however, in our so-called " polished " or " highly civil- 
ized " society, competing rivals prefer to contend indirectly 
by means of musical accomplishments, instrumental per- 
formances and song, by bodily charms, natural beauty, or 
artificial decoration. But by far the most important of these 
different forms of sexual selection in man is that form which 
is the most exalted, namely, psychical selection, in which the 
mental excellences of the one sex influence and determine 
the choice of the other. The most highly intellectually de- 
veloped types of men have, throughout generations, when 
choosing a partner in life, been guided by her excellences 
of soul, and have thus transmitted these qualities to their 
posterity, and they have in this way, more than by any 
other thing, helped to create the deep chasm which at present 
separates civilized men from the rudest savages, and from 
our common animal ancestors. In fact, both the part played 
by the prevalence of a higher standard of sexual selection, 
and the part played by the due division of labour between 
the two sexes, is exceedingly important, and I believe that 
here we must seek for the most powerful causes which have 
determined the origin and the historical development of the 
races of man. Darwin, in his exceedingly interesting work, 
published in 1871, on " The Descent of Man and Sexual 
Selection," 48 has discussed this subject in the most masterly 
manner, and has illustrated it by most remarkable examples. 
The immense value which the struggle for existence, and 
natural selection as its consequence, possesses for the de- 
velopment of organic nature, has been recognized more and 
more during the thirty years since its first discovery by 
Darwin. However, this struggle has usually been conceived 



only in connection with the life and construction of the 
individual organisms. But of no less importance, indeed of 
even greater and more general importance, is that struggle 
for existence which takes place everywhere and at all 
times between all the different constituent parts of the 
organism ; its transformation is, in fact, only the total 
result of the peculiar development of all its constituent 

Darwin himself never broached the question of these 
elementary, structural transformations. The first compre- 
hensive account and critical explanation of these elementary 
transformations was presented in 1881 by Professor Wilhelm 
Roux, of Breslau, in his admirable work, " The Struggle of 
the Parts in Organisms : a Contribution towards the Com- 
pletion of the Doctrine of the Mechanical Origin of what is 
Suitable." I consider this work as one of the most important 
contributions to the doctrine of development that has 
appeared since Darwin's chief work (1859), and as one of 
the most essential supplements to his theory of selection. 
In the first part of his work Eoux discusses the functional 
adaptation of the several organs, and the transmissibility of 
these effects, more especially the functional self-formation 
of suitable structures, and explains them as a necessary 
result of the increase or lessening of habits (compare above, 
p. 221). In the second portion of his work he investigates the 
struggle of the parts in the organism, and shows that the 
inequalities of the parts, the unequal relations of their 
activity and nutrition, and of the change of their substance 
and growth, must necessarily lead to a struggle among them 
for existence ; and that this applies as much to the several 
organs, and to the tissues of which they are composed, as 


to the single cells of which the organs are composed, and 
finally even to the active molecules of which the plasma of 
the cells and their kernels are composed (Plastidules or 
Micells). The correlation between the division of labour 
(or the physiological function) of every single part and its 
nutrition is of great importance here ; for while every 
functional irritation reacts upon the change of substance of 
the active part, and thus accomplishes a " trophic effect," it 
at the same time causes variations in its form and structure 
(that is morphological differentiations). Hence Roux traces 
Adaptation, in its widest sense, back to the vital activity of 
nutrition, as I had already done in 1866, in my " General 

By means of numerous excellent examples, Roux points 
out that the increased activity of an organ strengthens its 
speeial functional capacity, whereas, on the contrary, a 
lessened activity will diminish it (in Lamarck's sense) ; and 
further, that through the influence of functional stimulus 
parts that appear designed for a definite purpose, and 
which have attained the highest conceivable perfection, are 
produced and formed in a directly mechanical way, without 
any other final cause, with a purpose, coming into play. 
This gives a most simple explanation of the remarkable per- 
fection in the delicate structure of the bones, muscles, blood- 
vessels, etc., that appear so extremely suitable for definite 
purposes. The minute supporting plates of the bones run 
in the direction of the stronger pressure and drag, and thus, 
with the smallest amount of material, acquire the greatest 
amount of supporting force; the delicate fibres of the 
muscles of the flesh run only in the direction in which 
their contraction takes place; and when muscular tubes 


(for instance, the intestines, blood-vessels) contract in two 
directions, in length and in breadth, the fibres of the muscles 
arrange themselves only in these two directions. In like 
manner, also, the more delicate structure of the nerves, the 
blood-vessels, the glands, etc., are adapted in the most 
suitable manner for their peculiar activity. Looked at from 
a purely mechanical point of view, the relations of their 
structure appear to be arrangements of the most perfect 
design for a given purpose that can be conceived ; and yet 
they have been produced without any pre-ordained purpose, 
— in fact, in a purely, mechanical manner, by means of the 
peculiar activity of the organs themselves in connection 
with their functional stimulus. 

The very important principle of the functional self- 
formation of suitable parts, which Roux has explained 
so clearly, shows us that the actual, existing suitableness 
of the internal structure of the body has to be traced back 
to teleological mechanism. But even this can again be 
explained by the principle of selection ; not, however, in 
Darwin's sense of the word, that it is produced by the 
struggle for existence between independent individuals, but 
in the sense in whieh Roux uses the word, and according to 
which the struggle is continually active in all the parts of 
the single organism. 

Hence the selection of cells, which according to Roux 
takes place everywhere in the tissues, might be termed 
Cellular Selection, in opposition to the Personal Selection 
whieh Darwin first pointed out between independent 
individuals. The former principle would stand in the same 
relation to the latter as Virchow's Cellular Pathology stands 
to Personal Pathology, or my Cellular Psychology to Per- 


sonal Psychology (compare my lecture on "Cell souls 
and Soul-cells"). The key to the right understanding 
of this relation lies in the Theory of Cells, and in the far- 
reaching progress which this fundamental theory has made 
during the last half-century (especially during the last 
three decades). We now no longer look upon organic cells as 
dead building-stones, but as living " elementary organisms," 
as Plastids or constructural units. 

All independent individuals, and, indeed, both morpho- 
logically (as regards structure of the body) as well as 
physiologically (as regards vital activity), are originally 
cells. But nevertheless there is a great difference between 
the one-celled organisms (Protista) and the many-celled 
(Histones). In the Protista, or the one-celled forms of life 
(primary plants and primary animals), the single cell 
constitutes the whole organism throughout its life. In the 
histons, on the other hand, the many-celled animals and 
plants, the organism consists only at the commencement 
of its existence of a single cell ; as soon as this cell begins 
to develop, it increases by repeated division, and the 
numerous cells that arise constitute the tissues and organs. 
In the histons the sociably connected cells are dependent 
upon one another and upon the whole organism, and are so 
all the more, the more highly developed the organism is, 
i.e. the more strongly it is centralized. Hence the one- 
celled Protist stands in much the same relation to the 
many-celled and tissue-forming histon as a single man does 
to the community. The many-celled organism is a com- 
munity of cells, and its single cells are the members of the 
community (compare Chapters VIII. and XVII.). 

Accordingly, al] the vital activities in the two main 


groups of one-celled and many-celled organisms show 
certain specific differences ; the same will be found also in 
their activity in the struggle for existence, in the interaction 
of inheritance and adaptation which thereby acts selectively. 
The one-celled organisms, or Protista, show a simple (or 
trophic) growth, by cell-enlargement ; they increase, for the 
most part, in a non-sexual manner (by division or the for- 
mation o£ spores). Inheritance is, therefore, accomplished 
by the kernel of the one cell, which at the same time 
constitutes the whole organism. The many-celled organisms, 
or histons, on the other hand, show a composite (or numerical) 
growth, by cell-increase ; they reproduce themselves in a 
sexual manner (by the commingling of egg-cell and sperm- 
cell). Inheritance is, therefore, effected only by the kernels 
of the two sexual cells, whereas the other tissue-cells take 
no part in it. But within the tissue there is also a con- 
tinual increase of the cells of which it is composed ; and the 
formation of the tissue itself is determined by the cellular 
selection, which we have just spoken of as a highly im- 
portant principle. The sturdiest cells in each tissue, those 
that perform their work best, seek and obtain, as a return, 
the best portion of the nutritive juice ; they withdraw it 
from the weaker and less sturdy cells : the former grow and 
increase by division, whereas the latter must sooner or 
later die off. 

The struggle for existence between the tissue-cells of 
the many-celled organisms must, accordingly, be regarded 
as the most important stimulus towards the progressive 
development and differentiation of their tissues and organs. 
In the case of one-celled organisms, on the other hand, the 
struggle for existence, and the natural selection occasioned 


by it, assumes an essentially different form. For in this 
case, of course, there is no question of the formation of 
tissues ; the formation of the independent cell that remains 
independent is determined partly and directly by the 
influence of the outward conditions of existence, partly by 
the counteraction exercised by the Plastidules or Micells — 
the active, living plasma-molecules of the cell. We may 
even assume a constant struggle for existence between these 
latter ; and Koux has shown what great importance has to 
be ascribed to it in regard to change of substance and the 
nutrition, hence also as regards adaptation and the forma- 
tion of the elementary organism. However, this molecular 
selection is just as hypothetical, and as little demonstrable, 
as the molecular structure which we have to assume (in 
some form or another) for the plasma. As an hypothesis it 
is indispensable, and, moreover, both as regards the inde- 
pendent one-celled Protista and for the dependent tissue- 
cells of the Histories. 

The more deeply we have recently penetrated into these 
elementary relations of organic life, and the more we have 
become acquainted with their intricate correlations, the 
more highly we have learnt to appreciate the value of the 
theory of selection, and the grander appears to us Darwin's 
philosophical and scientific work. For by founding the 
theory of selection on the struggle for existence, he not only 
discovered the most important cause of the formation and 
transformation of organic forms, but he at the same time 
gave a conclusive answer to one of the greatest philosophical 
problems, viz. the question as to how arrangements serving 
a purpose can arise mechanically without causes acting 
for a purpose. 


An endeavour to answer this difficult fundamental ques- 
tion, in accordance with nature, was made as early as the 
fifth century before Christ, by Empedocles of Agrigentum, 
the great Greek philosopher. According to him, the forms 
of animals and plants that serve a purpose, and as we now 
know them, originated only gradually, and, moreover, owing 
to the continual struggle of opposing forces of nature ; the 
present living forms he considered the remains of an im- 
mensely large number of extinct forms, and, indeed, because 
they were most advantageously adapted for that struggle, 
and hence were the most suitable survivors. Empedocles, 
on the one hand, lays special emphasis on the fact that the 
structure of the bodies of living creatures serve a purpose ; 
but, on the other hand, he at the same time points out that 
we must not set up any " principle of intentional design " 
in explanation of them, as they have arisen in a purely 
mechanical way by the interaction of natural forces. Fritz 
Schultze, therefore, in his account of Greek philosophy, 
justly says, " To have first conceived the grand thought of 
a theory of tracing the origin of what is suitable from what 
is unsuitable, is the brilliant merit of Empedocles, and when 
we consider that his two fundamental principles, love and 
hate, are the germinal forms of the modern fundamental 
forces of attraction and revulsion, we cannot assuredly 
deny Empedocles, the early investigator of nature, our full 

Hence, as regards the solution of this most important 
question, Empedocles must be regarded as Darwin's earliest 
predecessor. For although other philosophers of nature, in 
classic antiquity, especially Lucretius, recognized the great 
significance of the question, still it was subsequently alto- 


gether forgotten. Even Kant — as was shown in a preceding 
chapter — so little estimated its true value, that he con- 
sidered it absurd even to hope of ever being able to solve 
the question : " we must, in fact, deny that man can ever 
gain further insight into the matter." 

But as Charles Darwin, by means of his theory of selec- 
tion, has actually solved this most weighty fundamental 
question, he has, I repeat it, become a new Newton, the 
possibility of whose coming Kant considered himself justified 
in denying for ever. Short-sighted naturalists have, indeed, 
declared this comparison exaggerated and ridiculous, but 
have only shown how little they are capable of estimating 
the philosophical value of Darwinism. For the problems, 
as well as the means for answering them, were incom- 
parably simpler in the case of Newton's theory of gravita- 
tion than in Darwin's theory of selection. For which 
reason, also, the natural truth of the former theory is at 
once evident to every cultivated mind, whereas thorough 
scientific study is necessary for the full appreciation and 
understanding of the theory of selection. Both, however, 
have rendered service of equal value, by having cast out the 
supernatural idea of purposeness in nature, and the miracles 
associated with it, from the domain of our scientific know- 
ledge — Newton from the anorganic domain, and Darwin 
from the domain of organic nature. 

The speculative philosophy of recent times has become 
more and more convinced of the necessity of retracing 
its steps from the Icarian cloudland of "pure specula- 
tion" to the firmer ground of the empiric knowledge of 
nature, and especially of comprehending the important 
biological advances of the last generation. Thus Wundt, 


Fritz Schultze, G. H. Schneider, B. von Carneri, Spitzer, 
and others have of late been zealously endeavouring to 
form a proper estimate of the philosophical significance of 
Transformism, and in drawing the most important conclu- 
sions from Darwin's theories. And Darwinism also forms 
the basis of the monistic philosophy of Herbert Spencer, 
Jacob Moleschott, Ludwig Biichner, and others. Hugo 
Spitzer, especially, has ably pointed out the value of the 
theory of selection, and how it has thrown a perfectly new 
light on " teleology in the conception of the world of 
organisms." Spitzer's " Contributions to the Theory of 
Descent and to the Methodology of Natural Science " (1886) 
is, as yet, the fullest attempt correctly to estimate the 
philosophical importance of Darwinism. It sets aside the 
supernatural and dualistic " transcendental idea of purpose- 
ness;" it gives us in its place the natural and monistic 
principle of " teleological mechanism." 




Division of Labour (Ergonomy) and Divergence of Forms (Polymorphism). 
— Physiological Divergence and Morphological Differentiation both 
necessarily determined by Selection. — Transition of Varieties into 
Species. — The Idea of Species. — Hybridism. — Personal Divergence and 
Cellular Divergence. — Differentiation of the Tissues. — Primary and 
Secondary Tissues.— Siphonophora. — Change of Labour (Metergy). — 
Convergence. — The Law of Progress and Perfeotioning. — The Laws of 
the Development of Mankind. — The Eelation between Progress and 
Divergence. — Centralization as Progress. — Retrogradation. — The Origin 
of Rudimentary Organs by Non-Use and Habits discontinued. — The 
Doctrine of Puirposelessness, or Dysteleology. 

When we contemplate the historical development of the 
organic world in its entirety, we meet with, in the first place 
as the most general phenomena, two great laws, the law 
of Divergence and the law of Progress. The principle of 
Divergence or Separation teaches us, in the first place, as a 
fact — based upon our knowledge of petrifactions — that the 
variety and difference of the living forms on our earth has 
continually increased from the earliest times up to the 
present. The second principle, that of Progress or of Per- 
fectioning, teaches us — on the same basis of palaeontological 
records — that this divergence has, upon the whole, been 


connected with continual progress, with an increasing state 
of perfection in the organization. The foundation of both 
these laws rests, in the first place, for the most part in the 
physiological Division of Labour in organisms (Ergonomy), 
and in the morphological Separation or Divergence of Forms 
(Polymorphism) connected with it. 

When the general application of these two great historical 
principles were first recognized, after a series of very exten- 
sive palseontological investigations, it was thought that the 
origin of these laws must be looked for in some definite 
plan of creation, or directly in some supernatural intention. 
It was supposed to be part of the plan of a Creator, acting 
for a definite purpose, in the course of time to develop the 
forms of animals and plants more and more variously, and 
to bring them more and more to a state of perfection. We 
shall evidently make a great advance in the knowledge of 
nature if we reject this teleological and anthropomorphic 
conception, and if we can prove the two laws of Division of 
Labour and Perfecting to be the necessary consequences of 
natural selection in the struggle for life. 

The first great law which follows directly and of necessity 
from natural selection is, that of separation or differentia- 
tion, frequently also called division of labour (Ergonomy), 
or separation of forms (Polymorphism) ; Darwin calls this 
same general principle divergence of character. We under- 
stand by it the general tendency of all organic individuals 
to develop themselves more and more diversely, and to 
deviate from the common primary type. The cause of this 
general inclination towards differentiation, and the forma- 
tion of heterogeneous forms from homogeneous beginnings, 
is, according to Darwin, to be traced simply to the circum- 


stance that the struggle for life between every two 
organisms rages all the more fiercely the nearer the relation 
in which they stand to one another, or the more nearly 
alike they are. This is an exceedingly important, and in 
reality an exceedingly simple relation, but it is usually not 
duly considered. 

It must be obvious to every one that in a field of a 
certain size, besides the corn-plants which have been sown, 
a great number of weeds can exist, and, moreover, in places 
which could not have been occupied by corn-plants. The 
more dry and sterile places of the ground, in which no 
corn-plant would thrive, may still furnish sustenance to 
weeds of different kinds ; and such species and individuals 
of weeds will more readily be able to exist in such con- 
ditions, in proportion as they are suited to adapt themselves 
to the different parts of the ground. It is the same with 
animals. It is evident that a much greater number of 
animal individuals can live together in one and the same 
limited district, if they are of various and different natures, 
than if they are all alike. There are trees (for example, 
the oak) on which a couple of hundred of different species 
of insects live together. Some feed on the fruits of the 
tree, others on the leaves, others again on the bark, the 
root, etc. It would be quite impossible for an equal number 
of individuals to live on this tree if all were of one species ; 
if, for example, all fed on the bark, or only upon the leaves. 
Exactly the same is the case in human society. In one and 
the same small town, only a certain number of workmen 
can exist, even when they follow different occupations. 
The division of labour, which is of the greatest use to the 
whole community, as well as to the individual workman, is 


a direct consequence of the struggle for life, of natural 
selection; for this struggle can be sustained more easily 
the more the activities, and hence, also, the forms of the 
different individuals deviate from one another. The dif- 
ferent function naturally produces its reaction in changing 
the form, and the physiological division of labour necessarily 
determines the morphological differentiation, that is, the 
" divergence of character." 87 

Now, I beg the reader again to remember that all species 
of animals and plants are variable, and possess the capability 
of adapting themselves to different places or to local rela- 
tions. The varieties or races of each species, according to 
the laws of adaptation, deviate all the more from the original 
primary species, the greater the difference of the new con- 
ditions to which they adapt themselves. If we imagine 
these varieties — which have proceeded from a common 
primary form — to be disposed in the shape of a branching, 
radiating bunch, then those varieties will be best able to 
exist side by side and propagate which are most distant 
from one another, which stand at the ends of the series, or 
at the opposite sides of the bunch. Those forms, on the 
other hand, occupying a middle position — presenting a state 
of transition — have the most difficult position in the struggle 
for life. The necessaries of life differ most in the two ex- 
tremes, in the varieties most distant from one another, and 
consequently these will get into the least serious conflict 
with one another in the general struggle for life. But the 
intermediate forms, which have deviated less from the 
original primary form, require nearly the same necessaries 
of life as the original form, and therefore, in competing 
for them, they will have to struggle most with, and be 


most seriously threatened by, its members. Consequently, 
when numerous varieties of a species live side by side on 
the same spot of the earth, the extremes, or those forms 
deviating most from one another, can much more easily 
continue to exist beside one another than the intermediate 
forms which have to struggle with each of the different 
extremes. The intermediate forms will not be able to 
resist, for any length of time, the hostile influences which 
the extreme forms victoriously overcome. These alone 
maintain and propagate themselves, and at length cease to 
be any longer connected with the original primary species 
through intermediate forms of transition. Thus arise " good 
species " out of varieties. The struggle for life necessarily 
favours the general divergence of organic forms, that is, the 
constant tendency of organisms to form new species. This 
fact does not rest upon any mystic quality, or upon an 
unknown formative tendency, but upon the interaction of 
Inheritance and Adaptation in the struggle for life. As 
the intermediate forms, that is, the individuals in a state of 
transition, of the varieties of every species die out and 
become extinct, the process of divergence constantly goes 
further, and the extremes develop forms which we dis- 
tinguish as new species. 

Although all naturalists have been obliged to acknowledge 
the variability and mutability of all species of animals and 
plants, yet most of them have hitherto denied that the 
modification or transformation of the organic form surpasses 
the original limit of the characters of the species. Our 
opponents cling to the proposition — " However far a species 
may exhibit deviations from its usual form in a collection 
of varieties, yet the varieties of it are never so distinct from 


one another as two really good species." This assertion, 
which Darwin's opponents usually place at the head of 
their arguments, is utterly untenable and unfounded. This 
will become quite clear as soon as we critically compare the 
various attempts to define the idea of species. No naturalist 
can answer the question as to what is in reality a " genuine 
or good species " (" bona species ") ; yet every systematic 
naturalist uses this expression every day, and whole libraries 
have been written on the question as to whether this or 
that observed form is a species or a variety, whether it is a 
really good or a bad species. The most general answer to 
this question used to be the following: "To one species 
belong all those individuals which agree in all essential 
characteristics. Essential characteristics of species are 
those which remain permanent or constant, and never 
become modified or vary." But as soon as a case occurred 
in which the characteristic — which had hitherto been con- 
sidered essential — did become modified, then it was said, 
"This characteristic is not essential to the species, for 
essential characteristics never vary." Those who argued 
thus evidently moved in a circle, and the naivete with 
which this circular method of defining species is laid down 
in thousands of books as an unassailable truth, and is still 
constantly repeated, is truly astonishing. 

All other attempts which have been made to arrive at a 
definite and logical determination of the idea of organic 
" species " have, like the last, been utterly futile, and led to 
no results. Considering the nature of the case, it cannot 
be otherwise. The idea of species is just as truly a relative 
one, and not absolute, as is the idea of variety, genus, family, 
order, class, etc. As Lamarck maintained, already in 1809, 

vol. 1. X 


all these ideas are subjective and artificial. I have proved 
this in detail in the criticism of the idea of species in my 
" General Morphology " (" Gen. Morph." ii. 323-364). Prac- 
tically I proved this in my " System of Calcareous Sponges " 
in 1872. In the case of these remarkable animals, as in 
sponges generally (even in the Bath-sponge), the usual 
distinction of species appears altogether arbitrary. 

As arbitrary and unnatural have been the opinions 
hitherto formed of the relation of species to hybridism. 
Formerly it was regarded as a dogma that two good species 
could never produce hybrids which could reproduce them- 
selves as such. Those who thus dogmatized almost always 
appealed to the hybrids of a horse and donkey, the mule 
and the hinny, which, truly enough, are seldom able to 
reproduce themselves. But the truth is that such unfruit- 
ful hybrids are rare examples, and in the majority of cases 
hybrids of two totally different species are fruitful and able 
to reproduce themselves. They can almost always fruit- 
fully mix with one or other of the parent species, and 
sometimes also among themselves ; and in this way com- 
pletely new forms can originate according to the laws of 
"mixed transmission by inheritance" (compare above, 
p. 216). 

Thus, in fact, hybridism is a source of the origin of new 
species, distinct from the source we have hitherto considered 
— natural selection. I have already spoken occasionally 
of these hybrid species (species hybridse), especially of the 
hare-rabbit (Lepus Darwinii), which has arisen from the 
crossing of a male hare and a female rabbit ; the goat-sheep 
(Capra ovina), which has arisen from the pairing of a he- 
goat and ewe ; also the different species of thistles (Cirsium), 


brambles (Rubus), etc. It is possible that many wild species 
have originated in this way, as even Linnaeus assumed. 
This supposition appears especially justifiable as regards 
many of the lower sea-plants and sea^animals, whose rich 
sexual products are simply emptied into the water. Their 
commingling and fructification is left to chance; and the 
active agility of most of these freely swimming seed-cells 
must specially be taken into consideration. Now, we know 
by many observations and experiments that the fructifica- 
tion of the egg-cells is often more easily accomplished by 
the crossing of two closely related species, than in the case 
of individuals of the same species. Hence it is very probable 
that the chance meetings of innumerable seed-cells and egg- 
cells of closely related marine creatures give rise: to more 
hybrids than to products of pure in-breeding; and as the 
former, moreover, are frequently more prolific than the latter, 
they may easily push the others aside in the struggle for 
existence, and form new species. Of late years Weismann, 
above all others, has emphasized the high importance of 
sexual commingling for the transformation of species. At 
all events, these hybrid species, which can maintain and 
propagate themselves as well as pure species, prove that 
hybridism cannot serve in any way to give an absolute 
definition to the idea of species. 

I have already mentioned (p. 141) that the many vain 
attempts to define the idea of species theoretically have 
nothing whatever to do with the practical distinction of 
species. The extensive practical application of the idea of 
species, as it is carried out in systematic zoology and botany, 
is very instructive as furnishing an example of human folly. 
Hitherto, by far the majority of zoologists and botanists, in 


distinguishing and describing the different forms of animals 
and plants, have endeavoured, above all things, to dis- 
tinguish accurately kindred forms as so many "good 
species." However, it has been found scarcely possible, in 
any group, to make an accurate and consistent distinction 
of such "genuine or good species." There are no two 
zoologists, no two botanists, who agree in all cases as to 
which of the nearly related forms of a genus are good 
species, and which are not. All authors have different 
views about them. In the genus Hieraciwm, for example, 
one of the commonest genera of European plants, no less 
than 300 species have been distinguished in Germany alone. 
The botanist Fries, however, only admits 106, Koch only 52, 
as "good species," and others accept scarcely 20. The 
differences in the species of brambles (Rubus) are equally 
great. Where one botanist makes more than a hundred 
species, a second admits only about one half of that number, 
a third only five or six, or even fewer species. The birds 
of Germany have long been very accurately known. 
Bechstein, in his careful "Natural History of German 
Birds," has distinguished 367 species, L. Reichenbach 379, 
Meyer and Wolff 406, and Brehm, a clergyman learned in 
ornithology, distinguishes even more than 900 different 
species. With regard to the Calcareous Sponges, I have 
myself shown that these exceedingly variable zoophytes can, 
at will, be distinguished as 3 species, or 21, or 111, or 289, 
or even 591 species. As it was impossible for me in this 
Monography to distinguish "good species" in the usual 
sense of the word, my work might as well be considered 
" An Attempt at an Analytical Solution of the Problem of 
the Origin of Species," for I devoted five years. of most 


careful study to the subject with very perfect material. 
No other attempt of the kind has hitherto been made with 
the same degree of completeness. 

Thus we see that here, and, in fact, in every other domain 
of systematic zoology and botany, the most arbitrary pro- 
ceedings prevail, and, from the nature of the ease, must 
prevail. For it is quite impossible accurately to distinguish 
varieties and races from so-called " good species." Varieties 
are commencing species. The variability or adaptibility of 
species, under the influence of the struggle for life, necessi- 
tates the continual and progressive separation or differentia- 
tion of varieties, and the perpetual separation of new forms. 
Whenever these are maintained throughout a number of 
generations by inheritance, whilst the intermediate forms 
die out, they form independent " new species." The origin 
of new species by division of labour or separation, divergence 
or differentiation of varieties, is therefore a necessary con- 
sequence of natural selection. 

That the constant disposition of organisms to separate or 
diverge in form in this manner, must be a necessary con- 
sequence of natural selection, Darwin himself was the first 
to perceive; and he has convincingly proved this in the 
fourth chapter of his chief work. However, he applies his 
principle of divergence as well as his principle of selection, 
mainly only to independently living creatures, and en- 
deavours to show how the variations of the individuals 
lead to the origin of new species by selection and divergence. 
Now, in our last chapter, we have seen that the theory 
of selection can be much more extensively and generally 
applied by the fact that all the single parts in the organism, 
and, above all, the cells, can be transformed by selection. 


This cellular selection appears by the side of personal 
selection as an extremely important process of transforma- 
tion, and the same will be found to be the case also -with 
the theory of divergence ; for personal divergence finds its 
elementary foundation in the differentiation of the cells, 
which constitute the individual person, that is, in cellular 

The theory of the tissues of animals and plants (that is, 
histology) has long since recognized, from the theory of 
cells, that one of the most important phenomena in the 
development of the histons, or many-celled organisms, is the 
so-called differentiation or separation of the tissues. By 
this we understand, generally speaking, the fact which 
strikes us at once in the development of every many-celled 
individual, that homogeneous cells produce heterogeneous 
tissues. From the homogeneous cells of the germ-layers 
(for instance, in all metazoa or many-celled animals) there 
develop cells of entirely different kinds, which form the 
skin, the glands, the connecting tissues, the muscles, the 
nerves, etc. Thus we can convince ourselves, at the same 
time, that the original form of tissue in the animal body is 
a simple layer of cells, or an epithelium; even the first 
development of germ-skin (blastoderm) is an epithelium of 
this kind (see Plate V., Fig. 5, 6). And the falling in 
of the blastula (Fig. 7) gives rise to the gastrula (Fig. 8), 
and the simple germ-skin separates into the two so-called 
" primary germ-layers," the exoderm (e) and the entoderm (i). 
From the latter, by further separation, are produced the 
four secondary germ-layers (likewise simple epithelium, 
Fig. 9), and from these again all the various kinds of tissue. 
These latter, therefore,, must.. all he termed "secondary 


tissue," in contrast to the primary tissue' of the epithelium 
out of which they arose. 

The whole of this important process, the so-called 
differentiation of the tissues, is in reality nothing but a 
divergence of the cells, which constitute the tissues. Its 
physiological nature is determined by the division of labour 
of the cells; its morphological result is the divergence of 
form in the cells, or the unequal formation of the cells 
which were originally equal. But this divergence of form 
(Polymorphism) as well as the division of labour (Ergonomy) 
are both the necessary consequence of cellular selection, or 
of that struggle of parts in the organism which Roux was 
the first to recognize in its full importance (see above, 
p. 291). 

In my lecture " On the Division of Labour in Nature and 
in Human Life," I pointed out the extraordinary importance 
which the division of labour, and the divergence of forms 
connected with it, possesses for the explanation of the most 
different sides of oiganic life. And I there discussed in 
detail the organization of the splendid Hood-jellies, the 
Siphonophora, as a peculiarly remarkable example of this 
division of labour. These Siphonophora are swimming 
communities of medusae, which outwardly resemble a splendid 
flowering plant ; the separate leaves, flowers, and fruit of 
this plant, generally as transparent as coloured glass and 
at the same time sensitive and agile in the highest degree, 
appear at first sight merely the organs of one individual, or 
of a single, peculiarly complex zoophyte. But, in reality, 
every one of these apparent organs is originally a medusa 
or hood-jelly, a single animal possessing the form- value of 
one individual. By adaptation to different tasks in life, 


these individuals and their organs have gradually become 
transformed in the most remarkable manner; and as all 
have remained in continual connection with the original 
mother-animal, the central root of the stock, and as also the 
food of the whole social community is the same, the numerous 
separate animals appear merely as the organs of a single 

However, the various forms of these Siphonophora 
(which I have classified and compared carefully in my 
Monography on this extremely interesting class of animals) 
not only offers a wealth of instructive examples of the 
division of labour and divergence of form, but are an example 
also of the important phenomenon connected with these 
others, namely, Change of Labour, or Change of Function 
(Metergy). For as originally the homogeneous medusae 
which formed the community of Siphonophora accustomed 
themselves to different activities, and accordingly changed 
their form, the various organs of the individual medusae must 
frequently change their original species of activity. Thus, 
for example, the original swimming organ of the medusae, 
their muscular hood, changes in some of them into a peculiar 
muscular swimming-bell, in others into a swimming-bladder 
filled with air ; in a third group we find it in the form of a 
protecting umbrella, in a fourth group in the form of a capor 
hood, etc. The original simple alimentary tube of the 
medusae changes in some of them into a most complex 
gland-stomach (Siphon), in others into a very sensitive 
apparatus of sense (Palpon) ; in the male animals into a 
seed-case (Androphore), in the female individuals into an 
egg-case (Gynophore), etc. The Siphonophora, accordingly, 
teach us that change of labour is directly connected with 


division of labour, and that there is no need to set up any 
" principle of the change of function." 

Many of the most important changes in the organic 
world, even the origin of whole classes of animals, may 
be traced back to the change of labour, or the metergy 
of the several organs. Thus, for instance, amphibious 
animals have originated out of fish, by the swimming- 
bladder of the fish (a hydrostatic organ) becoming a lung, 
and by its undertaking the work of changing the gas 
or breathing air; the transition from life in water to 
life on land was the first inducement to do so. Birds 
have originated out of lizard-like reptiles by the flying 
movement having taken the place of creeping from place 
to place. The fore legs of the latter became changed into 
wings. Perhaps the chief cause of the origin of mammals 
out of reptile-like primary forms was the change of labour 
of the skin-glands on the belly side ; for by these secreting 
glands (perspiring and fatty glands) changing into milk- 
glands, and thus becoming the chief organ of nutrition 
for the new-born individuals, they gave rise to a series 
of the most important variations. The first cause that 
led to the change was probably a habit contracted by the 
new-born individual of licking the ventral skin of its 
mother; the nutritive stimulus caused by this would in 
the first place lead (quantitively) to the enlargement of the 
skin-glands, and subsequently (qualitively) to their trans- 
formation into the important mammary glands ; all the 
problems of civilization (especially of art) that are connected 
with the female bosom may be phylogenetically traced 
back to that proceeding. But the change of labour has 
also been of great importance for the origin of the human 


race, more especially the division of labour undertaken by 
the fore and hind limbs, and the metergy of the former 
connected with it; for whereas in climbing monkeys (or 
Quadrumana) all the four limbs remain similar in form and 
function, in man, who walks upright, the fore limbs took 
the form of arms for grasping, the back limbs the form of 
legs for walking. The divergence between the former and 
the latter led to the development of the human hand, that 
invaluable instrument of art, whose manifold changes of 
labour have become the source of the most marvellous 
accomplishments, as in the painter and sculptor, the pianist 
and other artists, in the doctor and surgeon ; even the 
division of labour and change of labour in the individual 
fingers, as is well-known, plays a significant part here. 

A series of important phenomena, which appear to stand 
opposed to those of divergence or separation, are those of 
so-called convergence or resemblance. For while divergent 
selection makes forms that are perfectly alike absolutely 
different in the end by adaptation to changed conditions of 
life and activity, convergent selection, on the other hand, 
makes forms which were originally altogether different 
become extremely alike by adaptation to similar conditions 
of existence and similar functions. Thus, for instance, 
many fish and whales are externally extremely alike, 
although the internal structure is entirely different. The 
warm-blooded whales are genuine mammals, which have 
assumed the form of fish by having adapted themselves 
to their mode of life ; but they are descended from land 
mammals, and, moreover, the herbivorous Sirenia, probably 
from hoofed animals, the carnivorous dolphins and bearded 
whales from rapacious animals. In these two groups, 


convergent selection has not only changed the external 
form ; the inner structure too has become so alike, that they 
were formerly classed as one order. 

Another striking example of the convergence of character, 
or similarity of form, is furnished by the medusae. This 
apparently uniform class of animals consists of two entirely 
distinct families, as I have shown in my Monography of 
these zoophytes (1881). The smaller and neater polyp- 
jellies (Oraspedota or Hydromedusae) are descended from 
hydropolyps; the larger and more splendid flap-jellies 
(Acraspedae or Scyphomedusae) are derived from scypho- 
polyps ; the foi'm of development is -.likewise altogether 
different in the two groups, and indeed both in an onto- 
genetic and phylogenetic sense. Nevertheless the medusas 
of both families have become so alike by adaptation to 
a similar mode of life and the same activity of their 
organs, that they are often not to be distinguished. 

But in the vegetable world we have even more numerous 
and more striking examples of deceptive resemblances 
owing to adaptation. For instance, many water-plants are 
distinguished by large, bare, flat, roundish leaves, which 
float on the surface of ponds ; the genuine water-lilies 
(Nymphseaceae) herein resemble many Potameae, Butomeae, 
Alismaceae, Gentianeae, although these latter belong to 
entirely different families. Further, numerous parasitic 
plants, which are descendants of widely divergent families, 
often become extremely alike — for instance, many orchids, 
cytineae, labiate flowers, etc. Their adaptation to similar 
parasitical ways of life produces in all the same disappear- 
ance of green leaves, a peculiar fleshy development of the 
stalk, flowers, etc. Such deceptive resemblance produced by 


convergent selection has often led to great errors being 
made in systematic classification. 

All the phenomena of convergence or resemblance are, 
therefore, very simply explained from the activity of natural 
selection, in the same way as in the case of the phenomena 
of division of labour or separation. The same also applies 
to another very important series of phenomena, those of 
progress (progressus) or perfecting (teleosis.) This great 
law, like the law of differentiation, had long been empirically 
established by palseontological experience, before Darwin's 
Theory of Selection gave us the key to the explanation of 
its cause. The most distinguished palaeontologists have 
pointed out the law of progress as the most general result 
of their investigations of fossil organisms. This has been 
specially done by Bronn, whose investigations on the laws 
of construction and the laws of the development 19 of 
organisms, although little heeded, are excellent, and deserve 
most careful consideration. The general results of the law 
of differentiation and the law of progress, at which Bronn 
arrived by a purely mechanical hypothesis, and by exceed- 
ingly accurate, laborious, and careful investigations, are 
brilliant confirmations of the truth of these two great laws 
which we deduce as necessary inferences from the theory of 

The law of progress or of perfecting establishes the ex- 
ceedingly important fact, on the ground of palseontological 
experience, that in successive periods of this earth's history, 
a continual increase in the perfection of organic formations 
has taken place. Since that inconceivably remote period 
in which life on our planet began with the spontaneous 
generation of Monera, organisms of all groups, both collec- 


tively as well as individually, have continually become 
more perfectly and highly developed. The steadily increas- 
ing variety of living forms has always been accompanied 
by progress in organization. The lower the strata of the 
earth in which the remains of extinct animals and plants 
lie buried, that is, the older the strata are, the more simple 
and imperfect are the forms which they contain. This 
applies to organisms collectively, as well as to every single 
large or small group of them, setting aside, of course, those 
exceptions which are due to the process of degeneration, 
which we shall discuss hereafter. 

As a confirmation of this law I shall mention only the 
most important of all animal groups, the tribe of vertebrate 
animals. The oldest fossil remains of vertebrate animals 
known to us belong to the lowest class, that of Fishes. 
Upon these there followed later more perfect Amphibious 
animals, then Reptiles, and lastly, at a much later period, 
the most highly organized classes of vertebrate animals, 
Birds and Mammals. Of the latter only the lowest and 
most imperfect forms, without placenta, appeared at first, 
such as the pouched animals (Marsupials), and afterwards, 
at a much later period, the more perfect mammals, with 
placenta. Of these, also, at first only the lower kinds 
appeared, the higher forms later; and not until the late 
tertiary period did man gradually develop out of these last. 

If we follow the historical development of the vegetable 
kingdom we shall find the same law operative there. Of 
plants there existed at first only the lowest and most im- 
perfect classes, the Algae or tangles. Later there followed 
the group of Ferns or Filicinse (ferns, pole-reeds, scale- 
plants, etc.). But as yet there existed no flowering plants, 


or Phaherogama. These originated later with the Gyrimo- 
sperms (firs and cycads), whose whole structure stands far 
below that of the other flowering plants (Angiosperms), and 
forms the transition from the group of fern-like plants to 
the Angiosperms. These latter developed at a still later date, 
and 'among them there were at first only flowering plants 
without corolla (Monocotyledons and Monochlamyds) ; only 
later were there flowering plants with a corolla (Diehlamyds). 
Finally, again, among these the lower polypetalous plants 
preceded the higher gamopetalous plants. The whole series 
thus constitutes an irrefutable proof of the great law of 
progressive development. 

Now, if we ask what is the cause of this fact, we again, 
just as in the case of differentiation, come back to natural 
selection in the struggle for life. If once more we consider 
the whole process of natural selection, how it operates 
through the complicated interaction of the different laws 
of Inheritance and Adaptation, we shall recognize not only 
divergence of character, but also the perfecting of structure 
to be the direct and necessary result of it. We can trace 
the same thing in the history of the human race. Here, 
too, it is natural and necessary that the progressive division 
of labour constantly furthers mankind, and urges every 
individual branch of human activity into new discoveries 
and improvements. This progress itself universally depends 
on differentiation, and is consequently, like it, a direct result 
of natural selection in the struggle for life. 

If man wishes to understand his position in nature, and 
to comprehend as natural facts his relations to the phenomena 
of the world cognizable by him, it is absolutely necessary 
that he should compare human with extra-human phenomena, 


and, above all, with animal phenomena. We have already 
seen that the exceedingly important physiological laws of 
Inheritance and Adaptation apply to the human organism 
in the same manner as to the animal and vegetable kingdoms, 
and in both cases interact with one another. Consequently, 
natural selection in the struggle for life transforms human 
society, just as it modifies animals and plants, and in both 
cases constantly produces new forms. The comparison of 
the phenomena of human and animal transformation is 
especially interesting in connection with the laws of diver- 
gence and progress, when the two fundamental laws are 
regarded as the direct and necessary consequences of natural 
selection in the struggle for life. 

A comparative survey of the history of nations, or what 
is called " universal history," will readily yield to us, as the 
first and most general result, evidence of a continually 
increasing variety of human activities, both in the life of 
individuals and in that of families and states. This differen- 
tiation or separation, this constantly increasing divergence 
of human character and the form of human life, is caused 
by the ever-advancing and more complete division of labour 
among individuals. While the most ancient and lowest 
stages of human civilization show us throughout the same 
rude and simple conditions, we see in every succeeding 
period of history, among different nations, a greater variety 
of customs, practices, and institutions. The increasing divi- 
sion of labour necessitates an increasing variety of forms 
corresponding to it. This is expressed even in the for- 
mation of the human face. Among the lowest tribes of 
nations, most of the individuals resemble one another so 
much that European travellers often cannot distinguish 


them at all. With increasing civilization the physiognomy 
of individuals becomes so differentiated, that, even among 
individuals all of the same race, we very rarely mistake one 
face for another. 

The second great fundamental law, obvious in the history 
of nations, is the great law of progress or perfecting. Taken 
as a whole, the history of man is the history of his 'progres- 
sive development. It is true that everywhere and at all 
times we may notice individual retrogressions, or observe 
that crooked roads towards progress have been taken, which 
lead only towards one-sided and external perfecting, and 
thus deviate more and more from the higher goal of internal 
and enduring perfecting. However, on the whole, the 
movement of development of all mankind is and remains 
a progressive one, inasmuch as man continually removes 
himself further from his ape-like ancestors, and continually 
approaches nearer to his own ideal. 

The mighty retrogression which is found existing during 
the darkness of the Middle Ages, as compared with the 
brilliant light of classic antiquity, is sometimes brought 
forward to oppose the importance of the law of progress. 
But, apart from the fatal internal and external causes 
which necessarily led to the unfortunate destruction of the 
light of classic antiquity, the retrogression during the Middle 
Ages was for the most part occasioned by the contempt of 
nature which Christianity preached, and the tyrannical 
rule which its all-powerful hierarchy exercised over every 
form of independent mental activity. And yet, even during 
this dark period of history, many germs of a new life were 
active in secret, and, after the Reformation, appeared as 
new forms of culture. Besides this, however, the short 


period of scarcely one thousand years, which comprises the 
darkest epoch of the Middle Ages, seems, to the naturalist, 
only a brief space of time compared with the many thou- 
sands of years which — according to the latest investigations 
into primseval times — have already passed since the appear- 
ance of the human race. 

Now, if we wish to know what causes actually determine 
these two great laws of development in man, namely, the 
law of divergence and the law of progress, we must compare 
them with the corresponding laws of development in 
animals, and on a close examination we shall inevitably 
come to the conclusion that the phenomena, as well as their 
causes, are exactly the same in the two cases. The course 
of development in man, just as in that of animals, being 
directed by the two fundamental laws of differentiation and 
perfecting, is determined solely by purely mechanical causes, 
and is solely the necessary consequence of natural selection 
in the struggle for life. 

Perhaps in the preceding discussion the question has pre- 
sented itself to some — " Are not these two laws identical ? 
Is not progress in all cases necessarily connected with diver- 
gence?" This question has often been answered in the 
affirmative, and Carl Ernst Bar, for example, one of the 
greatest investigators in the domain of the history of de- 
velopment, has set forth the following proposition as one of 
the principal laws in the ontogenesis of the animal body : 
" The degree of development (or perfecting) depends on 
the stage of separation (or differentiation) of the parts." 20 
Correct as this proposition may be on the whole, yet it is 
not universally true. In many individual cases it can be 
proved that divergence and progress by no means always 

vol. 1. Y 


coincide. Every progress is not a differentiation, and every 
differentiation is not a progress. 

As regards the law of Progress or Perfecting, naturalists, 
guided by purely anatomical considerations, had already set 
forth the law that the perfecting of an organism certainly 
depends, for the most part, upon the division of labour among 
the individual organs and parts of the body, but that there 
are also other organic transformations which determine a 
progress in organization. One, in particular, which has 
been generally recognized, is the numerical diminution of 
identical parts. If, for example, we compare the lower 
articulated animals of the crustacean group, which possess 
numerous pairs of legs, and also the centipedes (Myrapoda), 
with spiders which never have more than four pairs of legs, 
and with insects which in all cases possess only three pairs 
of legs, we find this law, for which a great number of 
examples could be adduced, confirmed. The numerical 
diminution of pairs of legs is a progress in the organization 
of articulated animals. In like manner the numerical dimi- 
nution of corresponding vertebral joints in the trunk of 
vertebrate animals is a progress in their organization. 
Fishes and amphibious animals with a very large number 
of identical vertebral joints are, for this very reason, less 
perfect and lower than birds and mammals, in which the 
vertebral joints, as a whole, are not only very much more 
differentiated, but in which the number of corresponding 
vertebrae is also much smaller. Further, according to the 
same law of numerical diminution, flowers with numerous 
stamens are more imperfect than the flowers of kindred 
plants with a smaller number of stamens, etc. If, therefore, 
originally a great number of homogeneous parts exist in an 


organic body, and if, in the course of very many generations, 
this number be gradually decreased, this transformation will 
be an example of perfecting. 

Another law of progress, which is quite independent of 
differentiation, nay, even appears to a certain extent opposed 
to it, is the law of centralization. In general the whole 
organism is the more perfect the more it is organized as a 
unit, the more the parts are subordinate to the whole, and 
the more the functions and their organs are centralized. 
Thus, for example, the system of blood-vessels is most perfect 
where a centralized heart exists. In like manner, the dense 
mass of marrow which forms the spinal cord of vertebrate 
animals and the ventral cord of the higher articulated 
animals, is more perfect than the decentralized chain of 
ganglia of the lower articulated animals, and the scattered 
system of ganglia in the molluscs. The community of 
medusae, the Siphonophora, in the same way as a human 
civilized community, is the more accomplished and the more 
perfect, the more it is centralized. However, we must not 
forget that the idea of perfection is relative only, not 
absolute. Owing to the difficulty of explaining these 
complex laws of progress in detail, I cannot here enter 
upon a closer discussion of them, and must refer the reader 
to Bronn's excellent " Morphologischen Studien," and to 
my "General Morphology" ("Gen. Morph." i. 370, 550; 
ii. 257-266). 

While, therefore, we have, on the one hand, become 
acquainted with phenomena of progress, quite independent 
of divergence, we shall, on the other, very often meet with 
divergencies which are no perfecting, but which are rather 
the contrary, that is, retrogressions or degenerations. It is 


easy to see that the changes which every species of animal 
and plant experiences cannot always be improvements. In 
fact, many phenomena of differentiation, which are of direct 
advantage to the organism itself, are yet, in a wider sense, 
detrimental, inasmuch as they lessen its general capabilities. 
Frequently a relapse to simpler conditions of life takes 
place, and by adaptation to them a divergence in a retro- 
grade direction. If, for instance, organisms which have 
hitherto lived independently accustom themselves to a 
parasitical life, they thereby degenerate or retrograde. Such 
animals, which hitherto had possessed a well-developed 
nervous system and quick organs of sense, as well as the 
power of moving freely, lose these when they accustom 
themselves to a parasitical mode of life ; they consequently 
retrograde more or less. There the differentiation viewed 
by itself is a degeneration, although it is advantageous to 
the parasitical organism. In the struggle for life such an 
animal, which has accustomed itself to live at the expense 
of others, by retaining its eyes and apparatus of motion, 
which are of no more use to it, would only expend so much 
material uselessly ; and when it loses these organs, then a 
great quantity of nourishment, which was employed for the 
maintenance of these parts, benefits other parts. In the 
struggle for life between the different parasites, therefore, 
those which make least pretensions will have advantage 
over the others, and this favours their degeneration. 

Just as this is found to be the case with the whole 
organism, so it is also with the parts of the body of an 
individual organism. A differentiation of parts, which 
leads to a partial degeneration, and finally even to the loss 
of individual organs, is, when looked at by itself, a degenera- 


tion, but yet may be advantageous to the organism in the 
struggle for life. It is easier to fight when useless baggage 
is thrown aside. Hence we meet everywhere, in the more 
highly developed animal and vegetable bodies, processes of 
divergence, which are in reality the cause of the degenera- 
tion, and finally of the loss, of particular parts. And now 
the most important and instructive of all the series of phe- 
nomena bearing upon the history of organisms presents itself 
to us, namely, that of rudimentary or degenerate, organs. 

It will be remembered that even in my first chapter I 
considered this exceedingly remarkable series of phenomena, 
from a theoretical point of view, as one of the most important 
and most striking proofs of the truth of the doctrine of 
descent. We designated as rudimentary organs those parts 
of the body which are arranged for a definite purpose and 
yet are without function. Let me remind the reader of the 
eyes of those animals which live in the dark, in caves and 
underground, and which consequently never can use them. 
In these animals we find real eyes hidden under the skin, 
frequently developed exactly as are the eyes of animals 
which really see; and yet these eyes never perform any 
function, indeed cannot, simply for the reason that they 
are covered by an opaque membrane, and consequently 
no ray of light falls upon them. In the ancestors of these 
animals, which lived in open daylight, the eyes were 
well developed, covered by a transparent horny capsule 
(cornea), and actually served the purpose of seeing. But 
as the animals gradually accustomed themselves to an 
underground mode of life, and withdrew from the daylight 
and no longer used their eyes, these became degenerated. 

Very clear examples of rudimentary organs, moreover, are 


the wings of animals which cannot fly ; for example, the 
wings of the running birds, like the ostrich, emeu, casso- 
wary, etc., the legs of which have become exceedingly 
developed. These birds having lost the habit of flying, 
have consequently lost the use of their wings ; however, the 
wings are still there, although in a crippled form. "We very 
frequently find such crippled wings in the class of insects, 
most members of which can fly. 

From reasons derived from comparative anatomy and 
other circumstances, we can with certainty draw the 
inference that all insects now living (all grasshoppers, 
beetles, bees, bugs, flies, butterflies, etc.) have originated 
from a single common parental form, from a primary insect 
which possessed two well-developed pairs of wings, and 
three pairs of legs. Yet there are very many insects in 
which either one or both pairs of wings have become more 
or less degenerated, and many in which they have even 
completely disappeared. For example, in the whole order 
of flies or Diptera, the hinder pair of wings — in the bee- 
parasites or Strepsiptera, on the other hand, the fore pair 
of wings — have become degenerated or entirely disappeared. 
Moreover, in every order of insects we find individual 
genera, or species, in which the wings have more or less 
degenerated or disappeared. The latter is the case especially 
in parasites. The females have frequently no wings, whereas 
the males have; for instance, in the case of glow-worms 
(Lampyris), Strepsiptera, etc. This partial or complete 
degeneration of the wings of insects has evidently arisen 
from natural selection in the struggle for life. For we find 
insects without wings living under circumstances where 
flying would be useless, or even decidedly injurious to 


them. If, for example, insects living on islands fly about 
much, it may easily happen that when flying they are 
blown into the sea by the wind, and if (as is always the 
case) the power of flying is differently developed in different 
individuals, then those which fly badly have an advantage 
over those which fly well ; they are less easily blown into 
the sea, and remain longer in life than the individuals of 
the same species which fly well. In the course of many 
generations, by the action of natural selection, this circum- 
stance must necessarily lead to a complete suppression of 
the wings. This conclusion might have been arrived at 
on purely theoretical grounds, but here we find its truth 
established by facts. For upon isolated islands the pro- 
portion of wingless insects to those possessing wings is 
surprisingly large, much larger than among the insects 
inhabiting continents. Thus, for example, according to 
Wollaston, of the 550 species of beetles which inhabit the 
island of Madeira, 220 are wingless, or possess such imperfect 
wings that they can no longer fly ; and of the 29 genera 
which belong to that island exclusively, no less than 23 
contain such species only. It is evident that this remark- 
able circumstance does not need to be explained by the 
special wisdom of the Creator, but is sufficiently accounted 
for by natural selection, because in this case the hereditary 
disuse of the wings, the discontinuance of flying in the 
presence of dangerous winds, has been very advantageous 
in the struggle for life. In other wingless insects the want 
of wings has been advantageous for other reasons. Viewed 
by itself, the loss of wings is a degeneration, but in these 
special conditions of life it is advantageous to the organism 
in the struggle for life. 


Among other rudimentary organs I may here, by way of 
example, further mention the lungs of serpents and serpent- 
like lizards. All vertebrate animals possessing lungs, such 
as amphibious animals, reptiles, birds, and mammals, have 
a pair of lungs, a right and a left one. But in cases where 
the body is exceedingly thin and elongated, as in serpents 
and serpent-like lizards, there is no room for the one lung by 
the side of the other, and it is an evident advantage to the 
mechanism of respiration if only one lung is developed. A 
single large lung here accomplishes more than two small ones 
side by side would do ; and consequently, in these animals, 
we invariably find only the right or only the left lung fully 
developed. The other is completely aborted, although exist- 
ing as a useless rudiment. In like manner, in all birds the 
right ovary is aborted and without function ; only the left 
one is developed, and yields all the eggs. 

I mentioned in the first chapter that man also possesses 
such useless and superfluous rudimentary organs, and I 
specified as such the muscles which move the ears. Another 
of them is the rudiment of the tail which man possesses in 
his 3 — 5 tail vertebrae, and which, in the human embryo, 
stands out prominently during the first two months of its 
development (compare Plates II. and III.). It afterwards 
becomes completely hidden. The rudimentary little tail of 
man is an irrefutable proof of the fact that he is descended 
from tailed ancestors. In woman the tail is generally by 
one vertebra longer than in man ; frequently five separate 
vertebra can be clearly distinguished on the female rump ; 
as a rule there are only four on the male rump. At earlier 
stages of the embryo their number is even greater. There 
also still exist rudimentary muscles in the human tail which 


formerly moved it. The tailless human apes (gorilla, chim- 
panzee, orang, gibbon) are in this respect exactly like man. 
Another case of human rudimentary organs, only belong- 
ing to the male, and which obtains in like manner in all male 
mammals, is furnished by the mammary glands on the 
breast, which, as a rule, are active only in the female sex. 
However, cases of different mammals are known, especially 
of men, sheep, and goats, in which the mammary glands 
were fully developed in the male sex, and yielded milk as 
food for their offspring. Humboldt came across a lonely 
settler in a South American primaeval forest, whose wife 
had died in child-bed. In his despair the man placed the 
new-born infant to his own breast, and through the con- 
tinued irritation which its repeated endeavours to suck 
exercised upon his rudimentary mammary glands, their lost 
activity was again restored to them. I have already 
mentioned (p. 12) that the rudimentary auricular muscles 
in man can still be employed to move their ears, by some 
persons who have perseveringly practised them. In fact, 
rudimentary organs are frequently very differently developed 
in different individuals of the same species ; in some they 
are tolerably large, in others very small. This circumstance 
is very important for their explanation, as is also the other 
circumstance that generally in embryos, or in a very early 
period of life, they are much larger and stronger in propor- 
tion to the rest of the body than they are in fully developed 
and fully grown organisms. This can, in particular, be 
easily pointed out in the rudimentary sexual organs of 
plants (stamens and pistil), which I have already mentioned. 
They are proportionately much larger in the young flower- 
bud than in the mature flower. 


I have remarked (p. 15) that rudimentary or suppressed 
organs were the strongest supports of the monistic or 
mechanical conception of the universe. If its opponents, 
the dualists and teleologists, understood the immense signifi- 
cance of rudimentary organs, it would put them into a state 
of despair. Their ludicrous attempts to explain that rudi- 
mentary organs were given to organisms by the Creator " for 
the sake of symmetry," or " as a formal provision," or " in 
consideration of his general plan of creation," sufficiently 
prove the utter impotence of their perverse conception of 
the universe. I must here repeat that, even if we knew 
absolutely nothing of the other phenomena of development, 
we should be obliged to believe in the truth of the Theory of 
Descent, solely on the ground of the existence of rudimentary 
organs. Not one of its opponents has been able to throw 
even a feeble glimmer of an acceptable explanation upon 
these exceedingly remarkable and important phenomena. 
There is scarcely any highly developed animal or vegetable 
form which has not some rudimentary organs, and in most 
cases it can be shown that they are the products of natural 
selection, and that they have become suppressed by disuse. 

The phenomena of retrogression or degeneration are 
exactly the reverse of those of progression, which we observe 
in the origin of new organs that arise from adaptation to 
certain conditions of life, and by the use of parts as yet 
incompletely developed. It is true our opponents usually 
maintain that the origin of altogether new parts is com- 
pletely inexplicable by the Theory of Descent. However, I 
distinctly assert that to those who possess a knowledge of 
comparative anatomy and physiology this matter does not 
present the slightest difficulty. Every one who is familiar 


with comparative anatomy and the history of development 
will find as little difficulty about the origin of completely 
new organs as about the utter disappearance of rudimentary 
organs. The disappearance of the latter, viewed by itself, is 
the converse of the origin of the former. Both processes 
are particular phenomena of differentiation, which, like all 
others, can be explained quite simply and mechanically by 
the action of natural selection in the struggle for life. 

When we closely examine the first appearance of new 
organs, we as a rule observe nothing more than an increased 
growth of one part of some already existing organ. But as 
this part undertakes other functions, in accordance with the 
laws of division of labour and the change of labour, a 
separation soon becomes evident which leads to the gradual 
development of the new organ, in accordance with the 
theory of selection. This development is determined both 
by the physiological laws of growth and nutrition, as also 
happens in the reverse case, in that of retrogression in 
rudimentary organs. 

The infinite importance of the study of rudimentary 
organs for the fundamental questions of natural philosophy 
cannot be too highly estimated (see chap. xix. of my 
" General Morphology," p. 266) ; we might set up with their 
aid a theory of the unsuitability of parts in organisms, 
as a counter-hypothesis to the old popular doctrine of the 
suitability of parts. This latter dualistic teleology finally 
leads us to supernatural dogmas and miracles, whereas we 
obtain from the former, monistic dysteleology, a firm founda- 
tion for our mechanical interpretation of nature ; it leads us, 
by means of teleological mechanism, to pure Monism (see 
Chap. XIV.). 




General Importance of Individual Development (Ontogeny). — Defects of 
our Present Education. — Pacts in the Individual Development. — • 
Agreement in the Individual Development of Man and the Verte- 
brate Animals. — The Human Egg. — Fertilization. — Immortality. — The 
Cleavage of the Egg. — Formation of Germ-layers. — Gastrulation. — 
History of the Development of the Central Nervous System, of the 
Extremities, of the Branchial Arches and of the Tail in Vertebrate 
Animals. — Causal Connection between Ontogenesis and Phylogenesis. — 
The Fundamental Law of Biogenesis. — Palingenesis or Recapitulative 
Development. — Cenogenesis or Disordered Development. — Stages in 
Comparative Anatomy. — Its Relation to the Palaeontologioal and 
Embryological Series of Development. 

The greater number of educated persons who nowadays 
show more or less interest in our theories of development 
unfortunately know next to nothing of the facts of organic 
development from actual observation. Man, like other 
mammals, appears at birth in an already developed form. 
The chicken, like other birds, creeps out of the egg in a 
completely developed form. But the wonderful processes 
by which these completed animal forms arise are entirely 
unknown to most persons. And yet these but little con- 


sidered processes contain a fund of knowledge, which is 
unsurpassed by any other in general importance. For we 
here have the development before our eyes as a tangible 
fact, and we need only place a number of hen's eggs in an 
incubator, and watch their development for three weeks 
carefully with a microscope, in order to understand the 
mystery by which a highly organized bird develops out of 
a single simple cell. Step by step we can trace this 
wonderful transformation, and step by step point out 
how one organ is developed out of the other. 

And for this reason alone — because, in fact, it is in this 
domain only that the facts of development are presented to 
us in tangible reality. I consider it of paramount conse- 
quence to direct the reader's careful attention to those 
infinitely important and interesting processes in the indi- 
vidual development of organisms, viz. to ontogeny, and 
above all to the ontogeny of the vertebrate animals, in- 
cluding man. I wish specially to recommend these ex- 
ceedingly remarkable and instructive phenomena to the 
reader's most careful consideration; for, on the one hand, 
they form one of our strongest supports for the theory of 
descent, and for the monistic conception of the universe 
generally; and, on the other hand, because hitherto it is 
only a few privileged persons who have properly estimated 
their immense general importance. These phenomena will 
be found discussed very fully in my " Anthropogeny." 

We cannot, indeed, but be astonished when we consider 
the deep ignorance which still prevails, in the widest circles, 
about the facts of the individual development of man and 
organisms in general. These facts, the universal importance 
of which cannot be estimated too highly, were established, 


in their most important outlines, even more than a hundred 
years ago, in 1759, by the great German naturalist Caspar 
Friedrich Wolff, in his classical " Theoria Generationis." 
But, just as Lamarck's Theory of Descent, founded in 1809, 
lay dormant for half a century, and was only awakened to 
new and imperishable life in 1859, by Darwin, in like 
manner Wolff's Theory of Epigenesis remained unknown for 
nearly half a century ; and it was only after Oken, in 1806, 
had published his history of the development of the in- 
testinal tube, and after Meckel, in 1812, had translated 
Wolff's work (written in Latin) on the same subject into 
German, that Wolff's theory of epigenesis became more 
generally known, and has since formed the foundation of 
all subsequent investigations of the history of individual 
development. The study of ontogenesis thus received a 
great stimulus, and soon there appeared the classical in- 
vestigations of the two friends, Christian Pander (1817) 
and Carl Ernst Bar (1819). Bar, in his remarkable "Ent- 
wickelungsgeschichte der Thiere," 20 worked out the ontogeny 
of vertebrate animals in all its important facts. He carried 
out a series of such excellent observations, and illustrated 
them by such profound philosophical reflections, that his 
work became the foundation for a thorough understanding 
of this important group of animals, to which, of course, 
man also belongs. The facts of embryology alone would 
be sufficient to solve the question of man's position in 
nature, which is the highest of all problems. Look atten- 
tively at and compare the eight figures which are repre- 
sented on the adjoining Plates II. and III., and it will be 
seen that the philosophical importance of embryology cannot 
be too highly estimated. 

Germs or Embryos 
Pi. II _ _ - . 

t k- h oTcfv cufh ■ rrv r Jc h c Ic'-ti or h jrv 

' -'/.■'. P : z i ! z j i'-r:-. ■■: -\..r- ■•:.- ":;■,''. |. .M.'if.J p s MM ■ L. Mv.f'.^- 

.'..■. i i : M 1~i"- : [,;i ..■■■■ ' . ... -'.;?:: ■:'£;- [ ] i ;■■;.■.■! j .'. ..." 

^.M'M ; i; i MM : M .-M .-.. "! "M M T ■• ■ihi?'r ,■.■. 

■ :&': j \ MM M "M "" . v-M : M M M ',MMMM 

i i i ! ' f "-- ' ■■'Mil: 




T ! ! ' Ml :: '/;> : M 


- z 


-.X-.'^M" ',.".:" ' \ ■■-?:. ■■■.■:- ■ - ~~ 6 



,-■-:—-— V 

■:■■■ ■■:.'''.'. 

' : mmV ,; " 

' .' ' . 

— - 6fc 

Tig.A. ... ~ Fig B - 

Tortoise (17 "Weeks) Chick' (IV Days) 

n h o r>z cl z v n* £/ b m,' ou ''%."]%. 

■■■P :: V'.<-' I :l 1 ■ 5 ^I'TImImS '■■•■-..■. J---.]--- I ■t'.'-|:-'1 "I 

■'■PKVWX i TiTHMMM M^ Mi fM| "j m^'mII 

'■ ! .- M ! ' v.M 

..„_ _7ta. .M'"- ;:i ' 

■ M?*fe- — 7ia 

...:^y:..:^:......^:.. r : 


— . ?n- 

-?^-M ■ 

ji K .E.- :■; :•'';■".■■■-• m-mr^i 



Tortoise (YI. Weeks') ; ; ,"' •'"■' -£|ij;cklOTJ.::B : «ys> ':'• M'; , 

v. Fore-Drain , z. Twrxt -"brain, m. Mid-Drain , A. Hind-Drain, 
',■ After "brain, w. Spine, V. Spinal-cord. 

of four Vertebrates 

pi in. 

r rule o k hk a, m, 

.3 ; 2 

r nk ok k h a, fa 

i X 

o -^fr* 


■ ==■' 

■" &L; 

/' ■ ■ \ . 

~?-r< - 









I.., U-: 

,--,- ruv 



— s 

— • bh. 

. .Kg-.C. 

D;og-(IV: Weeks) 

W/ 7l/ mo 42 V 


Man (K Weeks) 

jju h m, o x 

Pig-. G. 





Fig. ft 

na. iNose, a. Eyes, o. Ear, /c & ^. Gill-arches, 5. Tail, 
bv. Pore -leg" , bh. Hind-lee:. 


We may •well ask, What do our so-called "educated" circles, 
who think so much of the high civilization of the nineteenth 
century, know of these most important biological facts, 
of these indispensable foundations for understanding their 
own organization ? How much do our speculative philo- 
sophers and theologians know about them, who fancy they 
can arrive at an understanding of the human organism by 
mere guesswork or divine inspiration ? What indeed do 
the majority of naturalists, even so-called "zoologists" (in- 
cluding the entomologists !), know about them ? 

The answer to this question tells much to the shame of 
the persons above indicated, and we must confess, willingly 
or unwillingly, that these invaluable facts of human ontogeny 
are, even at the present day, utterly unknown to most 
people, or are in no way valued as they deserve to be. It 
is in the face of such a condition of things as this that we 
see clearly upon what a wrong and one-sided road the 
much- vaunted culture of the nineteenth century still moves. 
Ignorance and superstition are the foundations upon which 
most men construct their conception of their own organiza- 
tion, and its relation to the totality of things ; and the 
palpable facts of the history of development, which might 
throw the light of truth upon them, are wholly ignored. 

The chief cause of this lamentable and mischievous state 
of things is unquestionably owing to the education given in 
our higher schools, and, above all, owing to our so-called 
" classical education." For as it is still deeply imbued with 
the scholasticism of the Middle Ages, it is still unable to 
digest the enormous advances which natural science has 
made in our century. It still does not consider that its 
chief task should be to obtain a comprehensive knowledge of 


nature — of which we are ourselves a part — or of the present 
state of the civilized world in which we live; its main 
object is rather to acquire an accurate knowledge of the 
history of the ancient countries, and, above all, a knowledge 
of the Greek and Latin grammars. "We grant that a 
thorough knowledge of classic antiquity is an exceedingly 
important and indispensable part of our higher education ; 
however, our pleasant acquaintance with antiquity we owe 
in a much higher degree to painters and sculptors, to epic and 
dramatic poets, than to classical philologists or to dreaded 
grammarians. And to enjoy and understand these ancient 
poets, it is as little necessary for us to read them in the 
original text as it is for us to read the Bible in the original 
Hebrew. The enormous expense of time and labour de- 
manded by this luxurious sport in classical grammars might 
be applied to infinitely better purpose, in the study of the 
wonderful domain of phenomena which have been opened 
up to us within the last half-century by the gigantic 
advances of natural science, more especially of geology, 
biology, and anthropology. 

Unfortunately, however, the disparity between our daily 
increasing knowledge of the real world, and the limited 
standpoint of our so-called ideal education for the young, 
is becoming greater day by day. A.nd it is, in fact, those 
persons who exercise most influence upon our practical 
education — the theologians and jurists — and likewise the 
privileged teachers, the philologists and historians, who 
know least about the most important phenomena of the 
actually existing world, and of the real history of nature. 
The structure and origin of our earth, as well as of our own 
human body — subjects which have become of the utmost 


interest owing to the astonishing progress of modern 
geology and anthropology — are unknown to the most of 
them. To speak of the human egg and its development, 
they consider either a ridiculous myth or a vulgar piece 
of immodesty. And yet this subject reveals to us a series 
of actually recognized facts, which cannot he surpassed in 
general interest or high importance by any other in the 
wide domain of human knowledge. 

It is true these facts are not calculated to excite approval 
among persons who assume a complete distinction between 
man and the rest of nature, and who will not acknowledge 
the animal origin of the human race. That origin must be 
a very unpleasant truth to members of the ruling and 
privileged castes in those nations among which there 
exists an hereditary division of social classes, in consequence 
of false ideas about the laws of inheritance. It is well 
known that, even in our day, in many civilized countries 
the idea of hereditary grades of rank goes so far that, for 
example, the aristocracy imagine themselves to be of a 
nature totally different from that of ordinary citizens, and 
nobles who commit a disgraceful offence are punished by 
being expelled from the caste of nobles, and thrust down 
among the pariahs of "vulgar citizens." What are these 
nobles to think of the blue blood in their privileged veins, 
when they learn that all human embryos, those of nobles as 
well as commoners, are scarcely distinguishable from the 
tailed embryos of dogs and other mammals during the first 
two months of development ? 

As the object of these pages is solely to further the 
general knowledge of natural truths, and to spread, in wider 
circles, a natural conception of the relations of man to the 

vol. I. z 


rest of nature, I shall be justified if I do not pay any 
regard to the widely spread prejudice in favour of an ex- 
ceptional and privileged position for man in creation, and 
simply give here the embryological facts from which the 
reader will be able to draw conclusions affirming the 
groundlessness of those prejudices. I wish all the more 
to entreat my readers to reflect carefully upon these facts of 
ontogeny, as it is my firm conviction that a general know- 
ledge of them can only promote the intellectual advance, 
and thereby the mental perfecting, of the human race. 

Amidst all the infinitely rich and interesting material 
which lies before us in the ontogeny of vertebrate animals, 
that is, in the history of their individual development, I shall 
here confine myself to showing some of those facts which 
are of the greatest importance to the Theory of Descent in 
general, as well as in its special application to man. Man 
is at the beginning of his individual existence a simple egg, 
a single little cell, just the same as every animal organism 
which originates by sexual generation. The human egg is 
essentially the same as that of all other mammals, and can- 
not be distinguished from the egg of the higher mammals. 
The egg represented in Fig. 5 might be that of a man or an 
ape as well as of a dog, a horse, or any other mammal. Not 
only the form and structure, but even the size of the egg in 
most mammals is the same as in man, namely, about the 
120th part of an inch in diameter, so that the egg under 
favourable circumstances, with the naked eye, can just be 
perceived as a small speck. The differences which really 
exist between the eggs of different mammals and that of 
man do not consist in the form, but in the chemical mixture, 
in the molecular composition of the albuminous combination 


of carbon, of which the egg essentially consists. These 
minute individual differences of all eggs, and particularly 
the molecular structure of the kernel, depend probably upon 
indirect or potential adaptation (and especially upon the 
law of individual adaptation) ; they are, indeed, not directly 
perceptible to the exceedingly imperfect senses of man, but 
are cognizable through well-founded indirect inferences, as 
the primary causes of the difference of all individuals. 

The human egg is, like that of all other mammals, a 
small globular bladder, which contains all the constituent 
parts of a simple organic cell (Fig. 5). The most essential 

Pis. 5. — The human egg a hundred times en- 
larged, a. The kernel-speck, or nucleolus (the 
so-called germinal spot of the egg). I. Kernel, 
or nucleus (the so-called germinal vesicle of the 
egg) . c. Cell-substance, or protoplasm (so-called 
yolk of the egg), d. Cell-membrane (the yolk- 
membrane of the egg; in mammals, on account 
of its transparency, called zona pellucida). The 
eggs of other mammals are of the same form. 

parts of it are the mucous cell-substance, or the protoplasma 
(c), which in an egg is called the " yolk," and the cell-kernel, 
or nucleus (b), surrounded by it, which is here called by the 
special name of the "germinal vesicle." The latter is a 
delicate, clear, glassy globule of albumen, of about l-600th 
part of an inch in diameter, and surrounds a still smaller, 
sharply marked, rounded granule (a), the kernel-speck, or 
the nucleolus of the cell (in the egg it is called the " germinal 
spot "). The outside of the globular egg-cell of a mammal 
is surrounded by a thick pellucid membrane, the cell-mem- 
brane or yolk-membrane, which here bears the special 
name of zona pellucida (d). The eggs of many lower 
animals (for example, of many Medusae) differ from this in 


being naked cells, as the outer covering, or cell-membrane, 
is wanting. 

As soon as the egg (ovulum) of the mammal has attained 
its full maturity, it leaves the ovary of the female, in which 
it originates, and passes into the oviduct, and through this 
narrow passage into the wider pouch or womb (uterus). If, 
meanwhile, the egg is fructified by the male seed (sperm), 
it develops itself in this pouch into an embryo, and does 
not leave it until perfectly developed and capable of coming 
into the world at birth as a young mammal. 

The process of fertilization, which was formerly consi- 
dered one of the most mysterious and wonderful phenomena, 
has become perfectly clear and intelligible to us owing to 
the great advances of our scientific knowledge during the 
last ten years, and these we owe, above all, to the admirable 
investigations made by the brothers Oscar and Richard 
Hertwig, Edward Strasburger, Biitschli, and many others. 
We now know that the fertilization of the egg, as the 
most essential process in sexual propagation, is nothing 
further than a commingling of two different cells, the 
paternal sperm-cell and the maternal egg-cell. Of the 
thousands of agile little whip-cells which are contained 
in a drop of the male seminal fluid, a single one penetrates 
into the female egg- cell, and becomes completely mixed 
with it. And in this commingling of the two sexual cells, 
the main process is the copulation of the two cell-kernels. 
The male sperm-nucleus commingles with the female egg- 
nucleus, and this gives rise to the new progeny-nucleus, 
the nucleus of the new progeny-cell (Cytula). 

Twenty-three years ago, in my " General Morphology " 
(vol. i. p. 288), I defined the importance of the two active 


parts of the cell thus : " The inner nucleus has to attend to 
the transmission of hereditary characteristics, the outer 
plasma (or Cytoplasma) to the adaptation to the relations 
of the outer world." This proposition has been fully con- 
firmed by the numerous careful investigations of recent 
times. The male sperm-nucleus, in the process of fertili- 
zation, transmits the hereditary qualities of the father, 
whereas the female egg-nucleus attends to the transmission 
of the peculiarities of the mother. 

The progeny-cell (Oytula), or the so-called "fertilized 
egg-cell " (and often wrongly called the " first cell of the 
cleavage "), is, accordingly, an entirely new creature. For 
as its substance is a material product of the commingling of 
the paternal seed-cell with the maternal egg-cell, the vital 
qualities inseparably connected with these are a mixture 
of the physiological peculiarities of both parents. The 
individual mixture of character which every child inherits 
from both parents must be traced back to the commingling 
of the two cellular substances at the moment of fructifica- 
tion. And it is at this important moment, moreover, that 
the existence of the individual begins, and not at the time 
of actual birth, which in man does not take place till nine 
months afterwards. 

The general importance of these extremely interesting 
processes has hitherto not been estimated at all in the 
measure which it deserves to be. To point to but one of 
the most important deductions from it, it throws quite a 
new light upon the weighty question as to immortality. 
The doctrine of the 'personal immortality of man has, indeed, 
been absolutely refuted for more than half a century by the 
great progress in our knowledge of comparative physiology 


and ontogeny, of comparative psychology and psychiatry. 
But still there might nevertheless have existed some doubts 
as to whether some part, at least, of our mental life might 
not be independent of the brain, and traceable to the activity 
of an immaterial soul. However, since we have been able 
accurately to follow the process of fertilization, since we 
know that even the finest qualities of mind in both parents 
are transmitted to the child by the act of fertilization, 
and that this inheritance is determined simply by the com- 
mingling of the two copulating cell-kernels, all the doubts 
referred to above have vanished. It must appear utterly 
senseless now to speak of the immortality of the human 
person, when we know that this person, with all its indi- 
vidual qualities of body and mind, has arisen from the act 
of fertilization, hence that it has a final beginning to its 
existence. How can this person possess an eternal life 
without an end ? The human person, like every other 
many-celled individual, is but a passing phenomenon of 
organic life. With its death the series of its vital activities 
ceases entirely, just as it began with the act of fertilization. 
The variations of form and transformations which the 
fertilized egg must go through within the uterus before it 
assumes the form of the mammal are exceedingly remark- 
able, and proceed from the beginning in man precisely in 
the same way as in other mammals. At first the fructi- 
fied egg of the mammal acts as a single-celled organism, 
which is about to propagate independently and increase 
itself; for example, an Amceba (compare Fig. 2, p. 193). In 
point of fact, the simple egg-cell becomes two cells by the 
process of cell-division which I have already described 
(Fig. 6 A). 


The same process of cell-division now repeats itself 
several times in succession. In this way, from two cells 
(Fig. 6 .4) there arise four (Fig. 6 B); from four, eight 
(Fig. 6 G); from eight, sixteen; from these, thirty-two, etc. 

Fig. 6. — First commencement of the development of a mammal's egg, the 
so-called " yolk-cleavage " (propagation of the egg-cell by repeated self - 
division) . A. The egg, by the formation of the first furrow, falls into two 
cells. B. These by division fall into four cells. 0. These latter have fallen 
into eight cells. D. By continued division a globular mass of numerous 
cells has arisen, the Morula. 

Each time the division of the cell-kernel or nucleus precedes 
that of the cell-substance, or protoplasma. As the division 
of the latter always commences with the formation of a 
superficial annular furrow, or cleft, the whole process is 
usually called the furrowing of the egg, or yolk- cleavage, 
and the products of it, that is, the cells arising from the con- 
tinued halving, are called the cleavage spheres (Blastomera). 
However, the whole process is nothing more than a simple, 
oft-repeated division of cells, and the products of it are 
actual, naked cells. Finally, through the continued division 
or " furrowing " of the mammal's egg, there arises a mulberry- 
shaped ball (Morula), which is composed of a great number 
of small spheres, naked cells, containing kernels (Fig. 6 D). 
These cells are the materials out of which the body of the 
young mammal is constructed. Every one of us has once 


been such a simple mulberry-shaped ball, composed only of 
small cells. 

The further development of the globular lump of cells, 
which now represents the young body of the mammal, con- 
sists first in its changing into a globular bladder, as fluid 
accumulates within it. This bladder is called the germ- 
bladder (Blastula or Vesicula blastodermica). Its wall is 
at first composed merely of homogeneous cells. But soon, 
at one point on the wall, arises a disc-shaped thickening, as 
the cells here increase rapidly, and this thickening is 
now the foundation of the actual body of the germ or 
embyro, while the other parts of the germ-bladder serve 
only for its nutrition. The thickened disc, or foundation 
of the embryo, soon assumes an oblong, and then a fiddle- 
shaped form, in consequence of its right and left walls 
becoming convex (Fig. 7, p. 349). At this stage of develop- 
ment, in the first form of their germ or embryo, not only all 
mammals, including man, but even all vertebrate animals 
in general — birds, reptiles, amphibious animals, and fishes 
— can either not be distinguished from one another at all, 
or only by very unessential differences, such as size and 
the arrangement of the egg-coverings. In every one the 
entire body consists of nothing but two thin layers of simple 
cells ; these lie one on the top of the other, and are therefore 
called the primary germ-layers. The outer or upper germ- 
layer is the skin-membrane (exoderm), the inner or lower 
the intestinal membrane (entoderm). 

The germinal form of the animal body, which thus consists 
merely of the two primary germ-layers, is the same in all of 
the many-celled animals (Metazoa), and hence is of the 
utmost importance. I was the first to maintain the general 

Development of the Gastrula. 


application of this two-leafed germinal form to all the 
Metazoa, and consequently of the "homology of the two 
primary germ-leaves," and did so in 1872 in my "Monograph 
of the Calcareous Sponges ;" and detailed proofs of this were 
given in my "Studies on the Gastrsea Theory." And as 
this very important germinal form, in its original pure 
shape (Plate V., Fig. 8, 18 ; Plate XII., Fig. A 4, B 4), 
resembles a double-walled goblet, I called it goblet-germ 
(Gastrula), and the process of its formation gastrvlation. I 
shall discuss it more fully later on in my twentieth chapter. 
Even in 1872 I concluded, from the remarkable agreement 
of the Gastrula in all many-celled animals, that all of the 
metazoa (according to fundamental law of biogenesis) must 
have been originally derived from a single common primary 
form ; and this hypothetical primary form is the Gastroea, 
in all essential points the same as the goblet-shaped 

The gastrula of mammals, like that of many of the other 
higher animals — in consequence of the peculiar conditions 
under which it develops — has lost its original goblet-shape 
and has assumed the disc-shape already described. How- 
ever, this disc-shape (Discogastrula) is only a secondary 
modification of the goblet-germ. As in the latter case, here 
also the two primary germ-layers divide subsequently into 
the four secondary germ-layers. And these consist of 
absolutely nothing but homogeneous cells ; yet every single 
one has a different significance in the construction of the 
body of the vertebrate animal. Out of the upper or outer 
germ-layer arises only the outer skin (epidermis), together 
with the central parts of the nervous system (spinal marrow 
and brain) ; out of the lower or inner layer arises only 


the inner delicate skin (epithelium) which lines the whole 
intestinal tube from the mouth to the anus, together with 
all the glands connected with it (lung, liver, salivary 
glands, etc.) ; out of the middle germ-layer lying between 
the two others arise all the other organs, muscles, bones, 
blood-vessels. (Compare my " Anthropogeny," and my 
"Studies on the Gastrsea Theory," for the processes of 
the individual development of man and the animals.) 

Now, the processes by which the various and exceedingly 
complicated parts of the fully-formed body of vertebrate 
animals arise out of such simple material — out of the three 
germ-layers composed only of cells — are, in the first place, 
the repeated division, and consequently the increase of cells ; 
in the second place, the division of labour or differentiation 
of these cells; and thirdly, the union of the variously 
developed or differentiated cells, for the formation of the 
different organs. Thus arises the gradual progress or per- 
fecting which can be traced step bj 7 step in the development 
of the embryonic body. The simple embryonic cells, which 
are to constitute the body of the vertebrate animal, stand 
in the same relation to each other as citizens who wish to 
found a state. Some take to one occupation, others to 
another,. and work together for the good of the whole. By 
this division of labour, or differentiation, and the perfecting 
(the organic progress) which is connected with it, it becomes 
possible for the whole state to accomplish undertakings 
which would have been impossible to the single individual. 
The whole body of the vertebrate animal, like every 
other many-celled organism, is a republican state of 
cells, and consequently it can accomplish organic func- 
tions which the individual cell, as a solitary individual (for 


example, an Amoeba, or a single-celled plant), could never 

No sensible person supposes that carefully devised insti- 
tutions, 'which have been established for the good of the 
whole, as well as for the individual, in every human state, 
are the results of the action of a personal and supernatural 
Creator, acting for a definite purpose. On the contrary, 
every one knows that these useful institutions of organiza- 
tion in the state are the consequences of the co-operation 
of the individual citizens and their common government, 
as well as of adaptation to the conditions of existence of 
the outer world. Just in the same way we must judge of the 
many-celled organism. In it also all the useful arrangements 
are solely the natural and necessary result of the co-operation, 
differentiation, and perfecting of the individual citizens — 
the cells — and by no means the artificial arrangements of a 
Creator acting for a definite purpose. If we rightly consider 
this comparison, and pursue it further, we can distinctly 
see the perversity of that dualistic conception of nature 
which discovers the action of a creative plan of construction 
in the various adaptations of the organization of living 

Let us pursue the individual development of the verte- 
brate animal body a few stages further, and see what is next 
done by the citizens of this embryonic organism. In the 
central line of the violin-shaped disc, which is composed of 
the three cellular germ-layers, there arises a straight deli- 
cate furrow, the so-called " primitive streak," by which the 
violin-shaped body is divided into two equal lateral halves — 
a right and a left part or " antimer." On both sides of that 
streak or furrow, the upper or external germ-layer rises in 


the form of a longitudinal fold, and both folds then grow- 
together over the furrow in the central line, and thus form 
a cylindrical tube. This tube is called the marrow-tube, or 
medullary canal, because it is the foundation of the central 
nervous system, the spinal marrow (medulla spinalis). At 
first it is pointed both in front and behind, and it remains 
so for life in the lowest vertebrate animal, the brainless, 
skull-less Lancelet (Amphioxus). But in all other vertebrate 
animals, which we distinguish from the latter as skulled 
animals, or Craniota, a difference between the fore and 
hinder end of the marrow-tube soon becomes visible, the 
fore end becoming dilated, and changing into a roundish 
bladder, the foundation of the brain. 

In all Craniota, that is, in all vertebrate animals possess- 
ing skull and brain, the brain, which is at first only the 
bladder-shaped dilatation of the anterior end of the spinal 
marrow, divides into five bladders lying one behind the 
other, four superficial, transverse in-nippings being formed. 
These five brain-bladders, out of which afterwards arise all 
the different parts of the intricately constructed brain, can 
be seen in their original condition in the embryo represented 
in Fig. 7. It is just the same whether we examine the em- 
bryo of a dog, a fowl, a lizard, or any other higher vertebrate 
animal. For the embryos of the different skulled animals 
(at least the three higher classes of them, the reptiles, birds, 
and mammals) cannot be in any way distinguished at the 
stage represented in Fig. 7. The whole form of the body is 
as yet exceedingly simple, being merely a thin, leaf-like disc. 
Face, legs, intestines, etc., are as yet completely wanting. 
But the five bladders are already quite distinct from one 



Fig. 7. — Embryo of a mammal or bird, in 
which the five brain-bladders have just com- 
menced to develop, v. Fore brain, z. Twixt brain. 
m. Mid brain, h. Hind brain, n. After brain. 
p. Spinal marrow, a. Eye-bladders, w. Primi- 
tive vertebrae, d. Spinal axis or notochord. 

The first bladder, the fore brain, 
is in so far the most important that 
it principally forms the larger hemi- 
spheres of the so-called larger brain 
(cerebrum), that part which is the 
seat of the higher mental activities. 
The more these activities are de- 
veloped in the series of vertebrate 
animals, the more do the two lateral 
halves of the fore brain, or the larger 
hemispheres, grow at the expense of 
the other bladders, and overlap them 
in front and from above. In man, where they are most 
strongly developed, agreeing with his higher mental activity, 
they eventually almost entirely cover the other parts from 
above (compare Plates II. and III.). The second bladder, 
the twixt brain (z), forms that portion of the brain which 
is called the centre of sight, and stands in the closest relation 
to the eyes (a), which grow right and left out of the fore 
brain in the shape of two bladders, and later lie at the 
bottom of the twixt brain. The third bladder, the mid 
brain (m), for the most part vanishes in the formation of 
the so-called four bulbs, a bossy portion of the brain, which 
is strongly developed in reptiles and birds (Fig. E, F, Plate 
II.), whereas in mammals it recedes much more (Fig. 0, H, 


Plate III.). The fourth bladder, the hind brain (h), forms 
the so-called little hemispheres, together with the middle 
part of the small brain (cerebellum), a part of the brain as 
to the function of which the most contradictory conjectures 
are entertained, but which seems principally to regulate 
the co-ordination of movements. Lastly, the fifth bladder, 
the after brain (n), develops into that very important part 
of the central nervous system which is called the prolonged 
narrow (medulla oblongata). It is the central organ of the 
respiratory movements, and of other important functions, 
and an injury to it immediately eauses death, whereas the 
large hemispheres of the fore brain (or the organ of the 
" soul," in a restricted sense) can be removed bit by bit, and 
even completely destroyed, without causing the death of 
the vertebrate animal — only its higher mental activities 
disappearing in consequence. 

These five brain-bladders, in all vertebrate animals which 
possess a brain at all, are originally arranged in the same 
manner and develop gradually in the different groups so 
differently, that it is afterwards very difficult to recognize 
the corresponding parts in the fully developed brains. In 
the early stage of development which is represented in 
Fig. 7, it seems as yet quite impossible to distinguish the 
embryos of the different mammals, birds, and reptiles from 
one another. But if we compare the much more developed 
embryos on Plates II. and III. with one another, we can 
clearly see an inequality in their development, and espe- 
cially it will be perceived that the brain of the two mammals 
(Gr and if) already strongly differ from that of birds (F) and 
of reptiles (E). In the two latter the mid brain predomi- 
nates, but in the former the fore brain Even at this stage 


the brain of the bird (F) is scarcely distinguishable from 
that of the tortoise (E), and in like manner the brain of the 
dog (G) is as yet almost the same as that of man (H). If, 
on the other hand, we compare the brains of these four 
vertebrate animals in a fully developed condition, we find 
them so very different in all anatomical particulars, that we 
cannot doubt for a moment as to which animal each brain 

I have here explained the original equality, the gradual 
commencement, and the ever-increasing separation or 
differentiation of the embryos in the different vertebrate 
animals, taking the brain as a special example, just because 
this organ of the soul's activity is of special interest. But 
I might as well have discussed in its stead the heart, or the 
liver, or the limbs, in short, any other part of the body, 
since the same wonder of creation is here ever repeated, 
namely, that all parts are originally the same in the different 
vertebrate animals, and that the variations by which the 
different classes, orders, families, genera, etc., differ and 
deviate from one another, are only gradually developed. 
In my work on the "History of the Individual Develop- 
ment of Man," you will find the proof of this for every 
separate organ. 

There are certainly few parts of the body which are so 
differently constructed as the limbs or extremities of the 
vertebrate animals*. Now, I wish the reader to compare, in 
Fig. A — H on Plates II. and III., the four extremities (bv) 
of the embryos with one another, and he will scarcely be 
able to perceive any important differences between the 
human arm (H bv), the wing of a bird (F bv), the slim fore 
leg of a dog (G bv), and the plump fore leg of the tortoise 


(E bv). In comparing the hinder extremities (b h) in these 
figures he will find it equally difficult to distinguish the leg 
of a man (H bh), of a bird (F bh), the hind leg of a dog 
(G bh), and that of a tortoise (F bh). The fore as well as 
the hinder extremities are as yet short, broad lumps, at the 
ends of which the foundations of the five toes are placed, 
connected as yet by a membrane. At a still earlier stage 
(Fig. A — D) the five toes are not marked out at all, and it is 
quite impossible to distinguish even the fore and hinder 
extremities from one another. The latter, as well as the 
former, are nothing but simple roundish processes, which 
have grown out of the side of the trunk. At the very early 
stage represented in Fig. 7 they are completely wanting, 
and the whole embryo is a simple trunk without a trace 
of limbs. (Compare also Plate IV. and my explanation of 
it in the Appendix.) 

I wish especially to draw attention in Plates II. and 
III., which represent embryos in early stages of develop- 
ment (Fig. A — D) — and in which we are not able to recog- 
nize a trace of the full-grown animal — to an exceedingly 
important formation, which originally is common to all 
vertebrate animals, but which at a later period is trans- 
formed into the most different organs. Every one surely 
knows the gill-arches of fish, those arched bones which 
lie behind one another, to the number of three or four, 
on each side of the neck, and which support the gills, 
the respiratory organs of the fish (double rows of red leaves, 
which are popularly called " fishes' ears "). Now, these gill- 
arches originally exist exactly the same in man (D), in dogs 
(G), in fowls (B), and in tortoises (A), as well as in all other 
vertebrate animals. (In Fig. J. — D the three gill-arches of 


the right side of the neck are marked Tc t hi k s .) Now, it is 
only in fishes that these remain in their original form, and 
develop into respiratory organs. In the other vertebrate 
animals they are partly employed in the formation of the 
face (especially the jaw apparatus), and partly in the forma- 
tion of the organ of hearing. 

Finally, when comparing the embryos on Plates II. and 
III., we must not fail to give attention again to the human 
tail (s), an organ which, in the original condition, man 
shares with all other vertebrate animals. The discovery of 
tailed men was long anxiously expected by many monistic 
philosophers, in order to establish a closer relationship 
between man and the other mammals. And in like manner 
their dualistic opponents often maintained with pride that 
the complete want of a tail formed one of the most important 
bodily distinctions between men and animals, though they 
did not bear in mind the many tailless animals which really 
exist. Now, man in the first months of development pos- 
sesses a real tail as well as his nearest kindred, the tailless 
apes (orang-outang, chimpanzee, gorilla), and vertebrate 
animals in general. But whereas, in most of them — for 
example, the dog (C, 6) — in the course of development it 
always grows longer, in man (Fig. D, H) and in tailless 
mammals, at a certain period of development, it degenerates 
and finally completely disappears. However, even in fully 
developed men, the remnant of the tail is seen in the three, 
four, or five tail vertebrae (vertebras coccygese) as an aborted 
or rudimentary organ, which forms the hinder or lower end 
of the vertebral column, an infallible proof of our derivation 
from tailed ancestors. 

Most persons even now refuse to acknowledge the most 
vol. 1. 2 a 


important deduction of the Theory of Descent, that is, the 
palseontological development of man from ape-like, and 
through them from still lower, mammals, and consider such 
a transformation of organic form as impossible. But, I ask, 
are the phenomena of the individual development of man, 
the fundamental features of which I have here given, in any 
way less wonderful? Is it not in the highest degree re- 
markable that all vertebrate animals of the most different 
classes — fishes, amphibious animals, reptiles, birds, and 
mammals — in the first periods of their embryonic develop- 
ment cannot be distinguished at all, and even much later, 
at a time when reptiles and birds are already distinctly 
different from mammals, that the dog and the man are 
almost identical ? Verily, if we compare those two series of 
development with one another, and ask ourselves which of 
the two is the more wonderful, it must be confessed that 
ontogeny, or the short and quick history of development of 
the individual, is much more mysterious than phylogeny, or 
the long and slow history of development of the tribe. For 
one and the same grand change of form is accomplished by 
the latter in the course of many thousands of years, and by 
the former in the course of a few months. Evidently this 
most rapid and astonishing transformation of the individual 
in ontogenesis, which we can actually point out at any 
moment by direct observation, is in itself much more 
wonderful and astonishing than the corresponding, but 
much slower and gradual transformation which the long 
chain of ancestors of the same individual has gone through 
in phylogenesis. 

The two series of organic development, the ontogenesis of 
the individual and the phylogenesis of the tribe to which 


it belongs, stand in the closest causal connection with each 
other. I have endeavoured, in the second volume of the 
'' General Morphology," 4 to establish this theory in detail, 
as I consider it exceedingly important, and in my " Anthro- 
pogenesis" have discussed the subject with regard to man. 
As I have there shown, ontogenesis, or the development of 
the individual, is a short and quick repetition (recapitula- 
tion) of phylogenesis, or the development of the tribe to 
which it belongs, determined by the laws of inheritance and 
adaptation ; by tribe I mean the ancestors which form the 
chain of progenitors of the individual concerned. (Compare 
my " Studies on the Gastraea Theory," 1877, p. 70.) 

The agreement between many of the germinal forms of 
the higher animals and the developed forms of kindred 
lower animals is so striking that they were observed even 
by the earlier naturalists. Oken, Treviranus, and others 
drew attention to them as early as the beginning of our 
century. Meckel, in 1821, spoke of a " resemblance between 
the development of the embryo and the animal tribe." In 
1828 Bar critically discussed the question, how far within 
a type or tribe (for instance, the vertebrates) the germinal 
forms of the higher animals pass through the permanent 
forms of the lower. However, there could, of course, be no 
actual understanding of this wonderful resemblance as long 
as the theory of descent had not become recognized. When 
Darwin, in 1859, at last accomplished this, he also, in his 
fourteenth chapter of his chief work, briefly referred to the 
great importance of the embryonic evidence. Still Fritz 
Miiller was the first to discuss the subject fully and clearly, 
which he did in connection with the Crustacea in his admir- 
able work " On Darwin." I have myself given Miiller's 


theory a more definite form in my " biogenetic fundamental 
law," and worked it out further both in my " Study of the 
Gastrsea Theory" and in my " Anthropogenesis." This 
fundamental proposition is the most important general law 
of organic development, the fundamental biogenetic law. 

In this intimate connection of ontogeny and phylogeny, 
I see one of the most important and irrefutable proofs of the 
Theory of Descent. No one can explain these phenomena 
unless he has recourse to the laws of Inheritance and 
Adaptation ; by these alone are they explicable. And the 
laws, which we have previously explained, as the laws of 
abbreviated, of homochronic, and of homotopic inheritance, 
here deserve renewed consideration. As so high and com- 
plicated an organism as that of man, or the organism of 
any other mammal, rises upwards from a simple cellular 
state, and progresses in its differentiation and perfecting, it 
passes through the same series of transformations which its 
animal progenitors have passed through, during immense 
spaces of time, inconceivable ages ago. I have already 
pointed out this extremely important parallelism of the 
development of individuals and tribes (p. 10). Certain 
very early and low stages in the development of man, and 
the other vertebrate animals in general, correspond com- 
pletely in many points of structure with conditions which 
last for life in the lower fishes. The next phase presents 
us with a change of the fish-like being into a kind of 
amphibious animal At a later period the mammal, with 
its special characteristics, develops out of the amphibian, 
and we can clearly see, in the successive stages of its later 
development, a series of steps of progressive transformation 
which evidently correspond with the differences of different 


mammalian orders and families. Now, it is precisely in 
the same succession that we also see the ancestors of man, 
and of the higher mammals, appear one after the other in 
the earth's history ; first fishes, then amphibians, later the 
lower, and at last the higher mammals. Here, therefore, 
the embryonic development of the individual is completely 
parallel to the palseontological development of the whole 
tribe to which it belongs, and this exceedingly interesting 
and important phenomenon can be explained only by the 
interaction of the laws of Inheritance and Adaptation. 

And, indeed, in order properly to understand and to apply 
the biogenetic fundamental law, it must be remembered 
that the hereditary repetition of the original chain of 
primary forms is but seldom (or, strictly speaking, never !) 
perfectly complete in the corresponding and parallel chain 
of embryonic forms. For the changing conditions of 
existence exercise their influence upon every single em- 
bryonic form as well as upon the fully developed organism. 
Besides, the law of abridged inheritance constantly 
endeavours to effect a simplification of the original process 
of development. On the other hand, however, the embryo 
may, by its adaptation to new conditions of life (e.g. by 
the development of protecting coverings), acquire new forms, 
which were wanting in the original figure of the primary 
form that had been transmitted to it by inheritance. Hence 
the figure of the embryo must necessarily (especially in its 
later stages of development) deviate more or less from the 
original figure of the corresponding primary form, and, 
indeed, the more so the more highly developed the 
organism is. 

Accordingly, all the phenomena of the embryonic or 


individual development (Ontogenesis) may in reality fall 
into two different groups. The first group comprises the 
primasval development or the recapitulative development 
(Palingenesis), and exhibits still all those primaeval con- 
ditions which have been transmitted by inheritance from 
the primary forms (thus, for instance, in the human embryo, 
the gill-arches, the chorda, the tail, etc.). The second group, 
on the other hand, contains the disturbed or falsified 
development (Oenogenesis), and obscures the original figure 
of the individual development by the introduction of new 
and foreign shapes, which did not exist in the earlier forms, 
and were acquired by the embryo only by adaptation to the 
peculiar conditions of the individual development (thus, for 
instance, in the human embryo, the egg-coverings, the yelk- 
sack, the placenta, etc.). 

Every critical investigation and estimation of the indi- 
vidual development has, therefore, first of all to distinguish 
how many of the embryonic facts are palingenetic docu- 
ments (pertaining to the recapitulative development), and 
how many, on the other hand, are oenogenetic variations of 
those documents (pertaining to the disturbed history). The 
more that the original palingenesis is retained in the 
embryonic development of every organism by inheritance, 
the more faithful will be the picture it gives us of the 
history of its original development ; but, on the other hand, 
the more that cenogenesis has influenced the germinal 
forms by adaptation, the more the primary image will be 
obliterated or altered. 

The important parallelism of the palaeontological and of 
the individual developmental series now directs our atten- 
tion to a third developmental series, which stands in the 


closest relations to these two, and which likewise runs, on 
the whole, parallel to them. I mean that series of develop- 
ment of forms which constitutes the object of investigation 
in comparative anatomy, and which I will briefly call the 
systematic developmental series of species. By this we 
understand the chain of the different, but related and con- 
nected forms, which exist side by side at any one period of 
the earth's history ; as, for example, at the present moment. 
While comparative anatomy compares the different forms 
of fully developed organisms with one another, it endeavours 
to discover the common prototypes which underlie, as it 
were, the manifold forms of kindred species, genera, classes, 
etc., and which are more or less concealed by their particular 
differentiation. It endeavours to make out the series of 
progressive steps which are indicated in the different 
degrees of perfection of the divergent branches of the tribe. 
In fact, to keep to the illustration already employed, 
comparative anatomy shows us how the individual organs 
and systems of organs in the tribe of vertebrate animals — 
in the different classes, families, and species of it — have 
unequally developed, differentiated, and perfected them- 
selves. It shows us how far the succession of classes of 
vertebrate animals, from the Fishes upwards, through 
the Amphibia to the Mammals, and here again from the 
lower to the higher orders of Mammals, forms a progressive 
series or ladder. What light is thrown upon the subject by 
the knowledge of this progressive development of the organs, 
may be gathered from the works of the great comparative 
anatomists of all ages — in the works of Goethe, Meckel, 
Cuvier, Johannes Mtiller, Gregenbaur, and Huxley. 

The developmental series of mature forms, which com- 


parative anatomy points out in the different diverging and 
ascending steps of the organic system, and which we call 
the systematic developmental series, corresponds with one 
portion of the palaeontological developmental series; it deals 
with the anatomical result of the latter in the present ; and 
is, at the same time, parallel with the individual develop- 
mental series ; and this, again, is parallel with the palseon- 
tological series. 

The varied differentiation, and the unequal degree of 
perfecting which comparative anatomy points out in the 
developmental series of the system, is chiefly determined 
by the ever-increasing variety of conditions of existence to 
which the different groups adapt themselves in the struggle 
for life, and by the different degrees of rapidity and com- 
pleteness with which this adaptation has been effected. 
Conservative groups which have retained their inherited 
peculiarities most tenaciously remain, in consequence, at the 
lowest and rudest stage of development. Those groups pro- 
gressing most rapidly and variously, and which have adapted 
themselves to changed conditions of existence most readily, 
have attained the highest degree of perfection. The 
further the organic world developed in the course of the 
earth's history, the greater must the gap between the lower 
conservative and the higher progressive groups have be- 
come, as in fact may be seen too in the history of nations. In 
this way also is explained the historical fact, that the most 
perfect animal and vegetable groups have developed them- 
selves in a comparatively short time to a considerable height, 
while the lowest or most conservative groups have remained 
stationary throughout all ages in their original simple stage, 
or have progressed, but very slowly and gradually. 


The series of man's progenitors clearly shows this state 
of things. The sharks of the present day are still very like 
the primary fish, which are among the most ancient verte- 
brate progenitors of man, and the lowest amphibians of the 
present day (the gilled salamanders and salamanders) are 
very like the amphibians which first developed themselves 
out of fishes. So, too, the later ancestors of man, the 
Monotremata and Marsupials, the most ancient mammals, 
are at the same time the most imperfect animals of the class 
which still exist. The laws of inheritance and adaptation 
known to us are completely sufficient to explain this ex- 
ceedingly important and interesting phenomenon, which may 
be briefly designated as the parallelism, of individual, of 
palceontological, and of systematic development, and of their 
respective progress and differentiation. No opponent of the 
Theory of Descent has been able to give an explanation 
of this extremely wonderful fact, whereas it is perfectly 
explained, according to the Theory of Descent, by the laws 
of Inheritance and Adaptation. 

If we examine this parallelism of the three organic 
series of development more accurately, we have to add 
the following special distinctions. Ontogeny, or the history 
of the individual development of every organism (embryology 
and metamorphology), presents us with a simple unbranch- 
ing or graduated chain of forms ; and so it is with that 
portion of phytogeny which comprises the palseontological 
history of development of the direct ancestors of every 
individual organism. But the whole of phylogeny — which 
meets us in the natural system of every organic tribe or 
phylum, and which is concerned with the investigation 
of the palseontological development of all the branches of 


this tribe — forms a branching or tree-shaped developmental 
series, a veritable pedigree. If we examine and compare 
the branches of this pedigree, and place them together 
according to the degree of their differentiation and per- 
fection, we obtain the tree-shaped, branching, systematic 
developmental series of comparative anatomy. Strictly 
speaking, therefore, the latter is parallel only to a portion 
of the whole of phytogeny, and consequently only partially 
parallel to ontogeny ; for ontogeny itself is parallel only to 
a portion of phylogeny. 

Of late years it has been a much-disputed point which of 
the three great series of development is of most importance 
to transformism and for our knowledge of the primary rela- 
tionships. This dispute is superfluous ; for, as a rule, all 
three are of equal value ; in individual cases, however, the 
phylogenetic investigator will have to examine every 
special case critically to ascertain whether he is to set 
greater value on the facts of palaeontology, of ontogeny, or 
of comparative anatomy. 

All the phenomena of organic development above dis- 
cussed, especially the threefold genealogical parallelism, 
and the laws of differentiation and progress, which are 
evident in each of these three series of organic development, 
are exceedingly important proofs of the truth of the Theory 
of Descent. For by it alone can they be explained, whereas 
its opponents cannot even offer a shadow of an explanation 
of them. Without the Doctrine of Filiation, the fact of 
organic development in general cannot be understood. We 
should, therefore, for this reason alone, be forced to accept 
Lamarck's Theory of Descent, even if we did not possess 
Darwin's Theory of Selection. 

( 363 ) 



Chorological Facts and Causes. — Origin of most Species in one Single 
Locality : " Centres of Creation." — Distribution by Migration. — Active 
and Passive Migrations of Animals and Plants. — Plying Animals. — 
Analogies between Birds and Insects. — Bats. — Means of Transport. — 
Transport of Germs by Water and by Wind. — Continual Change of the 
Area of Distribution by Elevations and Depressions of the Ground. — 
Chorological Importance of Geological Processes. — Influence of the 
Change of Climate. — Ice or Glacial Period. — Its Importance to 
Chorology. — Importance of Migrations for the Origin of New Species. 
— Isolation of Colonists. — Wagner's Law of Migration. — Connection 
between the Theory of Migration and the Theory of Selection. — Agree- 
ment of its Results with the Theory of Descent. 

As I have repeatedly said, but cannot too much emphasize, 
the actual value and invincible strength of the Theory 
of Descent does not lie in its explaining this or that single 
phenomenon, but in the fact that it explains all biological 
phenomena, that it makes all botanical and zoological 
series of phenomena intelligible in their relations to one 
another. Hence every thoughtful investigator is the more 
firmly and deeply convinced of its truth the more he 
advances from single biological observations to a general 
view of the whole domain of animal and vegetable life* 


Let us now, starting from this comprehensive point of view, 
survey a biological domain, the varied and complicated 
phenomena of which may be explained with remarkable 
simplicity and clearness by the theory of descent. I mean 
Chorology, or the theory of the local distribution of 
organisms over the surface of the earth. By this 1 do 
not only mean the geographical distribution of animal 
and vegetable species over the different parts and provinces 
of the earth, over continents and islands, seas, and rivers ; 
but also their topographical distribution in a vertical 
direction, their ascending to the heights of mountains, and 
their descending into the depths of the ocean. 

The strange chorological series of phenomena which 
show the horizontal distribution of organisms over parts 
of the earth, and their vertical distribution in heights and 
depths, have long since excited general interest. In recent 
times Alexander Humboldt 39 and Frederick Schouw have 
especially discussed the geography of plants, and Berghaus, 
Schmarda, and Wallace the geography of animals, on a 
large scale. But although these and several other naturalists 
have in many ways increased our knowledge of the dis- 
tribution of animal and vegetable forms, and laid open to 
us a new domain of science, full of wonderful and interest- 
ing phenomena, yet Chorology as a whole remained, as 
far as their labours were concerned, only a desultory know- 
ledge of a mass of individual facts. It could not be called 
a science as long as the causes for the explanation of these 
facts were wanting. These causes were first disclosed by 
the theory of selection and its doctrine of the migrations 
of animal and vegetable species, and it is only since Darwin 
that we have been able to speak of an independent science 


of Chorology. Wallace and Moritz Wagner have done most, 
after Darwin, in this respect. 

The first naturalist who clearly comprehended the theory 
of migration and correctly recognized its importance for the 
origin of new species, was the celebrated German geologist, 
Leopold Buch. In his " Physical Description of the Canary 
Island," as early as 1825 — hence thirty-four years before the 
appearance of Darwin's work — he made those remarkable 
propositions which I have already quoted in my fifth 
chapter. He there states that the migration, distribution, 
and local separation of species are the three principal 
outward causes that effect the transformation of species ; 
their influence, he thinks, is sufficient to produce new 
species by the internal interaction of variability and 
heredity. Buch, who was a great traveller and had made 
extensive observations himself, also discusses the great 
importance exercised by the local separation of animals and 
plants that have migrated to isolated islands. Unfortunately, 
this eminent geologist did not work this important idea 
out further, and was unable to convince his friend, Alexander 
Humboldt, of its great significance. Wagner, however, in 
his essay on Leopold Buch and Darwin (1883), has very 
justly pointed out that, with regard to the migration-theory, 
Buch must be looked upon as Darwin's greatest predecessor. 

If all the phenomena of the geographical and topo- 
graphical distribution of organisms are examined by them- 
selves, without considering the gradual development of 
species, and if at the same time, following the customary 
superstition, the individual species of animals and plants 
are considered as forms independently created and in- 
dependent of one another, then there remains nothing for 


us to do but to gaze at those phenomena as a confused 
collection of incomprehensible and inexplicable miracles. 
But as soon as we leave this low standpoint, and rise to 
the height of the theory of development, by means of the 
supposition of a blood-relationship between the different 
species, then all at once a clear light falls upon this strange 
series of miracles, and we see that all chorological facts can 
be understood quite simply and clearly by the supposition 
of a common descent of the species, and their passive and 
active migrations. 

The most important principle from which we must start 
in chorology, and of the truth of which we are convinced 
by due examination of the theory of selection, is that, as a 
rule, every animal and vegetable species has arisen only 
once in the course of time and only in one place on the 
earth — its so-called " centre of creation " — by natural 
selection. I share this opinion of Darwin's unconditionally, 
in respect to the great majority of higher and perfect 
organisms, and in respect to most animals and plants in 
which the division of labour, or differentiation of the cells 
and organs of which they are composed, has attained a 
certain stage. For it is quite incredible, or could at best 
only be an exceedingly rare accident, that all the manifold 
and complicated circumstances — all the different conditions 
of the struggle for life, which influence the origin of a new 
species by natural selection — should have worked together 
in exactly the same agreement and combination more than 
once in the earth's history, or should have been active at 
the same time at several different points of the earth's 

On the other hand, I consider it very probable that 


certain exceedingly imperfect organisms of the simplest 
structure, forms of species of an exceedingly indifferent 
nature, as, for example, many single-celled Protista (Algse 
as well as Amoebae and Infusoria), but especially the Monera, 
the simplest of them all, have several times or simultaneously 
arisen in their specific form in several parts of the earth. 
For the few and very simple conditions by which their 
specific form was changed in the struggle for life may 
surely have often been repeated, in the course of time, 
independently in different parts of the earth. Further, 
those higher specific forms also, which have not arisen by 
natural selection, but by hybridism (the previously men- 
tioned hybrid species, pp. 150 and 151), may have repeatedly 
arisen anew in different localities. As, however, this pro- 
portionately small number of organisms does not especially 
interest us here, we may, in respect of chorology, leave 
them alone, and need only take into consideration the 
distribution of the great majority of animal and vegetable 
species in regard to which the single origin of every species 
in a single locality, in its so-called " central point of 
creation," can be considered as tolerably certain. 

Every animal and vegetable species from the beginning 
of its existence has possessed the tendency to spread beyond 
the limited locality of its origin, beyond the boundary of 
its "centre of creation," or, in other words, beyond its 
primaeval home, or its natal place. This is a necessary 
consequence of the relations of population and over-popula- 
tion. The more an animal or vegetable species increases, 
the less is its limited natal place sufficient for its sustenance, 
and the fiercer the struggle for life ; the more rapid the 
over-population of the natal spot, the more it leads to 


emigration. These migrations are common to all organ- 
isms, and are the real cause of the wide distribution 
of the different species of organisms over the earth's 
surface. Just as men leave over-crowded states, so all 
animals and plants migrate from their over-crowded 
primeval homes. 

Many distinguished naturalists, especially Leopold Buch, 
Lyell, 11 and Schleiden, have before this repeatedly drawn 
attention to the great importance of these very interesting 
migrations of organisms. The means of transport by which 
they are effected are extremely varied. Darwin has dis- 
cussed these most excellently in the eleventh and twelfth 
chapters of his work, which are exclusively devoted to 
" geographical distribution." The means of transport are 
partly active, partly passive ; that is to say, the organism 
effects its migration partly by free locomotion due to its 
own activity, and partly by the movements of other natural 
bodies in which it has no active share. 

It is self-evident that active migrations play the chief 
part in animals able to move freely. The more freely an 
animal's organization permits it to move in all directions, 
the more easily the animal species can migrate, and the 
more rapidly it will spread over the earth. Flying animals 
are of course most favoured in this respect, among vertebrate 
animals especially birds, and among articulated animals, 
insects. These two classes, as soon as they came into 
existence, can have more easily spread over the whole earth 
than any other animal, and this fact partly explains the 
extraordinary uniformity of structure which characterizes 
these two great classes of animals. For, although they 
contain an exceedingly large number of different species, 


and although the insect class alone is said to possess more 
different species than all other classes of animals together, 
yet all the innumerable species of insects, and in like 
manner, also, the different species of birds, agree most 
strikingly in all essential peculiarities of their organization. 
Hence, in the class of insects, as well as in that of birds, 
we can distinguish only a very small number of large 
natural groups or orders, and these few orders differ but 
very little from one another in their internal structure. 
The orders of birds with their numerous species are not 
nearly as distinct from one another as the orders of the 
mammalian class, containing much fewer species ; and the 
orders of insects, which are extremely rich in genera and 
species, resemble one another much more closely in their 
internal structure than do the much smaller orders of the 
crab class. The general parallelism between birds and 
insects is also very interesting in relation to systematic 
zoology; and the great importance of their richness in 
forms, for scientific morphology, lies in the fact that they 
show us how, within the narrowest anatomical sphere, and 
without profound changes of the essential internal organiza- 
tion, the greatest variety in external bodily forms can be 
attained. The reason of this is evidently their flying mode 
of life and their free locomotion. In consequence of this, 
birds, as well as insects, have spread very rapidly over the 
whole surface of the earth, have settled in all possible 
localities inaccessible to other animals, and variously 
modified their specific form by superficial adaptation to 
particular local relations. 

Of the flying vertebrates, bats are, moreover, of peculiar 
interest to chorology. For not a single island lying more 

vol. 1. 2 b 


than 300 miles from the nearest continent possesses other 
indigenous mammals from the mainland. On the other 
hand, numerous species of hat may be found on isolated 
islands, and many separate islands or groups of islands are 
distinguished for possessing quite peculiar species or even of 
peculiar species of bats. This remarkable fact is most 
easily accounted for by the theory of selection and migra- 
tion, whereas it remains an unintelligible mystery without 
it. Land mammals, which cannot fly, are not able to 
wander across broad stretches of sea and to search far-off 
islands. This is possible only to bats, which can fly for 
some length of time, and are, moreover, easily carried 
hundreds of miles by storms. And when cast upon distant 
islands they have to adapt themselves to wholly different 
conditions of existence, and their descendants sooner or 
later become transformed into new species or even into new 
generic forms. 

Next to the flying animals, those animals, of course, have 
spread most quickly and furthest which were next best 
able to migrate, that is, the best runners among the 
inhabitants of the land, and the best swimmers among the 
inhabitants of the water. However, the power of such 
active migrations is not confined to those animals which 
throughout life enjoy free locomotion. For the fixed 
animals also, such as corals, tubicolous worms, sea-squirts, 
lily encrinites, sea-acorns, barnacles, and many other lower 
animals which adhere to seaweeds, stones, etc., enjoy, at 
least at an early period of life, free locomotion. They all 
migrate before they adhere to anything. Their first [free 
locomotive condition of early life is generally that of a 
"ciliated" larva, a roundish, cellular corpuscle, which, by 


means of a garb of movable " flimmer-hairs " (Latin, " cilia "), 
swarms about in tbe water. All of tbese swimming ciliated 
larvae of the lower animals have developed out of the same 
common germinal form, that is, out of the (?as£raJa (Plate V., 
Fig. 8, 18); and it too is originally capable of migrating, 
owing to its garb of movable " flimmer-hairs." 

But the power of free locomotion, and hence, also, of active 
migration, is not confined to animals alone, but many plants 
likewise enjoy it. Many lower aquatic plants, especially the 
class of the Tangles (Algae), swim about freely in the water 
in early life, like the lower animals just mentioned, by 
means of a vibratile hairy coat, a vibrating whip, or a 
covering of tremulous fringes, and only at a later period 
adhere to objects. Even in the case of many higher plants, 
which we designate as creepers and climbing plants, we 
may speak of active migration. Their elongated stalks and 
perennial roots creep or climb during their long process of 
growth to new positions, and by means of their widespread 
branches they acquire new habitations, to which they 
attach themselves by buds, and bring forth new colonies 
of individuals of their species. 

Influential as these active migrations of most animals 
and many plants are, yet alone they would by no means 
be sufEcient to explain the chorology of organisms. Passive 
migrations have ever been by far the more important, and 
of far greater influence, in the case of most plants and in 
that of many animals. Such passive changes of locality 
are produced by extremely numerous causes. Air and 
water in their eternal motion, wind and waves with their 
manifold currents, play the chief part. The : wind in all 
places and at all times raises light organisms, small animals 


and plants, but especially their young germs, animal eggs 
and plant seeds, and carries them far over land and seas. 
Where they fall into the water they are seized by currents 
or waves and carried to other places. It is well known, 
from numerous examples, how far in many cases trunks of 
trees, hard-shelled fruits, and other not readily perishable 
portions of plants are carried away from their original home 
by the course of rivers and by the currents of the sea. 
Trunks of palm trees from the West Indies are brought by 
the Gulf Stream to the British and Norwegian coasts. All 
large rivers bring down driftwood from the mountains, and 
frequently Alpine plants are carried from their home at the 
source of the river into the plains, and even further, down 
to the sea. Frequently numerous creatures live between 
the roots of the plants thus carried down, and between the 
branches of the trees thus washed away there are various 
inhabitants which have to take part in the passive migra- 
tion. The bark of the tree is covered with mosses, lichens, 
and parasitic insects. Other insects, spiders, etc., even 
small reptiles aud mammals, are hidden within the hollow 
trunk or cling to the branches. In the earth adhering to 
the fibres of the roots, in the dust lying in the cracks of 
the bark, there are innumerable germs of smaller animals 
and plants. Now, if the trunk thus washed away lands 
safely on a foreign shore or on a distant island, the guests 
who had to take part in the involuntary voyage can leave 
their boat and settle in the new country. A very remark- 
able kind of water-transport is formed by the floating ice- 
bergs which annually become loosened from the eternal ice 
of the Polar Sea. Although these cold regions are thinly 
peopled, yet many of their inhabitants, who were accidentally 


upon an iceberg while it was becoming loosened, are carried 
away with it by the currents, and landed on warmer shores. 
In this manner, by means o£ loosened blocks of ice from 
the northern Polar Sea, often whole populations of small 
animals and plants have been carried to the northern shores 
of Europe and America. Nay, even polar foxes and polar 
bears have been carried in this way to Iceland and to the 
British Isles. 

Transport by air is no less important than transport by 
water in this matter of passive migration. The dust cover- 
ing our streets and roofs, the earth lying on dry fields and 
dried-up pools, the light moist soil of forests, in short, the 
whole surface of the globe, contains millions of small organ- 
isms and their germs. Many of these small animals and 
plants can without injury become completely dried up, and 
awake again to life as soon as they are moistened. Every 
gust of wind raises up with the dust innumerable little 
creatures of this kind, and often carries them away to other 
places miles off. But even larger organisms, and especially 
their germs, may often make distant passive journeys 
through the air. The seeds of many plants are provided 
with light feathery processes, which act as parachutes and 
facilitate their flight in the air, and prevent their falling. 
Spiders make journeys of many miles through the air on 
their fine filaments, their so-called gossamer threads. Young 
frogs are frequently raised by whirlwinds into the air by 
thousands, and fall down in a distant part as a " shower of 
frogs." Storms may carry birds and insects across half the 
earth's circumference. They drop in the United States, 
having risen in England. Starting from California, they 
only come to rest in China. But, again, many other 


organisms may make the journey from one continent to 
another together with the birds and insects. Of course all 
parasites, the number of which is legion, fleas, lice, mites, 
moulds, etc., migrate with the organism upon which they 
live. In the earth which often remains sticking to the 
claws of birds there are also small animals and plants or 
their germs. Thus the voluntary or involuntary migration 
of a single larger organism may carry a whole small flora 
and fauna from one part of the earth to another. 

Besides the means of transport here mentioned, there are 
many others which explain the distribution of animal and 
vegetable species over the large tracts of the earth's surface, 
and especially the general distribution of the so-called 
cosmopolitan species. But these alone would not be nearly 
sufficient to explain all chorological facts. How is it, for 
example, that many inhabitants of fresh water live in 
various rivers or lakes far away and quite apart from one 
another ? How is it that many inhabitants of mountains, 
which cannot exist in plains, are found upon entirely 
separated and far-distant chains of mountains ? It is 
difficult to believe, and in many cases quite inconceivable, 
that these inhabitants of fresh water should have in any 
way, actively or passively, migrated over the land lying 
between the lakes, or that the inhabitants of mountains in 
any way, actively or passively, crossed the plains lying 
between their mountain-homes. But here geology comes to 
our help, as a mighty ally, and completely solves these 
difficult problems for us. 

The history of the earth's development shows us that the 
distribution of land and water on its surface is ever and 
continually changing. In consequence of geological changes 


of the earth's crust, elevations and depressions of the ground 
take place everywhere, sometimes more strongly marked in 
one place, sometimes in another. Even if they happen so 
slowly that in the course of centuries the seashore rises or 
sinks only a few inches, or even only a few lines, still they 
nevertheless effect great results in the course of long periods 
of time. And long — immeasurably long — periods of time 
have not been wanting in the earth's history. During the 
course of many millions of years, ever since organic life ex- 
isted on the earth, land and water have perpetually struggled 
for supremacy. Continents and islands have sunk into the 
sea, and new ones have arisen out of its bosom. Lakes and 
seas have slowly been raised and dried up, and new water- 
basins have arisen by the sinking of the ground. Peninsulas 
have become islands by the narrow neck of land which 
connected them with the mainland sinking into the water. 
The islands of an archipelago have become the peaks of a 
continuous chain of mountains by the whole floor of their 
sea being considerably raised. 

Thus the Mediterranean at one time was an inland sea, 
when, in the place of the Straits of Gibraltar, an isthmus 
connected Africa with Spain. England, even during the 
more recent history of the earth, when man already existed, 
has repeatedly been connected with the European continent 
and been repeatedly separated from it. Nay, even Europe 
and North America have been directly connected. The 
South Sea at one time formed a large Pacific continent, and 
the numerous little islands which now lie scattered in it 
were simply the highest peaks of the mountains covering 
that continent. The Indian Ocean formed a continent 
which extended from the Sunda Islands along the southern 


coast of Asia to the east coast of Africa. This large con- 
tinent of former times Sclater, an Englishman, has called 
Lemwria, from the monkey-like animals which inhabited it, 
and it is at the same time of great importance from being 
the probable cradle of the human race, which in all likeli- 
hood here first developed out of anthropoid apes. The 
important proof which Alfred Wallace has furnished, 36 by 
the help of chorological facts, that the present Malayan 
Archipelago consists in reality of two completely different 
divisions, is particularly interesting. The western division, 
the Indo-Malayan Archipelago, comprising the large islands 
of Borneo, Java, and Sumatra, was formerly connected by 
Malacca with the Asiatic continent, and probably also with 
the Lemurian continent just mentioned. The eastern 
division, on the other hand, the Austro-Malayan Archipelago, 
comprising Celebes, the Moluccas, New Guinea, Solomon's 
Islands, etc., was formerly directly connected with Australia. 
Both divisions were formerly two continents separated by 
a strait, but they have now for the most part sunk below 
the level of the sea. Wallace, solely on the ground of his 
accurate chorological observations, has been able in the 
most acute manner to determine the position of this former 
strait, the south end of which passes between Bali and 
Lombok. And this deep strait, although only fifteen miles 
broad, still forms a sharp boundary between the islands of 
Bali and Lombok ; the fauna of Bali belongs to further 
India, the fauna of the latter to Australia. 

Thus, ever since liquid water existed on the earth, the 
boundaries of water and land have eternally changed, and 
we may assert that the outlines of continents and islands 
have never remained for an hour, nay, even for a minute, 


exactly the same. For the waves eternally and perpetually 
break on the edge of the coast, and whatever the land in 
these places loses in extent, it gains in other places by the 
accumulation of mud, which condenses into solid stone and 
again rises above the level of the sea as new land. Nothing 
can be more erroneous than the idea of a firm and un- 
changeable outline of our continents, such as is impressed 
upon us in early youth by defective lessons in geography, 
which are devoid of a geological basis. 

I need hardly draw attention to the fact that these 
geological changes of the earth's surface have ever been 
exceedingly important to the migrations of organisms, and 
consequently to their Chorology. From them we learn to 
understand how it is that the same or nearly related species 
of animals and plants can occur on different islands, 
although they could not have passed through the water 
separating them, and how other species living in fresh 
water can inhabit different enclosed water-basins, although 
they could not have crossed the land lying between them. 
These islands were formerly mountain-peaks of a connected 
continent, and these lakes were once directly connected 
with one another. The former were separated by geological 
depressions, the latter by elevations. Now, if we further 
consider how often and how unequally these alternating 
elevations and depressions occur on the different parts of 
the earth, and how, in consequence of this, the boundaries 
of the geographical tracts of distribution of species become 
changed, and if we further consider in what exceedingly 
various ways the active and passive migrations of organisms 
must have been influenced by them, then we shall be in a 
position to completely understand the great variety of the 


picture which is at present offered to us by the distribution 
of animal and vegetable species. 

There is yet another important circumstance to be men- 
tioned here, which is likewise of great importance for a 
complete explanation of this varied geographical picture, 
and which throws light upon many very obscure facts, 
which, without its help, we should not be able to compre- 
hend. I refer to the gradual change of climate which has 
taken place during the long course of the organic history 
of the earth. As we saw in our last chapter, at the be- 
ginning of organic life on the earth a much higher and 
more equal temperature must have generally prevailed than 
at present. The differences of zones, which in our time are 
so very striking, did not exist at all in those times. It is 
probable that for many millions of years but one climate 
prevailed over the whole earth, which very closely re- 
sembled, or even surpassed, the hottest tropical climate of the 
present day. The highest north which man has yet reached 
was then covered with palms and other tropical plants, the 
fossil remains of which are still found there. The tempera- 
ture of this climate at a later period gradually decreased ; 
but still the poles remained so warm that the whole surface 
of the earth could be inhabited by organisms. It was only 
at a comparatively very recent period of the earth's history, 
namely, at the beginning of the tertiary period, that there 
occurred, as it seems, the first perceptible cooling of the 
earth's crust at the poles, and through this the first differen- 
tiation or separation of the different zones of temperature 
or climatic zones. But the slow and gradual decrease of 
temperature continued to extend more and more within the 
tertiary period, until at last, at both poles of the earth, the 
first permanent ice-caps were formed. 


I need scarcely point out in detail how very much this 
change of climate must have affected the geographical dis- 
tribution of organisms, and the origin of numerous new 
species. The animal and vegetable species, which, down 
to the tertiary period, had found an agreeable tropical 
climate all over the earth, even as far as the poles, were 
now forced either to adapt themselves to the intruding cold, 
or to flee from it. Those species which adapted and accus- 
tomed themselves to the decreasing temperature became 
new species simply by this very acclimatization, under the 
influence of natural selection. The other species, which 
fled from the cold, had to emigrate and seek a milder 
climate in lower latitudes. The tracts of distribution 
which had hitherto existed must by this have been vastly 

However, during the last great period of the earth's 
history, during the quaternary period (or diluvial period) 
succeeding the tertiary one, the decrease of the heat of the 
earth from the poles did not by any means remain 
stationary. The temperature fell lower and lower, nay, 
even far below the present degree. Northern and Central 
Asia, Europe, and North America from the north pole, were 
covered to a great extent by a connected sheet of ice, which 
in our part of the earth seems to have reached the Alps. 
In a similar manner the cold also advancing from the south 
pole covered a large portion of the southern hemisphere, 
which is now free from it, with a rigid sheet of ice. Thus, 
between these vast lifeless ice continents there remained 
only a narrow zone to which the life of the organic world 
had to withdraw. This period, during which man, or at 
least the human ape, already existed, and which forms the 


first period of the so-called diluvial epoch, is now universally 
known as the ice or glacial period. 

The ingenious Carl Schimper is the first naturalist who 
clearly conceived the idea of the ice period, and proved the 
great extent of the former glaciation of Central Europe by 
the help of the so-called boulders, or erratic blocks of stone, 
as also by the " glacier tables." Louis Agassiz, stimulated 
by him, and considerably supported by the independent 
investigations of the eminent geologist Charpentier, after- 
wards undertook the task of carrying out the theory of the 
ice period. In England, the geologist Forbes distinguished 
himself in this matter, and was also the first to apply it to 
the theory of migrations and the geographical distribution 
of species dependent upon migration. Agassiz, however, 
afterwards injured the theory by his one-sided exaggeration, 
inasmuch as, from his partiality to Cuvier's theory of 
cataclysms, he endeavoured to attribute the destruction of 
the whole animate creation then existing, to the sudden 
coming on of the cold of the ice period and the " revolu- 
tion " connected with it. 

It is unnecessary here to enter into detail as to the ice 
period itself, and into investigations about its limits, and 
I may omit this all the more reasonably since the whole of 
our recent geological literature is full of it. It will be 
found discussed in detail in the works of Cotta, 81 Lyell, 80 
Zittel, 82 etc. Its great importance to us here is that it 
helps us to explain the most difficult chorological problems, 
as Darwin has correctly perceived. 

For there can be no doubt that this glaciation of the 
present temperate zones must have exercised an exceedingly 
important influence on the geographical and topographical 


distribution of organisms, and that it must have entirely 
changed it. While the cold slowly advanced from the poles 
towards the equator, and covered land and sea with a 
connected sheet of ice, it must of course have driven the 
whole living world before it. Animals and plants had to 
migrate if they wished to escape being frozen. But as at 
that time the temperate and tropical zones were probably 
no less densely peopled with animals and plants than at 
present, there must have arisen a fearful struggle for life 
between the latter and the intruders coming from the poles. 
During this struggle, which certainly lasted many thousands 
of years, many species must have perished and many become 
modified and been transformed into new species. The 
hitherto existing tracts of distribution of species must have 
become completely changed, and the struggle have been 
continued, nay, indeed, must have broken out anew and 
been carried on in new forms, when the ice period had 
reached and gone beyond its furthest point, and when in 
the post-glacial period the temperature again increased, and 
organisms began to migrate back again towards the poles. 

In any case this great change of climate, whether a 
greater or less importance be ascribed to it, is one of those 
occurrences in the history of the earth which have most 
powerfully influenced the distribution of organic forms. 
But more especially one important and difficult chorological 
circumstance is explained by it in the simplest manner, 
namely, the specific agreement of many of our Alpine in- 
habitants with some of those living in polar regions. There 
are a great number of remarkable animal and vegetable 
forms which are common to these two far distant parts of 
the earth, and which are found nowhere in the wide plains 


lying between them. Their migration from the polar lands 
to the Alpine heights, or vice versd, would be inconceivable 
under the present climatic circumstances, or could be 
assumed at least only in a few rare instances. But such a 
migration could take place, nay, was obliged to take place, 
during the gradual advance and retreat of the ice-sheet. As 
the glaciation encroached from Northern Europe towards our 
Alpine chains, the polar inhabitants retreating before it — 
gentian, saxifrage, polar foxes, and polar hares — must have 
peopled Germany, in fact all Central Europe. When the 
temperature again increased, only a portion of these Arctic 
inhabitants returned with the retreating ice to the Arctic 
zones. Another portion of them climbed up the mountains 
of the Alpine chain instead, and there found the cold climate 
suited to them. The problem is thus solved in a most 
simple manner. 

We have hitherto principally considered the theory of the 
migrations of organisms in so far as it explains the radia- 
tion of every animal and vegetable species from a single 
primaeval home, from a " central point of creation," and the 
dispersion of these species over a greater or less portion of 
the earth's surface. But these migrations are also of great 
importance to the theory of development, because we can 
perceive in them a very important means for the origin of 
new species. When animals and plants migrate they meet 
in their new home, in the same way as do human emigrants, 
with conditions which are more or less different from those 
which they have inherited throughout generations, and to 
which they have been accustomed. The emigrants must 
either submit and adapt themselves to these new conditions 
of life or they perish. By adaptation their peculiar specific 


character becomes the more changed the greater the differ- 
ence between the new and the old home. The new climate, 
the new food, but, above all, new neighbours in the forms 
of other animals and plants, influence and tend to modify 
the inherited character of the immigrant species, and if it is 
not hardy enough to resist the influences, then sooner or 
later a new species must arise out of it. In most cases 
this transformation of an immigrant species takes place so 
quickly under the influence of the altered struggle for life, 
that even after a few generations a new species arises 
from it. 

Migration has an especial influence in this way on 
Gonochoristis, i.e. on all organisms with separate sexes. 
For in them the origin of new species by natural selection 
is always rendered difficult, or delayed, by the fact that the 
modified descendants occasionally again mix sexually with 
the unchanged original form, and thus by crossing return 
to the first form. But if such varieties have migrated, if 
great distances or barriers to migration — seas, mountains, 
etc. — have separated them from the old home, then the 
danger of a mingling with the primary form is prevented, 
and the isolation of the emigrant form, which becomes a 
new species by adaptation, prevents its breeding with the 
old stock, and hence prevents its return in this way to the 
original form. 

The importance of migration for the isolation of newly 
originating species and the prevention of a speedy return 
to the primary form has been especially pointed out by the 
philosophic traveller, Moritz Wagner, of Munich. In a 
special treatise on " Darwin's Theory and the Law of the 
Migration of Organisms," Wagner gives from his own 


rich experience a great number of striking examples which 
confirm the theory of migration set forth by Darwin in 
the eleventh and twelfth chapters of his book, where he 
especially discusses the effect of the complete isolation of 
emigrant organisms in the origin of new species. Wagner 
sets forth the simple causes which have " locally bounded 
the form and founded its typical difference," in the follow- 
ing three propositions : — 1. The greater the total amount 
of change in the hitherto existing conditions of life which 
the emigrating individuals find on entering a new territory, 
the more intensely must the innate variability of every 
organism manifest itself. 2. The less this increased indi- 
vidual variability of organisms is disturbed in the peaceful 
process of reproduction by the mingling of numerous subse- 
quent immigrants of the same species, the more frequently 
will nature succeed, by intensification and transmission of 
the new characteristics, in forming a new variety or race, 
that is, a commencing species. 3. The more advantageous 
the changes experienced by the individual organs are to the 
variety, the more readily will it be able to adapt itself to 
the surrounding conditions; and the longer the undisturbed 
breeding of a commencing variety of colonists in a new 
territory continues without its mingling with subsequent 
immigrants of the same species, the oftener a new species 
will arise out of the variety. 

Every one will agree with these three propositions of 
Moritz Wagner's. But we must consider his view, that the 
migration and the subsequent isolation of the emigrant 
individuals is a necessary condition for the origin of new 
species, to be completely erroneous. Wagner says, " with- 
out a long-enduring separation of colonists from their former 


species, the formation of a new race cannot succeed — selec- 
tion, in fact, cannot take place. Unlimited crossing, un- 
hindered sexual mingling of all individuals of a species, will 
always produce uniformity, and drive varieties, whose 
characteristics have not been fixed throughout a series of 
generations, back to the primary form." 

This sentence, in which Wagner himself comprises the 
main result of his investigations, he would be able to defend 
only if all organisms were of separate sexes, if every origin 
of new individuals were possible only by the mingling of 
male and female individuals. But this is by no means 
the case. Curiously enough, Wagner says nothing of the 
numerous hermaphrodites which, possessing both the sexual 
organs, are capable of self-fructification, and likewise 
nothing of the countless organisms which are not sexually 

Now, from the earliest times of the organic history of the 
earth, there have existed thousands of organic species 
(thousands of which still exist) in which no difference of 
sex whatever exists, and, in fact, in which no sexual propa- 
gation takes place, and which exclusively reproduce them- 
selves in a non-sexual manner by division, budding, forma- 
tion of spores, etc. All the great mass of Protista, the 
Monera, Amoebae, Myxomycetes, Rhizopoda, Infusoria, etc., 
in short, all the lower organisms which we shall have to 
enumerate in the domain of Protista, standing midway 
between the animal and vegetable kingdoms, propagate 
themselves exclusively in a non-sexual manner. And this 
domain comprises a class of organisms which is one of the 
richest in forms, nay, even in a certain respect the richest 
of all in forms, as all possible geometrical fundamental 

vol. 1. 2 C 


forms are represented in it. I allude to the wonderful class 
of the Rhizopoda, or Ray-streamers, to which the lime- 
shelled Thalamophora and the flint-shelled Radiolaria 
belong. (Compare Chapters XVII. and XVIII.) 

It is self-evident, therefore, that Wagner's theory is quite 
inapplicable to all these non-sexual organisms. Moreover, 
the same applies to all those hermaphrodites in which every 
individual possesses both male and female organs and is 
capable of self-fructification. This is the case, for instance, 
in the Flat-worms, flukes, and tapeworms, further in the 
barnacle crabs (Cirripedia), in the important Sack-worms 
(Tunicates), the invertebrate relatives of the vertebrate 
animals, and in very many other organisms of different 
groups. Many of these species have arisen by natural 
selection, without a " crossing " of the originating species 
with its primary form having been possible. 

As I have already shown in the eighth chapter, the origin 
of the two sexes, and consequently sexual propagation in 
general, must be considered as a process which began only 
in later periods of the organic history of the earth, being 
the result of differentiation or division of labour. The 
most ancient terrestrial organisms can have propagated 
themselves only in the simplest non-sexual manner. Even 
now all Protista, as well as all the countless forms of cells, 
which constitute the body of higher organisms, multiply 
themselves only by non-sexual generation. And yet there 
arise here " new species " by differentiation in consequence 
of natural selection. 

But even if we were to take into consideration the animal 
and vegetable species with separate sexes, in this case too 
we should have to oppose Wagner's chief proposition, that 


" the migration of organisms and their formation of colonies 
is the necessary condition of natural selection." August 
Weismann, in his treatise on the " Influence of Isolation 
upon the Formation of Species," u has already sufficiently 
refuted that proposition, and has shown that even in one 
and the same district one bi-sexual species may divide itself 
into several species by natural selection. In relation to 
this question, I must again call to mind the great influence 
exercised by division of labour and the morphological 
separation of forms connected with it, and, indeed, for 
the transformation of the whole organism as well as for 
the cells of which it is composed. Both the personal diver- 
gence as well as the cellular divergence are the necessary 
consequences of natural selection. All the different kinds 
of cells constituting the body of the higher organisms, the 
nerve-cells, muscle-cells, gland-cells, etc., all these "good 
species of Plastids," these "bonse species" of elementary 
organisms, have arisen solely *by division of labour, in 
consequence of natural selection, although they not only 
never were locally isolated, but ever since their origin 
have always existed in the closest local relations one with 
another. Now, the same reasoning that applies to these 
elementary organisms, or "individuals of the first order," 
applies also to the many-celled organisms of a higher order 
which only at a later date have arisen as "good species" 
from among their fellows. 

Hence the opinions of Leopold Buch, of Darwin and of 
Wallace, that the migration of organisms and their isolation 
in their new home is a very advantageous condition for the 
origin of new species, remain correct ; and we cannot admit, 
as Wagner asserts, that it is a necessary condition, and that 


without it no species can arise. Wagner sets up this 
opinion, "that migration is a necessary condition for natural 
selection," as a special "law of migration ; " but we consider 
it sufficiently refuted by the above-mentioned facts. We 
have, moreover, already pointed out that in reality the 
origin of new species by natural selection is a mathematical 
and logical necessity which, without anything else, follows 
from the simple combination of three great facts. These 
three fundamental facts are — the Struggle for Life, the 
Adaptability, and the Hereditivity of organisms. 

We cannot here enter into detail concerning the numerous 
interesting phenomena furnished by the geographical and 
topographical distribution of organic species, which are all 
wonderfully explained by the theory of selection and 
migration. For these I refer the reader to the writings of 
Darwin, 1 Wallace, 86 and Moritz Wagner, in which the im- 
portant doctrine of the limits of distribution — seas, rivers, 
and mountains — is excellently discussed and illustrated by 
numerous examples. Only three other phenomena must be 
mentioned here on account of their special importance. 
First, the close relation of forms, that is, the striking "family 
likeness " existing between the characteristic local forms of 
every part of the globe, and their extinct fossil ancestors in 
the same part of the globe ; secondly, the no less striking 
" family likeness " between the inhabitants of island groups 
and those of the neighbouring continent from which the 
islands were peopled; lastly and thirdly, the peculiar 
character presented in general by the flora and fauna of 
islands taken as a whole. It was these three classes of 
phenomena which first roused young Darwin (in 1832) to 
the thought of the Theory of Descent. 


All these chorological facts given by Darwin, Wallace, 
and Wagner — especially the remarkable phenomena of the 
limited local fauna and flora, the relations of insular to 
continental inhabitants, the wide distribution of the so- 
called " cosmopolitan species," the close relationship of the 
local species of the present day with the extinct species of 
the same limited territory, the demonstrable radiation of 
every species from a single central point of creation — all 
these, and all other phenomena furnished to us by the geo- 
graphical and the topographical distribution of organisms, 
are explained in a simple and thorough manner by the 
theory of selection and migration, while without it they 
are simply incomprehensible. Consequently, in the whole 
of this series of phenomena we find a new and weighty 
proof of the truth of the Theory of Descent. 




History of the Development of the Earth. — Kant's Theory of the Develop- 
ment of the Universe, or the Cosmological Gas Theory. — Development 
of Suns, Planets, and Moons. — First Origin of Water. — Comparison 
of Organisms and Anorgana. — Organic and Inorganic Substances. — 
Degrees of Density, or Conditions of Aggregation. — Albuminous Combi. 
nations of Carbon. — Plasson-bodies. — Organic and Inorganic Forms. — 
Crystals and Monera. — Formless Organisms without Organs. — Stereo- 
metrical Fundamental Forms of Crystals and of Organisms. — Organic 
and Inorganic Forces. — Vital Force. — Growth and Adaptationin Crystals 
and in Organisms. — Formative Tendencies of Crystals. — Unity of 
Organic and Inorganic Nature. — Spontaneous Generation, or Archi- 
gony. — Autogony and Plasmogony. — Origin of Monera by Spontaneous 
Generation. — Origin of Cells from Monera. — The Cell Theory. — The 
Plastid Theory. — Plastids or Structural-Units. — Cytods and Cells. — 
Four Different Kinds of Plastids. 

In our considerations hitherto we have endeavoured to 
answer the question, By what causes have new species of 
animals and plants arisen out of existing species? We 
have answered this question in so far that on the one hand 
hybridism, and on the other the natural selection in the 
struggle for existence — that is, the interaction of the laws 
of Inheritance and Adaptation — are completely sufficient 


for producing mechanically the endless variety of the 
different animals and plants, which have the appearance of 
being organized according to a plan for a definite purpose. 
Meanwhile the question must have already repeatedly pre- 
sented itself to the reader, How did the first organisms, or 
that one original and primaeval organism arise, from which 
we derive all the others ? 

This question Lamarck 2 answered by the hypothesis of 
spontaneous generation, or archigony. But Darwin passes 
over and avoids this subject, as he expressly remarks that 
he has " nothing to do with the origin of the soul, nor with 
that of life itself." At the conclusion of his work he ex- 
presses himself more distinctly in the following words : " I 
imagine that probably all organic beings which ever lived 
on this earth descended from some primitive form, which 
was first called into life by the Creator." Moreover, Darwin, 
for the consolation of those who see in the Theory of 
Descent the destruction of the whole "moral order of the 
universe," appeals to the celebrated author and divine who 
wrote to him, that " he has gradually learnt to see that it is 
just as noble a conception of the Deity to believe that he 
created a few original forms capable of self-development 
into other and needful forms, as to believe that he required 
a fresh act of creation to supply the voids caused by the 
action of his laws." Those to whom the belief in a super- 
natural creation is an emotional necessity may rest satisfied 
with this conception. They may reconcile that belief with 
the Theory of Descent ; for in the creation of a single 
original organism possessing the capability to develop all 
others out of itself by inheritance and adaptation, they can 
really find much more cause for admiring the power and 


wisdom of the Creator than in the independent creation of 
different species. 

If, taking this point of view, we were to explain the 
origin of the first terrestrial organisms, from which all the 
others are descended, as due to the action of a personal 
Creator acting according to a definite plan, we should of 
course have to renounce all scientific knowledge of the 
process, and pass from the domain of true science to the 
completely distinct domain of poetical faith. By assuming 
a supernatural act of creation we should be taking a leap 
into the inconceivable. Before we decide upon this latter 
step, and thereby renounce all pretension to a scientific 
knowledge of the process, we are at all events in duty 
bound to endeavour to examine it in the light of a 
mechanical hypothesis. We must at least examine whether 
this process is really so wonderful, and whether we cannot 
form a tenable conception of a completely non-miraculous 
origin of the first primary organism. We might then be 
able entirely to reject miracle in creation. 

It will be necessary for this purpose, first of all, to go 
back further into the past, and to examine the history of 
the creation of the earth. Going back still further, we 
shall find it necessary to consider the history of the creation 
of the whole universe in its most general outlines. All my 
readers undoubtedly know that from the structure of the 
earth, as it is at present known to us, the notion has been 
derived, and as yet has not been refuted, that its interior 
is in a fiery fluid condition, and that the firm crust, com- 
posed of different strata, on the surface of which organisms 
are living, forms only a very thin pellicle or shell round 
the fiery fluid centre. We have arrived at this idea by 


different confirmatory experiments and reasonings. In the 
first place, the observation that the temperature of the 
earth's crust continually increases towards the centre is in 
favour of this supposition. The deeper we descend, the 
greater the warmth of the ground, and in such proportion, 
that with every 100 feet the temperature increases about 
one degree. At a depth of six miles, therefore, a heat of 
1500° would be attained, sufficient to keep most of the firm 
substances of our earth's crust in a molten, fiery fluid state. 
This depth, however, is only the 286th part of the whole 
diameter of the earth (1717 miles). We further know that 
springs which rise out of a considerable depth possess a 
very high temperature, and sometimes even throw water 
up to the surface in a boiling state. Lastly, very important 
proofs are furnished by volcanic phenomena, the eruption 
of fiery fluid masses of stone bursting through certain parts 
of the earth's crust. The glowing heat of the streams of 
lava, upon issuing from the interior of the earth, shows a 
temperature of 2000° and more. All these phenomena lead 
us with great certainty to the important assumption that 
the firm crust of the earth forms only quite a small fraction, 
not nearly the one-thousandth part of the whole diameter 
of the terrestrial globe, and that the rest is still for the most 
part in a molten or fiery fluid state. 

Now if, starting with this assumption, we reflect on the 
ancient history of the development of the globe, we are 
logically carried back a step further, namely, to the assump- 
tion that at an earlier date the whole earth was a fiery 
fluid body, and that the formation of a thin, stiffened crust 
on the surface was only a later process. Only gradually, 
by radiating its intrinsic heat into the cold space of the 


universe, has the surface of the glowing ball become con- 
densed into a thin crust. That the temperature of the earth 
in remote times was much higher than it is now, is proved 
by many phenomena. Among other things, this is rendered 
probable by the equal distribution of organisms in remote 
times of the earth's history. While at present, as is well 
known, the different populations of animals and plants 
correspond to the different zones of the earth and their 
appropriate temperature, in earlier times this was distinctly 
not the case. And we see from the distribution of fossils 
in the remoter ages, that it was only at a very late date, in 
fact, at a comparatively recent period of the organic history 
of the earth (at the beginning of the so-called csenolithic 
or tertiary period), that a separation of zones and of the 
corresponding organic populations occurred. During the 
immensely long primary and secondary periods, tropical 
plants, which require a very high degree of temperature, 
lived not only in the present torrid zone, under the equator, 
but also in the present temperate and frigid zones. Many 
other phenomena also demonstrate a gradual decrease of 
the temperature of the globe as a whole, and especially a 
late and gradual cooling of the earth's crust about the 
poles. Bronn, in his excellent " Investigations of the Laws 
of Development of the Organic World," has collected 
numerous geological and palseontological proofs of this fact. 
These phenomena and the mathematico-astronomical 
knowledge of the structure of the universe justify the 
theory that, inconceivable ages ago, long before the first 
existence of organisms, the whole earth was a fiery fluid 
globe. Now, this theory corresponds with the grand theory 
of the origin of the universe, and especially of our planetary 


system, which, on the ground of mathematical and astro- 
nomical facts, was put forward in 1755 by our critical 
philosopher Kant, 22 and was later more thoroughly estab- 
lished by the celebrated mathematicians, Laplace and 
Herschel. This mechanical cosmogony, or theory of the 
development of the universe, is now almost universally 
acknowledged ; it has not been replaced by a better one, 
and mathematicians, astronomers, and geologists have con- 
tinually, by various arguments, strengthened its position. 

Kant's cosmogony maintains that the whole universe, 
inconceivable ages ago, consisted of a gaseous chaos. All 
the substances which are found at present separated on the 
earth, and other bodies of the universe, in different con- 
ditions of density — in the solid, semi-fluid, liquid, and elastic 
fluid or gaseous states of aggregation — originally constituted 
together one single homogeneous mass, equally filling up 
the space of the universe, which, in consequence of an 
extremely high degree of temperature, was in an exceed- 
ingly thin gaseous or nebulous state. The millions of 
bodies in the universe which at present form the different 
solar systems did not then exist. They originated only in 
consequence of a universal rotatory movement, or rotation, 
during which a number of masses acquired greater density 
than the remaining gaseous mass, and then acted upon the 
latter as central points of attraction. Thus arose a separa- 
tion of the chaotic primary nebula, or gaseous universe, into 
a number of rotating nebulous spheres, which became more 
and more condensed. Our solar system was such a gigantic 
gaseous or nebulous ball, all the particles of which revolved 
round a common central point, the solar nucleus. The 
nebulous ball itself, like all the rest, in consequence of its 


rotatory movement, assumed a spheroidal or a flattened 
globular form. 

While the centripetal force attracted the rotating particles 
nearer and nearer to the firm central point of the nebulous 
ball, and thus condensed the latter more and more, the 
centrifugal force, on the other hand, always tended to 
separate the peripheral particles further and further from 
it, and to hurl them off. On the equatorial sides of the 
ball, which was flattened at both poles, this centrifugal 
force was strongest, and as soon as, by increase of density, 
it attained predominance over the centripetal force, a circular 
nebulous ring separated itself from the rotating ball. This 
nebulous ring marked the course of future planets. The 
nebulous mass of the ring gradually condensed, and became 
a planet, which revolved round its own axis, and at the 
same time rotated round the central body. In precisely 
the same manner, from the equator of the planetary mass, 
as soon as the centrifugal force gained predominance over 
the centripetal force, new nebulous rings were ejected, 
which moved round the planets as the latter moved round 
the sun. These nebulous rings, too, became condensed into 
rotating balls. Thus arose the moons, only one of which 
moves round our earth, whilst four move round Jupiter, 
and six round Uranus. The ring of Saturn still shows us 
a moon in its early stage of development. As by increasing 
refrigeration these simple processes of condensation and 
expulsion repeated themselves over and over again, there 
arose the different solar systems, the planets rotating round 
their central suns, and the satellites or moons moving round 
their planets. 

The original gaseous condition of the rotating bodies of 


the universe gradually changed, by increasing refrigeration 
and condensation, into the fiery fluid or molten state of 
aggregation. By the process of condensation, a great 
quantity of heat was emitted, and the rotating suns, planets, 
and moons soon changed into glowing balls of fire, like 
gigantic drops of melted metal, which emitted light and 
heat. By loss of heat, the melted mass on the surface of 
the fiery fluid ball became further condensed, and thus arose 
a thin, firm crust, which enclosed a fiery fluid nucleus. In 
all essential respects our mother earth probably did not 
differ from the other bodies of the universe. 

In view of the object of these pages, it will not be of 
especial interest to follow in detail the history of the natural 
creation of the universe, with its different solar and planetary 
systems, and to establish it mathematically by the different 
astronomical and geological proofs. The outlines of it, 
which I have just mentioned, must be sufficient here, and 
for further details I refer to Kant's * " General History of 
Nature and Theory of the Heavens," 22 and to Carus Sterne's 
admirable work, "The Coming into Existence and the 
Passing Away " ("Werden und Vergehen"). 26 I will only add 
that this wonderful theory, which might be called the cosmo- 
logical gas theory, harmonizes with all the general series of 
phenomena at present known to us, and stands in no irre- 
concilable contradiction to any one of them. Moreover, it 
is purely mechanical or monistic, makes use exclusively of 
the inherent forces of eternal matter, and entirely excludes 
every supernatural process, every prearranged and conscious 
action of a personal Creator. Kant's Cosmological Gas 
Theory consequently occupies a similar supreme position in 
* " Allgemeine Naturgeschiolite und Theorie des Himmels." 


Anorganology, especially in Geology, and forms the crown 
of our knowledge in that department, in the same way as 
Lamarck's Theory of Descent does in Biology, and especially 
in Anthropology. Both rest exclusively upon mechanical 
or unconscious causes (causae efficientes), in no case upon 
prearranged or conscious causes (causae finales). Both 
therefore fulfil all the demands of a scientific theory, and 
consequently will remain generally acknowledged until they 
are replaced by better ones. 

I will, however, not deny that Kant's grand cosmogony 
has some weak points, which prevent our placing the same 
unconditional confidence in it as in Lamarck's Theory of 
Descent. The notion of an original gaseous chaos filling 
the whole universe presents great difficulties of various 
kinds. A great and unsolved difficulty lies in the fact that 
the Cosmological Gas Theory furnishes no starting-point at 
all in explanation of the first impulse which caused the 
rotary motion in the gas-filled universe. In seeking for 
such an impulse, we are involuntarily led to the mistaken 
questioning about a " first beginning." We can as little 
imagine a first beginning of the eternal phenomena of the 
motion of the universe as of its final end. 

The universe is unlimited and immeasurable in both 
space and time. It is eternal, and it is infinite. Nor can 
we imagine a beginning or end to the uninterrupted and 
eternal motion in which all particles of the universe are 
always engaged. The great laws of the conservation of 
force 88 and the conservation of matter, the foundations of 
our whole conception of nature, admit of no other supposi- 
tion. The universe, as far as it is cognizable to human 
capability, appears as a connected chain of material pheno- 


mena of motion, necessitating a continual change of forms. 
Every form, as the temporary result of a multiplicity of 
phenomena of motion, is as such perishable, and of limited 
duration. But, in the continual change of forms, matter 
and the motion inseparable from it remain eternal and 

Now, although Kant's Cosmological Gas Theory is not 
able to explain the development of motion in the whole 
universe in a satisfactory manner, beyond that gaseous 
state of chaos, and although many other weighty considera- 
tions may be brought forward against it, especially by 
chemistry and geology, yet we must on the whole acknow- 
ledge its great merit, inasmuch as it admirably explains, by 
due consideration of development, the whole structure of all 
that is accessible to our observation, that is, the " anatomy " 
of the solar systems, and especially of our planetary system. 
It may be that this development was altogether different 
from what Kant supposes, and our earth may have arisen 
by the aggregation of numberless small meteorides, scattered 
in space ; and some theory of the kind has been brought 
forward by A. von Radenhausen, the ingenious author of 
the admirable works "Isis" and "Osiris." But in my 
opinion these and other similar cosmogonies present even 
greater difficulties than that of Kant, but hitherto no one 
has as yet been able to establish any other theory of 
development, or to offer one in the place of Kant's cosmogony. 
After this general glance at the monistic cosmogony, or 
the non-miraculous history of the development of the 
universe, let us now return to a minute fraction of it, to 
our mother earth, which we left as a ball flattened at both 
poles and in a fiery liquid state, its surface having condensed 


by becoming cooled into a very thin firm crust. The crust, 
on first cooling, must have covered the whole surface of the 
terrestrial sphere as a continuous smooth and thin shell. 
But soon it must have become uneven and hummocky ; for 
since, during the continued cooling, the fiery fluid nucleus 
became more and more condensed and contracted, and con- 
sequently the diameter of the earth diminished, the thin 
cold crust, which could not closely follow the softer nuclear 
mass, must have fallen in, in many places. An empty 
space would have arisen between the two, had not the 
pressure of the outer atmosphere forced down the fragile 
crust towards the interior, breaking it in so doing. Other 
unevennesses probably arose from the fact that, in different 
parts, the cooled crust during the process of refrigeration 
also contracted, and thus became fissured with cracks and 
rents. The fiery fluid nucleus flowed up to the external 
surface through these cracks, and again became cooled and 
stiff. Thus, even at an early period there arose many 
elevations and depressions, which were the first foundations 
of mountains and valleys. 

After the temperature of the cooled terrestrial ball had 
fallen to a certain degree, a very important new process 
was effected, namely, the first origin of water. Water had 
until then existed only in the form of steam in the atmo- 
sphere surrounding the globe. The water could evidently 
not condense into a state of fluid drops until the temperature 
of the atmosphere had considerably decreased. Now, then, 
there began a further transformation of the earth's crust by 
the force of water. It continually fell in the form of rain, 
and in that form washed down the elevations of the earth's 
crust, filling the depressions with the mud carried along, 


and, by depositing it in layers, it caused the extremely 
important nep tunic transformations of the earth's crust, 
which have continued since then uninterruptedly, and 
which in our next chapter we shall examine a little more 

It was not till the earth's crust had so far cooled that the 
water had condensed into a fluid form, it was not till the 
hitherto dry crust of the earth had for the first time become 
covered with liquid water, that the origin of the first 
organisms could take place. For all animals and all plants 
— in fact, all organisms — consist in great measure of fluid 
water, which combines in a peculiar manner with other sub- 
stances, and brings them into a semi-fluid state of aggrega- 
tion. We can therefore, from these general outlines of the 
inorganic history of the earth's crust, deduce the important 
fact, that at a certain definite time life had its beginning 
on earth, and that terrestrial organisms did not exist from 
eternity, but at a certain period came into existence for the 
first time. 

Now, how are we to conceive of this origin of the first 
organisms ? This is the point at which most naturalists, 
even at the present day, are inclined to give up the attempt 
at natural explanation, and take refuge in the miracle of an 
inconceivable creation. In doing so, as has already been 
remarked, they quit the domain of scientific knowledge, 
and renounce all further insight into the eternal laws which 
have determined nature's history. But before despondingly 
taking such a step, and before we despair of the possibility 
of any knowledge of this important process, we may at 
least make an attempt to understand it. Let us see if in 
reality the origin of a first organism out of inorganic matter, 

vol. 1. 2d 


the origin of a living body out of lifeless matter, is so 
utterly inconceivable and beyond all experience. In one 
word, let us examine the question of spontaneous generation, 
or archigony. In so doing, it is above all things necessary 
to form a clear idea of the principal properties of the two 
chief groups of natural bodies, the so-called inanimate or 
inorganic, and the animate or organic bodies, and then 
establish what is common to, and what are the differences 
between, the two groups. It is desirable to go somewhat 
carefully into the comparison of organisms and anorgana, 
since it is commonly very much neglected, although it is 
necessary for a right understanding of nature from the 
monistic point of view. It will be most advantageous here 
to look separately at the three fundamental properties of 
every natural body ; these are matter, form, and force. Let 
us begin with matter. 

By chemistry we have succeeded in analyzing all bodies 
known to us into a small number of elements or simple 
substances, which cannot be further divided — for example, 
carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and the different metals : 
potassium, sodium, iron, gold, etc. At present we know 
about seventy such elements or simple substances. The 
majority of them are unimportant and rare ; the minority 
only are widely distributed, and compose not only most of 
the anorgana, but also all organisms. If we compare those 
elements which constitute the body of organisms with those 
which are met with in anorgana, we have first to note the 
highly important fact that in animal and vegetable bodies 
no element occurs but what can be found outside of them 
in inanimate nature. There are no special organic elements 
or simple organic substances. 


It may be briefly mentioned here as highly probable that 
all of these so-called " elements" are only different forms of 
combination of two different primary elements — matter 
and ether ; the matter-atoms are endowed with attraction, 
the ether-atoms with repulsion. The differences between 
our present " elements " probably consist merely in the 
matter-atoms being different in number and arrangement, 
or by their being separated in some different manner by 
the ether-atoms. The group-relationship between the 
elements makes this supposition appear very likely, even 
though our imperfect chemical knowledge has not yet been 
able to demonstrate this experimentally. 

The chemical and physical differences existing between 
organisms and anorgana, consequently, do not lie in their 
material foundation; they do not arise from the different 
nature of the elements composing them, but from the 
different manner in which the latter are united by chemical 
combination. This different manner of combination gives 
rise to certain physical peculiarities, especially in density 
of substance, which at first sight seems to constitute a deep 
chasm between the two groups of bodies. Inorganic or 
inanimate natural bodies, such as crystals and the amorphous 
rocks, are in a state of density which we call the firm or 
solid state, and which we oppose to the liquid state of water 
and to the gaseous state of air. It is familiar to every one 
that these three different degrees of density, or states of 
aggregation of anorgana, are by no means peculiar to the 
different elements, but are the results of a certain degree of 
temperature. Every inorganic solid body, by increase of 
temperature, can be reduced to the liquid or melted state, 
and, by further heat, to the gaseous or elastic state. In the 


same way most gaseous bodies, by a proper decrease of 
temperature, can first be converted into a liquid state, and 
further, into a solid state of density. 

In opposition to these three states of density of anorgana, 
the living body of all organisms — animals as well as plants 
- — is in an altogether peculiar fourth state of aggregation. 
It is neither solid like stone, nor liquid like water, but pre- 
sents rather a medium between these two states, which may 
therefore be designated as the firm-fluid or swollen state of 
aggregation (viscid). In all living bodies, without exception, 
there is a certain quantity of water combined in a peculiar 
way with solid matter, and owing to this characteristic 
combination of water with solid matter we have that 
soft state of aggregation, neither solid nor liquid, which 
is of great importance in the mechanical explanation of 
the phenomena of life. Its cause lies essentially in the 
physical and chemical properties of a simple, indivisible, 
elementary substance, namely, carbon. 

Of all elements, carbon is to us by far the most important 
and interesting, because this simple substance plays the 
largest part in all animal and vegetable bodies known to 
us. It is that element which, by its peculiar tendency to 
form complicated combinations with the other elements, 
produces the greatest variety of chemical compounds, and 
among them the forms and living substance of animal and 
vegetable bodies. Carbon is especially distinguished by 
the fact that it can unite with the other elements in 
infinitely manifold relations of number and weight. By the 
combination of carbon with three other elements, with 
oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen (to which generally sulphur, 
and frequently, also, phosphorus is added), there arise those 


exceedingly important compounds which we have become 
acquainted with as the first and most indispensable 
substratum of all vital phenomena, the albuminous combina- 
tions, or albuminous bodies (protean matter). Of these, 
again, the most important are the plasson-body or plasma 
combinations (karyoplasm and protoplasm). 

We have before this (p. 191) become acquainted with the 
simplest of all species of organisms in the Monera, whose 
entire bodies when completely developed consist of nothing 
but a bit of plasson, or a semi-fluid albuminous lump of 
plasma. These simplest of organisms are of the utmost im- 
portance for the theory of the first origin of life. But most 
other organisms, also, at a certain period of their existence — 
at least, in the first period of their life — in the shape of egg- 
cells or germ-cells, are essentially nothing but simple little 
lumps of such albuminous formative matter, known as cell- 
slime or protoplasma. They then differ from the Monera 
only by the fact that in the interior of the albuminous 
corpuscle the cell-kernel or nucleus has separated itself 
from the surrounding cell-substance (cyto-plasma). As we 
have already pointed out, the cells, with their simple 
attributes, are so many citizens, who by co-operation and 
differentiation build up the body of even the most perfect 
organism; this being, as it were, a cell republic. The 
fully developed form and the vital phenomena of such an 
organism are determined solely, by the activities of these 
small albuminous plastids. 

It may be considered as one of the greatest triumphs of 
recent biology, especially of the theory of tissues, that we 
are now able to trace the wonder of the phenomena of life 
to these substances, and that we can demonstrate the 

4Q6 the history of creation. 

infinitely manifold and complicated physical and chemical 
properties of the albuminous bodies to be the real cause of 
organic or vital phenomena. All the different forms of 
organisms are simply and directly the result of the combi- 
nation of the different forms of cells. The infinitely mani- 
fold varieties of form, size, and combination of the cells 
have arisen only gradually by the division of labour, and 
by form-separation of the plastidules or mi-cells ; by the 
molecular selection of those simple homogeneous corpuscles 
of plasson, which originally alone formed the body of the 
plastids. From this it follows of necessity that the funda- 
mental phenomena of life — nutrition and generation — in 
their highest manifestations, as well as in their simplest 
expressions, must also be traced to the material nature of 
that albuminous formative substance the plasson. The 
other vital activities are gradually evolved from these two. 
Thus, then, the general explanation of life is now no more 
difficult to us than the explanation of the physical properties 
of inorganic bodies. All vital phenomena and formative 
processes of organisms are as directly dependent upon the 
chemical composition and the physical forces of organic 
matter as the vital phenomena of inorganic crystals — that 
is, the process of their growth and their specific formation 
are the direct results of their chemical composition and of 
their physical condition. The ultimate causes, it is true, 
remain in both cases concealed from us. When gold and 
copper crystallize in a cubical, bismuth and antimony in a 
hexagonal, iodine and sulphur in a rhombic form of crystal, 
the occurrence is in reality neither more nor less mysterious 
to us than is .every elementary process of organic formation, 
every self-formation of the organic cell. In this respect we 


can no longer draw a fundamental distinction between 
organisms and anorgana, a distinction of which, formerly, 
naturalists were generally convinced. 

Let us, secondly, examine the agreements and differences 
which are presented to us in the formation of organic and 
inorganic natural bodies. Formerly the simple structure of 
the latter and the composite structure of the former were 
looked upon as the principal distinction. The body of all 
organisms was supposed to consist of dissimilar or hetero- 
geneous parts, of instruments or organs which worked 
together for the purposes of life. On the other hand, the 
most perfect anorgana, that is to say, crystals, were supposed 
to consist entirely of homogeneous matter. This distinction 
appears very essential. But it loses all importance through 
the fact that twenty -five years ago we became acquainted 
with the exceedingly remarkable and important Monera. 15 
The whole body of these most simple of all organisms — a 
semi-fluid, formless, and simple lump of plasson — consists, 
in fact, of only a single chemical combination, and is as 
perfectly simple in its structure as any crystal, which con- 
sists of a single inorganic combination, for example, of a 
metallic salt or of a silicate of the earths and alkalies. Of 
course we assume that even the homogeneous plasma of the 
simplest Monera has a very complicated molecular structure ; 
however, this is not demonstrable either anatomically or 
microscopically ; and besides, the same must be assumed in 
the case of many crystals. 

As naturalists believed in differences in the inner struc- 
ture or composition, so they supposed themselves able to 
find complete differences in the external forms of organisms 
and anorgana, especially in the mathematically determinable 


crystalline forms of the latter. Certainly crystallization is 
pre-eminently a quality of the so-called anorgana. Crystals 
are limited by plane surfaces, which meet in straight lines 
and at certain measurable angles. Animal and vegetable 
forms, on the contrary, seem at first sight to admit of no 
such geometrical determination. They are for the most part 
limited by curved surfaces and crooked lines, which meet 
at variable angles. But in recent times we have become 
acquainted, among Radiolaria and among many other 
Protista, with a large number of lower organisms, whose 
body, in the same way as crystals, may be traced to a 
matnematically determinable fundamental form, and whose 
form in its whole, as well as in its parts, is bounded by 
definite geometrically determinable planes and angles. In 
my general doctrine of Fundamental Forms, or Promor- 
phology, I have given detailed proofs of this, and at the 
same time established a general system of forms, the ideal 
stereometrical type-forms, which explain the real forms of 
inorganic crystals, as well as of organic individuals (" Gen. 
Morph." i. 375-574). Moreover, there are also perfectly 
amorphous organisms, like the Monera, Amoeba, etc., which 
change their forms every moment, and in which we are as 
little able to point out a definite fundamental form as in 
the case of the shapeless or amorphous anorgana, such as 
non-crystallized stones, deposits, etc. We are consequently 
unable to find any essential difference in the external forms 
or the inner structure of anorgana and organisms. 

Thirdly, let us turn to the forces or the 'phenomena of 
motion of these two different groups of bodies. Here we 
meet with the greatest difficulties. The vital phenomena; 
known as a rule only in the highly developed organisms, 


in the more perfect animals and plants, seem there so 
mysterious, so wonderful, so peculiar, that most persons are 
decidedly of opinion that in inorganic nature there occurs 
nothing at all similar, or in the least degree comparable to 
them. Organisms are for this very reason called animate, 
and the anorgana, inanimate natural bodies. Hence, even 
so late as the commencement of the present century, the 
science which investigates the phenomena of life, namely, 
physiology, retained the erroneous idea that the physical 
and chemical properties of matter were -not sufficient for 
explaining these phenomena. Nowadaj r s, this idea may 
be regarded as having been completely refuted. In exact 
physiology, at least, it has now no place. It now never 
occurs to a physiologist to consider any of the vital phenomena 
as the result of a mysterious vital force, of an active power 
working for a definite purpose, standing outside of matter, 
and, so to speak, taking only the physico-chemical forces 
into its service. Modern physiology has arrived at the 
strictly monistic conviction that all of the vital phenomena, 
and, above all, the two fundamental phenomena of nutrition 
and propagation, are purely physico-chemical processes, and 
directly dependent on the material nature of the organism, 
just as all the physical and chemical qualities of every 
crystal are determined solely by its material composition. 
Now, as the elementary substance which determines the 
peculiar material composition of organisms is carbon, We 
must ultimately reduce all vital phenomena, and, above all, 
the two fundamental phenomena of nutrition and propaga- 
tion, to the properties of the carbon. The peculiar chemico- 
physical properties, and especially the semi-fluid state of 
aggregation, and the easy decomposability of the exceedingly 


composite albuminous combinations of carbon, are the 
mechanical causes of those peculiar phenomena of motion 
which distinguish organisms from anorgana, and which 
in a narrow sense are usually called " life." 

In order to understand this " carbon theory" which I have 
established in detail in the second book of my " General 
Morphology," it is necessary, above all things, closely to 
examine those phenomena of motion which are common to 
both groups of natural bodies. First among them is the 
process of growth. If we cause any inorganic solution of 
salt slowly to evaporate, crystals are formed in it, which 
slowly increase in size during the continued evaporation of 
the water. This process of growth arises from the- fact 
that new particles continually pass over from the fluid state 
of aggregation into the solid, and, according to certain laws, 
deposit themselves upon the firm kernel of the crystal 
already formed. From such an apposition of particles arise 
the mathematically definite crystalline shapes. In like 
manner the growth of organisms takes place by the accession 
of new particles. The only difference is that in the growth 
of organisms, in consequence of their semi-fluid state of 
aggregation, the newly added particles penetrate into the 
interior of the organism (inter-susception), whereas anor- 
gana receive homogeneous matter from without only by 
apposition or an addition of new particles to the surface. 
This important difference of growth by inter-susception 
and by apposition is obviously only the necessary and 
direct result of the different conditions of density or state 
of aggregation in organisms and anorgana. 

Unfortunately I cannot here follow in detail the various 
exceedingly interesting parallels and analogies which occur 


between the formation of the most perfect anorgana, the 
crystals, and the formation of the simplest organisms, the 
Monera and their next kindred forms. For this I must 
refer to a minute comparison of organisms and anorgana, 
which I have carried out in the fifth chapter of my " General 
Morphology" ("Gen. Morph." i. 111-160). I have there 
shown in detail that there exist no complete differences 
between organic and inorganic natural bodies, neither in 
respect to form and structure, nor in respect to matter and 
force ; and that the actually existing differences are depen- 
dent upon the peculiar nature of the carbon ; and that there 
exists no insurmountable chasm between organic and 
inorganic nature. We can perceive this most important 
fact very clearly if we examine and compare the origin of 
the forms in crystals and in the simplest organic individuals. 
In the formation of crystal individuals, two different counter- 
acting formative tendencies come into operation. The inner 
constructive force, or the inner formative tendency, which 
corresponds to the Heredity of organisms, in the case of the 
crystal is the direct result of its material constitution or of 
its chemical composition. The form of the crystal, so far as 
it is determined by this inner original formative tendency, 
is the result of the specific and definite way in which the 
smallest particles of the crystallizing matter unite together 
in different directions according to law. That independent 
inner formative force, which is directly inherent in the 
matter itself, is directly counteracted by a second formative 
force. The external constructive force, or the external 
formative tendency, may be called Adaptation in crystals as 
well as in organisms. Every crystal individual during its 
formation, like every organic individual, must submit and 


adapt itself to the surrounding influences and conditions 
of existence of the outer world. In fact, the form and size 
of every crystal is dependent upon its whole surroundings ; 
for example, upon the vessel in which the crystallization 
takes place, upon the temperature and the pressure of the 
air under which the crystal is formed, upon the presence or 
absence of heterogeneous bodies, etc. Consequently, the 
form of every single crystal, like the form of every single 
organism, is the result of the interaction of two opposing 
factors — the inner formative tendency, which is determined 
by the chemical constitution of the matter itself, and of the 
external formative tendency, which is dependent upon the 
influence of surrounding matter. Both these constructive 
forces interact similarly also in the organism, and, just as in 
the crystal, are of a purely mechanical nature and directly 
inherent in the substance of the body. If we designate the 
growth and the formation of organisms as a process of life, 
we may with equal reason apply the same term to the de- 
veloping crystal. The teleologieal conception of nature, 
which looks upon organisms as machines of creation arranged 
for a definite purpose, must logically acknowledge the same 
also in regard to the forms of crystals. The differences 
which exist between the simplest organic individuals and 
inorganic crystals are determined by the solid state of 
aggregation of the latter, and by the semi-fluid state of the 
former. Beyond that the causes producing form are exactly 
the same in both. This conviction forces itself upon us 
most clearly, if we compare the exceedingly remarkable 
phenomena of growth, adaptation, and the "correlation of 
parts " of developing crystals with the corresponding phe- 
nomena of the origin of the simplest organic individuals 


(Monera and cells). The analogy between the two is so great 
that, in reality, no accurate boundary can be drawn. In 
my " General Morphology " I have quoted in support of this 
a number of striking facts ("Gen. Morph." i. 146, 156, 158). 

If we vividly picture to ourselves this "unity of 
organic and inorganic nature" this essential agreement of 
organisms and anorgana in matter, form, and force, and if 
we bear in mind that we are not able to establish any 
one fundamental distinction between these two groups of 
bodies (as was formerly generally assumed), then the ques- 
tion of spontaneous generation will lose a great deal of the 
difficulty which at first seems to surround it. Then the 
development of the first organism out of inorganic matter 
will appear a much more easily conceivable and intelligible 
process than has hitherto been the case, while an artificial 
absolute barrier between organic or animate, and inorganic 
or inanimate nature was maintained. 

In the question of spontaneous generation, or archigony ', 
which we can now answer more definitely, it must be 
borne in mind that by this conception we understand 
generally the non-parental generation of an organic indi- 
vidual, the origin of an organism independent of a parental 
or producing organism. It is in this sense that on a 
former occasion I mentioned spontaneous generation (archi- 
gony) as opposed to parental generation or propagation 
(tocogony). In the latter case the organic individual arises 
by a greater or less portion of an already existing organism 
separating itself and growing independently ("Gen. Morph." 
ii. 32). 

In spontaneous generation, which is often also called 
original generation (generatio spontanea, sequivoca, primaria, 


etc.), we must first distinguish two essentially different 
kinds, namely, autogeny and plasmogeny. By autogeny 
we understand the origin of a most simple organic indi- 
vidual in an inorganic formative fluid, that is, in a 
fluid which contains the fundamental substances for the 
composition of the organism dissolved in simple and loose 
combinations (for example, carbonic acid, ammonia, binary 
salts, etc.). On the other hand, we call spontaneous genera- 
tion plasmogeny when the organism arises in an organic 
formative fluid, that is, in a fluid which contains those 
requisite fundamental substances dissolved in the form of 
complicated and fluid combinations of carbon (for example, 
albumen, fat, hydrate of carbon, etc.) (" Gen. Morph." i. 174 ; 
ii. 33). 

Neither the process of autogeny, nor that of plasmogeny, 
has yet been directly observed with perfect certainty. 
In early, and also in more recent times, numerous and 
interesting experiments have been made as to the possibility 
or reality of spontaneous generation. Almost all these 
experiments refer not to autogeny, but to plasmogeny, to the 
origin of an organism out of already formed organic matter. 
It is evident, however, that this latter process is only of 
subordinate interest for our history of creation. It is much 
more important for us to solve the question, " Is there such 
a thing as autogeny ? Is it possible that an organism can 
arise, not out of pre-existing organic, but out of purely inor- 
ganic, matter?" Hence we can quietly lay aside all the 
numerous experiments which refer only to plasmogeny, 
which have been carried on very zealously during the last 
ten years, and which for the most part have had a negative 
result. For even supposing that the reality of plasmogeny 


were strictly proved, still autogeny would not be explained 
by it. 

The experiments on autogeny have likewise as yet 
furnished no certain and positive result. Yet we must 
at the outset most distinctly protest against the notion 
that these experiments have proved the impossibility of 
spontaneous generation in general. Most naturalists who 
have endeavoured to decide this question experimentally, 
and who, after having employed all possible precautionary 
measures, under well-ascertained conditions, have seen no 
organisms come into being, have straightway made the 
assertion, on the ground of these negative results : " That it 
is altogether impossible for organisms to come into existence 
by themselves without parental generation." This hasty 
and inconsiderate assertion they have supported by the 
negative results of their experiments, which, after all, could 
prove nothing except that, under these or those highly 
artificial circumstances created by the experimenters them- 
selves, no organism was developed. From these experi- 
ments, which have been for the most part made under the 
most unnatural conditions, and in a highly artificial 
manner, we can by no means draw the conclusion that 
spontaneous generation in general is impossible. The 
impossibility of such a process can, in fact, never be proved. 
For how can we know that in remote primaeval times there 
did not exist conditions quite different from those at 
present obtaining, and which may have rendered spon- 
taneous generation possible ? Indeed, we can even posi- 
tively and with full assurance maintain that the general 
conditions of life in primaeval times must have been entirely 
different from those of the present time. Think only of the 


fact that the enormous masses of carbon which we now 
find deposited in the primary coal mountains were first 
reduced to a solid form by the action of vegetable life, and 
are the compressed and condensed remains of innumerable 
vegetable substances, which have accumulated in the 
course of many millions of years. But at the time when, 
after the origin of water in a liquid state on the cooled 
crust of the earth, organisms were first formed by 
spontaneous generation, those immeasurable quantities of 
carbon existed in a totally different form, probably for the 
most part dispersed in the atmosphere in the shape of 
carbonic acid. The whole composition of the atmosphere 
was therefore extremely different from the present. 
Further, as may be inferred upon chemical, physical, and 
geological grounds, the density and the electrical conditions 
of the atmosphere were quite different. In like manner the 
chemical and physical nature of the primaeval ocean, which 
then continously covered the whole surface of the earth as 
an uninterrupted watery sheet, was quite peculiar. The 
temperature, the density, the amount of salt, etc., must have 
been very different from those of the present ocean. In 
any case, therefore, even if we do not know anything more 
about it, there remains to us the supposition, which can at 
least not be disputed, that at that time, under conditions 
quite different from those of to-day, a spontaneous genera- 
tion, which now is perhaps no longer possible, may have 
taken place. 

But it is necessary to add here that, by the recent pro- 
gress of chemistry and physiology, the mysterious and 
miraculous character which at first seems to belong to this 
much disputed and yet inevitable process of spontaneous 


generation, has been to a great extent, or almost entirely, 
destroyed. Not sixty years ago, all chemists maintained that 
we were unable to produce artificially in our laboratories 
any complicated combination of carbon, or so-called " organic 
combination." The mystic "vital force" alone was sup- 
posed to be able to produce these combinations. When, 
therefore, in 1828, Wohler, in Gottingen, for the first time 
refuted this dogma, and exhibited pure " organic " urea, ob- 
tained in an artificial manner from a purely inorganic body 
(cyanate of ammonium), it caused the greatest surprise and 
astonishment. In more recent times, by the progress of 
synthetic chemistry, we have succeeded in producing in our 
laboratories a great variety of similar " organic " combi- 
nations of carbon, by purely artificial means — for example, 
alcohol, acetic acid, formic acid. Indeed, many exceed- 
ingly complicated combinations of carbon are now arti- 
ficially produced, so that there is every likelihood, sooner 
or later, of our producing artificially the most complicated, 
and at the same time the most important of all, namely, the 
albuminous combinations, or plasson-bodies. By the con- 
sideration of this probability, the deep chasm which was 
formerly and generally believed to exist between organic 
and inorganic bodies is almost or entirely removed, and 
the way is paved for the conception of spontaneous 

Of still greater, nay, the very greatest importance to the 
hypothesis of spontaneous generation are, finally, the ex- 
ceedingly remarkable Monera, those creatures which we 
have already so frequently mentioned, and which are not 
only the simplest of all observed organisms, but even the 
simplest of all imaginable organisms. I have already 
vol. 1. 2 E 


described these wonderful "organisms without organs," 
when examining the simplest phenomena of propagation 
and inheritance. We already know seven different genera 
of these Monera, some of which live in fresh water, others 
in the sea (compare above, p. 191; also Plate I. and its 
explanation in the Appendix). In a perfectly developed 
and freely mobile state, they one and all present us with 
nothing but a simple little lump of an albuminous combina- 
tion of carbon. The individual genera and species differ 
only a little in the manner of propagation and development 
and in the way of taking nourishment. Through the dis- 
covery of these organisms, which are of the utmost impor- 
tance, the supposition of a spontaneous generation loses most 
of its difficulties. For as all trace of organization — all dis- 
tinction of heterogeneous parts — is still wanting in them, 
and as all the vital phenomena are performed by one and 
the same homogeneous and formless matter, we can easily 
imagine their origin by spontaneous generation. If this 
happens through plasmogeny, and if plasma capable of life 
already exists, it then only needs to individualize itself in 
the same way as the mother liquor of crystals individualizes 
itself in crystallization. If, on the other hand, the spon- 
taneous generation of the Monera takes place by true 
aviogeny, then it is further requisite that that plasson 
capable of life, that primaeval mucus, should be formed out 
of simpler combinations of carbon. As we are now able 
artificially to produce, in our laboratories, combinations of 
carbon similar to this in the complexity of their constitution, 
there is absolutely no reason for supposing that there are 
not conditions in free nature also, in which such combina- 
tions could take place. Formerly, when the doctrine of 


spontaneous generation was advocated, it failed at once to 
obtain adherents on account of the composite structure of 
the simplest organisms then known. It is only since we 
have discovered the exceedingly important Monera, only 
since we have become acquainted in them with organisms 
not in any way built up of distinct organs, but which 
consist solely of a single chemical combination, and yet 
grow, nourish, and propagate themselves, that this great 
difficulty has been removed, and the hypothesis of spon- 
taneous generation has gained a degree of probability which 
entitles it to fill up the gap existing between Kant's 
cosmogony and Lamarck's Theory of Descent. 

Only such homogeneous organisms as are yet not differen- 
tiated, and are similar to inorganic crystals in being homo- 
geneously composed of one single substance, could arise by 
spontaneous generation, and could become the primaeval 
parents of all other organisms. In their further develop- 
ment we have pointed out that the most important process 
is the formation of a kernel or nucleus in the simple little 
lump of plasson. We can conceive this to take place in a 
purely physical manner, by the condensation of the inner- 
most central part of the albumen. The more solid central 
mass, which at first gradually shaded off into the peripheral 
plasma, becomes sharply separated from it, and thus forms 
an independent, round, albuminous corpuscle, the kernel ; 
and by this process the Moneron becomes a cell. Now, it 
must have become evident from our previous chapters, that 
the further development of all other organisms out of such 
a cell presents no difficulty, for every animal and every 
plant, in the beginning of its individual life, is a simple cell. 
Man, as well as every other animal, is at first nothing but 


a simple egg-cell, a simple lump of mucus, containing a 
kernel (p. 297, Fig. 5). 

In the same way as the kernel of the organic cell arose 
in the interior or central mass of the originally homogeneous 
lump of plasma, by separation, so, too, the first cell-membrane 
was formed on its surface. This simple, hut most important 
process, as has already been remarked, can likewise be ex- 
plained in a purely physical manner, either as a chemical 
deposit, or as a physical condensation in the uppermost 
stratum of the mass, or as a secretion. One of the first 
processes of adaptation effected by the Moneron originating 
by spontaneous generation must have been the condensation 
of an external crust, which as a protecting covering shut in 
the softer interior from the hostile influences of the outer 
world. As soon as, by condensation of the homogeneous 
Moneron, a cell-kernel arose in the interior and a membrane 
arose on the surface, all the fundamental parts of the unit 
were furnished, out of which, by infinitely manifold repeti- 
tion and combination, as attested by actual observation, the 
body of higher organisms is constructed. 

As has already been mentioned, our whole understanding 
of an organism rests upon the cell theory established in 
1838 by Schleiden and Schwann. According to it, every 
organism is either a simple cell or a cell-community, a 
republic of closely connected cells. All the forms and vital 
phenomena of every organism are the collective result of 
the forms and vital phenomena of all the single cells of 
which it is composed. By the recent progress of the cell 
theory it has become necessary to give the elementary 
organisms, that is, the " organic " individuals of the first 
order, which are usually designated as cells, the more 


general and more suitable name of form-units, or plastids. 
Among these form-units we distinguish two main groups, 
namely, the cytods and the genuine cells. The cytods are, 
like the Monera, pieces of plasma without a kernel (p. 190, 
Fig. 1). Cells, on the other hand, are pieees of plasma con- 
taining a kernel or nucleus (p. 193, Fig. 2). Each of these 
two main groups of plastids is again divided into two sub- 
ordinate groups, according as they possess or do not possess 
an external covering (skin, shell, or membrane). We may 
accordingly distinguish the following four grades or species 
of plastids, namely : 1. Simple cytods (p. 191, Fig. 1 A) ; 
2. Encased cytods ; 3. Simple cells (p. 193, Fig. 2 B) ; 4. En- 
cased cells (p. 193, Fig. 2 A). (" Gen. Morph." i. 269-289.) 
Concerning the relation of these four forms of plastids to 
spontaneous generation, the following is the most probable : 
1. The simple cytods (Gymnocytoda), naked particles of 
plasma without kernel, like the still living Monera, are the 
only plastids which directly come into existence by spon- 
taneous generation. 2. The enclosed cytods (Lepocytoda), 
particles of plasma without kernel, which are surrounded 
by a covering (membrane or shell), arose out of the simple 
cytods either by the condensation of the outer layers of 
plasma or by the secretion of a covering. 8. The simple 
cells (Gymnocyta), or naked cells, particles of plasma with 
kernel, but without covering, arose out of the simple cytods 
by the condensation of the innermost particles of plasma 
into a kernel or nucleus, by differentiation of a central 
kernel and peripheral cell-substance. 4. The enclosed cells 
(Lepocyta), or testaceous cells, particles of plasma with 
kernel and an outer covering (membrane or shell), arose 
either out of the enclosed cytods by the formation of a 


kernel, or out of the simple cells by the formation of a 
membrane. All the other forms of plastids or form-units 
met with, besides these, have- only subsequently arisen out 
of these four fundamental forms by natural selection, by 
descent with adaptation, by differentiation and transforma- 

By this theory of plastids, by deducing all the different 
forms of plastids, and hence, also, all organisms composed 
of them, from the Monera, we obtain a simple and natural 
connection in the whole series of the development of nature. 
The origin of the first Monera by spontaneous generation 
appears to us as a simple and necessary event in the process 
of the development of the earth. We admit that this 
process, as long as it is not directly observed or repeated 
by experiment, remains a pure hypothesis. But I must 
again say that this hypothesis is indispensable for the con- 
sistent completion of the non-miraculous history of creation, 
that it has absolutely nothing forced or miraculous about 
it, and that certainly it can never be positively refuted. It 
must also be taken into consideration that the process of 
spontaneous generation, even if it still took place daily and 
hourly, would in any case be exceedingly difficult to observe 
and establish with absolute certainty as such. This is also 
the opinion of Naegeli, the ingenious investigator, and he, 
in his admirable chapter on Spontaneous Generation, main- 
tains that " to deny spontaneous generation is to proclaim 



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